Covid Dodger Project

To better learn things I often take on a fun project to teach myself new skills, in this case, I wanted to have a better understanding of Javascript and HTML, so I decided to make a game. I went with a Flappy Bird clone, as there were some decent codebases on Github that I could use.

First, I bought this domain using Godaddy Hosting, and set up HTTPS using the free Let’s Encypt service. This is not a long term solution. Good easy Youtube videos on how to set this up.

Then I copied all the files from Github to the my site and got a working version standing up. Then it was time to customize. You can either customize the code, or you can just customize the files, swapping out ones the image files for your own, but using the same file names. I did this, and before making any changes

For the sounds, I used Audacity, a free audio editing platform.

For the HTML you can edit all the meta tags and social links, and point the file names to the right spots on your website.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Covid-19 Dodger</title>
      <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
      <meta name="author" content="Harry McLaughlin" />
      <meta name="description" content="Try to avoid the Coronavirus" />
      <meta name="keywords" content="flappybird,flappy,bird,floppybird,floppy,covid,covid-19,dodge,avoid,game,cut,virus" />

      <!-- Open Graph tags -->
      <meta property="og:title" content="Covid-19 Dodger" />
      <meta property="og:description" content="Try your best to dodge the virus." />
      <meta property="og:type" content="website" />
      <meta property="og:image" content="" />
      <meta property="og:url" content="" />
      <meta property="og:site_name" content="Thread the Cuts" />
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      <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="57x57" href="/assets/icon/apple-touch-icon-57x57.png">
      <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="60x60" href="/assets/icon/apple-touch-icon-60x60.png">
      <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="/assets/icon/apple-touch-icon-72x72.png">
      <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" href="/assets/icon/apple-touch-icon-76x76.png">
      <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="/assets/icon/apple-touch-icon-114x114.png">
      <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="120x120" href="/assets/icon/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png">
      <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/assets/icon/favicon-32x32.png" sizes="32x32">
      <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/assets/icon/favicon-96x96.png" sizes="96x96">
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  	  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<div id="loading">Loading...</div>
<div id="screen"></div>
<div id="about">
  <div id="character-selection">
	<a class="character" href="javascript:setCharacter('ksu');"><img src="assets/characters/ksu.png"></a>
	<a class="character" href="javascript:setCharacter('ku');"><img src="assets/characters/ku.png"></a>
	<a class="character" href="javascript:setCharacter('fhsu');"><img src="assets/characters/fhsu.png"></a>
	<a class="character" href="javascript:setCharacter('wsu');"><img src="assets/characters/wsu.png"></a>

<script src=""></script>
<script src="index.js"></script>

	function setCharacter(selectedChar) {
		if (typeof(window.localStorage) != 'undefined') { 
		else { 
			console.log("It seems that local storage isn't working"); 

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  window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
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function shareScore() {

if (window.localStorage.getItem("hiscore") == null) {
     method: 'feed',
     name: 'I got past ' + window.localStorage.getItem("hiscore") + " in this game!",
     link: '',
     picture: '',
     description: 'Can you Dodge the Virus?',
     caption: "Covid-19 Dodger"

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In the Javascript code you can customize all the text on the screen. The part you want to edit is right at the bottom. This code has Phaser at the top, which is huge, I could sepearte it out, but thats not a roadblock, just edited the code at the bottom.

JS Code:

!function (t, e) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = e() : t.Phaser = e() }(this, function () {
    function t() { return e.Matrix = "undefined" != typeof Float32Array ? Float32Array : Array, e.Matrix } var e = e || {}, i = i || { VERSION: "1.1.4", DEV_VERSION: "1.1.4", GAMES: [], AUTO: 0, CANVAS: 1, WEBGL: 2, HEADLESS: 3, SPRITE: 0, BUTTON: 1, BULLET: 2, GRAPHICS: 3, TEXT: 4, TILESPRITE: 5, BITMAPTEXT: 6, GROUP: 7, RENDERTEXTURE: 8, TILEMAP: 9, TILEMAPLAYER: 10, EMITTER: 11, POLYGON: 12, BITMAPDATA: 13, CANVAS_FILTER: 14, WEBGL_FILTER: 15, NONE: 0, LEFT: 1, RIGHT: 2, UP: 3, DOWN: 4, CANVAS_PX_ROUND: !1, CANVAS_CLEAR_RECT: !0 }; e.InteractionManager = function () { }, i.Utils = { shuffle: function (t) { for (var e = t.length - 1; e > 0; e--) { var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * (e + 1)), s = t[e]; t[e] = t[i], t[i] = s } return t }, pad: function (t, e, i, s) { if ("undefined" == typeof e) var e = 0; if ("undefined" == typeof i) var i = " "; if ("undefined" == typeof s) var s = 3; var n = 0; if (e + 1 >= t.length) switch (s) { case 1: t = Array(e + 1 - t.length).join(i) + t; break; case 3: var r = Math.ceil((n = e - t.length) / 2), o = n - r; t = Array(o + 1).join(i) + t + Array(r + 1).join(i); break; default: t += Array(e + 1 - t.length).join(i) }return t }, isPlainObject: function (t) { if ("object" != typeof t || t.nodeType || t === t.window) return !1; try { if (t.constructor && !, "isPrototypeOf")) return !1 } catch (e) { return !1 } return !0 }, extend: function () { var t, e, s, n, r, o, a = arguments[0] || {}, h = 1, l = arguments.length, c = !1; for ("boolean" == typeof a && (c = a, a = arguments[1] || {}, h = 2), l === h && (a = this, --h); l > h; h++)if (null != (t = arguments[h])) for (e in t) s = a[e], n = t[e], a !== n && (c && n && (i.Utils.isPlainObject(n) || (r = Array.isArray(n))) ? (r ? (r = !1, o = s && Array.isArray(s) ? s : []) : o = s && i.Utils.isPlainObject(s) ? s : {}, a[e] = i.Utils.extend(c, o, n)) : void 0 !== n && (a[e] = n)); return a } }, e.hex2rgb = function (t) { return [(t >> 16 & 255) / 255, (t >> 8 & 255) / 255, (255 & t) / 255] }, "function" != typeof Function.prototype.bind && (Function.prototype.bind = function () { var t = Array.prototype.slice; return function (e) { function i() { var r = n.concat(; s.apply(this instanceof i ? this : e, r) } var s = this, n =, 1); if ("function" != typeof s) throw new TypeError; return i.prototype = function r(t) { return t && (r.prototype = t), this instanceof r ? void 0 : new r }(s.prototype), i } }()), Array.isArray || (Array.isArray = function (t) { return "[object Array]" == }), t(), e.mat3 = {}, e.mat3.create = function () { var t = new e.Matrix(9); return t[0] = 1, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 1, t[5] = 0, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 1, t }, e.mat3.identity = function (t) { return t[0] = 1, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 1, t[5] = 0, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 1, t }, e.mat4 = {}, e.mat4.create = function () { var t = new e.Matrix(16); return t[0] = 1, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 0, t[5] = 1, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 0, t[9] = 0, t[10] = 1, t[11] = 0, t[12] = 0, t[13] = 0, t[14] = 0, t[15] = 1, t }, e.mat3.multiply = function (t, e, i) { i || (i = t); var s = t[0], n = t[1], r = t[2], o = t[3], a = t[4], h = t[5], l = t[6], c = t[7], u = t[8], d = e[0], p = e[1], f = e[2], g = e[3], m = e[4], y = e[5], _ = e[6], x = e[7], v = e[8]; return i[0] = d * s + p * o + f * l, i[1] = d * n + p * a + f * c, i[2] = d * r + p * h + f * u, i[3] = g * s + m * o + y * l, i[4] = g * n + m * a + y * c, i[5] = g * r + m * h + y * u, i[6] = _ * s + x * o + v * l, i[7] = _ * n + x * a + v * c, i[8] = _ * r + x * h + v * u, i }, e.mat3.clone = function (t) { var i = new e.Matrix(9); return i[0] = t[0], i[1] = t[1], i[2] = t[2], i[3] = t[3], i[4] = t[4], i[5] = t[5], i[6] = t[6], i[7] = t[7], i[8] = t[8], i }, e.mat3.transpose = function (t, e) { if (!e || t === e) { var i = t[1], s = t[2], n = t[5]; return t[1] = t[3], t[2] = t[6], t[3] = i, t[5] = t[7], t[6] = s, t[7] = n, t } return e[0] = t[0], e[1] = t[3], e[2] = t[6], e[3] = t[1], e[4] = t[4], e[5] = t[7], e[6] = t[2], e[7] = t[5], e[8] = t[8], e }, e.mat3.toMat4 = function (t, i) { return i || (i = e.mat4.create()), i[15] = 1, i[14] = 0, i[13] = 0, i[12] = 0, i[11] = 0, i[10] = t[8], i[9] = t[7], i[8] = t[6], i[7] = 0, i[6] = t[5], i[5] = t[4], i[4] = t[3], i[3] = 0, i[2] = t[2], i[1] = t[1], i[0] = t[0], i }, e.mat4.create = function () { var t = new e.Matrix(16); return t[0] = 1, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 0, t[5] = 1, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 0, t[9] = 0, t[10] = 1, t[11] = 0, t[12] = 0, t[13] = 0, t[14] = 0, t[15] = 1, t }, e.mat4.transpose = function (t, e) { if (!e || t === e) { var i = t[1], s = t[2], n = t[3], r = t[6], o = t[7], a = t[11]; return t[1] = t[4], t[2] = t[8], t[3] = t[12], t[4] = i, t[6] = t[9], t[7] = t[13], t[8] = s, t[9] = r, t[11] = t[14], t[12] = n, t[13] = o, t[14] = a, t } return e[0] = t[0], e[1] = t[4], e[2] = t[8], e[3] = t[12], e[4] = t[1], e[5] = t[5], e[6] = t[9], e[7] = t[13], e[8] = t[2], e[9] = t[6], e[10] = t[10], e[11] = t[14], e[12] = t[3], e[13] = t[7], e[14] = t[11], e[15] = t[15], e }, e.mat4.multiply = function (t, e, i) { i || (i = t); var s = t[0], n = t[1], r = t[2], o = t[3], a = t[4], h = t[5], l = t[6], c = t[7], u = t[8], d = t[9], p = t[10], f = t[11], g = t[12], m = t[13], y = t[14], _ = t[15], x = e[0], v = e[1], b = e[2], w = e[3]; return i[0] = x * s + v * a + b * u + w * g, i[1] = x * n + v * h + b * d + w * m, i[2] = x * r + v * l + b * p + w * y, i[3] = x * o + v * c + b * f + w * _, x = e[4], v = e[5], b = e[6], w = e[7], i[4] = x * s + v * a + b * u + w * g, i[5] = x * n + v * h + b * d + w * m, i[6] = x * r + v * l + b * p + w * y, i[7] = x * o + v * c + b * f + w * _, x = e[8], v = e[9], b = e[10], w = e[11], i[8] = x * s + v * a + b * u + w * g, i[9] = x * n + v * h + b * d + w * m, i[10] = x * r + v * l + b * p + w * y, i[11] = x * o + v * c + b * f + w * _, x = e[12], v = e[13], b = e[14], w = e[15], i[12] = x * s + v * a + b * u + w * g, i[13] = x * n + v * h + b * d + w * m, i[14] = x * r + v * l + b * p + w * y, i[15] = x * o + v * c + b * f + w * _, i }, e.Point = function (t, e) { this.x = t || 0, this.y = e || 0 }, e.Point.prototype.clone = function () { return new e.Point(this.x, this.y) }, e.Point.prototype.constructor = e.Point, e.Rectangle = function (t, e, i, s) { this.x = t || 0, this.y = e || 0, this.width = i || 0, this.height = s || 0 }, e.Rectangle.prototype.clone = function () { return new e.Rectangle(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height) }, e.Rectangle.prototype.contains = function (t, e) { if (this.width <= 0 || this.height <= 0) return !1; var i = this.x; if (t >= i && t <= i + this.width) { var s = this.y; if (e >= s && e <= s + this.height) return !0 } return !1 }, e.Rectangle.prototype.constructor = e.Rectangle, e.Polygon = function (t) { if (t instanceof Array || (t =, "number" == typeof t[0]) { for (var i = [], s = 0, n = t.length; n > s; s += 2)i.push(new e.Point(t[s], t[s + 1])); t = i } this.points = t }, e.Polygon.prototype.clone = function () { for (var t = [], i = 0; i < this.points.length; i++)t.push(this.points[i].clone()); return new e.Polygon(t) }, e.Polygon.prototype.contains = function (t, e) { for (var i = !1, s = 0, n = this.points.length - 1; s < this.points.length; n = s++) { var r = this.points[s].x, o = this.points[s].y, a = this.points[n].x, h = this.points[n].y, l = o > e != h > e && (a - r) * (e - o) / (h - o) + r > t; l && (i = !i) } return i }, e.Polygon.prototype.constructor = e.Polygon, e.DisplayObject = function () { this.last = this, this.first = this, this.position = new e.Point, this.scale = new e.Point(1, 1), this.pivot = new e.Point(0, 0), this.rotation = 0, this.alpha = 1, this.visible = !0, this.hitArea = null, this.buttonMode = !1, this.renderable = !1, this.parent = null, this.stage = null, this.worldAlpha = 1, this._interactive = !1, this.defaultCursor = "pointer", this.worldTransform = e.mat3.create(), this.localTransform = e.mat3.create(), this.color = [], this.dynamic = !0, this._sr = 0, this._cr = 1, this.filterArea = new e.Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1) }, e.DisplayObject.prototype.constructor = e.DisplayObject, e.DisplayObject.prototype.setInteractive = function (t) { this.interactive = t }, Object.defineProperty(e.DisplayObject.prototype, "interactive", { get: function () { return this._interactive }, set: function (t) { this._interactive = t, this.stage && (this.stage.dirty = !0) } }), Object.defineProperty(e.DisplayObject.prototype, "mask", { get: function () { return this._mask }, set: function (t) { t ? this._mask ? (t.start = this._mask.start, t.end = this._mask.end) : (this.addFilter(t), t.renderable = !1) : (this.removeFilter(this._mask), this._mask.renderable = !0), this._mask = t } }), Object.defineProperty(e.DisplayObject.prototype, "filters", { get: function () { return this._filters }, set: function (t) { if (t) { this._filters && this.removeFilter(this._filters), this.addFilter(t); for (var e = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++)for (var s = t[i].passes, n = 0; n < s.length; n++)e.push(s[n]); t.start.filterPasses = e } else this._filters && this.removeFilter(this._filters); this._filters = t } }), e.DisplayObject.prototype.addFilter = function (t) { var i = new e.FilterBlock, s = new e.FilterBlock; t.start = i, t.end = s, = t, = t, i.first = i.last = this, s.first = s.last = this, = !0, = this; var n, r, o = i, a = i; r = this.first._iPrev, r ? (n = r._iNext, o._iPrev = r, r._iNext = o) : n = this, n && (n._iPrev = a, a._iNext = n), o = s, a = s, n = null, r = null, r = this.last, n = r._iNext, n && (n._iPrev = a, a._iNext = n), o._iPrev = r, r._iNext = o; for (var h = this, l = this.last; h;)h.last === l && (h.last = s), h = h.parent; this.first = i, this.__renderGroup && this.__renderGroup.addFilterBlocks(i, s) }, e.DisplayObject.prototype.removeFilter = function (t) { var e = t.start, i = e._iNext, s = e._iPrev; i && (i._iPrev = s), s && (s._iNext = i), this.first = e._iNext; var n = t.end; i = n._iNext, s = n._iPrev, i && (i._iPrev = s), s._iNext = i; for (var r = n._iPrev, o = this; o.last === n && (o.last = r, o = o.parent);); this.__renderGroup && this.__renderGroup.removeFilterBlocks(e, n) }, e.DisplayObject.prototype.updateTransform = function () { this.rotation !== this.rotationCache && (this.rotationCache = this.rotation, this._sr = Math.sin(this.rotation), this._cr = Math.cos(this.rotation)); var t = this.localTransform, i = this.parent.worldTransform, s = this.worldTransform; t[0] = this._cr * this.scale.x, t[1] = -this._sr * this.scale.y, t[3] = this._sr * this.scale.x, t[4] = this._cr * this.scale.y; var n = this.pivot.x, r = this.pivot.y, o = t[0], a = t[1], h = this.position.x - t[0] * n - r * t[1], l = t[3], c = t[4], u = this.position.y - t[4] * r - n * t[3], d = i[0], p = i[1], f = i[2], g = i[3], m = i[4], y = i[5]; t[2] = h, t[5] = u, s[0] = d * o + p * l, s[1] = d * a + p * c, s[2] = d * h + p * u + f, s[3] = g * o + m * l, s[4] = g * a + m * c, s[5] = g * h + m * u + y, this.worldAlpha = this.alpha * this.parent.worldAlpha, this.vcount = e.visibleCount }, e.visibleCount = 0, e.DisplayObjectContainer = function () {, this.children = [] }, e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype = Object.create(e.DisplayObject.prototype), e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.constructor = e.DisplayObjectContainer, e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.addChild = function (t) { if (t.parent && t.parent !== this && t.parent.removeChild(t), t.parent = this, this.children.push(t), this.stage) { var e = t; do e.interactive && (this.stage.dirty = !0), e.stage = this.stage, e = e._iNext; while (e) } var i, s, n = t.first, r = t.last; s = this._filters || this._mask ? this.last._iPrev : this.last, i = s._iNext; for (var o = this, a = s; o;)o.last === a && (o.last = t.last), o = o.parent; i && (i._iPrev = r, r._iNext = i), n._iPrev = s, s._iNext = n, this.__renderGroup && (t.__renderGroup && t.__renderGroup.removeDisplayObjectAndChildren(t), this.__renderGroup.addDisplayObjectAndChildren(t)) }, e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.addChildAt = function (t, e) { if (!(e >= 0 && e <= this.children.length)) throw new Error(t + " The index " + e + " supplied is out of bounds " + this.children.length); if (void 0 !== t.parent && t.parent.removeChild(t), t.parent = this, this.stage) { var i = t; do i.interactive && (this.stage.dirty = !0), i.stage = this.stage, i = i._iNext; while (i) } var s, n, r = t.first, o = t.last; if (e === this.children.length) { n = this.last; for (var a = this, h = this.last; a;)a.last === h && (a.last = t.last), a = a.parent } else n = 0 === e ? this : this.children[e - 1].last; s = n._iNext, s && (s._iPrev = o, o._iNext = s), r._iPrev = n, n._iNext = r, this.children.splice(e, 0, t), this.__renderGroup && (t.__renderGroup && t.__renderGroup.removeDisplayObjectAndChildren(t), this.__renderGroup.addDisplayObjectAndChildren(t)) }, e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.swapChildren = function (t, e) { if (t !== e) { var i = this.children.indexOf(t), s = this.children.indexOf(e); if (0 > i || 0 > s) throw new Error("swapChildren: Both the supplied DisplayObjects must be a child of the caller."); this.removeChild(t), this.removeChild(e), s > i ? (this.addChildAt(e, i), this.addChildAt(t, s)) : (this.addChildAt(t, s), this.addChildAt(e, i)) } }, e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.getChildAt = function (t) { if (t >= 0 && t < this.children.length) return this.children[t]; throw new Error("Both the supplied DisplayObjects must be a child of the caller " + this) }, e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.removeChild = function (t) { var e = this.children.indexOf(t); if (-1 === e) throw new Error(t + " The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller " + this); var i = t.first, s = t.last, n = s._iNext, r = i._iPrev; if (n && (n._iPrev = r), r._iNext = n, this.last === s) for (var o = i._iPrev, a = this; a.last === s && (a.last = o, a = a.parent);); if (s._iNext = null, i._iPrev = null, this.stage) { var h = t; do h.interactive && (this.stage.dirty = !0), h.stage = null, h = h._iNext; while (h) } t.__renderGroup && t.__renderGroup.removeDisplayObjectAndChildren(t), t.parent = void 0, this.children.splice(e, 1) }, e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.updateTransform = function () { if (this.visible) {; for (var t = 0, i = this.children.length; i > t; t++)this.children[t].updateTransform() } }, e.blendModes = {}, e.blendModes.NORMAL = 0, e.blendModes.SCREEN = 1, e.Sprite = function (t) {, this.anchor = new e.Point, this.texture = t, this.blendMode = e.blendModes.NORMAL, this._width = 0, this._height = 0, t.baseTexture.hasLoaded ? this.updateFrame = !0 : (this.onTextureUpdateBind = this.onTextureUpdate.bind(this), this.texture.addEventListener("update", this.onTextureUpdateBind)), this.renderable = !0 }, e.Sprite.prototype = Object.create(e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype), e.Sprite.prototype.constructor = e.Sprite, Object.defineProperty(e.Sprite.prototype, "width", { get: function () { return this.scale.x * this.texture.frame.width }, set: function (t) { this.scale.x = t / this.texture.frame.width, this._width = t } }), Object.defineProperty(e.Sprite.prototype, "height", { get: function () { return this.scale.y * this.texture.frame.height }, set: function (t) { this.scale.y = t / this.texture.frame.height, this._height = t } }), e.Sprite.prototype.setTexture = function (t) { this.texture.baseTexture !== t.baseTexture ? (this.textureChange = !0, this.texture = t, this.__renderGroup && this.__renderGroup.updateTexture(this)) : this.texture = t, this.updateFrame = !0 }, e.Sprite.prototype.onTextureUpdate = function () { this._width && (this.scale.x = this._width / this.texture.frame.width), this._height && (this.scale.y = this._height / this.texture.frame.height), this.updateFrame = !0 }, e.Sprite.fromFrame = function (t) { var i = e.TextureCache[t]; if (!i) throw new Error('The frameId "' + t + '" does not exist in the texture cache' + this); return new e.Sprite(i) }, e.Sprite.fromImage = function (t) { var i = e.Texture.fromImage(t); return new e.Sprite(i) }, e.Stage = function (t) {, this.worldTransform = e.mat3.create(), this.interactive = !0, this.interactionManager = new e.InteractionManager(this), this.dirty = !0, this.__childrenAdded = [], this.__childrenRemoved = [], this.stage = this, this.stage.hitArea = new e.Rectangle(0, 0, 1e5, 1e5), this.setBackgroundColor(t), this.worldVisible = !0 }, e.Stage.prototype = Object.create(e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype), e.Stage.prototype.constructor = e.Stage, e.Stage.prototype.setInteractionDelegate = function (t) { this.interactionManager.setTargetDomElement(t) }, e.Stage.prototype.updateTransform = function () { this.worldAlpha = 1, this.vcount = e.visibleCount; for (var t = 0, i = this.children.length; i > t; t++)this.children[t].updateTransform(); this.dirty && (this.dirty = !1, this.interactionManager.dirty = !0), this.interactive && this.interactionManager.update() }, e.Stage.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function (t) { this.backgroundColor = t || 0, this.backgroundColorSplit = e.hex2rgb(this.backgroundColor); var i = this.backgroundColor.toString(16); i = "000000".substr(0, 6 - i.length) + i, this.backgroundColorString = "#" + i }, e.Stage.prototype.getMousePosition = function () { return }, e.CustomRenderable = function () {, this.renderable = !0 }, e.CustomRenderable.prototype = Object.create(e.DisplayObject.prototype), e.CustomRenderable.prototype.constructor = e.CustomRenderable, e.CustomRenderable.prototype.renderCanvas = function () { }, e.CustomRenderable.prototype.initWebGL = function () { }, e.CustomRenderable.prototype.renderWebGL = function () { }, e.Strip = function (t, i, s) {, this.texture = t, this.blendMode = e.blendModes.NORMAL; try { this.uvs = new Float32Array([0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]), this.verticies = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), this.colors = new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]), this.indices = new Uint16Array([0, 1, 2, 3]) } catch (n) { this.uvs = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1], this.verticies = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], this.colors = [1, 1, 1, 1], this.indices = [0, 1, 2, 3] } this.width = i, this.height = s, t.baseTexture.hasLoaded ? (this.width = this.texture.frame.width, this.height = this.texture.frame.height, this.updateFrame = !0) : (this.onTextureUpdateBind = this.onTextureUpdate.bind(this), this.texture.addEventListener("update", this.onTextureUpdateBind)), this.renderable = !0 }, e.Strip.prototype = Object.create(e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype), e.Strip.prototype.constructor = e.Strip, e.Strip.prototype.setTexture = function (t) { this.texture = t, this.width = t.frame.width, this.height = t.frame.height, this.updateFrame = !0 }, e.Strip.prototype.onTextureUpdate = function () { this.updateFrame = !0 }, e.Rope = function (t, i) {, t), this.points = i; try { this.verticies = new Float32Array(4 * i.length), this.uvs = new Float32Array(4 * i.length), this.colors = new Float32Array(2 * i.length), this.indices = new Uint16Array(2 * i.length) } catch (s) { this.verticies = new Array(4 * i.length), this.uvs = new Array(4 * i.length), this.colors = new Array(2 * i.length), this.indices = new Array(2 * i.length) } this.refresh() }, e.Rope.prototype = Object.create(e.Strip.prototype), e.Rope.prototype.constructor = e.Rope, e.Rope.prototype.refresh = function () { var t = this.points; if (!(t.length < 1)) { var e = this.uvs, i = t[0], s = this.indices, n = this.colors; this.count -= .2, e[0] = 0, e[1] = 1, e[2] = 0, e[3] = 1, n[0] = 1, n[1] = 1, s[0] = 0, s[1] = 1; for (var r, o, a, h = t.length, l = 1; h > l; l++)r = t[l], o = 4 * l, a = l / (h - 1), l % 2 ? (e[o] = a, e[o + 1] = 0, e[o + 2] = a, e[o + 3] = 1) : (e[o] = a, e[o + 1] = 0, e[o + 2] = a, e[o + 3] = 1), o = 2 * l, n[o] = 1, n[o + 1] = 1, o = 2 * l, s[o] = o, s[o + 1] = o + 1, i = r } }, e.Rope.prototype.updateTransform = function () { var t = this.points; if (!(t.length < 1)) { var i, s = t[0], n = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.count -= .2; var r = this.verticies; r[0] = s.x + n.x, r[1] = s.y + n.y, r[2] = s.x - n.x, r[3] = s.y - n.y; for (var o, a, h, l, c, u = t.length, d = 1; u > d; d++)o = t[d], a = 4 * d, i = d < t.length - 1 ? t[d + 1] : o, n.y = -(i.x - s.x), n.x = i.y - s.y, h = 10 * (1 - d / (u - 1)), h > 1 && (h = 1), l = Math.sqrt(n.x * n.x + n.y * n.y), c = this.texture.height / 2, n.x /= l, n.y /= l, n.x *= c, n.y *= c, r[a] = o.x + n.x, r[a + 1] = o.y + n.y, r[a + 2] = o.x - n.x, r[a + 3] = o.y - n.y, s = o; } }, e.Rope.prototype.setTexture = function (t) { this.texture = t, this.updateFrame = !0 }, e.TilingSprite = function (t, i, s) {, this.texture = t, this.width = i, this.height = s, this.tileScale = new e.Point(1, 1), this.tilePosition = new e.Point(0, 0), this.renderable = !0, this.blendMode = e.blendModes.NORMAL }, e.TilingSprite.prototype = Object.create(e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype), e.TilingSprite.prototype.constructor = e.TilingSprite, e.TilingSprite.prototype.setTexture = function (t) { this.texture = t, this.updateFrame = !0 }, e.TilingSprite.prototype.onTextureUpdate = function () { this.updateFrame = !0 }, e.AbstractFilter = function (t, e) { this.passes = [this], this.dirty = !0, this.padding = 0, this.uniforms = e || {}, this.fragmentSrc = t || [] }, e.FilterBlock = function () { this.visible = !0, this.renderable = !0 }, e.Graphics = function () {, this.renderable = !0, this.fillAlpha = 1, this.lineWidth = 0, this.lineColor = "black", this.graphicsData = [], this.currentPath = { points: [] } }, e.Graphics.prototype = Object.create(e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype), e.Graphics.prototype.constructor = e.Graphics, e.Graphics.prototype.lineStyle = function (t, i, s) { this.currentPath.points.length || this.graphicsData.pop(), this.lineWidth = t || 0, this.lineColor = i || 0, this.lineAlpha = arguments.length < 3 ? 1 : s, this.currentPath = { lineWidth: this.lineWidth, lineColor: this.lineColor, lineAlpha: this.lineAlpha, fillColor: this.fillColor, fillAlpha: this.fillAlpha, fill: this.filling, points: [], type: e.Graphics.POLY }, this.graphicsData.push(this.currentPath) }, e.Graphics.prototype.moveTo = function (t, i) { this.currentPath.points.length || this.graphicsData.pop(), this.currentPath = this.currentPath = { lineWidth: this.lineWidth, lineColor: this.lineColor, lineAlpha: this.lineAlpha, fillColor: this.fillColor, fillAlpha: this.fillAlpha, fill: this.filling, points: [], type: e.Graphics.POLY }, this.currentPath.points.push(t, i), this.graphicsData.push(this.currentPath) }, e.Graphics.prototype.lineTo = function (t, e) { this.currentPath.points.push(t, e), this.dirty = !0 }, e.Graphics.prototype.beginFill = function (t, e) { this.filling = !0, this.fillColor = t || 0, this.fillAlpha = arguments.length < 2 ? 1 : e }, e.Graphics.prototype.endFill = function () { this.filling = !1, this.fillColor = null, this.fillAlpha = 1 }, e.Graphics.prototype.drawRect = function (t, i, s, n) { this.currentPath.points.length || this.graphicsData.pop(), this.currentPath = { lineWidth: this.lineWidth, lineColor: this.lineColor, lineAlpha: this.lineAlpha, fillColor: this.fillColor, fillAlpha: this.fillAlpha, fill: this.filling, points: [t, i, s, n], type: e.Graphics.RECT }, this.graphicsData.push(this.currentPath), this.dirty = !0 }, e.Graphics.prototype.drawCircle = function (t, i, s) { this.currentPath.points.length || this.graphicsData.pop(), this.currentPath = { lineWidth: this.lineWidth, lineColor: this.lineColor, lineAlpha: this.lineAlpha, fillColor: this.fillColor, fillAlpha: this.fillAlpha, fill: this.filling, points: [t, i, s, s], type: e.Graphics.CIRC }, this.graphicsData.push(this.currentPath), this.dirty = !0 }, e.Graphics.prototype.drawEllipse = function (t, i, s, n) { this.currentPath.points.length || this.graphicsData.pop(), this.currentPath = { lineWidth: this.lineWidth, lineColor: this.lineColor, lineAlpha: this.lineAlpha, fillColor: this.fillColor, fillAlpha: this.fillAlpha, fill: this.filling, points: [t, i, s, n], type: e.Graphics.ELIP }, this.graphicsData.push(this.currentPath), this.dirty = !0 }, e.Graphics.prototype.clear = function () { this.lineWidth = 0, this.filling = !1, this.dirty = !0, this.clearDirty = !0, this.graphicsData = [], this.bounds = null }, e.Graphics.prototype.updateFilterBounds = function () { if (!this.bounds) { for (var t, i, s, n = 1 / 0, r = -1 / 0, o = 1 / 0, a = -1 / 0, h = 0; h < this.graphicsData.length; h++) { var l = this.graphicsData[h], c = l.type, u = l.lineWidth; if (t = l.points, c === e.Graphics.RECT) { i = t.x - u / 2, s = t.y - u / 2; var d = t.width + u, p = t.height + u; n = n > i ? i : n, r = i + d > r ? i + d : r, o = o > s ? i : o, a = s + p > a ? s + p : a } else if (c === e.Graphics.CIRC || c === e.Graphics.ELIP) { i = t.x, s = t.y; var f = t.radius + u / 2; n = n > i - f ? i - f : n, r = i + f > r ? i + f : r, o = o > s - f ? s - f : o, a = s + f > a ? s + f : a } else for (var g = 0; g < t.length; g += 2)i = t[g], s = t[g + 1], n = n > i - u ? i - u : n, r = i + u > r ? i + u : r, o = o > s - u ? s - u : o, a = s + u > a ? s + u : a } this.bounds = new e.Rectangle(n, o, r - n, a - o) } }, e.Graphics.POLY = 0, e.Graphics.RECT = 1, e.Graphics.CIRC = 2, e.Graphics.ELIP = 3, e.CanvasGraphics = function () { }, e.CanvasGraphics.renderGraphics = function (t, i) { for (var s = t.worldAlpha, n = "", r = 0; r < t.graphicsData.length; r++) { var o = t.graphicsData[r], a = o.points; if (i.strokeStyle = n = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | o.lineColor).toString(16)).substr(-6), i.lineWidth = o.lineWidth, o.type === e.Graphics.POLY) { i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(a[0], a[1]); for (var h = 1; h < a.length / 2; h++)i.lineTo(a[2 * h], a[2 * h + 1]); a[0] === a[a.length - 2] && a[1] === a[a.length - 1] && i.closePath(), o.fill && (i.globalAlpha = o.fillAlpha * s, i.fillStyle = n = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | o.fillColor).toString(16)).substr(-6), i.fill()), o.lineWidth && (i.globalAlpha = o.lineAlpha * s, i.stroke()) } else if (o.type === e.Graphics.RECT) (o.fillColor || 0 === o.fillColor) && (i.globalAlpha = o.fillAlpha * s, i.fillStyle = n = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | o.fillColor).toString(16)).substr(-6), i.fillRect(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3])), o.lineWidth && (i.globalAlpha = o.lineAlpha * s, i.strokeRect(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3])); else if (o.type === e.Graphics.CIRC) i.beginPath(), i.arc(a[0], a[1], a[2], 0, 2 * Math.PI), i.closePath(), o.fill && (i.globalAlpha = o.fillAlpha * s, i.fillStyle = n = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | o.fillColor).toString(16)).substr(-6), i.fill()), o.lineWidth && (i.globalAlpha = o.lineAlpha * s, i.stroke()); else if (o.type === e.Graphics.ELIP) { var l = o.points, c = 2 * l[2], u = 2 * l[3], d = l[0] - c / 2, p = l[1] - u / 2; i.beginPath(); var f = .5522848, g = c / 2 * f, m = u / 2 * f, y = d + c, _ = p + u, x = d + c / 2, v = p + u / 2; i.moveTo(d, v), i.bezierCurveTo(d, v - m, x - g, p, x, p), i.bezierCurveTo(x + g, p, y, v - m, y, v), i.bezierCurveTo(y, v + m, x + g, _, x, _), i.bezierCurveTo(x - g, _, d, v + m, d, v), i.closePath(), o.fill && (i.globalAlpha = o.fillAlpha * s, i.fillStyle = n = "#" + ("00000" + (0 | o.fillColor).toString(16)).substr(-6), i.fill()), o.lineWidth && (i.globalAlpha = o.lineAlpha * s, i.stroke()) } } }, e.CanvasGraphics.renderGraphicsMask = function (t, i) { var s = t.graphicsData.length; if (0 !== s) { s > 1 && (s = 1, window.console.log("Pixi.js warning: masks in canvas can only mask using the first path in the graphics object")); for (var n = 0; 1 > n; n++) { var r = t.graphicsData[n], o = r.points; if (r.type === e.Graphics.POLY) { i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(o[0], o[1]); for (var a = 1; a < o.length / 2; a++)i.lineTo(o[2 * a], o[2 * a + 1]); o[0] === o[o.length - 2] && o[1] === o[o.length - 1] && i.closePath() } else if (r.type === e.Graphics.RECT) i.beginPath(), i.rect(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3]), i.closePath(); else if (r.type === e.Graphics.CIRC) i.beginPath(), i.arc(o[0], o[1], o[2], 0, 2 * Math.PI), i.closePath(); else if (r.type === e.Graphics.ELIP) { var h = r.points, l = 2 * h[2], c = 2 * h[3], u = h[0] - l / 2, d = h[1] - c / 2; i.beginPath(); var p = .5522848, f = l / 2 * p, g = c / 2 * p, m = u + l, y = d + c, _ = u + l / 2, x = d + c / 2; i.moveTo(u, x), i.bezierCurveTo(u, x - g, _ - f, d, _, d), i.bezierCurveTo(_ + f, d, m, x - g, m, x), i.bezierCurveTo(m, x + g, _ + f, y, _, y), i.bezierCurveTo(_ - f, y, u, x + g, u, x), i.closePath() } } } }, e.CanvasRenderer = function (t, e, i, s) { this.transparent = s, this.width = t || 800, this.height = e || 600, this.view = i || document.createElement("canvas"), this.context = this.view.getContext("2d"), this.smoothProperty = null, "imageSmoothingEnabled" in this.context ? this.smoothProperty = "imageSmoothingEnabled" : "webkitImageSmoothingEnabled" in this.context ? this.smoothProperty = "webkitImageSmoothingEnabled" : "mozImageSmoothingEnabled" in this.context ? this.smoothProperty = "mozImageSmoothingEnabled" : "oImageSmoothingEnabled" in this.context && (this.smoothProperty = "oImageSmoothingEnabled"), this.scaleMode = null, this.refresh = !0, this.view.width = this.width, this.view.height = this.height, this.count = 0 }, e.CanvasRenderer.prototype.constructor = e.CanvasRenderer, e.CanvasRenderer.prototype.render = function (t) { e.texturesToUpdate = [], e.texturesToDestroy = [], e.visibleCount++, t.updateTransform(), === t.backgroundColorString || this.transparent || ( = t.backgroundColorString), this.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height), this.renderDisplayObject(t), t.interactive && (t._interactiveEventsAdded || (t._interactiveEventsAdded = !0, t.interactionManager.setTarget(this))), e.Texture.frameUpdates.length > 0 && (e.Texture.frameUpdates = []) }, e.CanvasRenderer.prototype.resize = function (t, e) { this.width = t, this.height = e, this.view.width = t, this.view.height = e }, e.CanvasRenderer.prototype.renderDisplayObject = function (t) { var i, s = this.context; s.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; var n = t.last._iNext; t = t.first; do if (i = t.worldTransform, t.visible) if (t.renderable) { if (t instanceof e.Sprite) { var r = t.texture.frame; r && r.width && r.height && t.texture.baseTexture.source && (s.globalAlpha = t.worldAlpha, s.setTransform(i[0], i[3], i[1], i[4], i[2], i[5]), this.smoothProperty && this.scaleMode !== t.texture.baseTexture.scaleMode && (this.scaleMode = t.texture.baseTexture.scaleMode, s[this.smoothProperty] = this.scaleMode === e.BaseTexture.SCALE_MODE.LINEAR), s.drawImage(t.texture.baseTexture.source, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, t.anchor.x * -r.width, t.anchor.y * -r.height, r.width, r.height)) } else if (t instanceof e.Strip) s.setTransform(i[0], i[3], i[1], i[4], i[2], i[5]), this.renderStrip(t); else if (t instanceof e.TilingSprite) s.setTransform(i[0], i[3], i[1], i[4], i[2], i[5]), this.renderTilingSprite(t); else if (t instanceof e.CustomRenderable) s.setTransform(i[0], i[3], i[1], i[4], i[2], i[5]), t.renderCanvas(this); else if (t instanceof e.Graphics) s.setTransform(i[0], i[3], i[1], i[4], i[2], i[5]), e.CanvasGraphics.renderGraphics(t, s); else if (t instanceof e.FilterBlock && instanceof e.Graphics) { var o =; if ( {; var a = o.alpha, h = o.worldTransform; s.setTransform(h[0], h[3], h[1], h[4], h[2], h[5]), o.worldAlpha = .5, s.worldAlpha = 0, e.CanvasGraphics.renderGraphicsMask(o, s), s.clip(), o.worldAlpha = a } else s.restore() } t = t._iNext } else t = t._iNext; else t = t.last._iNext; while (t !== n) }, e.CanvasRenderer.prototype.renderStripFlat = function (t) { var e = this.context, i = t.verticies, s = i.length / 2; this.count++, e.beginPath(); for (var n = 1; s - 2 > n; n++) { var r = 2 * n, o = i[r], a = i[r + 2], h = i[r + 4], l = i[r + 1], c = i[r + 3], u = i[r + 5]; e.moveTo(o, l), e.lineTo(a, c), e.lineTo(h, u) } e.fillStyle = "#FF0000", e.fill(), e.closePath() }, e.CanvasRenderer.prototype.renderTilingSprite = function (t) { var e = this.context; e.globalAlpha = t.worldAlpha, t.__tilePattern || (t.__tilePattern = e.createPattern(t.texture.baseTexture.source, "repeat")), e.beginPath(); var i = t.tilePosition, s = t.tileScale; e.scale(s.x, s.y), e.translate(i.x, i.y), e.fillStyle = t.__tilePattern, e.fillRect(-i.x, -i.y, t.width / s.x, t.height / s.y), e.scale(1 / s.x, 1 / s.y), e.translate(-i.x, -i.y), e.closePath() }, e.CanvasRenderer.prototype.renderStrip = function (t) { var e = this.context, i = t.verticies, s = t.uvs, n = i.length / 2; this.count++; for (var r = 1; n - 2 > r; r++) { var o = 2 * r, a = i[o], h = i[o + 2], l = i[o + 4], c = i[o + 1], u = i[o + 3], d = i[o + 5], p = s[o] * t.texture.width, f = s[o + 2] * t.texture.width, g = s[o + 4] * t.texture.width, m = s[o + 1] * t.texture.height, y = s[o + 3] * t.texture.height, _ = s[o + 5] * t.texture.height;, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(a, c), e.lineTo(h, u), e.lineTo(l, d), e.closePath(), e.clip(); var x = p * y + m * g + f * _ - y * g - m * f - p * _, v = a * y + m * l + h * _ - y * l - m * h - a * _, b = p * h + a * g + f * l - h * g - a * f - p * l, w = p * y * l + m * h * g + a * f * _ - a * y * g - m * f * l - p * h * _, T = c * y + m * d + u * _ - y * d - m * u - c * _, S = p * u + c * g + f * d - u * g - c * f - p * d, C = p * y * d + m * u * g + c * f * _ - c * y * g - m * f * d - p * u * _; e.transform(v / x, T / x, b / x, S / x, w / x, C / x), e.drawImage(t.texture.baseTexture.source, 0, 0), e.restore() } }, e.PixiShader = function () { this.program = null, this.fragmentSrc = ["precision lowp float;", "varying vec2 vTextureCoord;", "varying float vColor;", "uniform sampler2D uSampler;", "void main(void) {", "   gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord) * vColor;", "}"], this.textureCount = 0 }, e.PixiShader.prototype.init = function () { var t = e.compileProgram(this.vertexSrc || e.PixiShader.defaultVertexSrc, this.fragmentSrc), i =; i.useProgram(t), this.uSampler = i.getUniformLocation(t, "uSampler"), this.projectionVector = i.getUniformLocation(t, "projectionVector"), this.offsetVector = i.getUniformLocation(t, "offsetVector"), this.dimensions = i.getUniformLocation(t, "dimensions"), this.aVertexPosition = i.getAttribLocation(t, "aVertexPosition"), this.colorAttribute = i.getAttribLocation(t, "aColor"), this.aTextureCoord = i.getAttribLocation(t, "aTextureCoord"); for (var s in this.uniforms) this.uniforms[s].uniformLocation = i.getUniformLocation(t, s); this.initUniforms(), this.program = t }, e.PixiShader.prototype.initUniforms = function () { this.textureCount = 1; var t; for (var i in this.uniforms) { t = this.uniforms[i]; var s = t.type; "sampler2D" === s ? (t._init = !1, null !== t.value && this.initSampler2D(t)) : "mat2" === s || "mat3" === s || "mat4" === s ? (t.glMatrix = !0, t.glValueLength = 1, "mat2" === s ? t.glFunc = : "mat3" === s ? t.glFunc = : "mat4" === s && (t.glFunc = : (t.glFunc =["uniform" + s], t.glValueLength = "2f" === s || "2i" === s ? 2 : "3f" === s || "3i" === s ? 3 : "4f" === s || "4i" === s ? 4 : 1) } }, e.PixiShader.prototype.initSampler2D = function (t) { if (t.value && t.value.baseTexture && t.value.baseTexture.hasLoaded) { if (["TEXTURE" + this.textureCount]),, t.value.baseTexture._glTexture), t.textureData) { var i = t.textureData, s = i.magFilter ? i.magFilter :, n = i.minFilter ? i.minFilter :, r = i.wrapS ? i.wrapS :, o = i.wrapT ? i.wrapT :, a = i.luminance ? :; if (i.repeat && (r =, o =,, !1), i.width) { var h = i.width ? i.width : 512, l = i.height ? i.height : 2, c = i.border ? i.border : 0;, 0, a, h, l, c, a,, null) } else, 0, a,,, t.value.baseTexture.source);,, s),,, n),,, r),,, o) }, this.textureCount), t._init = !0, this.textureCount++ } }, e.PixiShader.prototype.syncUniforms = function () { this.textureCount = 1; var t; for (var i in this.uniforms) t = this.uniforms[i], 1 === t.glValueLength ? t.glMatrix === !0 ?, t.uniformLocation, t.transpose, t.value) :, t.uniformLocation, t.value) : 2 === t.glValueLength ?, t.uniformLocation, t.value.x, t.value.y) : 3 === t.glValueLength ?, t.uniformLocation, t.value.x, t.value.y, t.value.z) : 4 === t.glValueLength ?, t.uniformLocation, t.value.x, t.value.y, t.value.z, t.value.w) : "sampler2D" === t.type && (t._init ? (["TEXTURE" + this.textureCount]),, t.value.baseTexture._glTexture),, this.textureCount), this.textureCount++) : this.initSampler2D(t)) }, e.PixiShader.defaultVertexSrc = ["attribute vec2 aVertexPosition;", "attribute vec2 aTextureCoord;", "attribute float aColor;", "uniform vec2 projectionVector;", "uniform vec2 offsetVector;", "varying vec2 vTextureCoord;", "varying float vColor;", "const vec2 center = vec2(-1.0, 1.0);", "void main(void) {", "   gl_Position = vec4( ((aVertexPosition + offsetVector) / projectionVector) + center , 0.0, 1.0);", "   vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;", "   vColor = aColor;", "}"], e.PrimitiveShader = function () {
    this.program = null, this.fragmentSrc = ["precision mediump float;", "varying vec4 vColor;", "void main(void) {", "   gl_FragColor = vColor;", "}"], this.vertexSrc = ["attribute vec2 aVertexPosition;", "attribute vec4 aColor;", "uniform mat3 translationMatrix;", "uniform vec2 projectionVector;", "uniform vec2 offsetVector;", "uniform float alpha;", "varying vec4 vColor;", "void main(void) {", "   vec3 v = translationMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition , 1.0);", "   v -= offsetVector.xyx;", "   gl_Position = vec4( v.x / projectionVector.x -1.0, v.y / -projectionVector.y + 1.0 , 0.0, 1.0);", "   vColor = aColor  * alpha;", "}"]
    }, e.PrimitiveShader.prototype.init = function () { var t = e.compileProgram(this.vertexSrc, this.fragmentSrc), i =; i.useProgram(t), this.projectionVector = i.getUniformLocation(t, "projectionVector"), this.offsetVector = i.getUniformLocation(t, "offsetVector"), this.aVertexPosition = i.getAttribLocation(t, "aVertexPosition"), this.colorAttribute = i.getAttribLocation(t, "aColor"), this.translationMatrix = i.getUniformLocation(t, "translationMatrix"), this.alpha = i.getUniformLocation(t, "alpha"), this.program = t }, e.StripShader = function () { this.program = null, this.fragmentSrc = ["precision mediump float;", "varying vec2 vTextureCoord;", "varying float vColor;", "uniform float alpha;", "uniform sampler2D uSampler;", "void main(void) {", "   gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.x, vTextureCoord.y));", "   gl_FragColor = gl_FragColor * alpha;", "}"], this.vertexSrc = ["attribute vec2 aVertexPosition;", "attribute vec2 aTextureCoord;", "attribute float aColor;", "uniform mat3 translationMatrix;", "uniform vec2 projectionVector;", "uniform vec2 offsetVector;", "varying vec2 vTextureCoord;", "varying float vColor;", "void main(void) {", "   vec3 v = translationMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0);", "   v -= offsetVector.xyx;", "   gl_Position = vec4( v.x / projectionVector.x -1.0, v.y / projectionVector.y + 1.0 , 0.0, 1.0);", "   vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;", "   vColor = aColor;", "}"] }, e.StripShader.prototype.init = function () { var t = e.compileProgram(this.vertexSrc, this.fragmentSrc), i =; i.useProgram(t), this.uSampler = i.getUniformLocation(t, "uSampler"), this.projectionVector = i.getUniformLocation(t, "projectionVector"), this.offsetVector = i.getUniformLocation(t, "offsetVector"), this.colorAttribute = i.getAttribLocation(t, "aColor"), this.aVertexPosition = i.getAttribLocation(t, "aVertexPosition"), this.aTextureCoord = i.getAttribLocation(t, "aTextureCoord"), this.translationMatrix = i.getUniformLocation(t, "translationMatrix"), this.alpha = i.getUniformLocation(t, "alpha"), this.program = t }, e._batchs = [], e._getBatch = function (t) { return 0 === e._batchs.length ? new e.WebGLBatch(t) : e._batchs.pop() }, e._returnBatch = function (t) { t.clean(), e._batchs.push(t) }, e._restoreBatchs = function (t) { for (var i = 0; i < e._batchs.length; i++)e._batchs[i].restoreLostContext(t) }, e.WebGLBatch = function (t) { = t, this.size = 0, this.vertexBuffer = t.createBuffer(), this.indexBuffer = t.createBuffer(), this.uvBuffer = t.createBuffer(), this.colorBuffer = t.createBuffer(), this.blendMode = e.blendModes.NORMAL, this.dynamicSize = 1 }, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.constructor = e.WebGLBatch, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.clean = function () { this.verticies = [], this.uvs = [], this.indices = [], this.colors = [], this.dynamicSize = 1, this.texture = null, this.last = null, this.size = 0, this.head = null, this.tail = null }, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.restoreLostContext = function (t) { = t, this.vertexBuffer = t.createBuffer(), this.indexBuffer = t.createBuffer(), this.uvBuffer = t.createBuffer(), this.colorBuffer = t.createBuffer() }, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.init = function (t) { t.batch = this, this.dirty = !0, this.blendMode = t.blendMode, this.texture = t.texture.baseTexture, this.head = t, this.tail = t, this.size = 1, this.growBatch() }, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.insertBefore = function (t, e) { this.size++, t.batch = this, this.dirty = !0; var i = e.__prev; e.__prev = t, t.__next = e, i ? (t.__prev = i, i.__next = t) : this.head = t }, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.insertAfter = function (t, e) { this.size++, t.batch = this, this.dirty = !0; var i = e.__next; e.__next = t, t.__prev = e, i ? (t.__next = i, i.__prev = t) : this.tail = t }, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.remove = function (t) { return this.size--, 0 === this.size ? (t.batch = null, t.__prev = null, void (t.__next = null)) : (t.__prev ? t.__prev.__next = t.__next : (this.head = t.__next, this.head.__prev = null), t.__next ? t.__next.__prev = t.__prev : (this.tail = t.__prev, this.tail.__next = null), t.batch = null, t.__next = null, t.__prev = null, void (this.dirty = !0)) }, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.split = function (t) { this.dirty = !0; var i = new e.WebGLBatch(; i.init(t), i.texture = this.texture, i.tail = this.tail, this.tail = t.__prev, this.tail.__next = null, t.__prev = null; for (var s = 0; t;)s++, t.batch = i, t = t.__next; return i.size = s, this.size -= s, i }, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.merge = function (t) { this.dirty = !0, this.tail.__next = t.head, t.head.__prev = this.tail, this.size += t.size, this.tail = t.tail; for (var e = t.head; e;)e.batch = this, e = e.__next }, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.growBatch = function () { var t =; this.dynamicSize = 1 === this.size ? 1 : 1.5 * this.size, this.verticies = new Float32Array(8 * this.dynamicSize), t.bindBuffer(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexBuffer), t.bufferData(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.verticies, t.DYNAMIC_DRAW), this.uvs = new Float32Array(8 * this.dynamicSize), t.bindBuffer(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.uvBuffer), t.bufferData(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.uvs, t.DYNAMIC_DRAW), this.dirtyUVS = !0, this.colors = new Float32Array(4 * this.dynamicSize), t.bindBuffer(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.colorBuffer), t.bufferData(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.colors, t.DYNAMIC_DRAW), this.dirtyColors = !0, this.indices = new Uint16Array(6 * this.dynamicSize); for (var e = this.indices.length / 6, i = 0; e > i; i++) { var s = 6 * i, n = 4 * i; this.indices[s + 0] = n + 0, this.indices[s + 1] = n + 1, this.indices[s + 2] = n + 2, this.indices[s + 3] = n + 0, this.indices[s + 4] = n + 2, this.indices[s + 5] = n + 3 } t.bindBuffer(t.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indexBuffer), t.bufferData(t.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indices, t.STATIC_DRAW) }, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.refresh = function () { this.dynamicSize < this.size && this.growBatch(); for (var t, e, i = 0, s = this.head; s;) { t = 8 * i; var n = s.texture, r = n.frame, o = n.baseTexture.width, a = n.baseTexture.height; this.uvs[t + 0] = r.x / o, this.uvs[t + 1] = r.y / a, this.uvs[t + 2] = (r.x + r.width) / o, this.uvs[t + 3] = r.y / a, this.uvs[t + 4] = (r.x + r.width) / o, this.uvs[t + 5] = (r.y + r.height) / a, this.uvs[t + 6] = r.x / o, this.uvs[t + 7] = (r.y + r.height) / a, s.updateFrame = !1, e = 4 * i, this.colors[e] = this.colors[e + 1] = this.colors[e + 2] = this.colors[e + 3] = s.worldAlpha, s = s.__next, i++ } this.dirtyUVS = !0, this.dirtyColors = !0 }, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.update = function () { for (var t, i, s, n, r, o, a, h, l, c, u, d, p, f, g, m, y = 0, _ = this.head, x = this.verticies, v = this.uvs, b = this.colors; _;) { if (_.vcount === e.visibleCount) { if (i = _.texture.frame.width, s = _.texture.frame.height, n = _.anchor.x, r = _.anchor.y, o = i * (1 - n), a = i * -n, h = s * (1 - r), l = s * -r, c = 8 * y, t = _.worldTransform, u = t[0], d = t[3], p = t[1], f = t[4], g = t[2], m = t[5], x[c + 0] = u * a + p * l + g, x[c + 1] = f * l + d * a + m, x[c + 2] = u * o + p * l + g, x[c + 3] = f * l + d * o + m, x[c + 4] = u * o + p * h + g, x[c + 5] = f * h + d * o + m, x[c + 6] = u * a + p * h + g, x[c + 7] = f * h + d * a + m, _.updateFrame || _.texture.updateFrame) { this.dirtyUVS = !0; var w = _.texture, T = w.frame, S = w.baseTexture.width, C = w.baseTexture.height; v[c + 0] = T.x / S, v[c + 1] = T.y / C, v[c + 2] = (T.x + T.width) / S, v[c + 3] = T.y / C, v[c + 4] = (T.x + T.width) / S, v[c + 5] = (T.y + T.height) / C, v[c + 6] = T.x / S, v[c + 7] = (T.y + T.height) / C, _.updateFrame = !1 } if (_.cacheAlpha !== _.worldAlpha) { _.cacheAlpha = _.worldAlpha; var A = 4 * y; b[A] = b[A + 1] = b[A + 2] = b[A + 3] = _.worldAlpha, this.dirtyColors = !0 } } else c = 8 * y, x[c + 0] = x[c + 1] = x[c + 2] = x[c + 3] = x[c + 4] = x[c + 5] = x[c + 6] = x[c + 7] = 0; y++, _ = _.__next } }, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.render = function (t, i) { if (t = t || 0, void 0 === i && (i = this.size), this.dirty && (this.refresh(), this.dirty = !1), 0 !== this.size) { this.update(); var s =, n = e.defaultShader; s.bindBuffer(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexBuffer), s.bufferSubData(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.verticies), s.vertexAttribPointer(n.aVertexPosition, 2, s.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0), s.bindBuffer(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.uvBuffer), this.dirtyUVS && (this.dirtyUVS = !1, s.bufferSubData(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.uvs)), s.vertexAttribPointer(n.aTextureCoord, 2, s.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0), s.activeTexture(s.TEXTURE0), s.bindTexture(s.TEXTURE_2D, this.texture._glTexture), s.bindBuffer(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.colorBuffer), this.dirtyColors && (this.dirtyColors = !1, s.bufferSubData(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.colors)), s.vertexAttribPointer(n.colorAttribute, 1, s.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0), s.bindBuffer(s.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indexBuffer); var r = i - t; s.drawElements(s.TRIANGLES, 6 * r, s.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 2 * t * 6) } }, e.WebGLFilterManager = function (t) { this.transparent = t, this.filterStack = [], this.texturePool = [], this.offsetX = 0, this.offsetY = 0, this.initShaderBuffers() }, e.WebGLFilterManager.prototype.begin = function (t, e) { this.width = 2 * t.x, this.height = 2 * -t.y, this.buffer = e }, e.WebGLFilterManager.prototype.pushFilter = function (t) { var i =; this.filterStack.push(t); var s = t.filterPasses[0]; this.offsetX +=, this.offsetY +=; var n = this.texturePool.pop(); n ? n.resize(this.width, this.height) : n = new e.FilterTexture(this.width, this.height), i.bindTexture(i.TEXTURE_2D, n.texture), this.getBounds(; var r =, o = s.padding; r.x -= o, r.y -= o, r.width += 2 * o, r.height += 2 * o, r.x < 0 && (r.x = 0), r.width > this.width && (r.width = this.width), r.y < 0 && (r.y = 0), r.height > this.height && (r.height = this.height), i.bindFramebuffer(i.FRAMEBUFFER, n.frameBuffer), i.viewport(0, 0, r.width, r.height), e.projection.x = r.width / 2, e.projection.y = -r.height / 2, e.offset.x = -r.x, e.offset.y = -r.y, i.uniform2f(e.defaultShader.projectionVector, r.width / 2, -r.height / 2), i.uniform2f(e.defaultShader.offsetVector, -r.x, -r.y), i.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, !0), i.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0), i.clear(i.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT), t._glFilterTexture = n }, e.WebGLFilterManager.prototype.popFilter = function () { var t =, i = this.filterStack.pop(), s =, n = i._glFilterTexture; if (i.filterPasses.length > 1) { t.viewport(0, 0, s.width, s.height), t.bindBuffer(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexBuffer), this.vertexArray[0] = 0, this.vertexArray[1] = s.height, this.vertexArray[2] = s.width, this.vertexArray[3] = s.height, this.vertexArray[4] = 0, this.vertexArray[5] = 0, this.vertexArray[6] = s.width, this.vertexArray[7] = 0, t.bufferSubData(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.vertexArray), t.bindBuffer(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.uvBuffer), this.uvArray[2] = s.width / this.width, this.uvArray[5] = s.height / this.height, this.uvArray[6] = s.width / this.width, this.uvArray[7] = s.height / this.height, t.bufferSubData(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.uvArray); var r = n, o = this.texturePool.pop(); o || (o = new e.FilterTexture(this.width, this.height)), t.bindFramebuffer(t.FRAMEBUFFER, o.frameBuffer), t.clear(t.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT), t.disable(t.BLEND); for (var a = 0; a < i.filterPasses.length - 1; a++) { var h = i.filterPasses[a]; t.bindFramebuffer(t.FRAMEBUFFER, o.frameBuffer), t.activeTexture(t.TEXTURE0), t.bindTexture(t.TEXTURE_2D, r.texture), this.applyFilterPass(h, s, s.width, s.height); var l = r; r = o, o = l } t.enable(t.BLEND), n = r, this.texturePool.push(o) } var c = i.filterPasses[i.filterPasses.length - 1]; this.offsetX -= s.x, this.offsetY -= s.y; var u = this.width, d = this.height, p = 0, f = 0, g = this.buffer; if (0 === this.filterStack.length) t.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, this.transparent); else { var m = this.filterStack[this.filterStack.length - 1]; s =, u = s.width, d = s.height, p = s.x, f = s.y, g = m._glFilterTexture.frameBuffer } e.projection.x = u / 2, e.projection.y = -d / 2, e.offset.x = p, e.offset.y = f, s =; var y = s.x - p, _ = s.y - f; t.bindBuffer(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexBuffer), this.vertexArray[0] = y, this.vertexArray[1] = _ + s.height, this.vertexArray[2] = y + s.width, this.vertexArray[3] = _ + s.height, this.vertexArray[4] = y, this.vertexArray[5] = _, this.vertexArray[6] = y + s.width, this.vertexArray[7] = _, t.bufferSubData(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.vertexArray), t.bindBuffer(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.uvBuffer), this.uvArray[2] = s.width / this.width, this.uvArray[5] = s.height / this.height, this.uvArray[6] = s.width / this.width, this.uvArray[7] = s.height / this.height, t.bufferSubData(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.uvArray), t.viewport(0, 0, u, d), t.bindFramebuffer(t.FRAMEBUFFER, g), t.activeTexture(t.TEXTURE0), t.bindTexture(t.TEXTURE_2D, n.texture), this.applyFilterPass(c, s, u, d), t.useProgram(e.defaultShader.program), t.uniform2f(e.defaultShader.projectionVector, u / 2, -d / 2), t.uniform2f(e.defaultShader.offsetVector, -p, -f), this.texturePool.push(n), i._glFilterTexture = null }, e.WebGLFilterManager.prototype.applyFilterPass = function (t, i, s, n) { var r =, o = t.shader; o || (o = new e.PixiShader, o.fragmentSrc = t.fragmentSrc, o.uniforms = t.uniforms, o.init(), t.shader = o), r.useProgram(o.program), r.uniform2f(o.projectionVector, s / 2, -n / 2), r.uniform2f(o.offsetVector, 0, 0), t.uniforms.dimensions && (t.uniforms.dimensions.value[0] = this.width, t.uniforms.dimensions.value[1] = this.height, t.uniforms.dimensions.value[2] = this.vertexArray[0], t.uniforms.dimensions.value[3] = this.vertexArray[5]), o.syncUniforms(), r.bindBuffer(r.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexBuffer), r.vertexAttribPointer(o.aVertexPosition, 2, r.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0), r.bindBuffer(r.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.uvBuffer), r.vertexAttribPointer(o.aTextureCoord, 2, r.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0), r.bindBuffer(r.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indexBuffer), r.drawElements(r.TRIANGLES, 6, r.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0) }, e.WebGLFilterManager.prototype.initShaderBuffers = function () { var t =; this.vertexBuffer = t.createBuffer(), this.uvBuffer = t.createBuffer(), this.indexBuffer = t.createBuffer(), this.vertexArray = new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]), t.bindBuffer(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexBuffer), t.bufferData(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexArray, t.STATIC_DRAW), this.uvArray = new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]), t.bindBuffer(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.uvBuffer), t.bufferData(t.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.uvArray, t.STATIC_DRAW), t.bindBuffer(t.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indexBuffer), t.bufferData(t.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint16Array([0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2]), t.STATIC_DRAW) }, e.WebGLFilterManager.prototype.getBounds = function (t) { var i, s, n, r, o, a, h, l, c, u, d, p, f, g, m, y, _, x, v, b, w, T, S, C, A = t.first, P = t.last._iNext, R = -1 / 0, E = -1 / 0, L = 1 / 0, O = 1 / 0; do { if (A.visible) if (A instanceof e.Sprite) s = A.texture.frame.width, n = A.texture.frame.height, r = A.anchor.x, o = A.anchor.y, a = s * (1 - r), h = s * -r, l = n * (1 - o), c = n * -o, u = !0; else if (A instanceof e.Graphics) { A.updateFilterBounds(); var D = A.bounds; s = D.width, n = D.height, a = D.x, h = D.x + D.width, l = D.y, c = D.y + D.height, u = !0 } u && (i = A.worldTransform, d = i[0], p = i[3], f = i[1], g = i[4], m = i[2], y = i[5], _ = d * h + f * c + m, w = g * c + p * h + y, x = d * a + f * c + m, T = g * c + p * a + y, v = d * a + f * l + m, S = g * l + p * a + y, b = d * h + f * l + m, C = g * l + p * h + y, L = L > _ ? _ : L, L = L > x ? x : L, L = L > v ? v : L, L = L > b ? b : L, O = O > w ? w : O, O = O > T ? T : O, O = O > S ? S : O, O = O > C ? C : O, R = _ > R ? _ : R, R = x > R ? x : R, R = v > R ? v : R, R = b > R ? b : R, E = w > E ? w : E, E = T > E ? T : E, E = S > E ? S : E, E = C > E ? C : E), u = !1, A = A._iNext } while (A !== P); t.filterArea.x = L, t.filterArea.y = O, t.filterArea.width = R - L, t.filterArea.height = E - O }, e.FilterTexture = function (t, i) { var s =; this.frameBuffer = s.createFramebuffer(), this.texture = s.createTexture(), s.bindTexture(s.TEXTURE_2D, this.texture), s.texParameteri(s.TEXTURE_2D, s.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, s.LINEAR), s.texParameteri(s.TEXTURE_2D, s.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, s.LINEAR), s.texParameteri(s.TEXTURE_2D, s.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, s.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), s.texParameteri(s.TEXTURE_2D, s.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, s.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), s.bindFramebuffer(s.FRAMEBUFFER, this.framebuffer), s.bindFramebuffer(s.FRAMEBUFFER, this.frameBuffer), s.framebufferTexture2D(s.FRAMEBUFFER, s.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, s.TEXTURE_2D, this.texture, 0), this.resize(t, i) }, e.FilterTexture.prototype.resize = function (t, i) { if (this.width !== t || this.height !== i) { this.width = t, this.height = i; var s =; s.bindTexture(s.TEXTURE_2D, this.texture), s.texImage2D(s.TEXTURE_2D, 0, s.RGBA, t, i, 0, s.RGBA, s.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null) } }, e.WebGLGraphics = function () { }, e.WebGLGraphics.renderGraphics = function (t, i) { var s =; t._webGL || (t._webGL = { points: [], indices: [], lastIndex: 0, buffer: s.createBuffer(), indexBuffer: s.createBuffer() }), t.dirty && (t.dirty = !1, t.clearDirty && (t.clearDirty = !1, t._webGL.lastIndex = 0, t._webGL.points = [], t._webGL.indices = []), e.WebGLGraphics.updateGraphics(t)), e.activatePrimitiveShader(); var n = e.mat3.clone(t.worldTransform); e.mat3.transpose(n), s.blendFunc(s.ONE, s.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA), s.uniformMatrix3fv(e.primitiveShader.translationMatrix, !1, n), s.uniform2f(e.primitiveShader.projectionVector, i.x, -i.y), s.uniform2f(e.primitiveShader.offsetVector, -e.offset.x, -e.offset.y), s.uniform1f(e.primitiveShader.alpha, t.worldAlpha), s.bindBuffer(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._webGL.buffer), s.vertexAttribPointer(e.primitiveShader.aVertexPosition, 2, s.FLOAT, !1, 24, 0), s.vertexAttribPointer(e.primitiveShader.colorAttribute, 4, s.FLOAT, !1, 24, 8), s.bindBuffer(s.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, t._webGL.indexBuffer), s.drawElements(s.TRIANGLE_STRIP, t._webGL.indices.length, s.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0), e.deactivatePrimitiveShader() }, e.WebGLGraphics.updateGraphics = function (t) { for (var i = t._webGL.lastIndex; i < t.graphicsData.length; i++) { var s = t.graphicsData[i]; s.type === e.Graphics.POLY ? (s.fill && s.points.length > 3 && e.WebGLGraphics.buildPoly(s, t._webGL), s.lineWidth > 0 && e.WebGLGraphics.buildLine(s, t._webGL)) : s.type === e.Graphics.RECT ? e.WebGLGraphics.buildRectangle(s, t._webGL) : (s.type === e.Graphics.CIRC || s.type === e.Graphics.ELIP) && e.WebGLGraphics.buildCircle(s, t._webGL) } t._webGL.lastIndex = t.graphicsData.length; var n =; t._webGL.glPoints = new Float32Array(t._webGL.points), n.bindBuffer(n.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._webGL.buffer), n.bufferData(n.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._webGL.glPoints, n.STATIC_DRAW), t._webGL.glIndicies = new Uint16Array(t._webGL.indices), n.bindBuffer(n.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, t._webGL.indexBuffer), n.bufferData(n.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, t._webGL.glIndicies, n.STATIC_DRAW) }, e.WebGLGraphics.buildRectangle = function (t, i) { var s = t.points, n = s[0], r = s[1], o = s[2], a = s[3]; if (t.fill) { var h = e.hex2rgb(t.fillColor), l = t.fillAlpha, c = h[0] * l, u = h[1] * l, d = h[2] * l, p = i.points, f = i.indices, g = p.length / 6; p.push(n, r), p.push(c, u, d, l), p.push(n + o, r), p.push(c, u, d, l), p.push(n, r + a), p.push(c, u, d, l), p.push(n + o, r + a), p.push(c, u, d, l), f.push(g, g, g + 1, g + 2, g + 3, g + 3) } t.lineWidth && (t.points = [n, r, n + o, r, n + o, r + a, n, r + a, n, r], e.WebGLGraphics.buildLine(t, i)) }, e.WebGLGraphics.buildCircle = function (t, i) { var s = t.points, n = s[0], r = s[1], o = s[2], a = s[3], h = 40, l = 2 * Math.PI / h, c = 0; if (t.fill) { var u = e.hex2rgb(t.fillColor), d = t.fillAlpha, p = u[0] * d, f = u[1] * d, g = u[2] * d, m = i.points, y = i.indices, _ = m.length / 6; for (y.push(_), c = 0; h + 1 > c; c++)m.push(n, r, p, f, g, d), m.push(n + Math.sin(l * c) * o, r + Math.cos(l * c) * a, p, f, g, d), y.push(_++, _++); y.push(_ - 1) } if (t.lineWidth) { for (t.points = [], c = 0; h + 1 > c; c++)t.points.push(n + Math.sin(l * c) * o, r + Math.cos(l * c) * a); e.WebGLGraphics.buildLine(t, i) } }, e.WebGLGraphics.buildLine = function (t, i) { var s = 0, n = t.points; if (0 !== n.length) { if (t.lineWidth % 2) for (s = 0; s < n.length; s++)n[s] += .5; var r = new e.Point(n[0], n[1]), o = new e.Point(n[n.length - 2], n[n.length - 1]); if (r.x === o.x && r.y === o.y) { n.pop(), n.pop(), o = new e.Point(n[n.length - 2], n[n.length - 1]); var a = o.x + .5 * (r.x - o.x), h = o.y + .5 * (r.y - o.y); n.unshift(a, h), n.push(a, h) } var l, c, u, d, p, f, g, m, y, _, x, v, b, w, T, S, C, A, P, R, E, L, O, D = i.points, k = i.indices, F = n.length / 2, M = n.length, I = D.length / 6, B = t.lineWidth / 2, G = e.hex2rgb(t.lineColor), U = t.lineAlpha, N = G[0] * U, j = G[1] * U, W = G[2] * U; for (u = n[0], d = n[1], p = n[2], f = n[3], y = -(d - f), _ = u - p, O = Math.sqrt(y * y + _ * _), y /= O, _ /= O, y *= B, _ *= B, D.push(u - y, d - _, N, j, W, U), D.push(u + y, d + _, N, j, W, U), s = 1; F - 1 > s; s++)u = n[2 * (s - 1)], d = n[2 * (s - 1) + 1], p = n[2 * s], f = n[2 * s + 1], g = n[2 * (s + 1)], m = n[2 * (s + 1) + 1], y = -(d - f), _ = u - p, O = Math.sqrt(y * y + _ * _), y /= O, _ /= O, y *= B, _ *= B, x = -(f - m), v = p - g, O = Math.sqrt(x * x + v * v), x /= O, v /= O, x *= B, v *= B, T = -_ + d - (-_ + f), S = -y + p - (-y + u), C = (-y + u) * (-_ + f) - (-y + p) * (-_ + d), A = -v + m - (-v + f), P = -x + p - (-x + g), R = (-x + g) * (-v + f) - (-x + p) * (-v + m), E = T * P - A * S, Math.abs(E) < .1 ? (E += 10.1, D.push(p - y, f - _, N, j, W, U), D.push(p + y, f + _, N, j, W, U)) : (l = (S * R - P * C) / E, c = (A * C - T * R) / E, L = (l - p) * (l - p) + (c - f) + (c - f), L > 19600 ? (b = y - x, w = _ - v, O = Math.sqrt(b * b + w * w), b /= O, w /= O, b *= B, w *= B, D.push(p - b, f - w), D.push(N, j, W, U), D.push(p + b, f + w), D.push(N, j, W, U), D.push(p - b, f - w), D.push(N, j, W, U), M++) : (D.push(l, c), D.push(N, j, W, U), D.push(p - (l - p), f - (c - f)), D.push(N, j, W, U))); for (u = n[2 * (F - 2)], d = n[2 * (F - 2) + 1], p = n[2 * (F - 1)], f = n[2 * (F - 1) + 1], y = -(d - f), _ = u - p, O = Math.sqrt(y * y + _ * _), y /= O, _ /= O, y *= B, _ *= B, D.push(p - y, f - _), D.push(N, j, W, U), D.push(p + y, f + _), D.push(N, j, W, U), k.push(I), s = 0; M > s; s++)k.push(I++); k.push(I - 1) } }, e.WebGLGraphics.buildPoly = function (t, i) { var s = t.points; if (!(s.length < 6)) { var n = i.points, r = i.indices, o = s.length / 2, a = e.hex2rgb(t.fillColor), h = t.fillAlpha, l = a[0] * h, c = a[1] * h, u = a[2] * h, d = e.PolyK.Triangulate(s), p = n.length / 6, f = 0; for (f = 0; f < d.length; f += 3)r.push(d[f] + p), r.push(d[f] + p), r.push(d[f + 1] + p), r.push(d[f + 2] + p), r.push(d[f + 2] + p); for (f = 0; o > f; f++)n.push(s[2 * f], s[2 * f + 1], l, c, u, h) } }, e._defaultFrame = new e.Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), = null, e.WebGLRenderer = function (t, i, s, n, r) { this.transparent = !!n, this.width = t || 800, this.height = i || 600, this.view = s || document.createElement("canvas"), this.view.width = this.width, this.view.height = this.height; var o = this; this.view.addEventListener("webglcontextlost", function (t) { o.handleContextLost(t) }, !1), this.view.addEventListener("webglcontextrestored", function (t) { o.handleContextRestored(t) }, !1), this.batchs = []; var a = { alpha: this.transparent, antialias: !!r, premultipliedAlpha: !1, stencil: !0 }; try { = = this.view.getContext("experimental-webgl", a) } catch (h) { try { = = this.view.getContext("webgl", a) } catch (l) { throw new Error(" This browser does not support webGL. Try using the canvas renderer" + this) } } e.initDefaultShaders(); var c =; c.useProgram(e.defaultShader.program), = c, this.batch = new e.WebGLBatch(c), c.disable(c.DEPTH_TEST), c.disable(c.CULL_FACE), c.enable(c.BLEND), c.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, this.transparent), e.projection = new e.Point(400, 300), e.offset = new e.Point(0, 0), this.resize(this.width, this.height), this.contextLost = !1, this.stageRenderGroup = new e.WebGLRenderGroup(, this.transparent) }, e.WebGLRenderer.prototype.constructor = e.WebGLRenderer, e.WebGLRenderer.getBatch = function () { return 0 === e._batchs.length ? new e.WebGLBatch( : e._batchs.pop() }, e.WebGLRenderer.returnBatch = function (t) { t.clean(), e._batchs.push(t) }, e.WebGLRenderer.prototype.render = function (t) { if (!this.contextLost) { this.__stage !== t && (this.__stage = t, this.stageRenderGroup.setRenderable(t)), e.WebGLRenderer.updateTextures(), e.visibleCount++, t.updateTransform(); var i =; if (i.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, this.transparent), i.viewport(0, 0, this.width, this.height), i.bindFramebuffer(i.FRAMEBUFFER, null), i.clearColor(t.backgroundColorSplit[0], t.backgroundColorSplit[1], t.backgroundColorSplit[2], !this.transparent), i.clear(i.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT), this.stageRenderGroup.backgroundColor = t.backgroundColorSplit, e.projection.x = this.width / 2, e.projection.y = -this.height / 2, this.stageRenderGroup.render(e.projection), t.interactive && (t._interactiveEventsAdded || (t._interactiveEventsAdded = !0, t.interactionManager.setTarget(this))), e.Texture.frameUpdates.length > 0) { for (var s = 0; s < e.Texture.frameUpdates.length; s++)e.Texture.frameUpdates[s].updateFrame = !1; e.Texture.frameUpdates = [] } } }, e.WebGLRenderer.updateTextures = function () { var t = 0; for (t = 0; t < e.texturesToUpdate.length; t++)e.WebGLRenderer.updateTexture(e.texturesToUpdate[t]); for (t = 0; t < e.texturesToDestroy.length; t++)e.WebGLRenderer.destroyTexture(e.texturesToDestroy[t]); e.texturesToUpdate = [], e.texturesToDestroy = [] }, e.WebGLRenderer.updateTexture = function (t) { var i =; t._glTexture || (t._glTexture = i.createTexture()), t.hasLoaded && (i.bindTexture(i.TEXTURE_2D, t._glTexture), i.pixelStorei(i.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, !0), i.texImage2D(i.TEXTURE_2D, 0, i.RGBA, i.RGBA, i.UNSIGNED_BYTE, t.source), i.texParameteri(i.TEXTURE_2D, i.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, t.scaleMode === e.BaseTexture.SCALE_MODE.LINEAR ? i.LINEAR : i.NEAREST), i.texParameteri(i.TEXTURE_2D, i.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, t.scaleMode === e.BaseTexture.SCALE_MODE.LINEAR ? i.LINEAR : i.NEAREST), t._powerOf2 ? (i.texParameteri(i.TEXTURE_2D, i.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, i.REPEAT), i.texParameteri(i.TEXTURE_2D, i.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, i.REPEAT)) : (i.texParameteri(i.TEXTURE_2D, i.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, i.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), i.texParameteri(i.TEXTURE_2D, i.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, i.CLAMP_TO_EDGE)), i.bindTexture(i.TEXTURE_2D, null)) }, e.WebGLRenderer.destroyTexture = function (t) { var i =; t._glTexture && (t._glTexture = i.createTexture(), i.deleteTexture(i.TEXTURE_2D, t._glTexture)) }, e.WebGLRenderer.prototype.resize = function (t, i) { this.width = t, this.height = i, this.view.width = t, this.view.height = i,, 0, this.width, this.height), e.projection.x = this.width / 2, e.projection.y = -this.height / 2 }, e.WebGLRenderer.prototype.handleContextLost = function (t) { t.preventDefault(), this.contextLost = !0 }, e.WebGLRenderer.prototype.handleContextRestored = function () { = this.view.getContext("experimental-webgl", { alpha: !0 }), this.initShaders(); for (var t in e.TextureCache) { var i = e.TextureCache[t].baseTexture; i._glTexture = null, e.WebGLRenderer.updateTexture(i) } for (var s = 0; s < this.batchs.length; s++)this.batchs[s].restoreLostContext(, this.batchs[s].dirty = !0; e._restoreBatchs(, this.contextLost = !1 }, e.WebGLRenderGroup = function (t, i) { = t, this.root, this.backgroundColor, this.transparent = void 0 == i ? !0 : i, this.batchs = [], this.toRemove = [], this.filterManager = new e.WebGLFilterManager(this.transparent) }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.constructor = e.WebGLRenderGroup, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.setRenderable = function (t) { this.root && this.removeDisplayObjectAndChildren(this.root), t.worldVisible = t.visible, this.root = t, this.addDisplayObjectAndChildren(t) }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.render = function (t, i) { e.WebGLRenderer.updateTextures(); var s =; s.uniform2f(e.defaultShader.projectionVector, t.x, t.y), this.filterManager.begin(t, i), s.blendFunc(s.ONE, s.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); for (var n, r = 0; r < this.batchs.length; r++)n = this.batchs[r], n instanceof e.WebGLBatch ? this.batchs[r].render() : this.renderSpecial(n, t) }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.renderSpecific = function (t, i, s) { e.WebGLRenderer.updateTextures(); var n =; n.uniform2f(e.defaultShader.projectionVector, i.x, i.y), this.filterManager.begin(i, s); for (var r, o, a, h, l = t.first; l._iNext && (!l.renderable || !l.__renderGroup);)l = l._iNext; var c = l.batch; if (l instanceof e.Sprite) { c = l.batch; var u = c.head; if (u == l) r = 0; else for (r = 1; u.__next != l;)r++, u = u.__next } else c = l; for (var d = t.last; d._iPrev && (!d.renderable || !d.__renderGroup);)d = d._iNext; if (d instanceof e.Sprite) { endBatch = d.batch; var u = endBatch.head; if (u == d) a = 0; else for (a = 1; u.__next != d;)a++, u = u.__next } else endBatch = d; if (c == endBatch) return void (c instanceof e.WebGLBatch ? c.render(r, a + 1) : this.renderSpecial(c, i)); o = this.batchs.indexOf(c), h = this.batchs.indexOf(endBatch), c instanceof e.WebGLBatch ? c.render(r) : this.renderSpecial(c, i); for (var p = o + 1; h > p; p++)renderable = this.batchs[p], renderable instanceof e.WebGLBatch ? this.batchs[p].render() : this.renderSpecial(renderable, i); endBatch instanceof e.WebGLBatch ? endBatch.render(0, a + 1) : this.renderSpecial(endBatch, i) }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.renderSpecial = function (t, i) { var s = t.vcount === e.visibleCount; t instanceof e.TilingSprite ? s && this.renderTilingSprite(t, i) : t instanceof e.Strip ? s && this.renderStrip(t, i) : t instanceof e.CustomRenderable ? s && t.renderWebGL(this, i) : t instanceof e.Graphics ? s && t.renderable && e.WebGLGraphics.renderGraphics(t, i) : t instanceof e.FilterBlock && this.handleFilterBlock(t, i) }, flip = !1; var s = [], n = 0; return e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.handleFilterBlock = function (t, i) { var r =; if ( instanceof Array ? this.filterManager.pushFilter(t) : (n++, s.push(t), r.enable(r.STENCIL_TEST), r.colorMask(!1, !1, !1, !1), r.stencilFunc(r.ALWAYS, 1, 1), r.stencilOp(r.KEEP, r.KEEP, r.INCR), e.WebGLGraphics.renderGraphics(, i), r.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, !0), r.stencilFunc(r.NOTEQUAL, 0, s.length), r.stencilOp(r.KEEP, r.KEEP, r.KEEP)); else if ( instanceof Array) this.filterManager.popFilter(); else { var o = s.pop(t); o && (r.colorMask(!1, !1, !1, !1), r.stencilFunc(r.ALWAYS, 1, 1), r.stencilOp(r.KEEP, r.KEEP, r.DECR), e.WebGLGraphics.renderGraphics(, i), r.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, !0), r.stencilFunc(r.NOTEQUAL, 0, s.length), r.stencilOp(r.KEEP, r.KEEP, r.KEEP)), r.disable(r.STENCIL_TEST) } }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.updateTexture = function (t) { this.removeObject(t); for (var e = t.first; e != this.root && (e = e._iPrev, !e.renderable || !e.__renderGroup);); for (var i = t.last; i._iNext && (i = i._iNext, !i.renderable || !i.__renderGroup);); this.insertObject(t, e, i) }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.addFilterBlocks = function (t, e) { t.__renderGroup = this, e.__renderGroup = this; for (var i = t; i != this.root.first && (i = i._iPrev, !i.renderable || !i.__renderGroup);); this.insertAfter(t, i); for (var s = e; s != this.root.first && (s = s._iPrev, !s.renderable || !s.__renderGroup);); this.insertAfter(e, s) }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.removeFilterBlocks = function (t, e) { this.removeObject(t), this.removeObject(e) }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.addDisplayObjectAndChildren = function (t) { t.__renderGroup && t.__renderGroup.removeDisplayObjectAndChildren(t); for (var e = t.first; e != this.root.first && (e = e._iPrev, !e.renderable || !e.__renderGroup);); for (var i = t.last; i._iNext && (i = i._iNext, !i.renderable || !i.__renderGroup);); var s = t.first, n = t.last._iNext; do s.__renderGroup = this, s.renderable && (this.insertObject(s, e, i), e = s), s = s._iNext; while (s != n) }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.removeDisplayObjectAndChildren = function (t) { if (t.__renderGroup == this) { { t.last } do t.__renderGroup = null, t.renderable && this.removeObject(t), t = t._iNext; while (t) } }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.insertObject = function (t, i, s) { var n = i, r = s; if (t instanceof e.Sprite) { var o, a; if (n instanceof e.Sprite) { if (o = n.batch, o && o.texture == t.texture.baseTexture && o.blendMode == t.blendMode) return void o.insertAfter(t, n) } else o = n; if (r) if (r instanceof e.Sprite) { if (a = r.batch) { if (a.texture == t.texture.baseTexture && a.blendMode == t.blendMode) return void a.insertBefore(t, r); if (a == o) { var h = o.split(r), l = e.WebGLRenderer.getBatch(), c = this.batchs.indexOf(o); return l.init(t), void this.batchs.splice(c + 1, 0, l, h) } } } else a = r; var l = e.WebGLRenderer.getBatch(); if (l.init(t), o) { var c = this.batchs.indexOf(o); this.batchs.splice(c + 1, 0, l) } else this.batchs.push(l) } else t instanceof e.TilingSprite ? this.initTilingSprite(t) : t instanceof e.Strip && this.initStrip(t), this.insertAfter(t, n) }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.insertAfter = function (t, i) { if (i instanceof e.Sprite) { var s = i.batch; if (s) if (s.tail == i) { var n = this.batchs.indexOf(s); this.batchs.splice(n + 1, 0, t) } else { var r = s.split(i.__next), n = this.batchs.indexOf(s); this.batchs.splice(n + 1, 0, t, r) } else this.batchs.push(t) } else { var n = this.batchs.indexOf(i); this.batchs.splice(n + 1, 0, t) } }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.removeObject = function (t) { var i; if (t instanceof e.Sprite) { var s = t.batch; if (!s) return; s.remove(t), 0 == s.size && (i = s) } else i = t; if (i) { var n = this.batchs.indexOf(i); if (-1 == n) return; if (0 == n || n == this.batchs.length - 1) return this.batchs.splice(n, 1), void (i instanceof e.WebGLBatch && e.WebGLRenderer.returnBatch(i)); if (this.batchs[n - 1] instanceof e.WebGLBatch && this.batchs[n + 1] instanceof e.WebGLBatch && this.batchs[n - 1].texture == this.batchs[n + 1].texture && this.batchs[n - 1].blendMode == this.batchs[n + 1].blendMode) return this.batchs[n - 1].merge(this.batchs[n + 1]), i instanceof e.WebGLBatch && e.WebGLRenderer.returnBatch(i), e.WebGLRenderer.returnBatch(this.batchs[n + 1]), void this.batchs.splice(n, 2); this.batchs.splice(n, 1), i instanceof e.WebGLBatch && e.WebGLRenderer.returnBatch(i) } }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.initTilingSprite = function (t) { var e =; t.verticies = new Float32Array([0, 0, t.width, 0, t.width, t.height, 0, t.height]), t.uvs = new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]), t.colors = new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 1]), t.indices = new Uint16Array([0, 1, 3, 2]), t._vertexBuffer = e.createBuffer(), t._indexBuffer = e.createBuffer(), t._uvBuffer = e.createBuffer(), t._colorBuffer = e.createBuffer(), e.bindBuffer(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._vertexBuffer), e.bufferData(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, t.verticies, e.STATIC_DRAW), e.bindBuffer(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._uvBuffer), e.bufferData(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, t.uvs, e.DYNAMIC_DRAW), e.bindBuffer(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._colorBuffer), e.bufferData(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, t.colors, e.STATIC_DRAW), e.bindBuffer(e.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, t._indexBuffer), e.bufferData(e.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, t.indices, e.STATIC_DRAW), t.texture.baseTexture._glTexture ? (e.bindTexture(e.TEXTURE_2D, t.texture.baseTexture._glTexture), e.texParameteri(e.TEXTURE_2D, e.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, e.REPEAT), e.texParameteri(e.TEXTURE_2D, e.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, e.REPEAT), t.texture.baseTexture._powerOf2 = !0) : t.texture.baseTexture._powerOf2 = !0 }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.renderStrip = function (t, i) {
        var s =; e.activateStripShader(); var n = e.stripShader, r = (n.program, e.mat3.clone(t.worldTransform)); e.mat3.transpose(r), s.uniformMatrix3fv(n.translationMatrix, !1, r), s.uniform2f(n.projectionVector, i.x, i.y), s.uniform2f(n.offsetVector, -e.offset.x, -e.offset.y), s.uniform1f(n.alpha, t.worldAlpha), t.dirty ? (t.dirty = !1, s.bindBuffer(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._vertexBuffer), s.bufferData(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, t.verticies, s.STATIC_DRAW), s.vertexAttribPointer(n.aVertexPosition, 2, s.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0), s.bindBuffer(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._uvBuffer), s.bufferData(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, t.uvs, s.STATIC_DRAW), s.vertexAttribPointer(n.aTextureCoord, 2, s.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0), s.activeTexture(s.TEXTURE0), s.bindTexture(s.TEXTURE_2D, t.texture.baseTexture._glTexture), s.bindBuffer(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._colorBuffer), s.bufferData(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, t.colors, s.STATIC_DRAW), s.vertexAttribPointer(n.colorAttribute, 1, s.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0), s.bindBuffer(s.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, t._indexBuffer), s.bufferData(s.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, t.indices, s.STATIC_DRAW)) : (s.bindBuffer(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._vertexBuffer), s.bufferSubData(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, t.verticies), s.vertexAttribPointer(n.aVertexPosition, 2, s.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0), s.bindBuffer(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._uvBuffer), s.vertexAttribPointer(n.aTextureCoord, 2, s.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0), s.activeTexture(s.TEXTURE0), s.bindTexture(s.TEXTURE_2D, t.texture.baseTexture._glTexture), s.bindBuffer(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._colorBuffer), s.vertexAttribPointer(n.colorAttribute, 1, s.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0), s.bindBuffer(s.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, t._indexBuffer)), s.drawElements(s.TRIANGLE_STRIP, t.indices.length, s.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0), e.deactivateStripShader()
    }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.renderTilingSprite = function (t, i) { var s =, n = (e.shaderProgram, t.tilePosition), r = t.tileScale, o = n.x / t.texture.baseTexture.width, a = n.y / t.texture.baseTexture.height, h = t.width / t.texture.baseTexture.width / r.x, l = t.height / t.texture.baseTexture.height / r.y; t.uvs[0] = 0 - o, t.uvs[1] = 0 - a, t.uvs[2] = 1 * h - o, t.uvs[3] = 0 - a, t.uvs[4] = 1 * h - o, t.uvs[5] = 1 * l - a, t.uvs[6] = 0 - o, t.uvs[7] = 1 * l - a, s.bindBuffer(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._uvBuffer), s.bufferSubData(s.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, t.uvs), this.renderStrip(t, i) }, e.WebGLRenderGroup.prototype.initStrip = function (t) { { var e =; this.shaderProgram } t._vertexBuffer = e.createBuffer(), t._indexBuffer = e.createBuffer(), t._uvBuffer = e.createBuffer(), t._colorBuffer = e.createBuffer(), e.bindBuffer(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._vertexBuffer), e.bufferData(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, t.verticies, e.DYNAMIC_DRAW), e.bindBuffer(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._uvBuffer), e.bufferData(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, t.uvs, e.STATIC_DRAW), e.bindBuffer(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, t._colorBuffer), e.bufferData(e.ARRAY_BUFFER, t.colors, e.STATIC_DRAW), e.bindBuffer(e.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, t._indexBuffer), e.bufferData(e.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, t.indices, e.STATIC_DRAW) }, e.initDefaultShaders = function () { e.primitiveShader = new e.PrimitiveShader, e.primitiveShader.init(), e.stripShader = new e.StripShader, e.stripShader.init(), e.defaultShader = new e.PixiShader, e.defaultShader.init(); var t =, i = e.defaultShader.program; t.useProgram(i), t.enableVertexAttribArray(e.defaultShader.aVertexPosition), t.enableVertexAttribArray(e.defaultShader.colorAttribute), t.enableVertexAttribArray(e.defaultShader.aTextureCoord) }, e.activatePrimitiveShader = function () { var t =; t.useProgram(e.primitiveShader.program), t.disableVertexAttribArray(e.defaultShader.aVertexPosition), t.disableVertexAttribArray(e.defaultShader.colorAttribute), t.disableVertexAttribArray(e.defaultShader.aTextureCoord), t.enableVertexAttribArray(e.primitiveShader.aVertexPosition), t.enableVertexAttribArray(e.primitiveShader.colorAttribute) }, e.deactivatePrimitiveShader = function () { var t =; t.useProgram(e.defaultShader.program), t.disableVertexAttribArray(e.primitiveShader.aVertexPosition), t.disableVertexAttribArray(e.primitiveShader.colorAttribute), t.enableVertexAttribArray(e.defaultShader.aVertexPosition), t.enableVertexAttribArray(e.defaultShader.colorAttribute), t.enableVertexAttribArray(e.defaultShader.aTextureCoord) }, e.activateStripShader = function () { var t =; t.useProgram(e.stripShader.program) }, e.deactivateStripShader = function () { var t =; t.useProgram(e.defaultShader.program) }, e.CompileVertexShader = function (t, i) { return e._CompileShader(t, i, t.VERTEX_SHADER) }, e.CompileFragmentShader = function (t, i) { return e._CompileShader(t, i, t.FRAGMENT_SHADER) }, e._CompileShader = function (t, e, i) { var s = e.join("\n"), n = t.createShader(i); return t.shaderSource(n, s), t.compileShader(n), t.getShaderParameter(n, t.COMPILE_STATUS) ? n : (window.console.log(t.getShaderInfoLog(n)), null) }, e.compileProgram = function (t, i) { var s =, n = e.CompileFragmentShader(s, i), r = e.CompileVertexShader(s, t), o = s.createProgram(); return s.attachShader(o, r), s.attachShader(o, n), s.linkProgram(o), s.getProgramParameter(o, s.LINK_STATUS) || window.console.log("Could not initialise shaders"), o }, e.BitmapText = function (t, i) {, this.setText(t), this.setStyle(i), this.updateText(), this.dirty = !1 }, e.BitmapText.prototype = Object.create(e.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype), e.BitmapText.prototype.constructor = e.BitmapText, e.BitmapText.prototype.setText = function (t) { this.text = t || " ", this.dirty = !0 }, e.BitmapText.prototype.setStyle = function (t) { t = t || {}, t.align = t.align || "left", = t; var i = t.font.split(" "); this.fontName = i[i.length - 1], this.fontSize = i.length >= 2 ? parseInt(i[i.length - 2], 10) : e.BitmapText.fonts[this.fontName].size, this.dirty = !0 }, e.BitmapText.prototype.updateText = function () { for (var t = e.BitmapText.fonts[this.fontName], i = new e.Point, s = null, n = [], r = 0, o = [], a = 0, h = this.fontSize / t.size, l = 0; l < this.text.length; l++) { var c = this.text.charCodeAt(l); if (/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/.test(this.text.charAt(l))) o.push(i.x), r = Math.max(r, i.x), a++, i.x = 0, i.y += t.lineHeight, s = null; else { var u = t.chars[c]; u && (s && u[s] && (i.x += u.kerning[s]), n.push({ texture: u.texture, line: a, charCode: c, position: new e.Point(i.x + u.xOffset, i.y + u.yOffset) }), i.x += u.xAdvance, s = c) } } o.push(i.x), r = Math.max(r, i.x); var d = []; for (l = 0; a >= l; l++) { var p = 0; "right" === ? p = r - o[l] : "center" === && (p = (r - o[l]) / 2), d.push(p) } for (l = 0; l < n.length; l++) { var f = new e.Sprite(n[l].texture); f.position.x = (n[l].position.x + d[n[l].line]) * h, f.position.y = n[l].position.y * h, f.scale.x = f.scale.y = h, this.addChild(f) } this.width = r * h, this.height = (i.y + t.lineHeight) * h }, e.BitmapText.prototype.updateTransform = function () { if (this.dirty) { for (; this.children.length > 0;)this.removeChild(this.getChildAt(0)); this.updateText(), this.dirty = !1 } }, e.BitmapText.fonts = {}, e.Text = function (t, i) { this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"), this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d"),, e.Texture.fromCanvas(this.canvas)), this.setText(t), this.setStyle(i), this.updateText(), this.dirty = !1 }, e.Text.prototype = Object.create(e.Sprite.prototype), e.Text.prototype.constructor = e.Text, e.Text.prototype.setStyle = function (t) { t = t || {}, t.font = t.font || "bold 20pt Arial", t.fill = t.fill || "black", t.align = t.align || "left", t.stroke = t.stroke || "black", t.strokeThickness = t.strokeThickness || 0, t.wordWrap = t.wordWrap || !1, t.wordWrapWidth = t.wordWrapWidth || 100, = t, this.dirty = !0 }, e.Text.prototype.setText = function (t) { this.text = t.toString() || " ", this.dirty = !0 }, e.Text.prototype.updateText = function () { this.context.font =; var t = this.text; && (t = this.wordWrap(this.text)); for (var i = t.split(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/), s = [], n = 0, r = 0; r < i.length; r++) { var o = this.context.measureText(i[r]).width; s[r] = o, n = Math.max(n, o) } this.canvas.width = n +; var a = this.determineFontHeight("font: " + + ";") +; for (this.canvas.height = a * i.length, this.context.fillStyle =, this.context.font =, this.context.strokeStyle =, this.context.lineWidth =, this.context.textBaseline = "top", r = 0; r < i.length; r++) { var h = new e.Point( / 2, / 2 + r * a); "right" === ? h.x += n - s[r] : "center" === && (h.x += (n - s[r]) / 2), && && this.context.strokeText(i[r], h.x, h.y), && this.context.fillText(i[r], h.x, h.y) } this.updateTexture() }, e.Text.prototype.updateTexture = function () { this.texture.baseTexture.width = this.canvas.width, this.texture.baseTexture.height = this.canvas.height, this.texture.frame.width = this.canvas.width, this.texture.frame.height = this.canvas.height, this._width = this.canvas.width, this._height = this.canvas.height, e.texturesToUpdate.push(this.texture.baseTexture) }, e.Text.prototype.updateTransform = function () { this.dirty && (this.updateText(), this.dirty = !1), }, e.Text.prototype.determineFontHeight = function (t) { var i = e.Text.heightCache[t]; if (!i) { var s = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], n = document.createElement("div"), r = document.createTextNode("M"); n.appendChild(r), n.setAttribute("style", t + ";position:absolute;top:0;left:0"), s.appendChild(n), i = n.offsetHeight, e.Text.heightCache[t] = i, s.removeChild(n) } return i }, e.Text.prototype.wordWrap = function (t) { for (var e = "", i = t.split("\n"), s = 0; s < i.length; s++) { for (var n =, r = i[s].split(" "), o = 0; o < r.length; o++) { var a = this.context.measureText(r[o]).width, h = a + this.context.measureText(" ").width; h > n ? (o > 0 && (e += "\n"), e += r[o] + " ", n = - a) : (n -= h, e += r[o] + " ") } e += "\n" } return e }, e.Text.prototype.destroy = function (t) { t && this.texture.destroy() }, e.Text.heightCache = {}, e.BaseTextureCache = {}, e.texturesToUpdate = [], e.texturesToDestroy = [], e.BaseTexture = function (t, i) { if (, this.width = 100, this.height = 100, this.scaleMode = i || e.BaseTexture.SCALE_MODE.DEFAULT, this.hasLoaded = !1, this.source = t, t) { if (this.source instanceof Image || this.source instanceof HTMLImageElement) if (this.source.complete) this.hasLoaded = !0, this.width = this.source.width, this.height = this.source.height, e.texturesToUpdate.push(this); else { var s = this; this.source.onload = function () { s.hasLoaded = !0, s.width = s.source.width, s.height = s.source.height, e.texturesToUpdate.push(s), s.dispatchEvent({ type: "loaded", content: s }) } } else this.hasLoaded = !0, this.width = this.source.width, this.height = this.source.height, e.texturesToUpdate.push(this); this.imageUrl = null, this._powerOf2 = !1 } }, e.BaseTexture.prototype.constructor = e.BaseTexture, e.BaseTexture.prototype.destroy = function () { this.source instanceof Image && (this.imageUrl in e.BaseTextureCache && delete e.BaseTextureCache[this.imageUrl], this.imageUrl = null, this.source.src = null), this.source = null, e.texturesToDestroy.push(this) }, e.BaseTexture.prototype.updateSourceImage = function (t) { this.hasLoaded = !1, this.source.src = null, this.source.src = t }, e.BaseTexture.fromImage = function (t, i, s) { var n = e.BaseTextureCache[t]; if (!n) { var r = new Image; i && (r.crossOrigin = ""), r.src = t, n = new e.BaseTexture(r, s), n.imageUrl = t, e.BaseTextureCache[t] = n } return n }, e.BaseTexture.SCALE_MODE = { DEFAULT: 0, LINEAR: 0, NEAREST: 1 }, e.TextureCache = {}, e.FrameCache = {}, e.Texture = function (t, i) { if (, i || (this.noFrame = !0, i = new e.Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1)), t instanceof e.Texture && (t = t.baseTexture), this.baseTexture = t, this.frame = i, this.trim = new e.Point, this.scope = this, t.hasLoaded) this.noFrame && (i = new e.Rectangle(0, 0, t.width, t.height)), this.setFrame(i); else { var s = this; t.addEventListener("loaded", function () { s.onBaseTextureLoaded() }) } }, e.Texture.prototype.constructor = e.Texture, e.Texture.prototype.onBaseTextureLoaded = function () { var t = this.baseTexture; t.removeEventListener("loaded", this.onLoaded), this.noFrame && (this.frame = new e.Rectangle(0, 0, t.width, t.height)), this.noFrame = !1, this.width = this.frame.width, this.height = this.frame.height, this.scope.dispatchEvent({ type: "update", content: this }) }, e.Texture.prototype.destroy = function (t) { t && this.baseTexture.destroy() }, e.Texture.prototype.setFrame = function (t) { if (this.frame = t, this.width = t.width, this.height = t.height, t.x + t.width > this.baseTexture.width || t.y + t.height > this.baseTexture.height) throw new Error("Texture Error: frame does not fit inside the base Texture dimensions " + this); this.updateFrame = !0, e.Texture.frameUpdates.push(this) }, e.Texture.fromImage = function (t, i, s) { var n = e.TextureCache[t]; return n || (n = new e.Texture(e.BaseTexture.fromImage(t, i, s)), e.TextureCache[t] = n), n }, e.Texture.fromFrame = function (t) { var i = e.TextureCache[t]; if (!i) throw new Error('The frameId "' + t + '" does not exist in the texture cache ' + this); return i }, e.Texture.fromCanvas = function (t, i) { var s = new e.BaseTexture(t, i); return new e.Texture(s) }, e.Texture.addTextureToCache = function (t, i) { e.TextureCache[i] = t }, e.Texture.removeTextureFromCache = function (t) { var i = e.TextureCache[t]; return e.TextureCache[t] = null, i }, e.Texture.frameUpdates = [], e.Texture.SCALE_MODE = e.BaseTexture.SCALE_MODE, e.RenderTexture = function (t, i) {, this.width = t || 100, this.height = i || 100, this.indetityMatrix = e.mat3.create(), this.frame = new e.Rectangle(0, 0, this.width, this.height), ? this.initWebGL() : this.initCanvas() }, e.RenderTexture.prototype = Object.create(e.Texture.prototype), e.RenderTexture.prototype.constructor = e.RenderTexture, e.RenderTexture.prototype.initWebGL = function () { var t =; this.glFramebuffer = t.createFramebuffer(), t.bindFramebuffer(t.FRAMEBUFFER, this.glFramebuffer), this.glFramebuffer.width = this.width, this.glFramebuffer.height = this.height, this.baseTexture = new e.BaseTexture, this.baseTexture.width = this.width, this.baseTexture.height = this.height, this.baseTexture._glTexture = t.createTexture(), t.bindTexture(t.TEXTURE_2D, this.baseTexture._glTexture), t.texImage2D(t.TEXTURE_2D, 0, t.RGBA, this.width, this.height, 0, t.RGBA, t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, t.LINEAR), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, t.LINEAR), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, t.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, t.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), this.baseTexture.isRender = !0, t.bindFramebuffer(t.FRAMEBUFFER, this.glFramebuffer), t.framebufferTexture2D(t.FRAMEBUFFER, t.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, t.TEXTURE_2D, this.baseTexture._glTexture, 0), this.projection = new e.Point(this.width / 2, -this.height / 2), this.render = this.renderWebGL }, e.RenderTexture.prototype.resize = function (t, i) { if (this.width = t, this.height = i, { this.projection.x = this.width / 2, this.projection.y = -this.height / 2; var s =; s.bindTexture(s.TEXTURE_2D, this.baseTexture._glTexture), s.texImage2D(s.TEXTURE_2D, 0, s.RGBA, this.width, this.height, 0, s.RGBA, s.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null) } else this.frame.width = this.width, this.frame.height = this.height, this.renderer.resize(this.width, this.height) }, e.RenderTexture.prototype.initCanvas = function () { this.renderer = new e.CanvasRenderer(this.width, this.height, null, 0), this.baseTexture = new e.BaseTexture(this.renderer.view), this.frame = new e.Rectangle(0, 0, this.width, this.height), this.render = this.renderCanvas }, e.RenderTexture.prototype.renderWebGL = function (t, i, s) { var n =; n.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, !0), n.viewport(0, 0, this.width, this.height), n.bindFramebuffer(n.FRAMEBUFFER, this.glFramebuffer), s && (n.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0), n.clear(n.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)); var r = t.children, o = t.worldTransform; t.worldTransform = e.mat3.create(), t.worldTransform[4] = -1, t.worldTransform[5] = -2 * this.projection.y, i && (t.worldTransform[2] = i.x, t.worldTransform[5] -= i.y), e.visibleCount++, t.vcount = e.visibleCount; for (var a = 0, h = r.length; h > a; a++)r[a].updateTransform(); var l = t.__renderGroup; l ? t === l.root ? l.render(this.projection, this.glFramebuffer) : l.renderSpecific(t, this.projection, this.glFramebuffer) : (this.renderGroup || (this.renderGroup = new e.WebGLRenderGroup(n)), this.renderGroup.setRenderable(t), this.renderGroup.render(this.projection, this.glFramebuffer)), t.worldTransform = o }, e.RenderTexture.prototype.renderCanvas = function (t, i, s) { var n = t.children; t.worldTransform = e.mat3.create(), i && (t.worldTransform[2] = i.x, t.worldTransform[5] = i.y); for (var r = 0, o = n.length; o > r; r++)n[r].updateTransform(); s && this.renderer.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height), this.renderer.renderDisplayObject(t), this.renderer.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) }, e.EventTarget = function () { var t = {}; this.addEventListener = this.on = function (e, i) { void 0 === t[e] && (t[e] = []), -1 === t[e].indexOf(i) && t[e].push(i) }, this.dispatchEvent = this.emit = function (e) { if (t[e.type] && t[e.type].length) for (var i = 0, s = t[e.type].length; s > i; i++)t[e.type][i](e) }, this.removeEventListener = = function (e, i) { var s = t[e].indexOf(i); -1 !== s && t[e].splice(s, 1) }, this.removeAllEventListeners = function (e) { var i = t[e]; i && (i.length = 0) } }, e.PolyK = {}, e.PolyK.Triangulate = function (t) { var i = !0, s = t.length >> 1; if (3 > s) return []; for (var n = [], r = [], o = 0; s > o; o++)r.push(o); o = 0; for (var a = s; a > 3;) { var h = r[(o + 0) % a], l = r[(o + 1) % a], c = r[(o + 2) % a], u = t[2 * h], d = t[2 * h + 1], p = t[2 * l], f = t[2 * l + 1], g = t[2 * c], m = t[2 * c + 1], y = !1; if (e.PolyK._convex(u, d, p, f, g, m, i)) { y = !0; for (var _ = 0; a > _; _++) { var x = r[_]; if (x !== h && x !== l && x !== c && e.PolyK._PointInTriangle(t[2 * x], t[2 * x + 1], u, d, p, f, g, m)) { y = !1; break } } } if (y) n.push(h, l, c), r.splice((o + 1) % a, 1), a--, o = 0; else if (o++ > 3 * a) { if (!i) return window.console.log("PIXI Warning: shape too complex to fill"), []; for (n = [], r = [], o = 0; s > o; o++)r.push(o); o = 0, a = s, i = !1 } } return n.push(r[0], r[1], r[2]), n }, e.PolyK._PointInTriangle = function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o, a) { var h = o - i, l = a - s, c = n - i, u = r - s, d = t - i, p = e - s, f = h * h + l * l, g = h * c + l * u, m = h * d + l * p, y = c * c + u * u, _ = c * d + u * p, x = 1 / (f * y - g * g), v = (y * m - g * _) * x, b = (f * _ - g * m) * x; return v >= 0 && b >= 0 && 1 > v + b }, e.PolyK._convex = function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o) { return (e - s) * (n - i) + (i - t) * (r - s) >= 0 === o }, i.Camera = function (t, e, s, n, r, o) { = t, =, = 0, this.view = new i.Rectangle(s, n, r, o), this.screenView = new i.Rectangle(s, n, r, o), this.bounds = new i.Rectangle(s, n, r, o), this.deadzone = null, this.visible = !0, this.atLimit = { x: !1, y: !1 }, = null, this._edge = 0, this.displayObject = null }, i.Camera.FOLLOW_LOCKON = 0, i.Camera.FOLLOW_PLATFORMER = 1, i.Camera.FOLLOW_TOPDOWN = 2, i.Camera.FOLLOW_TOPDOWN_TIGHT = 3, i.Camera.prototype = { follow: function (t, e) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = i.Camera.FOLLOW_LOCKON), = t; var s; switch (e) { case i.Camera.FOLLOW_PLATFORMER: var n = this.width / 8, r = this.height / 3; this.deadzone = new i.Rectangle((this.width - n) / 2, (this.height - r) / 2 - .25 * r, n, r); break; case i.Camera.FOLLOW_TOPDOWN: s = Math.max(this.width, this.height) / 4, this.deadzone = new i.Rectangle((this.width - s) / 2, (this.height - s) / 2, s, s); break; case i.Camera.FOLLOW_TOPDOWN_TIGHT: s = Math.max(this.width, this.height) / 8, this.deadzone = new i.Rectangle((this.width - s) / 2, (this.height - s) / 2, s, s); break; case i.Camera.FOLLOW_LOCKON: this.deadzone = null; break; default: this.deadzone = null } }, focusOn: function (t) { this.setPosition(Math.round(t.x - this.view.halfWidth), Math.round(t.y - this.view.halfHeight)) }, focusOnXY: function (t, e) { this.setPosition(Math.round(t - this.view.halfWidth), Math.round(e - this.view.halfHeight)) }, update: function () { && this.updateTarget(), this.bounds && this.checkBounds(), this.displayObject.position.x = -this.view.x, this.displayObject.position.y = -this.view.y }, updateTarget: function () { this.deadzone ? (this._edge = - this.deadzone.x, this.view.x > this._edge && (this.view.x = this._edge), this._edge = + - this.deadzone.x - this.deadzone.width, this.view.x < this._edge && (this.view.x = this._edge), this._edge = - this.deadzone.y, this.view.y > this._edge && (this.view.y = this._edge), this._edge = + - this.deadzone.y - this.deadzone.height, this.view.y < this._edge && (this.view.y = this._edge)) : this.focusOnXY(, }, setBoundsToWorld: function () { this.bounds.setTo(,,, }, checkBounds: function () { this.atLimit.x = !1, this.atLimit.y = !1, this.view.x < this.bounds.x && (this.atLimit.x = !0, this.view.x = this.bounds.x), this.view.right > this.bounds.right && (this.atLimit.x = !0, this.view.x = this.bounds.right - this.width), this.view.y < && (this.atLimit.y = !0, this.view.y =, this.view.bottom > this.bounds.bottom && (this.atLimit.y = !0, this.view.y = this.bounds.bottom - this.height), this.view.floor() }, setPosition: function (t, e) { this.view.x = t, this.view.y = e, this.bounds && this.checkBounds() }, setSize: function (t, e) { this.view.width = t, this.view.height = e } }, i.Camera.prototype.constructor = i.Camera, Object.defineProperty(i.Camera.prototype, "x", { get: function () { return this.view.x }, set: function (t) { this.view.x = t, this.bounds && this.checkBounds() } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Camera.prototype, "y", { get: function () { return this.view.y }, set: function (t) { this.view.y = t, this.bounds && this.checkBounds() } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Camera.prototype, "width", { get: function () { return this.view.width }, set: function (t) { this.view.width = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Camera.prototype, "height", { get: function () { return this.view.height }, set: function (t) { this.view.height = t } }), i.State = function () { = null, this.add = null, = null, this.cache = null, this.input = null, this.load = null, this.math = null, this.sound = null, this.stage = null, this.time = null, this.tweens = null, = null, this.particles = null, this.physics = null }, i.State.prototype = { preload: function () { }, loadUpdate: function () { }, loadRender: function () { }, create: function () { }, update: function () { }, render: function () { }, paused: function () { }, destroy: function () { } }, i.State.prototype.constructor = i.State, i.StateManager = function (t, e) { = t, this.states = {}, this._pendingState = null, "undefined" != typeof e && null !== e && (this._pendingState = e), this._created = !1, this.current = "", this.onInitCallback = null, this.onPreloadCallback = null, this.onCreateCallback = null, this.onUpdateCallback = null, this.onRenderCallback = null, this.onPreRenderCallback = null, this.onLoadUpdateCallback = null, this.onLoadRenderCallback = null, this.onPausedCallback = null, this.onShutDownCallback = null }, i.StateManager.prototype = { boot: function () {, this),, this), null !== this._pendingState && ("string" == typeof this._pendingState ? this.start(this._pendingState, !1, !1) : this.add("default", this._pendingState, !0)) }, add: function (t, e, s) { "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !1); var n; return e instanceof i.State ? n = e : "object" == typeof e ? (n = e, = : "function" == typeof e && (n = new e(, this.states[t] = n, s && ( ? this.start(t) : this._pendingState = t), n }, remove: function (t) { this.current == t && (this.callbackContext = null, this.onInitCallback = null, this.onShutDownCallback = null, this.onPreloadCallback = null, this.onLoadRenderCallback = null, this.onLoadUpdateCallback = null, this.onCreateCallback = null, this.onUpdateCallback = null, this.onRenderCallback = null, this.onPausedCallback = null, this.onDestroyCallback = null), delete this.states[t] }, start: function (t, e, i) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = !0), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !1), === !1 ? void (this._pendingState = t) : void (this.checkState(t) !== !1 && (this.current &&,, e && (,, i === !0 &&, this.setCurrentState(t), this.onPreloadCallback ? (,,, 0 === ? : : }, dummy: function () { }, checkState: function (t) { if (this.states[t]) { var e = !1; return this.states[t].preload && (e = !0), e === !1 && this.states[t].loadRender && (e = !0), e === !1 && this.states[t].loadUpdate && (e = !0), e === !1 && this.states[t].create && (e = !0), e === !1 && this.states[t].update && (e = !0), e === !1 && this.states[t].preRender && (e = !0), e === !1 && this.states[t].render && (e = !0), e === !1 && this.states[t].paused && (e = !0), e === !1 ? (console.warn("Invalid Phaser State object given. Must contain at least a one of the required functions."), !1) : !0 } return console.warn("Phaser.StateManager - No state found with the key: " + t), !1 }, link: function (t) { this.states[t].game =, this.states[t].add =, this.states[t].camera =, this.states[t].cache =, this.states[t].input =, this.states[t].load =, this.states[t].math =, this.states[t].sound =, this.states[t].stage =, this.states[t].time =, this.states[t].tweens =, this.states[t].world =, this.states[t].particles =, this.states[t].physics =, this.states[t].rnd = }, setCurrentState: function (t) { this.callbackContext = this.states[t],, this.onInitCallback = this.states[t].init || this.dummy, this.onPreloadCallback = this.states[t].preload || null, this.onLoadRenderCallback = this.states[t].loadRender || null, this.onLoadUpdateCallback = this.states[t].loadUpdate || null, this.onCreateCallback = this.states[t].create || null, this.onUpdateCallback = this.states[t].update || null, this.onPreRenderCallback = this.states[t].preRender || null, this.onRenderCallback = this.states[t].render || null, this.onPausedCallback = this.states[t].paused || null, this.onShutDownCallback = this.states[t].shutdown || this.dummy, this.current = t, this._created = !1,, }, getCurrentState: function () { return this.states[this.current] }, loadComplete: function () { this._created === !1 && this.onCreateCallback ? (this._created = !0,, : this._created = !0 }, pause: function () { this._created && this.onPausedCallback &&,, !0) }, resume: function () { this._created && this.onre &&,, !1) }, update: function () { this._created && this.onUpdateCallback ?, : this.onLoadUpdateCallback &&, }, preRender: function () { this.onPreRenderCallback &&, }, render: function () { this._created && this.onRenderCallback ? ( === i.CANVAS && (,, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)),,, === i.CANVAS && : this.onLoadRenderCallback &&, }, destroy: function () { this.callbackContext = null, this.onInitCallback = null, this.onShutDownCallback = null, this.onPreloadCallback = null, this.onLoadRenderCallback = null, this.onLoadUpdateCallback = null, this.onCreateCallback = null, this.onUpdateCallback = null, this.onRenderCallback = null, this.onPausedCallback = null, this.onDestroyCallback = null, = null, this.states = {}, this._pendingState = null } }, i.StateManager.prototype.constructor = i.StateManager, i.LinkedList = function () { = null, this.prev = null, this.first = null, this.last = null, = 0 }, i.LinkedList.prototype = { add: function (t) { return 0 === && null == this.first && null == this.last ? (this.first = t, this.last = t, = t, t.prev = this,, t) : ( = t, t.prev = this.last, this.last = t,, t) }, remove: function (t) { t == this.first ? this.first = : t == this.last && (this.last = this.last.prev), t.prev && ( =, && ( = t.prev), = t.prev = null, null == this.first && (this.last = null), }, callAll: function (t) { if (this.first && this.last) { var e = this.first; do e && e[t] && e[t].call(e), e =; while (e != } } }, i.LinkedList.prototype.constructor = i.LinkedList, i.Signal = function () { this._bindings = [], this._prevParams = null; var t = this; this.dispatch = function () { i.Signal.prototype.dispatch.apply(t, arguments) } }, i.Signal.prototype = { memorize: !1, _shouldPropagate: !0, active: !0, validateListener: function (t, e) { if ("function" != typeof t) throw new Error("listener is a required param of {fn}() and should be a Function.".replace("{fn}", e)) }, _registerListener: function (t, e, s, n) { var r, o = this._indexOfListener(t, s); if (-1 !== o) { if (r = this._bindings[o], r.isOnce() !== e) throw new Error("You cannot add" + (e ? "" : "Once") + "() then add" + (e ? "Once" : "") + "() the same listener without removing the relationship first.") } else r = new i.SignalBinding(this, t, e, s, n), this._addBinding(r); return this.memorize && this._prevParams && r.execute(this._prevParams), r }, _addBinding: function (t) { var e = this._bindings.length; do --e; while (this._bindings[e] && t._priority <= this._bindings[e]._priority); this._bindings.splice(e + 1, 0, t) }, _indexOfListener: function (t, e) { for (var i, s = this._bindings.length; s--;)if (i = this._bindings[s], i._listener === t && i.context === e) return s; return -1 }, has: function (t, e) { return -1 !== this._indexOfListener(t, e) }, add: function (t, e, i) { return this.validateListener(t, "add"), this._registerListener(t, !1, e, i) }, addOnce: function (t, e, i) { return this.validateListener(t, "addOnce"), this._registerListener(t, !0, e, i) }, remove: function (t, e) { this.validateListener(t, "remove"); var i = this._indexOfListener(t, e); return -1 !== i && (this._bindings[i]._destroy(), this._bindings.splice(i, 1)), t }, removeAll: function () { for (var t = this._bindings.length; t--;)this._bindings[t]._destroy(); this._bindings.length = 0 }, getNumListeners: function () { return this._bindings.length }, halt: function () { this._shouldPropagate = !1 }, dispatch: function () { if ( { var t, e =, i = this._bindings.length; if (this.memorize && (this._prevParams = e), i) { t = this._bindings.slice(), this._shouldPropagate = !0; do i--; while (t[i] && this._shouldPropagate && t[i].execute(e) !== !1) } } }, forget: function () { this._prevParams = null }, dispose: function () { this.removeAll(), delete this._bindings, delete this._prevParams }, toString: function () { return "[Phaser.Signal active:" + + " numListeners:" + this.getNumListeners() + "]" } }, i.Signal.prototype.constructor = i.Signal, i.SignalBinding = function (t, e, i, s, n) { this._listener = e, this._isOnce = i, this.context = s, this._signal = t, this._priority = n || 0 }, i.SignalBinding.prototype = { active: !0, params: null, execute: function (t) { var e, i; return && this._listener && (i = this.params ? this.params.concat(t) : t, e = this._listener.apply(this.context, i), this._isOnce && this.detach()), e }, detach: function () { return this.isBound() ? this._signal.remove(this._listener, this.context) : null }, isBound: function () { return !!this._signal && !!this._listener }, isOnce: function () { return this._isOnce }, getListener: function () { return this._listener }, getSignal: function () { return this._signal }, _destroy: function () { delete this._signal, delete this._listener, delete this.context }, toString: function () { return "[Phaser.SignalBinding isOnce:" + this._isOnce + ", isBound:" + this.isBound() + ", active:" + + "]" } }, i.SignalBinding.prototype.constructor = i.SignalBinding, i.Filter = function (t, e, s) { = t, this.type = i.WEBGL_FILTER, this.passes = [this], this.dirty = !0, this.padding = 0, this.uniforms = { time: { type: "1f", value: 0 }, resolution: { type: "2f", value: { x: 256, y: 256 } }, mouse: { type: "2f", value: { x: 0, y: 0 } } }, this.fragmentSrc = s || [] }, i.Filter.prototype = { init: function () { }, setResolution: function (t, e) { this.uniforms.resolution.value.x = t, this.uniforms.resolution.value.y = e }, update: function (t) { "undefined" != typeof t && (t.x > 0 && (this.uniforms.mouse.x = t.x.toFixed(2)), t.y > 0 && (this.uniforms.mouse.y = t.y.toFixed(2))), this.uniforms.time.value = }, destroy: function () { = null } }, i.Filter.prototype.constructor = i.Filter, Object.defineProperty(i.Filter.prototype, "width", { get: function () { return this.uniforms.resolution.value.x }, set: function (t) { this.uniforms.resolution.value.x = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Filter.prototype, "height", { get: function () { return this.uniforms.resolution.value.y }, set: function (t) { this.uniforms.resolution.value.y = t } }), i.Plugin = function (t, e) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = null), = t, this.parent = e, = !1, this.visible = !1, this.hasPreUpdate = !1, this.hasUpdate = !1, this.hasPostUpdate = !1, this.hasRender = !1, this.hasPostRender = !1 }, i.Plugin.prototype = { preUpdate: function () { }, update: function () { }, render: function () { }, postRender: function () { }, destroy: function () { = null, this.parent = null, = !1, this.visible = !1 } }, i.Plugin.prototype.constructor = i.Plugin, i.PluginManager = function (t, e) { = t, this._parent = e, this.plugins = [], this._pluginsLength = 0 }, i.PluginManager.prototype = {
        add: function (t) { var e = !1; return "function" == typeof t ? t = new t(, this._parent) : ( =, t.parent = this._parent), "function" == typeof t.preUpdate && (t.hasPreUpdate = !0, e = !0), "function" == typeof t.update && (t.hasUpdate = !0, e = !0), "function" == typeof t.postUpdate && (t.hasPostUpdate = !0, e = !0), "function" == typeof t.render && (t.hasRender = !0, e = !0), "function" == typeof t.postRender && (t.hasPostRender = !0, e = !0), e ? ((t.hasPreUpdate || t.hasUpdate || t.hasPostUpdate) && ( = !0), (t.hasRender || t.hasPostRender) && (t.visible = !0), this._pluginsLength = this.plugins.push(t), "function" == typeof t.init && t.init(), t) : null }, remove: function (t) { if (0 !== this._pluginsLength) for (this._p = 0; this._p < this._pluginsLength; this._p++)if (this.plugins[this._p] === t) return t.destroy(), this.plugins.splice(this._p, 1), void this._pluginsLength-- }, removeAll: function () { for (this._p = 0; this._p < this._pluginsLength; this._p++)this.plugins[this._p].destroy(); this.plugins.length = 0, this._pluginsLength = 0 }, preUpdate: function () { if (0 !== this._pluginsLength) for (this._p = 0; this._p < this._pluginsLength; this._p++)this.plugins[this._p].active && this.plugins[this._p].hasPreUpdate && this.plugins[this._p].preUpdate() }, update: function () { if (0 !== this._pluginsLength) for (this._p = 0; this._p < this._pluginsLength; this._p++)this.plugins[this._p].active && this.plugins[this._p].hasUpdate && this.plugins[this._p].update() }, postUpdate: function () { if (0 !== this._pluginsLength) for (this._p = 0; this._p < this._pluginsLength; this._p++)this.plugins[this._p].active && this.plugins[this._p].hasPostUpdate && this.plugins[this._p].postUpdate() }, render: function () { if (0 !== this._pluginsLength) for (this._p = 0; this._p < this._pluginsLength; this._p++)this.plugins[this._p].visible && this.plugins[this._p].hasRender && this.plugins[this._p].render() }, postRender: function () {
            if (0 !== this._pluginsLength) for (this._p = 0; this._p < this._pluginsLength; this._p++)this.plugins[this._p].visible && this.plugins[this._p].hasPostRender && this.plugins[this._p].postRender()
        }, destroy: function () { this.plugins.length = 0, this._pluginsLength = 0, = null, this._parent = null }
    }, i.PluginManager.prototype.constructor = i.PluginManager, i.Stage = function (t, s, n) { = t, this._backgroundColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", this.offset = new i.Point, this.canvas = null, this._stage = new e.Stage(0, !1), = "_stage_root", this._stage.interactive = !1, this.display = this._stage, this.scaleMode = i.StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE, this.fullScreenScaleMode = i.StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE, this.scale = new i.StageScaleMode(, s, n), this.aspectRatio = s / n, this.disableVisibilityChange = !1, this._nextOffsetCheck = 0, this.checkOffsetInterval = 2500, t.config ? this.parseConfig(t.config) : (this.canvas = i.Canvas.create(s, n),["-webkit-full-screen"] = "width: 100%; height: 100%") }, i.Stage.prototype = { parseConfig: function (t) { this.canvas = t.canvasID ? i.Canvas.create(,, t.canvasID) : i.Canvas.create(,, t.canvasStyle ? this.canvas.stlye = t.canvasStyle :["-webkit-full-screen"] = "width: 100%; height: 100%", t.checkOffsetInterval && (this.checkOffsetInterval = t.checkOffsetInterval), t.disableVisibilityChange && (this.disableVisibilityChange = t.disableVisibilityChange), t.fullScreenScaleMode && (this.fullScreenScaleMode = t.fullScreenScaleMode), t.scaleMode && (this.scaleMode = t.scaleMode), t.backgroundColor && (this.backgroundColor = t.backgroundColor) }, boot: function () { i.Canvas.getOffset(this.canvas, this.offset), this.bounds = new i.Rectangle(this.offset.x, this.offset.y,,; var t = this; this._onChange = function (e) { return t.visibilityChange(e) }, i.Canvas.setUserSelect(this.canvas, "none"), i.Canvas.setTouchAction(this.canvas, "none"), this.backgroundColor = "#000", document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", this._onChange, !1), document.addEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange", this._onChange, !1), document.addEventListener("pagehide", this._onChange, !1), document.addEventListener("pageshow", this._onChange, !1), window.onblur = this._onChange, window.onfocus = this._onChange }, update: function () { this.checkOffsetInterval !== !1 && > this._nextOffsetCheck && (i.Canvas.getOffset(this.canvas, this.offset), this._nextOffsetCheck = + this.checkOffsetInterval) }, visibilityChange: function (t) { this.disableVisibilityChange || ( = !== !1 || "pagehide" != t.type && "blur" != t.type && document.hidden !== !0 && document.webkitHidden !== !0 ? !1 : !0) } }, i.Stage.prototype.constructor = i.Stage, Object.defineProperty(i.Stage.prototype, "backgroundColor", { get: function () { return this._backgroundColor }, set: function (t) { this._backgroundColor = t, === !1 && ( == i.CANVAS ? = t : ("string" == typeof t && (t = i.Color.hexToRGB(t)), this._stage.setBackgroundColor(t))) } }), i.Group = function (t, s, n, r) { = t, "undefined" == typeof s && (s =, = n || "group", "undefined" == typeof r && (r = !1), r ? this._container = : (this._container = new e.DisplayObjectContainer, =, s ? s instanceof i.Group ? s._container.addChild(this._container) : (s.addChild(this._container), s.updateTransform()) : (,, this.type = i.GROUP, this.alive = !0, this.exists = !0, = null, this._container.scale = new i.Point(1, 1), this.scale = this._container.scale, this.pivot = this._container.pivot, this.cursor = null }, i.Group.RETURN_NONE = 0, i.Group.RETURN_TOTAL = 1, i.Group.RETURN_CHILD = 2, i.Group.SORT_ASCENDING = -1, i.Group.SORT_DESCENDING = 1, i.Group.prototype = { add: function (t) { return !== this && (t.type && t.type === i.GROUP ? ( = this, this._container.addChild(t._container), t._container.updateTransform()) : ( = this, this._container.addChild(t), t.updateTransform(), &&, this)), null === this.cursor && (this.cursor = t)), t }, addAt: function (t, e) { return !== this && (t.type && t.type === i.GROUP ? ( = this, this._container.addChildAt(t._container, e), t._container.updateTransform()) : ( = this, this._container.addChildAt(t, e), t.updateTransform(), &&, this)), null === this.cursor && (this.cursor = t)), t }, getAt: function (t) { return this._container.getChildAt(t) }, create: function (t, e, s, n, r) { "undefined" == typeof r && (r = !0); var o = new i.Sprite(, t, e, s, n); return = this, o.exists = r, o.visible = r, o.alive = r, this._container.addChild(o), o.updateTransform(), &&, this), null === this.cursor && (this.cursor = o), o }, createMultiple: function (t, e, s, n) { "undefined" == typeof n && (n = !1); for (var r = 0; t > r; r++) { var o = new i.Sprite(, 0, 0, e, s); = this, o.exists = n, o.visible = n, o.alive = n, this._container.addChild(o), o.updateTransform(), &&, this), null === this.cursor && (this.cursor = o) } }, next: function () { this.cursor && (this.cursor = this.cursor == this._container.last ? this._container._iNext : this.cursor._iNext) }, previous: function () { this.cursor && (this.cursor = this.cursor == this._container._iNext ? this._container.last : this.cursor._iPrev) }, childTest: function (t, e) { var i = t + " next: "; i += e._iNext ? : "-null-", i = i + " " + t + " prev: ", i += e._iPrev ? : "-null-", console.log(i) }, swapIndex: function (t, e) { var i = this.getAt(t), s = this.getAt(e); this.swap(i, s) }, swap: function (t, e) { if (t === e || !t.parent || !e.parent || !== this || !== this) return !1; var i = t._iPrev, s = t._iNext, n = e._iPrev, r = e._iNext, o = this._container.last._iNext, a =; do a !== t && a !== e && (a.first === t ? a.first = e : a.first === e && (a.first = t), a.last === t ? a.last = e : a.last === e && (a.last = t)), a = a._iNext; while (a != o); return t._iNext == e ? (t._iNext = r, t._iPrev = e, e._iNext = t, e._iPrev = i, i && (i._iNext = e), r && (r._iPrev = t), t.__renderGroup && t.__renderGroup.updateTexture(t), e.__renderGroup && e.__renderGroup.updateTexture(e), !0) : e._iNext == t ? (t._iNext = e, t._iPrev = n, e._iNext = s, e._iPrev = t, n && (n._iNext = t), s && (s._iPrev = e), t.__renderGroup && t.__renderGroup.updateTexture(t), e.__renderGroup && e.__renderGroup.updateTexture(e), !0) : (t._iNext = r, t._iPrev = n, e._iNext = s, e._iPrev = i, i && (i._iNext = e), s && (s._iPrev = e), n && (n._iNext = t), r && (r._iPrev = t), t.__renderGroup && t.__renderGroup.updateTexture(t), e.__renderGroup && e.__renderGroup.updateTexture(e), !0) }, bringToTop: function (t) { return === this && (this.remove(t), this.add(t)), t }, getIndex: function (t) { return this._container.children.indexOf(t) }, replace: function (t, e) { if (this._container.first._iNext) { var i = this.getIndex(t); -1 != i && (void 0 !== e.parent && (, this), e.parent.removeChild(e)), this._container.removeChild(t), this._container.addChildAt(e, i),, this), e.updateTransform(), this.cursor == t && (this.cursor = this._container._iNext)) } }, setProperty: function (t, e, i, s) { s = s || 0; var n = e.length; 1 == n ? 0 === s ? t[e[0]] = i : 1 == s ? t[e[0]] += i : 2 == s ? t[e[0]] -= i : 3 == s ? t[e[0]] *= i : 4 == s && (t[e[0]] /= i) : 2 == n ? 0 === s ? t[e[0]][e[1]] = i : 1 == s ? t[e[0]][e[1]] += i : 2 == s ? t[e[0]][e[1]] -= i : 3 == s ? t[e[0]][e[1]] *= i : 4 == s && (t[e[0]][e[1]] /= i) : 3 == n ? 0 === s ? t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]] = i : 1 == s ? t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]] += i : 2 == s ? t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]] -= i : 3 == s ? t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]] *= i : 4 == s && (t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]] /= i) : 4 == n && (0 === s ? t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]][e[3]] = i : 1 == s ? t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]][e[3]] += i : 2 == s ? t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]][e[3]] -= i : 3 == s ? t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]][e[3]] *= i : 4 == s && (t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]][e[3]] /= i)) }, set: function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { e = e.split("."), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !1), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = !1), (s === !1 || s && t.alive) && (n === !1 || n && t.visible) && this.setProperty(t, e, i, r) }, setAll: function (t, e, i, s, n) { if (t = t.split("."), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !1), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !1), n = n || 0, this._container.children.length > 0 && this._container.first._iNext) { var r = this._container.first._iNext; do (i === !1 || i && r.alive) && (s === !1 || s && r.visible) && this.setProperty(r, t, e, n), r = r._iNext; while (r != this._container.last._iNext) } }, addAll: function (t, e, i, s) { this.setAll(t, e, i, s, 1) }, subAll: function (t, e, i, s) { this.setAll(t, e, i, s, 2) }, multiplyAll: function (t, e, i, s) { this.setAll(t, e, i, s, 3) }, divideAll: function (t, e, i, s) { this.setAll(t, e, i, s, 4) }, callAllExists: function (t, e) { var i =, 2); if (this._container.children.length > 0 && this._container.first._iNext) { var s = this._container.first._iNext; do s.exists == e && s[t] && s[t].apply(s, i), s = s._iNext; while (s != this._container.last._iNext) } }, callbackFromArray: function (t, e, i) { if (1 == i) { if (t[e[0]]) return t[e[0]] } else if (2 == i) { if (t[e[0]][e[1]]) return t[e[0]][e[1]] } else if (3 == i) { if (t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]]) return t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]] } else if (4 == i) { if (t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]][e[3]]) return t[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]][e[3]] } else if (t[e]) return t[e]; return !1 }, callAll: function (t, e) { if ("undefined" != typeof t) { t = t.split("."); var i = t.length; if ("undefined" == typeof e) e = null; else if ("string" == typeof e) { e = e.split("."); var s = e.length } var n =, 2), r = null, o = null; if (this._container.children.length > 0 && this._container.first._iNext) { var a = this._container.first._iNext; do r = this.callbackFromArray(a, t, i), e && r ? (o = this.callbackFromArray(a, e, s), r && r.apply(o, n)) : r && r.apply(a, n), a = a._iNext; while (a != this._container.last._iNext) } } }, forEach: function (t, e, i) { "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !1); var s =, 3); if (s.unshift(null), this._container.children.length > 0 && this._container.first._iNext) { var n = this._container.first._iNext; do (i === !1 || i && n.exists) && (s[0] = n, t.apply(e, s)), n = n._iNext; while (n != this._container.last._iNext) } }, forEachExists: function (t, e) { var s =, 2); s.unshift(null), this.iterate("exists", !0, i.Group.RETURN_TOTAL, t, e, s) }, forEachAlive: function (t, e) { var s =, 2); s.unshift(null), this.iterate("alive", !0, i.Group.RETURN_TOTAL, t, e, s) }, forEachDead: function (t, e) { var s =, 2); s.unshift(null), this.iterate("alive", !1, i.Group.RETURN_TOTAL, t, e, s) }, sort: function (t, e) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = "y"), "undefined" == typeof e && (e = i.Group.SORT_ASCENDING); var s, n; do { s = !1; for (var r = 0, o = this._container.children.length - 1; o > r; r++)e == i.Group.SORT_ASCENDING ? this._container.children[r][t] > this._container.children[r + 1][t] && (this.swap(this.getAt(r), this.getAt(r + 1)), n = this._container.children[r], this._container.children[r] = this._container.children[r + 1], this._container.children[r + 1] = n, s = !0) : this._container.children[r][t] < this._container.children[r + 1][t] && (this.swap(this.getAt(r), this.getAt(r + 1)), n = this._container.children[r], this._container.children[r] = this._container.children[r + 1], this._container.children[r + 1] = n, s = !0) } while (s) }, iterate: function (t, e, s, n, r, o) { if (s === i.Group.RETURN_TOTAL && 0 === this._container.children.length) return 0; "undefined" == typeof n && (n = !1); var a = 0; if (this._container.children.length > 0 && this._container.first._iNext) { var h = this._container.first._iNext; do { if (h[t] === e && (a++, n && (o[0] = h, n.apply(r, o)), s === i.Group.RETURN_CHILD)) return h; h = h._iNext } while (h != this._container.last._iNext) } return s === i.Group.RETURN_TOTAL ? a : s === i.Group.RETURN_CHILD ? null : void 0 }, getFirstExists: function (t) { return "boolean" != typeof t && (t = !0), this.iterate("exists", t, i.Group.RETURN_CHILD) }, getFirstAlive: function () { return this.iterate("alive", !0, i.Group.RETURN_CHILD) }, getFirstDead: function () { return this.iterate("alive", !1, i.Group.RETURN_CHILD) }, countLiving: function () { return this.iterate("alive", !0, i.Group.RETURN_TOTAL) }, countDead: function () { return this.iterate("alive", !1, i.Group.RETURN_TOTAL) }, getRandom: function (t, e) { return 0 === this._container.children.length ? null : (t = t || 0, e = e || this._container.children.length,, t, e)) }, remove: function (t) { return !== this ? !1 : ( &&, this), t.parent === this._container && this._container.removeChild(t), this.cursor == t && (this.cursor = this._container._iNext ? this._container._iNext : null), = null, !0) }, removeAll: function () { if (0 !== this._container.children.length) { do this._container.children[0].events && this._container.children[0].events.onRemovedFromGroup.dispatch(this._container.children[0], this), this._container.removeChild(this._container.children[0]); while (this._container.children.length > 0); this.cursor = null } }, removeBetween: function (t, e) { if (0 !== this._container.children.length) { if (t > e || 0 > t || e > this._container.children.length) return !1; for (var i = t; e > i; i++) { var s = this._container.children[i];, this), this._container.removeChild(s), this.cursor == s && (this.cursor = this._container._iNext ? this._container._iNext : null) } } }, destroy: function (t) { if ("undefined" == typeof t && (t = !1), t) { if (this._container.children.length > 0) do this._container.children[0].group && this._container.children[0].destroy(); while (this._container.children.length > 0) } else this.removeAll(); this._container.parent.removeChild(this._container), this._container = null, = null, this.exists = !1, this.cursor = null }, validate: function () { var t =, e =, i = null, s = null, n = 0; do { if (n > 0) { if (e !== i) return console.log("check next fail"), !1; if (e._iPrev !== s) return console.log("check previous fail"), !1 } i = e._iNext, s = e, e = e._iNext, n++ } while (e != t); return !0 } }, i.Group.prototype.constructor = i.Group, Object.defineProperty(i.Group.prototype, "total", { get: function () { return this._container ? this.iterate("exists", !0, i.Group.RETURN_TOTAL) : 0 } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Group.prototype, "length", { get: function () { return this._container ? this._container.children.length : 0 } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Group.prototype, "x", { get: function () { return this._container.position.x }, set: function (t) { this._container.position.x = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Group.prototype, "y", { get: function () { return this._container.position.y }, set: function (t) { this._container.position.y = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Group.prototype, "angle", { get: function () { return i.Math.radToDeg(this._container.rotation) }, set: function (t) { this._container.rotation = i.Math.degToRad(t) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Group.prototype, "rotation", { get: function () { return this._container.rotation }, set: function (t) { this._container.rotation = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Group.prototype, "visible", { get: function () { return this._container.visible }, set: function (t) { this._container.visible = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Group.prototype, "alpha", { get: function () { return this._container.alpha }, set: function (t) { this._container.alpha = t } }), i.World = function (t) {, t, null, "__world", !1), this.bounds = new i.Rectangle(0, 0, t.width, t.height), = null, this.currentRenderOrderID = 0 }, i.World.prototype = Object.create(i.Group.prototype), i.World.prototype.constructor = i.World, i.World.prototype.boot = function () { = new i.Camera(, 0, 0, 0,,, = this._container, = }, i.World.prototype.preUpdate = function () { if ( { var t =; do t = t.preUpdate && !t.preUpdate() ? t.last._iNext : t._iNext; while (t != } }, i.World.prototype.update = function () { if (this.currentRenderOrderID = 0, { var t =; do t = t.update && !t.update() ? t.last._iNext : t._iNext; while (t != } }, i.World.prototype.postUpdate = function () { if ( && { if (,, { var t =; do t.postUpdate && t !== && t.postUpdate(), t = t._iNext; while (t != } } else if (, { var t =; do t.postUpdate && t.postUpdate(), t = t._iNext; while (t != } }, i.World.prototype.setBounds = function (t, e, i, s) { i < && (i =, s < && (s =, this.bounds.setTo(t, e, i, s), &&, e, i, s), }, i.World.prototype.destroy = function () { = 0, = 0,!0), this.removeAll() }, Object.defineProperty(i.World.prototype, "width", { get: function () { return this.bounds.width }, set: function (t) { this.bounds.width = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.World.prototype, "height", { get: function () { return this.bounds.height }, set: function (t) { this.bounds.height = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.World.prototype, "centerX", { get: function () { return this.bounds.halfWidth } }), Object.defineProperty(i.World.prototype, "centerY", { get: function () { return this.bounds.halfHeight } }), Object.defineProperty(i.World.prototype, "randomX", { get: function () { return this.bounds.x < 0 ?, this.bounds.width - Math.abs(this.bounds.x)) :, this.bounds.width) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.World.prototype, "randomY", { get: function () { return this.bounds.y < 0 ?, this.bounds.height - Math.abs(this.bounds.y)) :, this.bounds.height) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.World.prototype, "visible", { get: function () { return this._container.visible }, set: function (t) { this._container.visible = t } }), i.Game = function (t, e, s, n, r, o, a) { = i.GAMES.push(this) - 1, this.config = null, this.parent = "", this.width = 800, this.height = 600, this.transparent = !1, this.antialias = !0, this.renderer = i.AUTO, this.renderType = i.AUTO, this.state = null, this._paused = !1, this._loadComplete = !1, this.isBooted = !1, this.isRunning = !1, this.raf = null, this.add = null, this.cache = null, this.input = null, this.load = null, this.math = null, = null, this.sound = null, this.stage = null, this.time = null, this.tweens = null, = null, this.physics = null, this.rnd = null, this.device = null, = null, this.canvas = null, this.context = null, this.debug = null, this.particles = null, this.stepping = !1, this.pendingStep = !1, this.stepCount = 0, 1 === arguments.length && "object" == typeof arguments[0] ? this.parseConfig(arguments[0]) : ("undefined" != typeof t && (this.width = t), "undefined" != typeof e && (this.height = e), "undefined" != typeof s && (this.renderer = s, this.renderType = s), "undefined" != typeof n && (this.parent = n), "undefined" != typeof o && (this.transparent = o), "undefined" != typeof a && (this.antialias = a), this.state = new i.StateManager(this, r)); var h = this; return this._onBoot = function () { return h.boot() }, "complete" === document.readyState || "interactive" === document.readyState ? window.setTimeout(this._onBoot, 0) : (document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this._onBoot, !1), window.addEventListener("load", this._onBoot, !1)), this }, i.Game.prototype = { parseConfig: function (t) { this.config = t, t.width && (this.width = this.parseDimension(t.width, 0)), t.height && (this.height = this.parseDimension(t.height, 1)), t.renderer && (this.renderer = t.renderer, this.renderType = t.renderer), t.parent && (this.parent = t.parent), t.transparent && (this.transparent = t.transparent), t.antialias && (this.antialias = t.antialias); var e = null; t.state && (e = t.state), this.state = new i.StateManager(this, e) }, parseDimension: function (t, e) { var i = 0, s = 0; return "string" == typeof t ? "%" === t.substr(-1) ? (i = parseInt(t, 10) / 100, s = 0 === e ? window.innerWidth * i : window.innerHeight * i) : s = parseInt(t, 10) : s = t, s }, boot: function () { this.isBooted || (document.body ? (document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this._onBoot), window.removeEventListener("load", this._onBoot), this.onPause = new i.Signal, this.onResume = new i.Signal, this.isBooted = !0, this.device = new i.Device, this.math = i.Math, this.rnd = new i.RandomDataGenerator([( * Math.random()).toString()]), this.stage = new i.Stage(this, this.width, this.height), this.setUpRenderer(), = new i.World(this), this.add = new i.GameObjectFactory(this), this.cache = new i.Cache(this), this.load = new i.Loader(this), this.time = new i.Time(this), this.tweens = new i.TweenManager(this), this.input = new i.Input(this), this.sound = new i.SoundManager(this), this.physics = new i.Physics.Arcade(this), this.particles = new i.Particles(this), this.plugins = new i.PluginManager(this, this), = new i.Net(this), this.debug = new i.Utils.Debug(this), this.time.boot(), this.stage.boot(),, this.input.boot(), this.sound.boot(), this.state.boot(), this.load.onLoadComplete.add(this.loadComplete, this), this.showDebugHeader(), this.isRunning = !0, this._loadComplete = !1, this.raf = new i.RequestAnimationFrame(this), this.raf.start()) : window.setTimeout(this._onBoot, 20)) }, showDebugHeader: function () { var t = i.DEV_VERSION, e = "Canvas", s = "HTML Audio"; if (this.renderType == i.WEBGL ? e = "WebGL" : this.renderType == i.HEADLESS && (e = "Headless"), this.device.webAudio && (s = "WebAudio"), { var n = ["%c %c %c  Phaser v" + t + " - Renderer: " + e + " - Audio: " + s + "  %c %c ", "background: #00bff3", "background: #0072bc", "color: #ffffff; background: #003471", "background: #0072bc", "background: #00bff3"]; console.log.apply(console, n) } else console.log("Phaser v" + t + " - Renderer: " + e + " - Audio: " + s) }, setUpRenderer: function () { if (this.renderType === i.HEADLESS || this.renderType === i.CANVAS || this.renderType === i.AUTO && this.device.webGL === !1) { if (!this.device.canvas) throw new Error("Phaser.Game - cannot create Canvas or WebGL context, aborting."); this.renderType === i.AUTO && (this.renderType = i.CANVAS), this.renderer = new e.CanvasRenderer(this.width, this.height, this.stage.canvas, this.transparent), i.Canvas.setSmoothingEnabled(this.renderer.context, this.antialias), this.canvas = this.renderer.view, this.context = this.renderer.context } else this.renderType = i.WEBGL, this.renderer = new e.WebGLRenderer(this.width, this.height, this.stage.canvas, this.transparent, this.antialias), this.canvas = this.renderer.view, this.context = null; i.Canvas.addToDOM(this.renderer.view, this.parent, !0), i.Canvas.setTouchAction(this.renderer.view) }, loadComplete: function () { this._loadComplete = !0, this.state.loadComplete() }, update: function (t) { this.time.update(t), this._paused ? (this.renderer.render(this.stage._stage), this.plugins.render(), this.state.render()) : (this.pendingStep || (this.stepping && (this.pendingStep = !0), this.plugins.preUpdate(),, this.stage.update(), this.tweens.update(), this.sound.update(), this.input.update(), this.state.update(),, this.particles.update(), this.plugins.update(),, this.plugins.postUpdate()), this.renderType !== i.HEADLESS && (this.renderer.render(this.stage._stage), this.plugins.render(), this.state.render(), this.plugins.postRender())) }, enableStep: function () { this.stepping = !0, this.pendingStep = !1, this.stepCount = 0 }, disableStep: function () { this.stepping = !1, this.pendingStep = !1 }, step: function () { this.pendingStep = !1, this.stepCount++ }, destroy: function () { this.raf.stop(), this.input.destroy(), this.state.destroy(), this.state = null, this.cache = null, this.input = null, this.load = null, this.sound = null, this.stage = null, this.time = null, = null, this.isBooted = !1 } }, i.Game.prototype.constructor = i.Game, Object.defineProperty(i.Game.prototype, "paused", { get: function () { return this._paused }, set: function (t) { t === !0 ? this._paused === !1 && (this._paused = !0, this.onPause.dispatch(this)) : this._paused && (this._paused = !1, this.onResume.dispatch(this)) } }), i.Input = function (t) { = t, this.hitCanvas = null, this.hitContext = null, this.moveCallback = null, this.moveCallbackContext = this }, i.Input.MOUSE_OVERRIDES_TOUCH = 0, i.Input.TOUCH_OVERRIDES_MOUSE = 1, i.Input.MOUSE_TOUCH_COMBINE = 2, i.Input.prototype = { pollRate: 0, _pollCounter: 0, _oldPosition: null, _x: 0, _y: 0, disabled: !1, multiInputOverride: i.Input.MOUSE_TOUCH_COMBINE, position: null, speed: null, circle: null, scale: null, maxPointers: 10, currentPointers: 0, tapRate: 200, doubleTapRate: 300, holdRate: 2e3, justPressedRate: 200, justReleasedRate: 200, recordPointerHistory: !1, recordRate: 100, recordLimit: 100, pointer1: null, pointer2: null, pointer3: null, pointer4: null, pointer5: null, pointer6: null, pointer7: null, pointer8: null, pointer9: null, pointer10: null, activePointer: null, mousePointer: null, mouse: null, keyboard: null, touch: null, mspointer: null, gamepad: null, onDown: null, onUp: null, onTap: null, onHold: null, interactiveItems: new i.LinkedList, boot: function () { this.mousePointer = new i.Pointer(, 0), this.pointer1 = new i.Pointer(, 1), this.pointer2 = new i.Pointer(, 2), this.mouse = new i.Mouse(, this.keyboard = new i.Keyboard(, this.touch = new i.Touch(, this.mspointer = new i.MSPointer(, this.gamepad = new i.Gamepad(, this.onDown = new i.Signal, this.onUp = new i.Signal, this.onTap = new i.Signal, this.onHold = new i.Signal, this.scale = new i.Point(1, 1), this.speed = new i.Point, this.position = new i.Point, this._oldPosition = new i.Point, = new i.Circle(0, 0, 44), this.activePointer = this.mousePointer, this.currentPointers = 0, this.hitCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"), this.hitCanvas.width = 1, this.hitCanvas.height = 1, this.hitContext = this.hitCanvas.getContext("2d"), this.mouse.start(), this.keyboard.start(), this.touch.start(), this.mspointer.start(), = !0 }, destroy: function () { this.mouse.stop(), this.keyboard.stop(), this.touch.stop(), this.mspointer.stop(), this.gamepad.stop(), this.moveCallback = null }, setMoveCallback: function (t, e) { this.moveCallback = t, this.moveCallbackContext = e }, addPointer: function () { for (var t = 0, e = 10; e > 0; e--)null === this["pointer" + e] && (t = e); return 0 === t ? (console.warn("You can only have 10 Pointer objects"), null) : (this["pointer" + t] = new i.Pointer(, t), this["pointer" + t]) }, update: function () { return this.pollRate > 0 && this._pollCounter < this.pollRate ? void this._pollCounter++ : (this.speed.x = this.position.x - this._oldPosition.x, this.speed.y = this.position.y - this._oldPosition.y, this._oldPosition.copyFrom(this.position), this.mousePointer.update(), && this.gamepad.update(), this.pointer1.update(), this.pointer2.update(), this.pointer3 && this.pointer3.update(), this.pointer4 && this.pointer4.update(), this.pointer5 && this.pointer5.update(), this.pointer6 && this.pointer6.update(), this.pointer7 && this.pointer7.update(), this.pointer8 && this.pointer8.update(), this.pointer9 && this.pointer9.update(), this.pointer10 && this.pointer10.update(), void (this._pollCounter = 0)) }, reset: function (t) { if ( !== !1) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = !1), this.keyboard.reset(), this.mousePointer.reset(), this.gamepad.reset(); for (var e = 1; 10 >= e; e++)this["pointer" + e] && this["pointer" + e].reset(); this.currentPointers = 0, "none" !== && ( = "default"), t === !0 && (this.onDown.dispose(), this.onUp.dispose(), this.onTap.dispose(), this.onHold.dispose(), this.onDown = new i.Signal, this.onUp = new i.Signal, this.onTap = new i.Signal, this.onHold = new i.Signal, this.interactiveItems.callAll("reset")), this._pollCounter = 0 } }, resetSpeed: function (t, e) { this._oldPosition.setTo(t, e), this.speed.setTo(0, 0) }, startPointer: function (t) { if (this.maxPointers < 10 && this.totalActivePointers == this.maxPointers) return null; if ( === !1) return this.pointer1.start(t); if ( === !1) return this.pointer2.start(t); for (var e = 3; 10 >= e; e++)if (this["pointer" + e] && this["pointer" + e].active === !1) return this["pointer" + e].start(t); return null }, updatePointer: function (t) { if ( && this.pointer1.identifier == t.identifier) return this.pointer1.move(t); if ( && this.pointer2.identifier == t.identifier) return this.pointer2.move(t); for (var e = 3; 10 >= e; e++)if (this["pointer" + e] && this["pointer" + e].active && this["pointer" + e].identifier == t.identifier) return this["pointer" + e].move(t); return null }, stopPointer: function (t) { if ( && this.pointer1.identifier == t.identifier) return this.pointer1.stop(t); if ( && this.pointer2.identifier == t.identifier) return this.pointer2.stop(t); for (var e = 3; 10 >= e; e++)if (this["pointer" + e] && this["pointer" + e].active && this["pointer" + e].identifier == t.identifier) return this["pointer" + e].stop(t); return null }, getPointer: function (t) { if (t = t || !1, == t) return this.pointer1; if ( == t) return this.pointer2; for (var e = 3; 10 >= e; e++)if (this["pointer" + e] && this["pointer" + e].active == t) return this["pointer" + e]; return null }, getPointerFromIdentifier: function (t) { if (this.pointer1.identifier == t) return this.pointer1; if (this.pointer2.identifier == t) return this.pointer2; for (var e = 3; 10 >= e; e++)if (this["pointer" + e] && this["pointer" + e].identifier == t) return this["pointer" + e]; return null } }, i.Input.prototype.constructor = i.Input, Object.defineProperty(i.Input.prototype, "x", { get: function () { return this._x }, set: function (t) { this._x = Math.floor(t) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Input.prototype, "y", { get: function () { return this._y }, set: function (t) { this._y = Math.floor(t) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Input.prototype, "pollLocked", { get: function () { return this.pollRate > 0 && this._pollCounter < this.pollRate } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Input.prototype, "totalInactivePointers", { get: function () { return 10 - this.currentPointers } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Input.prototype, "totalActivePointers", { get: function () { this.currentPointers = 0; for (var t = 1; 10 >= t; t++)this["pointer" + t] && this["pointer" + t].active && this.currentPointers++; return this.currentPointers } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Input.prototype, "worldX", { get: function () { return + this.x } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Input.prototype, "worldY", { get: function () { return + this.y } }), i.Key = function (t, e) { = t, this.isDown = !1, this.isUp = !1, this.altKey = !1, this.ctrlKey = !1, this.shiftKey = !1, this.timeDown = 0, this.duration = 0, this.timeUp = 0, this.repeats = 0, this.keyCode = e, this.onDown = new i.Signal, this.onUp = new i.Signal }, i.Key.prototype = { processKeyDown: function (t) { this.altKey = t.altKey, this.ctrlKey = t.ctrlKey, this.shiftKey = t.shiftKey, this.isDown ? (this.duration = t.timeStamp - this.timeDown, this.repeats++) : (this.isDown = !0, this.isUp = !1, this.timeDown = t.timeStamp, this.duration = 0, this.repeats = 0, this.onDown.dispatch(this)) }, processKeyUp: function (t) { this.isDown = !1, this.isUp = !0, this.timeUp = t.timeStamp, this.onUp.dispatch(this) }, justPressed: function (t) { return "undefined" == typeof t && (t = 250), this.isDown && this.duration < t }, justReleased: function (t) { return "undefined" == typeof t && (t = 250), this.isDown === !1 && - this.timeUp < t } }, i.Key.prototype.constructor = i.Key, i.Keyboard = function (t) { = t, this._keys = {}, this._hotkeys = {}, this._capture = {}, this.disabled = !1, this._onKeyDown = null, this._onKeyUp = null, this.callbackContext = this, this.onDownCallback = null, this.onUpCallback = null }, i.Keyboard.prototype = {
        addCallbacks: function (t, e, i) { this.callbackContext = t, this.onDownCallback = e, "undefined" != typeof i && (this.onUpCallback = i) }, addKey: function (t) { return this._hotkeys[t] = new i.Key(, t), this.addKeyCapture(t), this._hotkeys[t] }, removeKey: function (t) { delete this._hotkeys[t] }, createCursorKeys: function () { return { up: this.addKey(i.Keyboard.UP), down: this.addKey(i.Keyboard.DOWN), left: this.addKey(i.Keyboard.LEFT), right: this.addKey(i.Keyboard.RIGHT) } }, start: function () { var t = this; this._onKeyDown = function (e) { return t.processKeyDown(e) }, this._onKeyUp = function (e) { return t.processKeyUp(e) }, window.addEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown, !1), window.addEventListener("keyup", this._onKeyUp, !1) }, stop: function () { window.removeEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown), window.removeEventListener("keyup", this._onKeyUp) }, addKeyCapture: function (t) { if ("object" == typeof t) for (var e in t) this._capture[t[e]] = !0; else this._capture[t] = !0 }, removeKeyCapture: function (t) { delete this._capture[t] }, clearCaptures: function () { this._capture = {} }, processKeyDown: function (t) { || this.disabled || (this._capture[t.keyCode] && t.preventDefault(), this.onDownCallback &&, t), this._keys[t.keyCode] && this._keys[t.keyCode].isDown ? this._keys[t.keyCode].duration = - this._keys[t.keyCode].timeDown : this._keys[t.keyCode] ? (this._keys[t.keyCode].isDown = !0, this._keys[t.keyCode].timeDown =, this._keys[t.keyCode].duration = 0) : this._keys[t.keyCode] = { isDown: !0, timeDown:, timeUp: 0, duration: 0 }, this._hotkeys[t.keyCode] && this._hotkeys[t.keyCode].processKeyDown(t)) }, processKeyUp: function (t) {
   || this.disabled || (this._capture[t.keyCode] && t.preventDefault(), this.onUpCallback &&, t), this._hotkeys[t.keyCode] && this._hotkeys[t.keyCode].processKeyUp(t), this._keys[t.keyCode] ? (this._keys[t.keyCode].isDown = !1, this._keys[t.keyCode].timeUp = : this._keys[t.keyCode] = { isDown: !1, timeDown:, timeUp:, duration: 0 })
        }, reset: function () { for (var t in this._keys) this._keys[t].isDown = !1 }, justPressed: function (t, e) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 250), this._keys[t] && this._keys[t].isDown && this._keys[t].duration < e ? !0 : !1 }, justReleased: function (t, e) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 250), this._keys[t] && this._keys[t].isDown === !1 && - this._keys[t].timeUp < e ? !0 : !1 }, isDown: function (t) { return this._keys[t] ? this._keys[t].isDown : !1 }
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(this.locked = !0, this.pointerLock.dispatch(!0, t)) : (this.locked = !1, this.pointerLock.dispatch(!1, t)) }, releasePointerLock: function () { document.exitPointerLock = document.exitPointerLock || document.mozExitPointerLock || document.webkitExitPointerLock, document.exitPointerLock(), document.removeEventListener("pointerlockchange", this._pointerLockChange, !0), document.removeEventListener("mozpointerlockchange", this._pointerLockChange, !0), document.removeEventListener("webkitpointerlockchange", this._pointerLockChange, !0) }, stop: function () { document.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._onMouseDown, !0), document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, !0), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._onMouseUp, !0) } }, i.Mouse.prototype.constructor = i.Mouse, i.MSPointer = function (t) { = t, this.callbackContext =, this.disabled = !1, this._onMSPointerDown = null, this._onMSPointerMove = null, this._onMSPointerUp = null }, i.MSPointer.prototype = { start: function () { var t = this; === !0 && (this._onMSPointerDown = function (e) { return t.onPointerDown(e) }, this._onMSPointerMove = function (e) { return t.onPointerMove(e) }, this._onMSPointerUp = function (e) { return t.onPointerUp(e) },"MSPointerDown", this._onMSPointerDown, !1),"MSPointerMove", this._onMSPointerMove, !1),"MSPointerUp", this._onMSPointerUp, !1),"pointerDown", this._onMSPointerDown, !1),"pointerMove", this._onMSPointerMove, !1),"pointerUp", this._onMSPointerUp, !1),["-ms-content-zooming"] = "none",["-ms-touch-action"] = "none") }, onPointerDown: function (t) { || this.disabled || (t.preventDefault(), t.identifier = t.pointerId, }, onPointerMove: function (t) { || this.disabled || (t.preventDefault(), t.identifier = t.pointerId, }, onPointerUp: function (t) { || this.disabled || (t.preventDefault(), t.identifier = t.pointerId, }, stop: function () {"MSPointerDown", this._onMSPointerDown),"MSPointerMove", this._onMSPointerMove),"MSPointerUp", this._onMSPointerUp),"pointerDown", this._onMSPointerDown),"pointerMove", this._onMSPointerMove),"pointerUp", this._onMSPointerUp) } }, i.MSPointer.prototype.constructor = i.MSPointer, i.Pointer = function (t, e) { = t, = e, this._holdSent = !1, this._history = [], this._nextDrop = 0, this._stateReset = !1, this.withinGame = !1, this.clientX = -1, this.clientY = -1, this.pageX = -1, this.pageY = -1, this.screenX = -1, this.screenY = -1, this.x = -1, this.y = -1, this.isMouse = !1, this.isDown = !1, this.isUp = !0, this.timeDown = 0, this.timeUp = 0, this.previousTapTime = 0, this.totalTouches = 0, this.msSinceLastClick = Number.MAX_VALUE, this.targetObject = null, = !1, this.position = new i.Point, this.positionDown = new i.Point, = new i.Circle(0, 0, 44), 0 === e && (this.isMouse = !0) }, i.Pointer.prototype = { start: function (t) { return this.identifier = t.identifier, =, "undefined" != typeof t.button && (this.button = t.button), === !1 && && === !1 ? ( = !1, this) : (this._history.length = 0, = !0, this.withinGame = !0, this.isDown = !0, this.isUp = !1, this.msSinceLastClick = - this.timeDown, this.timeDown =, this._holdSent = !1, this.move(t), this.positionDown.setTo(this.x, this.y), ( == i.Input.MOUSE_OVERRIDES_TOUCH || == i.Input.MOUSE_TOUCH_COMBINE || == i.Input.TOUCH_OVERRIDES_MOUSE && 0 === && ( = this.x, = this.y,, this.y),, t),, this.y)), this._stateReset = !1, this.totalTouches++, this.isMouse === !1 &&, null !== this.targetObject && this.targetObject._touchedHandler(this), this) }, update: function () { && (this._holdSent === !1 && this.duration >= && (( == i.Input.MOUSE_OVERRIDES_TOUCH || == i.Input.MOUSE_TOUCH_COMBINE || == i.Input.TOUCH_OVERRIDES_MOUSE && 0 === &&, this._holdSent = !0), && >= this._nextDrop && (this._nextDrop = +, this._history.push({ x: this.position.x, y: this.position.y }), this._history.length > && this._history.shift())) }, move: function (t) { if (! { if ("undefined" != typeof t.button && (this.button = t.button), this.clientX = t.clientX, this.clientY = t.clientY, this.pageX = t.pageX, this.pageY = t.pageY, this.screenX = t.screenX, this.screenY = t.screenY, this.x = (this.pageX - *, this.y = (this.pageY - *, this.position.setTo(this.x, this.y), = this.x, = this.y, ( == i.Input.MOUSE_OVERRIDES_TOUCH || == i.Input.MOUSE_TOUCH_COMBINE || == i.Input.TOUCH_OVERRIDES_MOUSE && 0 === && ( = this, = this.x, = this.y,,, =, =, return this; if ( &&, this, this.x, this.y), null !== this.targetObject && this.targetObject.isDragged === !0) return this.targetObject.update(this) === !1 && (this.targetObject = null), this; if (this._highestRenderOrderID = -1, this._highestRenderObject = null, this._highestInputPriorityID = -1, > 0) { var e =; do (e.pixelPerfect || e.priorityID > this._highestInputPriorityID || e.priorityID == this._highestInputPriorityID && e.sprite.renderOrderID > this._highestRenderOrderID) && e.checkPointerOver(this) && (this._highestRenderOrderID = e.sprite.renderOrderID, this._highestInputPriorityID = e.priorityID, this._highestRenderObject = e), e =; while (null != e) } return null == this._highestRenderObject ? this.targetObject && (this.targetObject._pointerOutHandler(this), this.targetObject = null) : null == this.targetObject ? (this.targetObject = this._highestRenderObject, this._highestRenderObject._pointerOverHandler(this)) : this.targetObject == this._highestRenderObject ? this._highestRenderObject.update(this) === !1 && (this.targetObject = null) : (this.targetObject._pointerOutHandler(this), this.targetObject = this._highestRenderObject, this.targetObject._pointerOverHandler(this)), this } }, leave: function (t) { this.withinGame = !1, this.move(t) }, stop: function (t) { if (this._stateReset) return void t.preventDefault(); if (this.timeUp =, ( == i.Input.MOUSE_OVERRIDES_TOUCH || == i.Input.MOUSE_TOUCH_COMBINE || == i.Input.TOUCH_OVERRIDES_MOUSE && 0 === && (, t), this.duration >= 0 && this.duration <= && (this.timeUp - this.previousTapTime < ?, !0) :, !1), this.previousTapTime = this.timeUp)), > 0 && ( = !1), this.withinGame = !1, this.isDown = !1, this.isUp = !0, this.isMouse === !1 &&, > 0) { var e =; do e && e._releasedHandler(this), e =; while (null != e) } return this.targetObject && this.targetObject._releasedHandler(this), this.targetObject = null, this }, justPressed: function (t) { return t = t ||, this.isDown === !0 && this.timeDown + t > }, justReleased: function (t) { return t = t ||, this.isUp === !0 && this.timeUp + t > }, reset: function () { this.isMouse === !1 && ( = !1), this.identifier = null, this.isDown = !1, this.isUp = !0, this.totalTouches = 0, this._holdSent = !1, this._history.length = 0, this._stateReset = !0, this.targetObject && this.targetObject._releasedHandler(this), this.targetObject = null } }, i.Pointer.prototype.constructor = i.Pointer, Object.defineProperty(i.Pointer.prototype, "duration", { get: function () { return this.isUp ? -1 : - this.timeDown } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Pointer.prototype, "worldX", { get: function () { return + this.x } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Pointer.prototype, "worldY", { get: function () { return + this.y } }), i.Touch = function (t) { = t, this.disabled = !1, this.callbackContext =, this.touchStartCallback = null, this.touchMoveCallback = null, this.touchEndCallback = null, this.touchEnterCallback = null, this.touchLeaveCallback = null, this.touchCancelCallback = null, this.preventDefault = !0, this.event = null, this._onTouchStart = null, this._onTouchMove = null, this._onTouchEnd = null, this._onTouchEnter = null, this._onTouchLeave = null, this._onTouchCancel = null, this._onTouchMove = null }, i.Touch.prototype = { start: function () { var t = this; && (this._onTouchStart = function (e) { return t.onTouchStart(e) }, this._onTouchMove = function (e) { return t.onTouchMove(e) }, this._onTouchEnd = function (e) { return t.onTouchEnd(e) }, this._onTouchEnter = function (e) { return t.onTouchEnter(e) }, this._onTouchLeave = function (e) { return t.onTouchLeave(e) }, this._onTouchCancel = function (e) { return t.onTouchCancel(e) },"touchstart", this._onTouchStart, !1),"touchmove", this._onTouchMove, !1),"touchend", this._onTouchEnd, !1),"touchenter", this._onTouchEnter, !1),"touchleave", this._onTouchLeave, !1),"touchcancel", this._onTouchCancel, !1)) }, consumeDocumentTouches: function () { this._documentTouchMove = function (t) { t.preventDefault() }, document.addEventListener("touchmove", this._documentTouchMove, !1) }, onTouchStart: function (t) { if (this.event = t, this.touchStartCallback &&, t), ! && !this.disabled) { this.preventDefault && t.preventDefault(); for (var e = 0; e < t.changedTouches.length; e++)[e]) } }, onTouchCancel: function (t) { if (this.event = t, this.touchCancelCallback &&, t), ! && !this.disabled) { this.preventDefault && t.preventDefault(); for (var e = 0; e < t.changedTouches.length; e++)[e]) } }, onTouchEnter: function (t) { this.event = t, this.touchEnterCallback &&, t), || this.disabled || this.preventDefault && t.preventDefault() }, onTouchLeave: function (t) { this.event = t, this.touchLeaveCallback &&, t), this.preventDefault && t.preventDefault() }, onTouchMove: function (t) { this.event = t, this.touchMoveCallback &&, t), this.preventDefault && t.preventDefault(); for (var e = 0; e < t.changedTouches.length; e++)[e]) }, onTouchEnd: function (t) { this.event = t, this.touchEndCallback &&, t), this.preventDefault && t.preventDefault(); for (var e = 0; e < t.changedTouches.length; e++)[e]) }, stop: function () { && ("touchstart", this._onTouchStart),"touchmove", this._onTouchMove),"touchend", this._onTouchEnd),"touchenter", this._onTouchEnter),"touchleave", this._onTouchLeave),"touchcancel", this._onTouchCancel)) } }, i.Touch.prototype.constructor = i.Touch, i.InputHandler = function (t) { this.sprite = t, =, this.enabled = !1, this.priorityID = 0, this.useHandCursor = !1, this.isDragged = !1, this.allowHorizontalDrag = !0, this.allowVerticalDrag = !0, this.bringToTop = !1, this.snapOffset = null, this.snapOnDrag = !1, this.snapOnRelease = !1, this.snapX = 0, this.snapY = 0, this.snapOffsetX = 0, this.snapOffsetY = 0, this.pixelPerfect = !1, this.pixelPerfectAlpha = 255, this.draggable = !1, this.boundsRect = null, this.boundsSprite = null, this.consumePointerEvent = !1, this._tempPoint = new i.Point, this._pointerData = [], this._pointerData.push({ id: 0, x: 0, y: 0, isDown: !1, isUp: !1, isOver: !1, isOut: !1, timeOver: 0, timeOut: 0, timeDown: 0, timeUp: 0, downDuration: 0, isDragged: !1 }) }, i.InputHandler.prototype = { start: function (t, e) { if (t = t || 0, "undefined" == typeof e && (e = !1), this.enabled === !1) {, this.useHandCursor = e, this.priorityID = t; for (var s = 0; 10 > s; s++)this._pointerData[s] = { id: s, x: 0, y: 0, isDown: !1, isUp: !1, isOver: !1, isOut: !1, timeOver: 0, timeOut: 0, timeDown: 0, timeUp: 0, downDuration: 0, isDragged: !1 }; this.snapOffset = new i.Point, this.enabled = !0, && null == && ( = new i.Signal, = new i.Signal, = new i.Signal, = new i.Signal, = new i.Signal, = new i.Signal) } return this.sprite }, reset: function () { this.enabled = !1; for (var t = 0; 10 > t; t++)this._pointerData[t] = { id: t, x: 0, y: 0, isDown: !1, isUp: !1, isOver: !1, isOut: !1, timeOver: 0, timeOut: 0, timeDown: 0, timeUp: 0, downDuration: 0, isDragged: !1 } }, stop: function () { this.enabled !== !1 && (this.enabled = !1, }, destroy: function () { this.enabled && (this.enabled = !1,, this.stop(), this.sprite = null) }, pointerX: function (t) { return t = t || 0, this._pointerData[t].x }, pointerY: function (t) { return t = t || 0, this._pointerData[t].y }, pointerDown: function (t) { return t = t || 0, this._pointerData[t].isDown }, pointerUp: function (t) { return t = t || 0, this._pointerData[t].isUp }, pointerTimeDown: function (t) { return t = t || 0, this._pointerData[t].timeDown }, pointerTimeUp: function (t) { return t = t || 0, this._pointerData[t].timeUp }, pointerOver: function (t) { if (this.enabled) { if ("undefined" != typeof t) return this._pointerData[t].isOver; for (var e = 0; 10 > e; e++)if (this._pointerData[e].isOver) return !0 } return !1 }, pointerOut: function (t) { if (this.enabled) { if ("undefined" != typeof t) return this._pointerData[t].isOut; for (var e = 0; 10 > e; e++)if (this._pointerData[e].isOut) return !0 } return !1 }, pointerTimeOver: function (t) { return t = t || 0, this._pointerData[t].timeOver }, pointerTimeOut: function (t) { return t = t || 0, this._pointerData[t].timeOut }, pointerDragged: function (t) { return t = t || 0, this._pointerData[t].isDragged }, checkPointerOver: function (t) { return this.enabled === !1 || this.sprite.visible === !1 || && === !1 ? !1 : (this.sprite.getLocalUnmodifiedPosition(this._tempPoint, t.x, t.y), this._tempPoint.x >= 0 && this._tempPoint.x <= this.sprite.currentFrame.width && this._tempPoint.y >= 0 && this._tempPoint.y <= this.sprite.currentFrame.height ? this.pixelPerfect ? this.checkPixel(this._tempPoint.x, this._tempPoint.y) : !0 : void 0) }, checkPixel: function (t, e) { if (this.sprite.texture.baseTexture.source) {, 0, 1, 1), t += this.sprite.texture.frame.x, e += this.sprite.texture.frame.y,, t, e, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1); var i =, 0, 1, 1); if ([3] >= this.pixelPerfectAlpha) return !0 } return !1 }, update: function (t) { return this.enabled === !1 || this.sprite.visible === !1 || && === !1 ? (this._pointerOutHandler(t), !1) : this.draggable && this._draggedPointerID == ? this.updateDrag(t) : this._pointerData[].isOver === !0 ? this.checkPointerOver(t) ? (this._pointerData[].x = t.x - this.sprite.x, this._pointerData[].y = t.y - this.sprite.y, !0) : (this._pointerOutHandler(t), !1) : void 0 }, _pointerOverHandler: function (t) { this._pointerData[].isOver === !1 && (this._pointerData[].isOver = !0, this._pointerData[].isOut = !1, this._pointerData[].timeOver =, this._pointerData[].x = t.x - this.sprite.x, this._pointerData[].y = t.y - this.sprite.y, this.useHandCursor && this._pointerData[].isDragged === !1 && ( = "pointer"),, t)) }, _pointerOutHandler: function (t) { this._pointerData[].isOver = !1, this._pointerData[].isOut = !0, this._pointerData[].timeOut =, this.useHandCursor && this._pointerData[].isDragged === !1 && ( = "default"), this.sprite && &&, t) }, _touchedHandler: function (t) { return this._pointerData[].isDown === !1 && this._pointerData[].isOver === !0 && (this._pointerData[].isDown = !0, this._pointerData[].isUp = !1, this._pointerData[].timeDown =,, t), this.draggable && this.isDragged === !1 && this.startDrag(t), this.bringToTop && this.sprite.bringToTop()), this.consumePointerEvent }, _releasedHandler: function (t) { this._pointerData[].isDown && t.isUp && (this._pointerData[].isDown = !1, this._pointerData[].isUp = !0, this._pointerData[].timeUp =, this._pointerData[].downDuration = this._pointerData[].timeUp - this._pointerData[].timeDown, this.checkPointerOver(t) ?, t, !0) : (, t, !1), this.useHandCursor && ( = "default")), this.draggable && this.isDragged && this._draggedPointerID == && this.stopDrag(t)) }, updateDrag: function (t) { return t.isUp ? (this.stopDrag(t), !1) : (this.sprite.fixedToCamera ? (this.allowHorizontalDrag && (this.sprite.cameraOffset.x = t.x + this._dragPoint.x + this.dragOffset.x), this.allowVerticalDrag && (this.sprite.cameraOffset.y = t.y + this._dragPoint.y + this.dragOffset.y), this.boundsRect && this.checkBoundsRect(), this.boundsSprite && this.checkBoundsSprite(), this.snapOnDrag && (this.sprite.cameraOffset.x = Math.round((this.sprite.cameraOffset.x - this.snapOffsetX % this.snapX) / this.snapX) * this.snapX + this.snapOffsetX % this.snapX, this.sprite.cameraOffset.y = Math.round((this.sprite.cameraOffset.y - this.snapOffsetY % this.snapY) / this.snapY) * this.snapY + this.snapOffsetY % this.snapY)) : (this.allowHorizontalDrag && (this.sprite.x = t.x + this._dragPoint.x + this.dragOffset.x), this.allowVerticalDrag && (this.sprite.y = t.y + this._dragPoint.y + this.dragOffset.y), this.boundsRect && this.checkBoundsRect(), this.boundsSprite && this.checkBoundsSprite(), this.snapOnDrag && (this.sprite.x = Math.round((this.sprite.x - this.snapOffsetX % this.snapX) / this.snapX) * this.snapX + this.snapOffsetX % this.snapX, this.sprite.y = Math.round((this.sprite.y - this.snapOffsetY % this.snapY) / this.snapY) * this.snapY + this.snapOffsetY % this.snapY)), !0) }, justOver: function (t, e) { return t = t || 0, e = e || 500, this._pointerData[t].isOver && this.overDuration(t) < e }, justOut: function (t, e) { return t = t || 0, e = e || 500, this._pointerData[t].isOut && - this._pointerData[t].timeOut < e }, justPressed: function (t, e) { return t = t || 0, e = e || 500, this._pointerData[t].isDown && this.downDuration(t) < e }, justReleased: function (t, e) { return t = t || 0, e = e || 500, this._pointerData[t].isUp && - this._pointerData[t].timeUp < e }, overDuration: function (t) { return t = t || 0, this._pointerData[t].isOver ? - this._pointerData[t].timeOver : -1 }, downDuration: function (t) { return t = t || 0, this._pointerData[t].isDown ? - this._pointerData[t].timeDown : -1 }, enableDrag: function (t, e, s, n, r, o) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = !1), "undefined" == typeof e && (e = !1), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !1), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = 255), "undefined" == typeof r && (r = null), "undefined" == typeof o && (o = null), this._dragPoint = new i.Point, this.draggable = !0, this.bringToTop = e, this.dragOffset = new i.Point, this.dragFromCenter = t, this.pixelPerfect = s, this.pixelPerfectAlpha = n, r && (this.boundsRect = r), o && (this.boundsSprite = o) }, disableDrag: function () { if (this._pointerData) for (var t = 0; 10 > t; t++)this._pointerData[t].isDragged = !1; this.draggable = !1, this.isDragged = !1, this._draggedPointerID = -1 }, startDrag: function (t) { this.isDragged = !0, this._draggedPointerID =, this._pointerData[].isDragged = !0, this.sprite.fixedToCamera ? this.dragFromCenter ? (this.sprite.centerOn(t.x, t.y), this._dragPoint.setTo(this.sprite.cameraOffset.x - t.x, this.sprite.cameraOffset.y - t.y)) : this._dragPoint.setTo(this.sprite.cameraOffset.x - t.x, this.sprite.cameraOffset.y - t.y) : this.dragFromCenter ? (this.sprite.centerOn(t.x, t.y), this._dragPoint.setTo(this.sprite.x - t.x, this.sprite.y - t.y)) : this._dragPoint.setTo(this.sprite.x - t.x, this.sprite.y - t.y), this.updateDrag(t), this.bringToTop && this.sprite.bringToTop(),, t) }, stopDrag: function (t) { this.isDragged = !1, this._draggedPointerID = -1, this._pointerData[].isDragged = !1, this.snapOnRelease && (this.sprite.fixedToCamera ? (this.sprite.cameraOffset.x = Math.round((this.sprite.cameraOffset.x - this.snapOffsetX % this.snapX) / this.snapX) * this.snapX + this.snapOffsetX % this.snapX, this.sprite.cameraOffset.y = Math.round((this.sprite.cameraOffset.y - this.snapOffsetY % this.snapY) / this.snapY) * this.snapY + this.snapOffsetY % this.snapY) : (this.sprite.x = Math.round((this.sprite.x - this.snapOffsetX % this.snapX) / this.snapX) * this.snapX + this.snapOffsetX % this.snapX, this.sprite.y = Math.round((this.sprite.y - this.snapOffsetY % this.snapY) / this.snapY) * this.snapY + this.snapOffsetY % this.snapY)),, t),, t), this.checkPointerOver(t) === !1 && this._pointerOutHandler(t) }, setDragLock: function (t, e) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = !0), "undefined" == typeof e && (e = !0), this.allowHorizontalDrag = t, this.allowVerticalDrag = e }, enableSnap: function (t, e, i, s) { "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !0), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !1), "undefined" == typeof snapOffsetX && (snapOffsetX = 0), "undefined" == typeof snapOffsetY && (snapOffsetY = 0), this.snapX = t, this.snapY = e, this.snapOffsetX = snapOffsetX, this.snapOffsetY = snapOffsetY, this.snapOnDrag = i, this.snapOnRelease = s }, disableSnap: function () { this.snapOnDrag = !1, this.snapOnRelease = !1 }, checkBoundsRect: function () { this.sprite.fixedToCamera ? (this.sprite.cameraOffset.x < this.boundsRect.left ? this.sprite.cameraOffset.x = this.boundsRect.cameraOffset.x : this.sprite.cameraOffset.x + this.sprite.width > this.boundsRect.right && (this.sprite.cameraOffset.x = this.boundsRect.right - this.sprite.width), this.sprite.cameraOffset.y < ? this.sprite.cameraOffset.y = : this.sprite.cameraOffset.y + this.sprite.height > this.boundsRect.bottom && (this.sprite.cameraOffset.y = this.boundsRect.bottom - this.sprite.height)) : (this.sprite.x < this.boundsRect.left ? this.sprite.x = this.boundsRect.x : this.sprite.x + this.sprite.width > this.boundsRect.right && (this.sprite.x = this.boundsRect.right - this.sprite.width), this.sprite.y < ? this.sprite.y = : this.sprite.y + this.sprite.height > this.boundsRect.bottom && (this.sprite.y = this.boundsRect.bottom - this.sprite.height)) }, checkBoundsSprite: function () { this.sprite.fixedToCamera && this.boundsSprite.fixedToCamera ? (this.sprite.cameraOffset.x < this.boundsSprite.camerOffset.x ? this.sprite.cameraOffset.x = this.boundsSprite.camerOffset.x : this.sprite.cameraOffset.x + this.sprite.width > this.boundsSprite.camerOffset.x + this.boundsSprite.width && (this.sprite.cameraOffset.x = this.boundsSprite.camerOffset.x + this.boundsSprite.width - this.sprite.width), this.sprite.cameraOffset.y < this.boundsSprite.camerOffset.y ? this.sprite.cameraOffset.y = this.boundsSprite.camerOffset.y : this.sprite.cameraOffset.y + this.sprite.height > this.boundsSprite.camerOffset.y + this.boundsSprite.height && (this.sprite.cameraOffset.y = this.boundsSprite.camerOffset.y + this.boundsSprite.height - this.sprite.height)) : (this.sprite.x < this.boundsSprite.x ? this.sprite.x = this.boundsSprite.x : this.sprite.x + this.sprite.width > this.boundsSprite.x + this.boundsSprite.width && (this.sprite.x = this.boundsSprite.x + this.boundsSprite.width - this.sprite.width), this.sprite.y < this.boundsSprite.y ? this.sprite.y = this.boundsSprite.y : this.sprite.y + this.sprite.height > this.boundsSprite.y + this.boundsSprite.height && (this.sprite.y = this.boundsSprite.y + this.boundsSprite.height - this.sprite.height)) } }, i.InputHandler.prototype.constructor = i.InputHandler, i.Gamepad = function (t) { = t, this._gamepads = [new i.SinglePad(t, this), new i.SinglePad(t, this), new i.SinglePad(t, this), new i.SinglePad(t, this)], this._gamepadIndexMap = {}, this._rawPads = [], this._active = !1, this.disabled = !1, this._gamepadSupportAvailable = !!navigator.webkitGetGamepads || !!navigator.webkitGamepads || -1 != navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox/"), this._prevRawGamepadTypes = [], this._prevTimestamps = [], this.callbackContext = this, this.onConnectCallback = null, this.onDisconnectCallback = null, this.onDownCallback = null, this.onUpCallback = null, this.onAxisCallback = null, this.onFloatCallback = null, this._ongamepadconnected = null, this._gamepaddisconnected = null }, i.Gamepad.prototype = {
        addCallbacks: function (t, e) { "undefined" != typeof e && (this.onConnectCallback = "function" == typeof e.onConnect ? e.onConnect : this.onConnectCallback, this.onDisconnectCallback = "function" == typeof e.onDisconnect ? e.onDisconnect : this.onDisconnectCallback, this.onDownCallback = "function" == typeof e.onDown ? e.onDown : this.onDownCallback, this.onUpCallback = "function" == typeof e.onUp ? e.onUp : this.onUpCallback, this.onAxisCallback = "function" == typeof e.onAxis ? e.onAxis : this.onAxisCallback, this.onFloatCallback = "function" == typeof e.onFloat ? e.onFloat : this.onFloatCallback) }, start: function () {
        this._active = !0; var t = this; this._ongamepadconnected = function (e) { var i = e.gamepad; t._rawPads.push(i), t._gamepads[i.index].connect(i) }, window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", this._ongamepadconnected, !1), this._ongamepaddisconnected = function (e) { var i = e.gamepad; for (var s in t._rawPads) t._rawPads[s].index === i.index && t._rawPads.splice(s, 1); t._gamepads[i.index].disconnect() }, window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", this._ongamepaddisconnected, !1)
        }, update: function () { this._pollGamepads(); for (var t = 0; t < this._gamepads.length; t++)this._gamepads[t]._connected && this._gamepads[t].pollStatus() }, _pollGamepads: function () { var t = navigator.webkitGetGamepads && navigator.webkitGetGamepads() || navigator.webkitGamepads; if (t) { this._rawPads = []; for (var e = !1, i = 0; i < t.length && (typeof t[i] !== this._prevRawGamepadTypes[i] && (e = !0, this._prevRawGamepadTypes[i] = typeof t[i]), t[i] && this._rawPads.push(t[i]), 3 !== i); i++); if (e) { for (var s, n = { rawIndices: {}, padIndices: {} }, r = 0; r < this._gamepads.length; r++)if (s = this._gamepads[r], s.connected) for (var o = 0; o < this._rawPads.length; o++)this._rawPads[o].index === s.index && (n.rawIndices[s.index] = !0, n.padIndices[r] = !0); for (var a = 0; a < this._gamepads.length; a++)if (s = this._gamepads[a], !n.padIndices[a]) { this._rawPads.length < 1 && s.disconnect(); for (var h = 0; h < this._rawPads.length && !n.padIndices[a]; h++) { var l = this._rawPads[h]; if (l) { if (n.rawIndices[l.index]) { s.disconnect(); continue } s.connect(l), n.rawIndices[l.index] = !0, n.padIndices[a] = !0 } else s.disconnect() } } } } }, setDeadZones: function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < this._gamepads.length; e++)this._gamepads[e].deadZone = t }, stop: function () { this._active = !1, window.removeEventListener("gamepadconnected", this._ongamepadconnected), window.removeEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", this._ongamepaddisconnected) }, reset: function () { this.update(); for (var t = 0; t < this._gamepads.length; t++)this._gamepads[t].reset() }, justPressed: function (t, e) { for (var i = 0; i < this._gamepads.length; i++)if (this._gamepads[i].justPressed(t, e) === !0) return !0; return !1 }, justReleased: function (t, e) { for (var i = 0; i < this._gamepads.length; i++)if (this._gamepads[i].justReleased(t, e) === !0) return !0; return !1 }, isDown: function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < this._gamepads.length; e++)if (this._gamepads[e].isDown(t) === !0) return !0; return !1 }
    }, i.Gamepad.prototype.constructor = i.Gamepad, Object.defineProperty(i.Gamepad.prototype, "active", { get: function () { return this._active } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Gamepad.prototype, "supported", { get: function () { return this._gamepadSupportAvailable } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Gamepad.prototype, "padsConnected", { get: function () { return this._rawPads.length } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Gamepad.prototype, "pad1", { get: function () { return this._gamepads[0] } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Gamepad.prototype, "pad2", { get: function () { return this._gamepads[1] } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Gamepad.prototype, "pad3", { get: function () { return this._gamepads[2] } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Gamepad.prototype, "pad4", { get: function () { return this._gamepads[3] } }), i.Gamepad.BUTTON_0 = 0, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_1 = 1, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_2 = 2, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_3 = 3, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_4 = 4, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_5 = 5, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_6 = 6, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_7 = 7, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_8 = 8, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_9 = 9, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_10 = 10, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_11 = 11, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_12 = 12, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_13 = 13, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_14 = 14, i.Gamepad.BUTTON_15 = 15, i.Gamepad.AXIS_0 = 0, i.Gamepad.AXIS_1 = 1, i.Gamepad.AXIS_2 = 2, i.Gamepad.AXIS_3 = 3, i.Gamepad.AXIS_4 = 4, i.Gamepad.AXIS_5 = 5, i.Gamepad.AXIS_6 = 6, i.Gamepad.AXIS_7 = 7, i.Gamepad.AXIS_8 = 8, i.Gamepad.AXIS_9 = 9, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_A = 0, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_B = 1, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_X = 2, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_Y = 3, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_LEFT_BUMPER = 4, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_RIGHT_BUMPER = 5, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_LEFT_TRIGGER = 6, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_RIGHT_TRIGGER = 7, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_BACK = 8, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_START = 9, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_STICK_LEFT_BUTTON = 10, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_STICK_RIGHT_BUTTON = 11, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_DPAD_LEFT = 14, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_DPAD_RIGHT = 15, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_DPAD_UP = 12, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_DPAD_DOWN = 13, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_STICK_LEFT_X = 0, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_STICK_LEFT_Y = 1, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_STICK_RIGHT_X = 2, i.Gamepad.XBOX360_STICK_RIGHT_Y = 3, i.SinglePad = function (t, e) { = t, this._padParent = e, this._index = null, this._rawPad = null, this._connected = !1, this._prevTimestamp = null, this._rawButtons = [], this._buttons = [], this._axes = [], this._hotkeys = [], this.callbackContext = this, this.onConnectCallback = null, this.onDisconnectCallback = null, this.onDownCallback = null, this.onUpCallback = null, this.onAxisCallback = null, this.onFloatCallback = null, this.deadZone = .26 }, i.SinglePad.prototype = { addCallbacks: function (t, e) { "undefined" != typeof e && (this.onConnectCallback = "function" == typeof e.onConnect ? e.onConnect : this.onConnectCallback, this.onDisconnectCallback = "function" == typeof e.onDisconnect ? e.onDisconnect : this.onDisconnectCallback, this.onDownCallback = "function" == typeof e.onDown ? e.onDown : this.onDownCallback, this.onUpCallback = "function" == typeof e.onUp ? e.onUp : this.onUpCallback, this.onAxisCallback = "function" == typeof e.onAxis ? e.onAxis : this.onAxisCallback, this.onFloatCallback = "function" == typeof e.onFloat ? e.onFloat : this.onFloatCallback) }, addButton: function (t) { return this._hotkeys[t] = new i.GamepadButton(, t), this._hotkeys[t] }, pollStatus: function () { if (!this._rawPad.timestamp || this._rawPad.timestamp != this._prevTimestamp) { for (var t = 0; t < this._rawPad.buttons.length; t += 1) { var e = this._rawPad.buttons[t]; this._rawButtons[t] !== e && (1 === e ? this.processButtonDown(t, e) : 0 === e ? this.processButtonUp(t, e) : this.processButtonFloat(t, e), this._rawButtons[t] = e) } for (var i = this._rawPad.axes, s = 0; s < i.length; s += 1) { var n = i[s]; this.processAxisChange(n > 0 && n > this.deadZone || 0 > n && n < -this.deadZone ? { axis: s, value: n } : { axis: s, value: 0 }) } this._prevTimestamp = this._rawPad.timestamp } }, connect: function (t) { var e = !this._connected; this._index = t.index, this._connected = !0, this._rawPad = t, this._rawButtons = t.buttons, this._axes = t.axes, e && this._padParent.onConnectCallback &&, this._index), e && this.onConnectCallback && }, disconnect: function () { var t = this._connected; this._connected = !1, this._rawPad = void 0, this._rawButtons = [], this._buttons = []; var e = this._index; this._index = null, t && this._padParent.onDisconnectCallback &&, e), t && this.onDisconnectCallback && }, processAxisChange: function (t) { || || this._axes[t.axis] !== t.value && (this._axes[t.axis] = t.value, this._padParent.onAxisCallback &&, t, this._index), this.onAxisCallback &&, t)) }, processButtonDown: function (t, e) { || || (this._padParent.onDownCallback &&, t, e, this._index), this.onDownCallback &&, t, e), this._buttons[t] && this._buttons[t].isDown ? this._buttons[t].duration = - this._buttons[t].timeDown : this._buttons[t] ? (this._buttons[t].isDown = !0, this._buttons[t].timeDown =, this._buttons[t].duration = 0, this._buttons[t].value = e) : this._buttons[t] = { isDown: !0, timeDown:, timeUp: 0, duration: 0, value: e }, this._hotkeys[t] && this._hotkeys[t].processButtonDown(e)) }, processButtonUp: function (t, e) { || || (this._padParent.onUpCallback &&, t, e, this._index), this.onUpCallback &&, t, e), this._hotkeys[t] && this._hotkeys[t].processButtonUp(e), this._buttons[t] ? (this._buttons[t].isDown = !1, this._buttons[t].timeUp =, this._buttons[t].value = e) : this._buttons[t] = { isDown: !1, timeDown:, timeUp:, duration: 0, value: e }) }, processButtonFloat: function (t, e) { || || (this._padParent.onFloatCallback &&, t, e, this._index), this.onFloatCallback &&, t, e), this._buttons[t] ? this._buttons[t].value = e : this._buttons[t] = { value: e }, this._hotkeys[t] && this._hotkeys[t].processButtonFloat(e)) }, axis: function (t) { return this._axes[t] ? this._axes[t] : !1 }, isDown: function (t) { return this._buttons[t] ? this._buttons[t].isDown : !1 }, justReleased: function (t, e) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 250), this._buttons[t] && this._buttons[t].isDown === !1 && - this._buttons[t].timeUp < e }, justPressed: function (t, e) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 250), this._buttons[t] && this._buttons[t].isDown && this._buttons[t].duration < e }, buttonValue: function (t) { return this._buttons[t] ? this._buttons[t].value : !1 }, reset: function () { for (var t = 0; t < this._buttons.length; t++)this._buttons[t] = 0; for (var e = 0; e < this._axes.length; e++)this._axes[e] = 0 } }, i.SinglePad.prototype.constructor = i.SinglePad, Object.defineProperty(i.SinglePad.prototype, "connected", { get: function () { return this._connected } }), Object.defineProperty(i.SinglePad.prototype, "index", { get: function () { return this._index } }), i.GamepadButton = function (t, e) { = t, this.isDown = !1, this.isUp = !1, this.timeDown = 0, this.duration = 0, this.timeUp = 0, this.repeats = 0, this.value = 0, this.buttonCode = e, this.onDown = new i.Signal, this.onUp = new i.Signal, this.onFloat = new i.Signal }, i.GamepadButton.prototype = { processButtonDown: function (t) { this.isDown ? (this.duration = - this.timeDown, this.repeats++) : (this.isDown = !0, this.isUp = !1, this.timeDown =, this.duration = 0, this.repeats = 0, this.value = t, this.onDown.dispatch(this, t)) }, processButtonUp: function (t) { this.isDown = !1, this.isUp = !0, this.timeUp =, this.value = t, this.onUp.dispatch(this, t) }, processButtonFloat: function (t) { this.value = t, this.onFloat.dispatch(this, t) }, justPressed: function (t) { return "undefined" == typeof t && (t = 250), this.isDown && this.duration < t }, justReleased: function (t) { return "undefined" == typeof t && (t = 250), this.isDown === !1 && - this.timeUp < t } }, i.GamepadButton.prototype.constructor = i.GamepadButton, i.Events = function (t) { this.parent = t, this.onAddedToGroup = new i.Signal, this.onRemovedFromGroup = new i.Signal, this.onKilled = new i.Signal, this.onRevived = new i.Signal, this.onOutOfBounds = new i.Signal, this.onInputOver = null, this.onInputOut = null, this.onInputDown = null, this.onInputUp = null, this.onDragStart = null, this.onDragStop = null, this.onAnimationStart = null, this.onAnimationComplete = null, this.onAnimationLoop = null, this.onBeginContact = null, this.onEndContact = null }, i.Events.prototype = { destroy: function () { this.parent = null, this.onAddedToGroup.dispose(), this.onRemovedFromGroup.dispose(), this.onKilled.dispose(), this.onRevived.dispose(), this.onOutOfBounds.dispose(), this.onInputOver && (this.onInputOver.dispose(), this.onInputOut.dispose(), this.onInputDown.dispose(), this.onInputUp.dispose(), this.onDragStart.dispose(), this.onDragStop.dispose()), this.onAnimationStart && (this.onAnimationStart.dispose(), this.onAnimationComplete.dispose(), this.onAnimationLoop.dispose()) } }, i.Events.prototype.constructor = i.Events, i.GameObjectFactory = function (t) { = t, = }, i.GameObjectFactory.prototype = { existing: function (t) { return }, sprite: function (t, e, i, s, n) { return "undefined" == typeof n && (n =, n.create(t, e, i, s) }, child: function (t, e, i, s, n) { return t.create(e, i, s, n) }, tween: function (t) { return }, group: function (t, e) { return new i.Group(, t, e) }, audio: function (t, e, i, s) { return, e, i, s) }, sound: function (t, e, i, s) { return, e, i, s) }, tileSprite: function (t, e, s, n, r, o) { return "undefined" == typeof o && (o =, o.add(new i.TileSprite(, t, e, s, n, r)) }, text: function (t, e, s, n, r) { return "undefined" == typeof r && (r =, r.add(new i.Text(, t, e, s, n)) }, button: function (t, e, s, n, r, o, a, h, l, c) { return "undefined" == typeof c && (c =, c.add(new i.Button(, t, e, s, n, r, o, a, h, l)) }, graphics: function (t, e, s) { return "undefined" == typeof s && (s =, s.add(new i.Graphics(, t, e)) }, emitter: function (t, e, s) { return i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter(, t, e, s)) }, bitmapText: function (t, e, s, n, r) { return "undefined" == typeof r && (r =, i.BitmapText(, t, e, s, n)) }, tilemap: function (t, e) { return new i.Tilemap(, t, e) }, renderTexture: function (t, e, s) { var n = new i.RenderTexture(, t, e, s); return, n), n }, bitmapData: function (t, e) { return new i.BitmapData(, t, e) }, filter: function (t) { var e =, 1), t = new i.Filter[t](; return t.init.apply(t, e), t } }, i.GameObjectFactory.prototype.constructor = i.GameObjectFactory, i.BitmapData = function (t, s, n) { "undefined" == typeof s && (s = 256), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = 256), = t, = "", this.width = s, this.height = n, this.canvas = i.Canvas.create(s, n), this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d"), this.imageData = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, s, n), this.pixels = ? :, this.baseTexture = new e.BaseTexture(this.canvas), this.texture = new e.Texture(this.baseTexture), this.textureFrame = new i.Frame(0, 0, 0, s, n, "bitmapData", t.rnd.uuid()), this.type = i.BITMAPDATA, this._dirty = !1 }, i.BitmapData.prototype = { add: function (t) { t.loadTexture(this) }, addTo: function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)t[e].texture && t[e].loadTexture(this) }, clear: function () { this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height), this._dirty = !0 }, refreshBuffer: function () { this.imageData = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height), this.pixels = new Int32Array( }, setPixel32: function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { t >= 0 && t <= this.width && e >= 0 && e <= this.height && (this.pixels[e * this.width + t] = r << 24 | n << 16 | s << 8 | i, this.context.putImageData(this.imageData, 0, 0), this._dirty = !0) }, setPixel: function (t, e, i, s, n) { this.setPixel32(t, e, i, s, n, 255) }, getPixel: function (t, e) { return t >= 0 && t <= this.width && e >= 0 && e <= this.height ? this.data32[e * this.width + t] : void 0 }, getPixel32: function (t, e) { return t >= 0 && t <= this.width && e >= 0 && e <= this.height ? this.data32[e * this.width + t] : void 0 }, getPixels: function (t) { return this.context.getImageData(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height) }, arc: function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { return "undefined" == typeof r && (r = !1), this._dirty = !0, this.context.arc(t, e, i, s, n, r), this }, arcTo: function (t, e, i, s, n) { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.arcTo(t, e, i, s, n), this }, beginFill: function (t) { return this.fillStyle(t), this }, beginLinearGradientFill: function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { for (var o = this.createLinearGradient(i, s, n, r), a = 0, h = t.length; h > a; a++)o.addColorStop(e[a], t[a]); return this.fillStyle(o), this }, beginLinearGradientStroke: function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { for (var o = this.createLinearGradient(i, s, n, r), a = 0, h = t.length; h > a; a++)o.addColorStop(e[a], t[a]); return this.strokeStyle(o), this }, beginRadialGradientStroke: function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o, a) { for (var h = this.createRadialGradient(i, s, n, r, o, a), l = 0, c = t.length; c > l; l++)h.addColorStop(e[l], t[l]); return this.strokeStyle(h), this }, beginPath: function () { return this.context.beginPath(), this }, beginStroke: function (t) { return this.strokeStyle(t), this }, bezierCurveTo: function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.bezierCurveTo(t, e, i, s, n, r), this }, circle: function (t, e, i) { return this.arc(t, e, i, 0, 2 * Math.PI), this }, clearRect: function (t, e, i, s) { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.clearRect(t, e, i, s), this }, clip: function () { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.clip(), this }, closePath: function () { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.closePath(), this }, createLinearGradient: function (t, e, i, s) { return this.context.createLinearGradient(t, e, i, s) }, createRadialGradient: function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { return this.context.createRadialGradient(t, e, i, s, n, r) }, ellipse: function (t, e, i, s) { var n = .5522848, r = i / 2 * n, o = s / 2 * n, a = t + i, h = e + s, l = t + i / 2, c = e + s / 2; return this.moveTo(t, c), this.bezierCurveTo(t, c - o, l - r, e, l, e), this.bezierCurveTo(l + r, e, a, c - o, a, c), this.bezierCurveTo(a, c + o, l + r, h, l, h), this.bezierCurveTo(l - r, h, t, c + o, t, c), this }, fill: function () { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.fill(), this }, fillRect: function (t, e, i, s) { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.fillRect(t, e, i, s), this }, fillStyle: function (t) { return this.context.fillStyle = t, this }, font: function (t) { return this.context.font = t, this }, globalAlpha: function (t) { return this.context.globalAlpha = t, this }, globalCompositeOperation: function (t) { return this.context.globalCompositeOperation = t, this }, lineCap: function (t) { return this.context.lineCap = t, this }, lineDashOffset: function (t) { return this.context.lineDashOffset = t, this }, lineJoin: function (t) { return this.context.lineJoin = t, this }, lineWidth: function (t) { return this.context.lineWidth = t, this }, miterLimit: function (t) { return this.context.miterLimit = t, this }, lineTo: function (t, e) { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.lineTo(t, e), this }, moveTo: function (t, e) { return this.context.moveTo(t, e), this }, quadraticCurveTo: function (t, e, i, s) { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.quadraticCurveTo(t, e, i, s), this }, rect: function (t, e, i, s) { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.rect(t, e, i, s), this }, restore: function () { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.restore(), this }, rotate: function (t) { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.rotate(t), this }, setStrokeStyle: function (t, e, i, s, n) { return "undefined" == typeof t && (t = 1), "undefined" == typeof e && (e = "butt"), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = "miter"), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = 10), n = !1, this.lineWidth(t), this.lineCap(e), this.lineJoin(i), this.miterLimit(s), this }, save: function () { return this._dirty = !0,, this }, scale: function (t, e) { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.scale(t, e), this }, scrollPathIntoView: function () { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.scrollPathIntoView(), this }, stroke: function () { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.stroke(), this }, strokeRect: function (t, e, i, s) { return this._dirty = !0, this.context.strokeRect(t, e, i, s), this }, strokeStyle: function (t) { return this.context.strokeStyle = t, this }, render: function () { this._dirty && ( == i.WEBGL && e.texturesToUpdate.push(this.baseTexture), this._dirty = !1) } }, i.BitmapData.prototype.constructor = i.BitmapData, = i.BitmapData.prototype.moveTo, = i.BitmapData.prototype.lineTo, = i.BitmapData.prototype.arcTo, = i.BitmapData.prototype.bezierCurveTo, i.BitmapData.prototype.qt = i.BitmapData.prototype.quadraticCurveTo, i.BitmapData.prototype.a = i.BitmapData.prototype.arc, i.BitmapData.prototype.r = i.BitmapData.prototype.rect, i.BitmapData.prototype.cp = i.BitmapData.prototype.closePath, i.BitmapData.prototype.c = i.BitmapData.prototype.clear, i.BitmapData.prototype.f = i.BitmapData.prototype.beginFill, i.BitmapData.prototype.lf = i.BitmapData.prototype.beginLinearGradientFill, i.BitmapData.prototype.rf = i.BitmapData.prototype.beginRadialGradientFill, i.BitmapData.prototype.ef = i.BitmapData.prototype.endFill, = i.BitmapData.prototype.setStrokeStyle, i.BitmapData.prototype.s = i.BitmapData.prototype.beginStroke, = i.BitmapData.prototype.beginLinearGradientStroke, = i.BitmapData.prototype.beginRadialGradientStroke, i.BitmapData.prototype.dr = i.BitmapData.prototype.rect, i.BitmapData.prototype.dc =, = i.BitmapData.prototype.ellipse, i.Sprite = function (t, s, n, r, o) { s = s || 0, n = n || 0, r = r || null, o = o || null, = t, this.exists = !0, this.alive = !0, = null, = "", this.type = i.SPRITE, this.renderOrderID = -1, this.lifespan = 0, = new i.Events(this), this.animations = new i.AnimationManager(this), this.input = new i.InputHandler(this), this.key = r, this.currentFrame = null, r instanceof i.RenderTexture ? (, r), this.currentFrame = : r instanceof i.BitmapData ? (, r.texture, r.textureFrame), this.currentFrame = r.textureFrame) : r instanceof e.Texture ? (, r), this.currentFrame = o) : (null === r || "undefined" == typeof r ? (r = "__default", this.key = r) : "string" == typeof r && === !1 && (r = "__missing", this.key = r),, e.TextureCache[r]), ? (this.animations.loadFrameData(, null !== o && ("string" == typeof o ? this.frameName = o : this.frame = o)) : this.currentFrame =, this.textureRegion = new i.Rectangle(this.texture.frame.x, this.texture.frame.y, this.texture.frame.width, this.texture.frame.height), this.anchor = new i.Point, this.x = s, this.y = n, this.position.x = s, this.position.y = n, = new i.Point(s, n), this.autoCull = !1, this.scale = new i.Point(1, 1), this._cache = { fresh: !0, dirty: !1, a00: -1, a01: -1, a02: -1, a10: -1, a11: -1, a12: -1, id: -1, i01: -1, i10: -1, idi: -1, left: null, right: null, top: null, bottom: null, prevX: s, prevY: n, x: -1, y: -1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, width: this.currentFrame.sourceSizeW, height: this.currentFrame.sourceSizeH, halfWidth: Math.floor(this.currentFrame.sourceSizeW / 2), halfHeight: Math.floor(this.currentFrame.sourceSizeH / 2), calcWidth: -1, calcHeight: -1, frameID: -1, frameWidth: this.currentFrame.width, frameHeight: this.currentFrame.height, cameraVisible: !0, cropX: 0, cropY: 0, cropWidth: this.currentFrame.sourceSizeW, cropHeight: this.currentFrame.sourceSizeH }, this.offset = new i.Point, = new i.Point(s + Math.floor(this._cache.width / 2), n + Math.floor(this._cache.height / 2)), this.topLeft = new i.Point(s, n), this.topRight = new i.Point(s + this._cache.width, n), this.bottomRight = new i.Point(s + this._cache.width, n + this._cache.height), this.bottomLeft = new i.Point(s, n + this._cache.height), this.bounds = new i.Rectangle(s, n, this._cache.width, this._cache.height), this.body = new i.Physics.Arcade.Body(this), = 1, this.inWorld = i.Rectangle.intersects(this.bounds,, this.inWorldThreshold = 0, this.outOfBoundsKill = !1, this._outOfBoundsFired = !1, this.fixedToCamera = !1, this.cameraOffset = new i.Point(s, n), this.crop = new i.Rectangle(0, 0, this._cache.width, this._cache.height), this.cropEnabled = !1, this.debug = !1, this.updateCache(), this.updateBounds() }, i.Sprite.prototype = Object.create(e.Sprite.prototype), i.Sprite.prototype.constructor = i.Sprite, i.Sprite.prototype.preUpdate = function () { return this._cache.fresh ? ( + this.x, this.parent.position.y + this.y), this.worldTransform[2] =, this.worldTransform[5] =, this._cache.fresh = !1, void (this.body && (this.body.x = - this.anchor.x * this.width + this.body.offset.x, this.body.y = - this.anchor.y * this.height + this.body.offset.y, this.body.preX = this.body.x, this.body.preY = this.body.y))) : !this.exists || && ! ? (this.renderOrderID = -1, !1) : this.lifespan > 0 && (this.lifespan -=, this.lifespan <= 0) ? (this.kill(), !1) : (this._cache.dirty = !1, this.visible && (this.renderOrderID =, this.updateCache(), this.updateAnimation(), this.updateCrop(), (this._cache.dirty || !== this._cache.prevX || !== this._cache.prevY) && this.updateBounds(), this.body && this.body.preUpdate(), !0) }, i.Sprite.prototype.updateCache = function () { this._cache.prevX =, this._cache.prevY =, this.fixedToCamera && (this.x = + this.cameraOffset.x, this.y = + this.cameraOffset.y), + this.worldTransform[2], + this.worldTransform[5]), (this.worldTransform[1] != this._cache.i01 || this.worldTransform[3] != this._cache.i10 || this.worldTransform[0] != this._cache.a00 || this.worldTransform[41] != this._cache.a11) && (this._cache.a00 = this.worldTransform[0], this._cache.a01 = this.worldTransform[1], this._cache.a10 = this.worldTransform[3], this._cache.a11 = this.worldTransform[4], this._cache.i01 = this.worldTransform[1], this._cache.i10 = this.worldTransform[3], this._cache.scaleX = Math.sqrt(this._cache.a00 * this._cache.a00 + this._cache.a01 * this._cache.a01), this._cache.scaleY = Math.sqrt(this._cache.a10 * this._cache.a10 + this._cache.a11 * this._cache.a11), this._cache.a01 *= -1, this._cache.a10 *= -1, = 1 / (this._cache.a00 * this._cache.a11 + this._cache.a01 * -this._cache.a10), this._cache.idi = 1 / (this._cache.a00 * this._cache.a11 + this._cache.i01 * -this._cache.i10), this._cache.dirty = !0), this._cache.a02 = this.worldTransform[2], this._cache.a12 = this.worldTransform[5] }, i.Sprite.prototype.updateAnimation = function () { (this.animations.update() || this.currentFrame && this.currentFrame.uuid != this._cache.frameID) && (this._cache.frameID = this.currentFrame.uuid, this._cache.frameWidth = this.texture.frame.width, this._cache.frameHeight = this.texture.frame.height, this._cache.width = this.currentFrame.width, this._cache.height = this.currentFrame.height, this._cache.halfWidth = Math.floor(this._cache.width / 2), this._cache.halfHeight = Math.floor(this._cache.height / 2), this._cache.dirty = !0) }, i.Sprite.prototype.updateCrop = function () { !this.cropEnabled || this.crop.width == this._cache.cropWidth && this.crop.height == this._cache.cropHeight && this.crop.x == this._cache.cropX && this.crop.y == this._cache.cropY || (this.crop.floorAll(), this._cache.cropX = this.crop.x, this._cache.cropY = this.crop.y, this._cache.cropWidth = this.crop.width, this._cache.cropHeight = this.crop.height, this.texture.frame = this.crop, this.texture.width = this.crop.width, this.texture.height = this.crop.height, this.texture.updateFrame = !0, e.Texture.frameUpdates.push(this.texture)) }, i.Sprite.prototype.updateBounds = function () { this.offset.setTo(this._cache.a02 - this.anchor.x * this.width, this._cache.a12 - this.anchor.y * this.height), this.getLocalPosition(, this.offset.x + this.width / 2, this.offset.y + this.height / 2), this.getLocalPosition(this.topLeft, this.offset.x, this.offset.y), this.getLocalPosition(this.topRight, this.offset.x + this.width, this.offset.y), this.getLocalPosition(this.bottomLeft, this.offset.x, this.offset.y + this.height), this.getLocalPosition(this.bottomRight, this.offset.x + this.width, this.offset.y + this.height), this._cache.left = i.Math.min(this.topLeft.x, this.topRight.x, this.bottomLeft.x, this.bottomRight.x), this._cache.right = i.Math.max(this.topLeft.x, this.topRight.x, this.bottomLeft.x, this.bottomRight.x), = i.Math.min(this.topLeft.y, this.topRight.y, this.bottomLeft.y, this.bottomRight.y), this._cache.bottom = i.Math.max(this.topLeft.y, this.topRight.y, this.bottomLeft.y, this.bottomRight.y), this.bounds.setTo(this._cache.left,, this._cache.right - this._cache.left, this._cache.bottom -, this.updateFrame = !0, this.inWorld === !1 ? (this.inWorld = i.Rectangle.intersects(this.bounds,, this.inWorldThreshold), this.inWorld && (this._outOfBoundsFired = !1)) : (this.inWorld = i.Rectangle.intersects(this.bounds,, this.inWorldThreshold), this.inWorld === !1 && (, this._outOfBoundsFired = !0, this.outOfBoundsKill && this.kill())), this._cache.cameraVisible = i.Rectangle.intersects(, this.bounds, 0), this.autoCull && (this.renderable = this._cache.cameraVisible) }, i.Sprite.prototype.getLocalPosition = function (t, e, i) { return t.x = (this._cache.a11 * * e + -this._cache.a01 * * i + (this._cache.a12 * this._cache.a01 - this._cache.a02 * this._cache.a11) * * this.scale.x + this._cache.a02, t.y = (this._cache.a00 * * i + -this._cache.a10 * * e + (-this._cache.a12 * this._cache.a00 + this._cache.a02 * this._cache.a10) * * this.scale.y + this._cache.a12, t }, i.Sprite.prototype.getLocalUnmodifiedPosition = function (t, e, i) { return t.x = this._cache.a11 * this._cache.idi * e + -this._cache.i01 * this._cache.idi * i + (this._cache.a12 * this._cache.i01 - this._cache.a02 * this._cache.a11) * this._cache.idi + this.anchor.x * this._cache.width, t.y = this._cache.a00 * this._cache.idi * i + -this._cache.i10 * this._cache.idi * e + (-this._cache.a12 * this._cache.a00 + this._cache.a02 * this._cache.i10) * this._cache.idi + this.anchor.y * this._cache.height, t }, i.Sprite.prototype.resetCrop = function () { this.crop = new i.Rectangle(0, 0, this._cache.width, this._cache.height), this.texture.setFrame(this.crop), this.cropEnabled = !1 }, i.Sprite.prototype.postUpdate = function () { this.key instanceof i.BitmapData && this.key._dirty && this.key.render(), this.exists && (this.body && this.body.postUpdate(), this.fixedToCamera ? (this._cache.x = + this.cameraOffset.x, this._cache.y = + this.cameraOffset.y) : (this._cache.x = this.x, this._cache.y = this.y), this.position.x = this._cache.x, this.position.y = this._cache.y) }, i.Sprite.prototype.loadTexture = function (t, s) { this.key = t, t instanceof i.RenderTexture ? this.currentFrame = : t instanceof i.BitmapData ? (this.setTexture(t.texture), this.currentFrame = t.textureFrame) : t instanceof e.Texture ? this.currentFrame = s : (("undefined" == typeof t || === !1) && (t = "__default", this.key = t), ? (this.animations.loadFrameData(, "undefined" != typeof s && ("string" == typeof s ? this.frameName = s : this.frame = s)) : (this.currentFrame =, this.setTexture(e.TextureCache[t]))) }, i.Sprite.prototype.centerOn = function (t, e) { return this.fixedToCamera ? (this.cameraOffset.x = t + (this.cameraOffset.x -, this.cameraOffset.y = e + (this.cameraOffset.y - : (this.x = t + (this.x -, this.y = e + (this.y -, this }, i.Sprite.prototype.revive = function (t) { return "undefined" == typeof t && (t = 1), this.alive = !0, this.exists = !0, this.visible = !0, = t, &&, this }, i.Sprite.prototype.kill = function () { return this.alive = !1, this.exists = !1, this.visible = !1, &&, this }, i.Sprite.prototype.destroy = function () { this.filters && (this.filters = null), &&, this.input && this.input.destroy(), &&, this.animations && this.animations.destroy(), this.body && this.body.destroy(), this.alive = !1, this.exists = !1, this.visible = !1, = null }, i.Sprite.prototype.damage = function (t) { return this.alive && ( -= t, < 0 && this.kill()), this }, i.Sprite.prototype.reset = function (t, e, i) { return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 1), this.x = t, this.y = e,, e), this.position.x = this.x, this.position.y = this.y, this.alive = !0, this.exists = !0, this.visible = !0, this.renderable = !0, this._outOfBoundsFired = !1, = i, this.body && this.body.reset(!1), this }, i.Sprite.prototype.bringToTop = function () { return ? :, this }, = function (t, e, i, s) { return this.animations ?, e, i, s) : void 0 }, Object.defineProperty(i.Sprite.prototype, "deltaX", { get: function () { return - this._cache.prevX } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Sprite.prototype, "deltaY", { get: function () { return - this._cache.prevY } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Sprite.prototype, "angle", { get: function () { return i.Math.wrapAngle(i.Math.radToDeg(this.rotation)) }, set: function (t) { this.rotation = i.Math.degToRad(i.Math.wrapAngle(t)) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Sprite.prototype, "frame", { get: function () { return this.animations.frame }, set: function (t) { this.animations.frame = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Sprite.prototype, "frameName", { get: function () { return this.animations.frameName }, set: function (t) { this.animations.frameName = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Sprite.prototype, "inCamera", { get: function () { return this._cache.cameraVisible } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Sprite.prototype, "worldCenterX", { get: function () { return + } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Sprite.prototype, "worldCenterY", { get: function () { return + } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Sprite.prototype, "width", { get: function () { return this.scale.x * this.currentFrame.width }, set: function (t) { this.scale.x = t / this.currentFrame.width, this._cache.scaleX = t / this.currentFrame.width, this._width = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Sprite.prototype, "height", { get: function () { return this.scale.y * this.currentFrame.height }, set: function (t) { this.scale.y = t / this.currentFrame.height, this._cache.scaleY = t / this.currentFrame.height, this._height = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Sprite.prototype, "inputEnabled", { get: function () { return this.input.enabled }, set: function (t) { t ? this.input.enabled === !1 && this.input.start() : this.input.enabled && this.input.stop() } }), i.TileSprite = function (t, s, n, r, o, a) {
    s = s || 0, n = n || 0, r = r || 256, o = o || 256, a = a || null,, t, s, n, a), this.texture = e.TextureCache[a],, this.texture, r, o), this.type = i.TILESPRITE, this.tileScale = new i.Point(1, 1), this.tilePosition = new i.Point(0, 0), this.body.width = r, this.body.height = o
    }, i.TileSprite.prototype = i.Utils.extend(!0, e.TilingSprite.prototype, i.Sprite.prototype), i.TileSprite.prototype.constructor = i.TileSprite, Object.defineProperty(i.TileSprite.prototype, "angle", { get: function () { return i.Math.wrapAngle(i.Math.radToDeg(this.rotation)) }, set: function (t) { this.rotation = i.Math.degToRad(i.Math.wrapAngle(t)) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.TileSprite.prototype, "frame", { get: function () { return this.animations.frame }, set: function (t) { this.animations.frame = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.TileSprite.prototype, "frameName", { get: function () { return this.animations.frameName }, set: function (t) { this.animations.frameName = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.TileSprite.prototype, "inCamera", { get: function () { return this._cache.cameraVisible } }), Object.defineProperty(i.TileSprite.prototype, "inputEnabled", { get: function () { return this.input.enabled }, set: function (t) { t ? this.input.enabled === !1 && this.input.start() : this.input.enabled && this.input.stop() } }), i.Text = function (t, s, n, r, o) { s = s || 0, n = n || 0, r = r || "", o = o || "", = t, this.exists = !0, this.alive = !0, = null, = "", this.type = i.TEXT, this._text = r, this._style = o,, r, o), this.position.x = this.x = s, this.position.y = this.y = n, this.anchor = new i.Point, this.scale = new i.Point(1, 1), this.fixedToCamera = !1, this.cameraOffset = new i.Point(s, n), this._cache = { dirty: !1, a00: 1, a01: 0, a02: s, a10: 0, a11: 1, a12: n, id: 1, x: -1, y: -1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }, this._cache.x = this.x, this._cache.y = this.y, this.renderable = !0 }, i.Text.prototype = Object.create(e.Text.prototype), i.Text.prototype.constructor = i.Text, i.Text.prototype.update = function () { this.exists && (this.fixedToCamera && (this.x = + this.cameraOffset.x, this.y = + this.cameraOffset.y), this._cache.dirty = !1, this._cache.x = this.x, this._cache.y = this.y, (this.position.x != this._cache.x || this.position.y != this._cache.y) && (this.position.x = this._cache.x, this.position.y = this._cache.y, this._cache.dirty = !0)) }, i.Text.prototype.destroy = function () { &&, this.canvas.parentNode ? this.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(this.canvas) : (this.canvas = null, this.context = null), this.exists = !1, = null }, Object.defineProperty(i.Text.prototype, "angle", { get: function () { return i.Math.radToDeg(this.rotation) }, set: function (t) { this.rotation = i.Math.degToRad(t) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Text.prototype, "x", { get: function () { return this.position.x }, set: function (t) { this.position.x = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Text.prototype, "y", { get: function () { return this.position.y }, set: function (t) { this.position.y = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Text.prototype, "content", { get: function () { return this._text }, set: function (t) { t !== this._text && (this._text = t, this.setText(t)) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Text.prototype, "font", { get: function () { return this._style }, set: function (t) { t !== this._style && (this._style = t, this.setStyle(t)) } }), i.BitmapText = function (t, s, n, r, o) { s = s || 0, n = n || 0, r = r || "", o = o || "", = t, this.exists = !0, this.alive = !0, = null, = "", this.type = i.BITMAPTEXT,, r, o), this.position.x = s, this.position.y = n, this.anchor = new i.Point, this.scale = new i.Point(1, 1), this._cache = { dirty: !1, a00: 1, a01: 0, a02: s, a10: 0, a11: 1, a12: n, id: 1, x: -1, y: -1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }, this._cache.x = this.x, this._cache.y = this.y }, i.BitmapText.prototype = Object.create(e.BitmapText.prototype), i.BitmapText.prototype.constructor = i.BitmapText, i.BitmapText.prototype.update = function () { this.exists && (this._cache.dirty = !1, this._cache.x = this.x, this._cache.y = this.y, (this.position.x != this._cache.x || this.position.y != this._cache.y) && (this.position.x = this._cache.x, this.position.y = this._cache.y, this._cache.dirty = !0), this.pivot.x = this.anchor.x * this.width, this.pivot.y = this.anchor.y * this.height) }, i.BitmapText.prototype.destroy = function () { &&, this.canvas && this.canvas.parentNode ? this.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(this.canvas) : (this.canvas = null, this.context = null), this.exists = !1, = null }, Object.defineProperty(i.BitmapText.prototype, "angle", { get: function () { return i.Math.radToDeg(this.rotation) }, set: function (t) { this.rotation = i.Math.degToRad(t) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.BitmapText.prototype, "x", { get: function () { return this.position.x }, set: function (t) { this.position.x = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.BitmapText.prototype, "y", { get: function () { return this.position.y }, set: function (t) { this.position.y = t } }), i.Button = function (t, e, s, n, r, o, a, h, l, c) { e = e || 0, s = s || 0, n = n || null, r = r || null, o = o || this,, t, e, s, n, h), this.type = i.BUTTON, this._onOverFrameName = null, this._onOutFrameName = null, this._onDownFrameName = null, this._onUpFrameName = null, this._onOverFrameID = null, this._onOutFrameID = null, this._onDownFrameID = null, this._onUpFrameID = null, this.onOverSound = null, this.onOutSound = null, this.onDownSound = null, this.onUpSound = null, this.onOverSoundMarker = "", this.onOutSoundMarker = "", this.onDownSoundMarker = "", this.onUpSoundMarker = "", this.onInputOver = new i.Signal, this.onInputOut = new i.Signal, this.onInputDown = new i.Signal, this.onInputUp = new i.Signal, this.freezeFrames = !1, this.forceOut = !1, this.setFrames(a, h, l, c), null !== r && this.onInputUp.add(r, o), this.input.start(0, !0),, this),, this),, this),, this) }, i.Button.prototype = Object.create(i.Sprite.prototype), i.Button.prototype = i.Utils.extend(!0, i.Button.prototype, i.Sprite.prototype, e.Sprite.prototype), i.Button.prototype.constructor = i.Button, i.Button.prototype.clearFrames = function () { this._onOverFrameName = null, this._onOverFrameID = null, this._onOutFrameName = null, this._onOutFrameID = null, this._onDownFrameName = null, this._onDownFrameID = null, this._onUpFrameName = null, this._onUpFrameID = null }, i.Button.prototype.setFrames = function (t, e, i, s) { this.clearFrames(), null !== t && ("string" == typeof t ? (this._onOverFrameName = t, this.input.pointerOver() && (this.frameName = t)) : (this._onOverFrameID = t, this.input.pointerOver() && (this.frame = t))), null !== e && ("string" == typeof e ? (this._onOutFrameName = e, this.input.pointerOver() === !1 && (this.frameName = e)) : (this._onOutFrameID = e, this.input.pointerOver() === !1 && (this.frame = e))), null !== i && ("string" == typeof i ? (this._onDownFrameName = i, this.input.pointerDown() && (this.frameName = i)) : (this._onDownFrameID = i, this.input.pointerDown() && (this.frame = i))), null !== s && ("string" == typeof s ? (this._onUpFrameName = s, this.input.pointerUp() && (this.frameName = s)) : (this._onUpFrameID = s, this.input.pointerUp() && (this.frame = s))) }, i.Button.prototype.setSounds = function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o, a) { this.setOverSound(t, e), this.setOutSound(n, r), this.setDownSound(i, s), this.setUpSound(o, a) }, i.Button.prototype.setOverSound = function (t, e) { this.onOverSound = null, this.onOverSoundMarker = "", t instanceof i.Sound && (this.onOverSound = t), "string" == typeof e && (this.onOverSoundMarker = e) }, i.Button.prototype.setOutSound = function (t, e) { this.onOutSound = null, this.onOutSoundMarker = "", t instanceof i.Sound && (this.onOutSound = t), "string" == typeof e && (this.onOutSoundMarker = e) }, i.Button.prototype.setDownSound = function (t, e) { this.onDownSound = null, this.onDownSoundMarker = "", t instanceof i.Sound && (this.onDownSound = t), "string" == typeof e && (this.onDownSoundMarker = e) }, i.Button.prototype.setUpSound = function (t, e) { this.onUpSound = null, this.onUpSoundMarker = "", t instanceof i.Sound && (this.onUpSound = t), "string" == typeof e && (this.onUpSoundMarker = e) }, i.Button.prototype.onInputOverHandler = function (t, e) { this.freezeFrames === !1 && this.setState(1), this.onOverSound &&, this.onInputOver && this.onInputOver.dispatch(this, e) }, i.Button.prototype.onInputOutHandler = function (t, e) { this.freezeFrames === !1 && this.setState(2), this.onOutSound &&, this.onInputOut && this.onInputOut.dispatch(this, e) }, i.Button.prototype.onInputDownHandler = function (t, e) { this.freezeFrames === !1 && this.setState(3), this.onDownSound &&, this.onInputDown && this.onInputDown.dispatch(this, e) }, i.Button.prototype.onInputUpHandler = function (t, e, i) { this.onUpSound &&, this.onInputUp && this.onInputUp.dispatch(this, e, i), this.freezeFrames || this.setState(this.forceOut ? 2 : this._onUpFrameName || this._onUpFrameID ? 4 : i ? 1 : 2) }, i.Button.prototype.setState = function (t) { 1 === t ? null != this._onOverFrameName ? this.frameName = this._onOverFrameName : null != this._onOverFrameID && (this.frame = this._onOverFrameID) : 2 === t ? null != this._onOutFrameName ? this.frameName = this._onOutFrameName : null != this._onOutFrameID && (this.frame = this._onOutFrameID) : 3 === t ? null != this._onDownFrameName ? this.frameName = this._onDownFrameName : null != this._onDownFrameID && (this.frame = this._onDownFrameID) : 4 === t && (null != this._onUpFrameName ? this.frameName = this._onUpFrameName : null != this._onUpFrameID && (this.frame = this._onUpFrameID)) }, i.Graphics = function (t, s, n) { = t,, this.type = i.GRAPHICS, this.position.x = s, this.position.y = n }, i.Graphics.prototype = Object.create(e.Graphics.prototype), i.Graphics.prototype.constructor = i.Graphics, i.Graphics.prototype.destroy = function () { this.clear(), &&, = null }, i.Graphics.prototype.drawPolygon = function (t) { this.moveTo(t.points[0].x, t.points[0].y); for (var e = 1; e < t.points.length; e += 1)this.lineTo(t.points[e].x, t.points[e].y); this.lineTo(t.points[0].x, t.points[0].y) }, Object.defineProperty(i.Graphics.prototype, "angle", { get: function () { return i.Math.wrapAngle(i.Math.radToDeg(this.rotation)) }, set: function (t) { this.rotation = i.Math.degToRad(i.Math.wrapAngle(t)) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Graphics.prototype, "x", { get: function () { return this.position.x }, set: function (t) { this.position.x = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Graphics.prototype, "y", { get: function () { return this.position.y }, set: function (t) { this.position.y = t } }), i.RenderTexture = function (t, s, n, r) { = t, = s,, this.width = n || 100, this.height = r || 100, this.indetityMatrix = e.mat3.create(), this.frame = new e.Rectangle(0, 0, this.width, this.height), this.type = i.RENDERTEXTURE, this._tempPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 }, ? this.initWebGL() : this.initCanvas() }, i.RenderTexture.prototype = Object.create(e.Texture.prototype), i.RenderTexture.prototype.constructor = e.RenderTexture, i.RenderTexture.prototype.render = function (t, s, n, r) { "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !1), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = !1), "undefined" == typeof r && (r = !1), t instanceof i.Group && (t = t._container), ? this.renderWebGL(t, s, n, r) : this.renderCanvas(t, s, n, r) }, i.RenderTexture.prototype.renderXY = function (t, e, i, s, n) { this._tempPoint.x = e, this._tempPoint.y = i, this.render(t, this._tempPoint, s, n) }, i.RenderTexture.prototype.initWebGL = function () { var t =; this.glFramebuffer = t.createFramebuffer(), t.bindFramebuffer(t.FRAMEBUFFER, this.glFramebuffer), this.glFramebuffer.width = this.width, this.glFramebuffer.height = this.height, this.baseTexture = new e.BaseTexture, this.baseTexture.width = this.width, this.baseTexture.height = this.height, this.baseTexture._glTexture = t.createTexture(), t.bindTexture(t.TEXTURE_2D, this.baseTexture._glTexture), t.texImage2D(t.TEXTURE_2D, 0, t.RGBA, this.width, this.height, 0, t.RGBA, t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, t.LINEAR), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, t.LINEAR), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, t.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), t.texParameteri(t.TEXTURE_2D, t.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, t.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), this.baseTexture.isRender = !0, t.bindFramebuffer(t.FRAMEBUFFER, this.glFramebuffer), t.framebufferTexture2D(t.FRAMEBUFFER, t.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, t.TEXTURE_2D, this.baseTexture._glTexture, 0), this.projection = new e.Point(this.width / 2, -this.height / 2) }, i.RenderTexture.prototype.resize = function (t, i) { if (this.width = t, this.height = i, { this.projection.x = this.width / 2, this.projection.y = -this.height / 2; var s =; s.bindTexture(s.TEXTURE_2D, this.baseTexture._glTexture), s.texImage2D(s.TEXTURE_2D, 0, s.RGBA, this.width, this.height, 0, s.RGBA, s.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null) } else this.frame.width = this.width, this.frame.height = this.height, this.renderer.resize(this.width, this.height) }, i.RenderTexture.prototype.initCanvas = function () { this.renderer = new e.CanvasRenderer(this.width, this.height, null, 0), this.baseTexture = new e.BaseTexture(this.renderer.view), this.frame = new e.Rectangle(0, 0, this.width, this.height) }, i.RenderTexture.prototype.renderWebGL = function (t, i, s) { var n =; n.colorMask(!0, !0, !0, !0), n.viewport(0, 0, this.width, this.height), n.bindFramebuffer(n.FRAMEBUFFER, this.glFramebuffer), s && (n.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0), n.clear(n.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)); var r = t.children, o = t.worldTransform; t.worldTransform = e.mat3.create(), t.worldTransform[4] = -1, t.worldTransform[5] = -2 * this.projection.y, i && (t.worldTransform[2] = i.x, t.worldTransform[5] -= i.y), e.visibleCount++, t.vcount = e.visibleCount; for (var a = 0, h = r.length; h > a; a++)r[a].updateTransform(); var l = t.__renderGroup; l ? t == l.root ? l.render(this.projection, this.glFramebuffer) : l.renderSpecific(t, this.projection, this.glFramebuffer) : (this.renderGroup || (this.renderGroup = new e.WebGLRenderGroup(n)), this.renderGroup.setRenderable(t), this.renderGroup.render(this.projection, this.glFramebuffer)), t.worldTransform = o }, i.RenderTexture.prototype.renderCanvas = function (t, i, s, n) { var r = t.children; t.worldTransform = e.mat3.create(), i && (t.worldTransform[2] = i.x, t.worldTransform[5] = i.y); for (var o = 0, a = r.length; a > o; o++)r[o].updateTransform(); s && this.renderer.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height), this.renderer.renderDisplayObject(t, n), this.renderer.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) }, i.Canvas = { create: function (t, e, i) { t = t || 256, e = e || 256; var s = document.createElement("canvas"); return "string" == typeof i && ( = i), s.width = t, s.height = e, = "block", s }, getOffset: function (t, e) { e = e || new i.Point; var s = t.getBoundingClientRect(), n = t.clientTop || document.body.clientTop || 0, r = t.clientLeft || document.body.clientLeft || 0, o = 0, a = 0; return "CSS1Compat" === document.compatMode ? (o = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || t.scrollTop || 0, a = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || t.scrollLeft || 0) : (o = window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop || t.scrollTop || 0, a = window.pageXOffset || document.body.scrollLeft || t.scrollLeft || 0), e.x = s.left + a - r, e.y = + o - n, e }, getAspectRatio: function (t) { return t.width / t.height }, setBackgroundColor: function (t, e) { return e = e || "rgb(0,0,0)", = e, t }, setTouchAction: function (t, e) { return e = e || "none", = e,["ms-touch-action"] = e,["touch-action"] = e, t }, setUserSelect: function (t, e) { return e = e || "none",["-webkit-touch-callout"] = e,["-webkit-user-select"] = e,["-khtml-user-select"] = e,["-moz-user-select"] = e,["-ms-user-select"] = e,["user-select"] = e,["-webkit-tap-highlight-color"] = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", t }, addToDOM: function (t, e, i) { var s; return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !0), e && ("string" == typeof e ? s = document.getElementById(e) : "object" == typeof e && 1 === e.nodeType && (s = e)), s || (s = document.body), i && && ( = "hidden"), s.appendChild(t), t }, setTransform: function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o) { return t.setTransform(s, r, o, n, e, i), t }, setSmoothingEnabled: function (t, e) { return t.imageSmoothingEnabled = e, t.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = e, t.oImageSmoothingEnabled = e, t.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = e, t.msImageSmoothingEnabled = e, t }, setImageRenderingCrisp: function (t) { return["image-rendering"] = "optimizeSpeed",["image-rendering"] = "crisp-edges",["image-rendering"] = "-moz-crisp-edges",["image-rendering"] = "-webkit-optimize-contrast",["image-rendering"] = "optimize-contrast", = "nearest-neighbor", t }, setImageRenderingBicubic: function (t) { return["image-rendering"] = "auto", = "bicubic", t } }, i.StageScaleMode = function (t, e, s) { = t, this.width = e, this.height = s, this.minWidth = null, this.maxWidth = null, this.minHeight = null, this.maxHeight = null, this._startHeight = 0, this.forceLandscape = !1, this.forcePortrait = !1, this.incorrectOrientation = !1, this.pageAlignHorizontally = !1, this.pageAlignVertically = !1, this._width = 0, this._height = 0, this.maxIterations = 5, this.orientationSprite = null, this.enterLandscape = new i.Signal, this.enterPortrait = new i.Signal, this.enterIncorrectOrientation = new i.Signal, this.leaveIncorrectOrientation = new i.Signal, this.hasResized = new i.Signal, this.orientation = window.orientation ? window.orientation : window.outerWidth > window.outerHeight ? 90 : 0, this.scaleFactor = new i.Point(1, 1), this.scaleFactorInversed = new i.Point(1, 1), this.margin = new i.Point(0, 0), this.aspectRatio = 0, this.event = null; var n = this; window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function (t) { return n.checkOrientation(t) }, !1), window.addEventListener("resize", function (t) { return n.checkResize(t) }, !1), document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", function (t) { return n.fullScreenChange(t) }, !1), document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", function (t) { return n.fullScreenChange(t) }, !1), document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", function (t) { return n.fullScreenChange(t) }, !1) }, i.StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT = 0, i.StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE = 1, i.StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL = 2, i.StageScaleMode.prototype = { startFullScreen: function (t) { if (!this.isFullScreen) { "undefined" != typeof t && i.Canvas.setSmoothingEnabled(, t); var e =; this._width = this.width, this._height = this.height, e.requestFullScreen ? e.requestFullScreen() : e.mozRequestFullScreen ? e.parentNode.mozRequestFullScreen() : e.webkitRequestFullScreen && e.webkitRequestFullScreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT) } }, stopFullScreen: function () { document.cancelFullScreen ? document.cancelFullScreen() : document.mozCancelFullScreen ? document.mozCancelFullScreen() : document.webkitCancelFullScreen && document.webkitCancelFullScreen() }, fullScreenChange: function (t) { this.event = t, this.isFullScreen ? === i.StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT ? ( = "100%", = "100%", this.setMaximum(), / this.width, / this.height), this.aspectRatio = this.width / this.height, this.scaleFactor.x = / this.width, this.scaleFactor.y = / this.height) : === i.StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL && (, : ( = + "px", = + "px", this.width = this._width, this.height = this._height, / this.width, / this.height), this.aspectRatio = this.width / this.height, this.scaleFactor.x = / this.width, this.scaleFactor.y = / this.height) }, forceOrientation: function (t, i, s) { "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !1), this.forceLandscape = t, this.forcePortrait = i, "undefined" != typeof s && ((null == s || === !1) && (s = "__default"), this.orientationSprite = new e.Sprite(e.TextureCache[s]), this.orientationSprite.anchor.x = .5, this.orientationSprite.anchor.y = .5, this.orientationSprite.position.x = / 2, this.orientationSprite.position.y = / 2, this.checkOrientationState(), this.incorrectOrientation ? (this.orientationSprite.visible = !0, = !1) : (this.orientationSprite.visible = !1, = !0), }, checkOrientationState: function () { this.incorrectOrientation ? (this.forceLandscape && window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight || this.forcePortrait && window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth) && ( = !1, this.incorrectOrientation = !1, this.leaveIncorrectOrientation.dispatch(), this.orientationSprite && (this.orientationSprite.visible = !1, = !0), this.refresh()) : (this.forceLandscape && window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight || this.forcePortrait && window.innerHeight < window.innerWidth) && ( = !0, this.incorrectOrientation = !0, this.enterIncorrectOrientation.dispatch(), this.orientationSprite && this.orientationSprite.visible === !1 && (this.orientationSprite.visible = !0, = !1), this.refresh()) }, checkOrientation: function (t) { this.event = t, this.orientation = window.orientation, this.isLandscape ? this.enterLandscape.dispatch(this.orientation, !0, !1) : this.enterPortrait.dispatch(this.orientation, !1, !0), !== i.StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE && this.refresh() }, checkResize: function (t) { this.event = t, this.orientation = window.outerWidth > window.outerHeight ? 90 : 0, this.isLandscape ? this.enterLandscape.dispatch(this.orientation, !0, !1) : this.enterPortrait.dispatch(this.orientation, !1, !0), !== i.StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE && this.refresh(), this.checkOrientationState() }, refresh: function () { if ( === !1 && === !1 && === !1 && ( && === !1 ? window.scrollTo(0, 1) : window.scrollTo(0, 0)), null == this._check && this.maxIterations > 0) { this._iterations = this.maxIterations; var t = this; this._check = window.setInterval(function () { return t.setScreenSize() }, 10), this.setScreenSize() } }, setScreenSize: function (t) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = !1), === !1 && === !1 && === !1 && ( && === !1 ? window.scrollTo(0, 1) : window.scrollTo(0, 0)), this._iterations--, (t || window.innerHeight > this._startHeight || this._iterations < 0) && ( = window.innerHeight + "px", this.incorrectOrientation === !0 ? this.setMaximum() : this.isFullScreen ? == i.StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT ? this.setExactFit() : == i.StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL && this.setShowAll() : == i.StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT ? this.setExactFit() : == i.StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL && this.setShowAll(), this.setSize(), clearInterval(this._check), this._check = null) }, setSize: function () { this.incorrectOrientation === !1 && (this.maxWidth && this.width > this.maxWidth && (this.width = this.maxWidth), this.maxHeight && this.height > this.maxHeight && (this.height = this.maxHeight), this.minWidth && this.width < this.minWidth && (this.width = this.minWidth), this.minHeight && this.height < this.minHeight && (this.height = this.minHeight)), = this.width + "px", = this.height + "px", / this.width, / this.height), this.pageAlignHorizontally && (this.width < window.innerWidth && this.incorrectOrientation === !1 ? 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(this.margin.y = Math.round((window.innerHeight - this.height) / 2), = this.margin.y + "px") : (this.margin.y = 0, = "0px")), i.Canvas.getOffset(,, this.aspectRatio = this.width / this.height, this.scaleFactor.x = / this.width, this.scaleFactor.y = / this.height, this.scaleFactorInversed.x = this.width /, this.scaleFactorInversed.y = this.height /, this.hasResized.dispatch(this.width, this.height), this.checkOrientationState() }, setMaximum: function () { this.width = window.innerWidth, this.height = window.innerHeight }, setShowAll: function () { var t = Math.min(window.innerHeight /, window.innerWidth /; this.width = Math.round( * t), this.height = Math.round( * t) }, setExactFit: function () { var t = window.innerWidth, e = window.innerHeight; this.width = this.maxWidth && t > this.maxWidth ? this.maxWidth : t, this.height = this.maxHeight && e > this.maxHeight ? this.maxHeight : e } }, i.StageScaleMode.prototype.constructor = i.StageScaleMode, Object.defineProperty(i.StageScaleMode.prototype, "isFullScreen", { get: function () { return document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement } }), Object.defineProperty(i.StageScaleMode.prototype, "isPortrait", { get: function () { return 0 === this.orientation || 180 == this.orientation } }), Object.defineProperty(i.StageScaleMode.prototype, "isLandscape", { get: function () { return 90 === this.orientation || -90 === this.orientation } }), i.Device = function () { this.patchAndroidClearRectBug = !1, this.desktop = !1, this.iOS = !1, this.cocoonJS = !1, this.ejecta = !1, = !1, this.chromeOS = !1, this.linux = !1, this.macOS = !1, = !1, this.canvas = !1, this.file = !1, this.fileSystem = !1, this.localStorage = !1, this.webGL = !1, this.worker = !1, this.touch = !1, this.mspointer = !1, this.css3D = !1, this.pointerLock = !1, this.typedArray = !1, this.vibration = !1, this.quirksMode = !1, this.arora = !1, = !1, this.epiphany = !1, this.firefox = !1, = !1, this.ieVersion = 0, this.trident = !1, this.tridentVersion = 0, this.mobileSafari = !1, this.midori = !1, this.opera = !1, this.safari = !1, this.webApp = !1, = !1, this.audioData = !1, this.webAudio = !1, this.ogg = !1, this.opus = !1, this.mp3 = !1, this.wav = !1, this.m4a = !1, this.webm = !1, this.iPhone = !1, this.iPhone4 = !1, this.iPad = !1, this.pixelRatio = 0, this.littleEndian = !1, this._checkAudio(), this._checkBrowser(), this._checkCSS3D(), this._checkDevice(), this._checkFeatures(), this._checkOS() }, i.Device.prototype = { _checkOS: function () { var t = navigator.userAgent; /Android/.test(t) ? = !0 : /CrOS/.test(t) ? this.chromeOS = !0 : /iP[ao]d|iPhone/i.test(t) ? this.iOS = !0 : /Linux/.test(t) ? this.linux = !0 : /Mac OS/.test(t) ? this.macOS = !0 : /Windows/.test(t) && ( = !0), ( || this.macOS || this.linux && === !1) && (this.desktop = !0) }, _checkFeatures: function () { this.canvas = !!window.CanvasRenderingContext2D; try { this.localStorage = !!localStorage.getItem } catch (t) { this.localStorage = !1 } this.file = !!(window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob), this.fileSystem = !!window.requestFileSystem, this.webGL = function () { try { var t = document.createElement("canvas"); return !!window.WebGLRenderingContext && (t.getContext("webgl") || t.getContext("experimental-webgl")) } catch (e) { return !1 } }(), this.webGL = null === this.webGL || this.webGL === !1 ? !1 : !0, this.worker = !!window.Worker, ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement || window.navigator.maxTouchPoints && window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1) && (this.touch = !0), (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled || window.navigator.pointerEnabled) && (this.mspointer = !0), this.pointerLock = "pointerLockElement" in document || "mozPointerLockElement" in document || "webkitPointerLockElement" in document, this.quirksMode = "CSS1Compat" === document.compatMode ? !1 : !0 }, _checkBrowser: function () { var t = navigator.userAgent; /Arora/.test(t) ? this.arora = !0 : /Chrome/.test(t) ? = !0 : /Epiphany/.test(t) ? this.epiphany = !0 : /Firefox/.test(t) ? this.firefox = !0 : /Mobile Safari/.test(t) ? this.mobileSafari = !0 : /MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(t) ? ( = !0, this.ieVersion = parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10)) : /Midori/.test(t) ? this.midori = !0 : /Opera/.test(t) ? this.opera = !0 : /Safari/.test(t) ? this.safari = !0 : /Silk/.test(t) ? = !0 : /Trident\/(\d+\.\d+);/.test(t) && ( = !0, this.trident = !0, this.tridentVersion = parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10)), navigator.standalone && (this.webApp = !0), navigator.isCocoonJS && (this.cocoonJS = !0), "undefined" != typeof window.ejecta && (this.ejecta = !0) }, _checkAudio: function () { this.audioData = !!window.Audio, this.webAudio = !(!window.webkitAudioContext && !window.AudioContext); var t = document.createElement("audio"), e = !1; try { (e = !!t.canPlayType) && (t.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, "") && (this.ogg = !0), t.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="opus"').replace(/^no$/, "") && (this.opus = !0), t.canPlayType("audio/mpeg;").replace(/^no$/, "") && (this.mp3 = !0), t.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"').replace(/^no$/, "") && (this.wav = !0), (t.canPlayType("audio/x-m4a;") || t.canPlayType("audio/aac;").replace(/^no$/, "")) && (this.m4a = !0), t.canPlayType('audio/webm; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, "") && (this.webm = !0)) } catch (i) { } }, _checkDevice: function () { this.pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, this.iPhone = -1 != navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("iphone"), this.iPhone4 = 2 == this.pixelRatio && this.iPhone, this.iPad = -1 != navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("ipad"), "undefined" != typeof Int8Array ? (this.littleEndian = new Int8Array(new Int16Array([1]).buffer)[0] > 0, this.typedArray = !0) : (this.littleEndian = !1, this.typedArray = !1), navigator.vibrate = navigator.vibrate || navigator.webkitVibrate || navigator.mozVibrate || navigator.msVibrate, navigator.vibrate && (this.vibration = !0) }, _checkCSS3D: function () { var t, e = document.createElement("p"), i = { webkitTransform: "-webkit-transform", OTransform: "-o-transform", msTransform: "-ms-transform", MozTransform: "-moz-transform", transform: "transform" }; document.body.insertBefore(e, null); for (var s in i) void 0 !==[s] && ([s] = "translate3d(1px,1px,1px)", t = window.getComputedStyle(e).getPropertyValue(i[s])); document.body.removeChild(e), this.css3D = void 0 !== t && t.length > 0 && "none" !== t }, canPlayAudio: function (t) { return "mp3" == t && this.mp3 ? !0 : "ogg" == t && (this.ogg || this.opus) ? !0 : "m4a" == t && this.m4a ? !0 : "wav" == t && this.wav ? !0 : "webm" == t && this.webm ? !0 : !1 }, isConsoleOpen: function () { return window.console && window.console.firebug ? !0 : window.console ? (console.profile(), console.profileEnd(), console.clear && console.clear(), console.profiles.length > 0) : !1 } }, i.Device.prototype.constructor = i.Device, i.RequestAnimationFrame = function (t) { = t, this.isRunning = !1; for (var e = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], i = 0; i < e.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; i++)window.requestAnimationFrame = window[e[i] + "RequestAnimationFrame"], window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[e[i] + "CancelAnimationFrame"]; this._isSetTimeOut = !1, this._onLoop = null, this._timeOutID = null }, i.RequestAnimationFrame.prototype = { start: function () { this.isRunning = !0; var t = this; window.requestAnimationFrame ? (this._isSetTimeOut = !1, this._onLoop = function (e) { return t.updateRAF(e) }, this._timeOutID = window.requestAnimationFrame(this._onLoop)) : (this._isSetTimeOut = !0, this._onLoop = function () { return t.updateSetTimeout() }, this._timeOutID = window.setTimeout(this._onLoop, 0)) }, updateRAF: function (t) {, this._timeOutID = window.requestAnimationFrame(this._onLoop) }, updateSetTimeout: function () {, this._timeOutID = window.setTimeout(this._onLoop, }, stop: function () { this._isSetTimeOut ? clearTimeout(this._timeOutID) : window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._timeOutID), this.isRunning = !1 }, isSetTimeOut: function () { return this._isSetTimeOut }, isRAF: function () { return this._isSetTimeOut === !1 } }, i.RequestAnimationFrame.prototype.constructor = i.RequestAnimationFrame, i.RandomDataGenerator = function (t) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = []), this.c = 1, this.s0 = 0, this.s1 = 0, this.s2 = 0, this.sow(t) }, i.RandomDataGenerator.prototype = { rnd: function () { var t = 2091639 * this.s0 + 2.3283064365386963e-10 * this.c; return this.c = 0 | t, this.s0 = this.s1, this.s1 = this.s2, this.s2 = t - this.c, this.s2 }, sow: function (t) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = []), this.s0 = this.hash(" "), this.s1 = this.hash(this.s0), this.s2 = this.hash(this.s1), this.c = 1; for (var e, i = 0; e = t[i++];)this.s0 -= this.hash(e), this.s0 += ~~(this.s0 < 0), this.s1 -= this.hash(e), this.s1 += ~~(this.s1 < 0), this.s2 -= this.hash(e), this.s2 += ~~(this.s2 < 0) }, hash: function (t) { var e, i, s; for (s = 4022871197, t = t.toString(), i = 0; i < t.length; i++)s += t.charCodeAt(i), e = .02519603282416938 * s, s = e >>> 0, e -= s, e *= s, s = e >>> 0, e -= s, s += 4294967296 * e; return 2.3283064365386963e-10 * (s >>> 0) }, integer: function () { return 4294967296 * this.rnd.apply(this) }, frac: function () { return this.rnd.apply(this) + 1.1102230246251565e-16 * (2097152 * this.rnd.apply(this) | 0) }, real: function () { return this.integer() + this.frac() }, integerInRange: function (t, e) { return Math.floor(this.realInRange(t, e)) }, realInRange: function (t, e) { return this.frac() * (e - t) + t }, normal: function () { return 1 - 2 * this.frac() }, uuid: function () { var t = "", e = ""; for (e = t = ""; t++ < 36; e += ~t % 5 | 3 * t & 4 ? (15 ^ t ? 8 ^ this.frac() * (20 ^ t ? 16 : 4) : 4).toString(16) : "-"); return e }, pick: function (t) { return t[this.integerInRange(0, t.length)] }, weightedPick: function (t) { return t[~~(Math.pow(this.frac(), 2) * t.length)] }, timestamp: function (t, e) { return this.realInRange(t || 9466848e5, e || 1577862e6) }, angle: function () { return this.integerInRange(-180, 180) } }, i.RandomDataGenerator.prototype.constructor = i.RandomDataGenerator, i.Math = {
        PI2: 2 * Math.PI, fuzzyEqual: function (t, e, i) {
            return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 1e-4), Math.abs(t - e) < i
        }, fuzzyLessThan: function (t, e, i) { return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 1e-4), e + i > t }, fuzzyGreaterThan: function (t, e, i) { return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 1e-4), t > e - i }, fuzzyCeil: function (t, e) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 1e-4), Math.ceil(t - e) }, fuzzyFloor: function (t, e) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 1e-4), Math.floor(t + e) }, average: function () { for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length - 0; e++)t[e] = arguments[e + 0]; for (var i = 0, s = 0; s < t.length; s++)i += t[s]; return i / t.length }, truncate: function (t) { return t > 0 ? Math.floor(t) : Math.ceil(t) }, shear: function (t) { return t % 1 }, snapTo: function (t, e, i) { return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 0), 0 === e ? t : (t -= i, t = e * Math.round(t / e), i + t) }, snapToFloor: function (t, e, i) { return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 0), 0 === e ? t : (t -= i, t = e * Math.floor(t / e), i + t) }, snapToCeil: function (t, e, i) { return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 0), 0 === e ? t : (t -= i, t = e * Math.ceil(t / e), i + t) }, snapToInArray: function (t, e, i) { if ("undefined" == typeof i && (i = !0), i && e.sort(), t < e[0]) return e[0]; for (var s = 1; e[s] < t;)s++; var n = e[s - 1], r = s < e.length ? e[s] : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; return t - n >= r - t ? r : n }, roundTo: function (t, e, i) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 0), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 10); var s = Math.pow(i, -e); return Math.round(t * s) / s }, floorTo: function (t, e, i) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 0), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 10); var s = Math.pow(i, -e); return Math.floor(t * s) / s }, ceilTo: function (t, e, i) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 0), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 10); var s = Math.pow(i, -e); return Math.ceil(t * s) / s }, interpolateFloat: function (t, e, i) { return (e - t) * i + t }, angleBetween: function (t, e, i, s) { return Math.atan2(s - e, i - t) }, reverseAngle: function (t) { return this.normalizeAngle(t + Math.PI, !0) }, normalizeAngle: function (t) { return t %= 2 * Math.PI, t >= 0 ? t : t + 2 * Math.PI }, normalizeLatitude: function (t) { return Math.max(-90, Math.min(90, t)) }, normalizeLongitude: function (t) { return t % 360 == 180 ? 180 : (t %= 360, -180 > t ? t + 360 : t > 180 ? t - 360 : t) }, nearestAngleBetween: function (t, e, i) { "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !0); var s = i ? Math.PI : 180; return t = this.normalizeAngle(t, i), e = this.normalizeAngle(e, i), -s / 2 > t && e > s / 2 && (t += 2 * s), -s / 2 > e && t > s / 2 && (e += 2 * s), e - t }, interpolateAngles: function (t, e, i, s, n) { return "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !0), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = null), t = this.normalizeAngle(t, s), e = this.normalizeAngleToAnother(e, t, s), "function" == typeof n ? n(i, t, e - t, 1) : this.interpolateFloat(t, e, i) }, chanceRoll: function (t) { return "undefined" == typeof t && (t = 50), 0 >= t ? !1 : t >= 100 ? !0 : 100 * Math.random() >= t ? !1 : !0 }, numberArray: function (t, e) { for (var i = [], s = t; e >= s; s++)i.push(s); return i }, maxAdd: function (t, e, i) { return t += e, t > i && (t = i), t }, minSub: function (t, e, i) { return t -= e, i > t && (t = i), t }, wrap: function (t, e, i) { var s = i - e; if (0 >= s) return 0; var n = (t - e) % s; return 0 > n && (n += s), n + e }, wrapValue: function (t, e, i) { var s; return t = Math.abs(t), e = Math.abs(e), i = Math.abs(i), s = (t + e) % i }, randomSign: function () { return Math.random() > .5 ? 1 : -1 }, isOdd: function (t) { return 1 & t }, isEven: function (t) { return 1 & t ? !1 : !0 }, max: function () { for (var t = 1, e = 0, i = arguments.length; i > t; t++)arguments[e] < arguments[t] && (e = t); return arguments[e] }, min: function () { if (1 === arguments.length && "object" == typeof arguments[0]) var t = arguments[0]; else var t = arguments; for (var e = 1, i = 0, s = t.length; s > e; e++)t[e] < t[i] && (i = e); return t[i] }, max: function () { if (1 === arguments.length && "object" == typeof arguments[0]) var t = arguments[0]; else var t = arguments; for (var e = 1, i = 0, s = t.length; s > e; e++)t[e] > t[i] && (i = e); return t[i] }, minProperty: function (t) { if (2 === arguments.length && "object" == typeof arguments[1]) var e = arguments[1]; else var e = arguments.slice(1); for (var i = 1, s = 0, n = e.length; n > i; i++)e[i][t] < e[s][t] && (s = i); return e[s][t] }, maxProperty: function (t) { if (2 === arguments.length && "object" == typeof arguments[1]) var e = arguments[1]; else var e = arguments.slice(1); for (var i = 1, s = 0, n = e.length; n > i; i++)e[i][t] > e[s][t] && (s = i); return e[s][t] }, wrapAngle: function (t) { return this.wrap(t, -180, 180) }, angleLimit: function (t, e, i) { var s = t; return t > i ? s = i : e > t && (s = e), s }, linearInterpolation: function (t, e) { var i = t.length - 1, s = i * e, n = Math.floor(s); return 0 > e ? this.linear(t[0], t[1], s) : e > 1 ? this.linear(t[i], t[i - 1], i - s) : this.linear(t[n], t[n + 1 > i ? i : n + 1], s - n) }, bezierInterpolation: function (t, e) { for (var i = 0, s = t.length - 1, n = 0; s >= n; n++)i += Math.pow(1 - e, s - n) * Math.pow(e, n) * t[n] * this.bernstein(s, n); return i }, catmullRomInterpolation: function (t, e) { var i = t.length - 1, s = i * e, n = Math.floor(s); return t[0] === t[i] ? (0 > e && (n = Math.floor(s = i * (1 + e))), this.catmullRom(t[(n - 1 + i) % i], t[n], t[(n + 1) % i], t[(n + 2) % i], s - n)) : 0 > e ? t[0] - (this.catmullRom(t[0], t[0], t[1], t[1], -s) - t[0]) : e > 1 ? t[i] - (this.catmullRom(t[i], t[i], t[i - 1], t[i - 1], s - i) - t[i]) : this.catmullRom(t[n ? n - 1 : 0], t[n], t[n + 1 > i ? i : n + 1], t[n + 2 > i ? i : n + 2], s - n) }, linear: function (t, e, i) { return (e - t) * i + t }, bernstein: function (t, e) { return this.factorial(t) / this.factorial(e) / this.factorial(t - e) }, catmullRom: function (t, e, i, s, n) { var r = .5 * (i - t), o = .5 * (s - e), a = n * n, h = n * a; return (2 * e - 2 * i + r + o) * h + (-3 * e + 3 * i - 2 * r - o) * a + r * n + e }, difference: function (t, e) { return Math.abs(t - e) }, getRandom: function (t, e, i) { if ("undefined" == typeof e && (e = 0), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 0), null != t) { var s = i; if ((0 === s || s > t.length - e) && (s = t.length - e), s > 0) return t[e + Math.floor(Math.random() * s)] } return null }, floor: function (t) { var e = 0 | t; return t > 0 ? e : e != t ? e - 1 : e }, ceil: function (t) { var e = 0 | t; return t > 0 ? e != t ? e + 1 : e : e }, sinCosGenerator: function (t, e, i, s) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 1), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 1), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = 1); for (var n = e, r = i, o = s * Math.PI / t, a = [], h = [], l = 0; t > l; l++)r -= n * o, n += r * o, a[l] = r, h[l] = n; return { sin: h, cos: a, length: t } }, shift: function (t) { var e = t.shift(); return t.push(e), e }, shuffleArray: function (t) { for (var e = t.length - 1; e > 0; e--) { var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * (e + 1)), s = t[e]; t[e] = t[i], t[i] = s } return t }, distance: function (t, e, i, s) { var n = t - i, r = e - s; return Math.sqrt(n * n + r * r) }, distancePow: function (t, e, i, s, n) { return "undefined" == typeof n && (n = 2), Math.sqrt(Math.pow(i - t, n) + Math.pow(s - e, n)) }, distanceRounded: function (t, e, s, n) { return Math.round(i.Math.distance(t, e, s, n)) }, clamp: function (t, e, i) { return e > t ? e : t > i ? i : t }, clampBottom: function (t, e) { return e > t ? e : t }, within: function (t, e, i) { return Math.abs(t - e) <= i }, mapLinear: function (t, e, i, s, n) { return s + (t - e) * (n - s) / (i - e) }, smoothstep: function (t, e, i) { return e >= t ? 0 : t >= i ? 1 : (t = (t - e) / (i - e), t * t * (3 - 2 * t)) }, smootherstep: function (t, e, i) { return e >= t ? 0 : t >= i ? 1 : (t = (t - e) / (i - e), t * t * t * (t * (6 * t - 15) + 10)) }, sign: function (t) { return 0 > t ? -1 : t > 0 ? 1 : 0 }, degToRad: function () { var t = Math.PI / 180; return function (e) { return e * t } }(), radToDeg: function () { var t = 180 / Math.PI; return function (e) { return e * t } }()
    }, i.QuadTree = function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o) { this.maxObjects = n || 10, this.maxLevels = r || 4, this.level = o || 0, this.bounds = { x: Math.round(t), y: Math.round(e), width: i, height: s, subWidth: Math.floor(i / 2), subHeight: Math.floor(s / 2), right: Math.round(t) + Math.floor(i / 2), bottom: Math.round(e) + Math.floor(s / 2) }, this.objects = [], this.nodes = [] }, i.QuadTree.prototype = { populate: function (t) { t.forEach(this.populateHandler, this, !0) }, populateHandler: function (t) { t.body && t.body.checkCollision.none === !1 && t.alive && this.insert(t.body) }, split: function () { this.level++, this.nodes[0] = new i.QuadTree(this.bounds.right, this.bounds.y, this.bounds.subWidth, this.bounds.subHeight, this.maxObjects, this.maxLevels, this.level), this.nodes[1] = new i.QuadTree(this.bounds.x, this.bounds.y, this.bounds.subWidth, this.bounds.subHeight, this.maxObjects, this.maxLevels, this.level), this.nodes[2] = new i.QuadTree(this.bounds.x, this.bounds.bottom, this.bounds.subWidth, this.bounds.subHeight, this.maxObjects, this.maxLevels, this.level), this.nodes[3] = new i.QuadTree(this.bounds.right, this.bounds.bottom, this.bounds.subWidth, this.bounds.subHeight, this.maxObjects, this.maxLevels, this.level) }, insert: function (t) { var e, i = 0; if (null != this.nodes[0] && (e = this.getIndex(t), -1 !== e)) return void this.nodes[e].insert(t); if (this.objects.push(t), this.objects.length > this.maxObjects && this.level < this.maxLevels) for (null == this.nodes[0] && this.split(); i < this.objects.length;)e = this.getIndex(this.objects[i]), -1 !== e ? this.nodes[e].insert(this.objects.splice(i, 1)[0]) : i++ }, getIndex: function (t) { var e = -1; return t.x < this.bounds.right && t.right < this.bounds.right ? t.y < this.bounds.bottom && t.bottom < this.bounds.bottom ? e = 1 : t.y > this.bounds.bottom && (e = 2) : t.x > this.bounds.right && (t.y < this.bounds.bottom && t.bottom < this.bounds.bottom ? e = 0 : t.y > this.bounds.bottom && (e = 3)), e }, retrieve: function (t) { var e = this.objects; return t.body.quadTreeIndex = this.getIndex(t.body), this.nodes[0] && (-1 !== t.body.quadTreeIndex ? e = e.concat(this.nodes[t.body.quadTreeIndex].retrieve(t)) : (e = e.concat(this.nodes[0].retrieve(t)), e = e.concat(this.nodes[1].retrieve(t)), e = e.concat(this.nodes[2].retrieve(t)), e = e.concat(this.nodes[3].retrieve(t)))), e }, clear: function () { this.objects = []; for (var t = 0, e = this.nodes.length; e > t; t++)this.nodes[t] && (this.nodes[t].clear(), delete this.nodes[t]) } }, i.QuadTree.prototype.constructor = i.QuadTree, i.Circle = function (t, e, i) { t = t || 0, e = e || 0, i = i || 0, this.x = t, this.y = e, this._diameter = i, this._radius = i > 0 ? .5 * i : 0 }, i.Circle.prototype = { circumference: function () { return 2 * Math.PI * this._radius }, setTo: function (t, e, i) { return this.x = t, this.y = e, this._diameter = i, this._radius = .5 * i, this }, copyFrom: function (t) { return this.setTo(t.x, t.y, t.diameter) }, copyTo: function (t) { return t.x = this.x, t.y = this.y, t.diameter = this._diameter, t }, distance: function (t, e) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = !1), e ? i.Math.distanceRound(this.x, this.y, t.x, t.y) : i.Math.distance(this.x, this.y, t.x, t.y) }, clone: function (t) { return "undefined" == typeof t && (t = new i.Circle), t.setTo(this.x, this.y, this.diameter) }, contains: function (t, e) { return i.Circle.contains(this, t, e) }, circumferencePoint: function (t, e, s) { return i.Circle.circumferencePoint(this, t, e, s) }, offset: function (t, e) { return this.x += t, this.y += e, this }, offsetPoint: function (t) { return this.offset(t.x, t.y) }, toString: function () { return "[{Phaser.Circle (x=" + this.x + " y=" + this.y + " diameter=" + this.diameter + " radius=" + this.radius + ")}]" } }, i.Circle.prototype.constructor = i.Circle, Object.defineProperty(i.Circle.prototype, "diameter", { get: function () { return this._diameter }, set: function (t) { t > 0 && (this._diameter = t, this._radius = .5 * t) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Circle.prototype, "radius", { get: function () { return this._radius }, set: function (t) { t > 0 && (this._radius = t, this._diameter = 2 * t) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Circle.prototype, "left", { get: function () { return this.x - this._radius }, set: function (t) { t > this.x ? (this._radius = 0, this._diameter = 0) : this.radius = this.x - t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Circle.prototype, "right", { get: function () { return this.x + this._radius }, set: function (t) { t < this.x ? (this._radius = 0, this._diameter = 0) : this.radius = t - this.x } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Circle.prototype, "top", { get: function () { return this.y - this._radius }, set: function (t) { t > this.y ? (this._radius = 0, this._diameter = 0) : this.radius = this.y - t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Circle.prototype, "bottom", { get: function () { return this.y + this._radius }, set: function (t) { t < this.y ? (this._radius = 0, this._diameter = 0) : this.radius = t - this.y } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Circle.prototype, "area", { get: function () { return this._radius > 0 ? Math.PI * this._radius * this._radius : 0 } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Circle.prototype, "empty", { get: function () { return 0 === this._diameter }, set: function (t) { t === !0 && this.setTo(0, 0, 0) } }), i.Circle.contains = function (t, e, i) { if (e >= t.left && e <= t.right && i >= && i <= t.bottom) { var s = (t.x - e) * (t.x - e), n = (t.y - i) * (t.y - i); return s + n <= t.radius * t.radius } return !1 }, i.Circle.equals = function (t, e) { return t.x == e.x && t.y == e.y && t.diameter == e.diameter }, i.Circle.intersects = function (t, e) { return i.Math.distance(t.x, t.y, e.x, e.y) <= t.radius + e.radius }, i.Circle.circumferencePoint = function (t, e, s, n) { return "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !1), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = new i.Point), s === !0 && (e = i.Math.radToDeg(e)), n.x = t.x + t.radius * Math.cos(e), n.y = t.y + t.radius * Math.sin(e), n }, i.Circle.intersectsRectangle = function (t, e) { var i = Math.abs(t.x - e.x - e.halfWidth), s = e.halfWidth + t.radius; if (i > s) return !1; var n = Math.abs(t.y - e.y - e.halfHeight), r = e.halfHeight + t.radius; if (n > r) return !1; if (i <= e.halfWidth || n <= e.halfHeight) return !0; var o = i - e.halfWidth, a = n - e.halfHeight, h = o * o, l = a * a, c = t.radius * t.radius; return c >= h + l }, i.Point = function (t, e) { t = t || 0, e = e || 0, this.x = t, this.y = e }, i.Point.prototype = { copyFrom: function (t) { return this.setTo(t.x, t.y) }, invert: function () { return this.setTo(this.y, this.x) }, setTo: function (t, e) { return this.x = t, this.y = e, this }, add: function (t, e) { return this.x += t, this.y += e, this }, subtract: function (t, e) { return this.x -= t, this.y -= e, this }, multiply: function (t, e) { return this.x *= t, this.y *= e, this }, divide: function (t, e) { return this.x /= t, this.y /= e, this }, clampX: function (t, e) { return this.x = i.Math.clamp(this.x, t, e), this }, clampY: function (t, e) { return this.y = i.Math.clamp(this.y, t, e), this }, clamp: function (t, e) { return this.x = i.Math.clamp(this.x, t, e), this.y = i.Math.clamp(this.y, t, e), this }, clone: function (t) { return "undefined" == typeof t && (t = new i.Point), t.setTo(this.x, this.y) }, copyTo: function (t) { return t.x = this.x, t.y = this.y, t }, distance: function (t, e) { return i.Point.distance(this, t, e) }, equals: function (t) { return t.x == this.x && t.y == this.y }, rotate: function (t, e, s, n, r) { return i.Point.rotate(this, t, e, s, n, r) }, getMagnitude: function () { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y) }, setMagnitude: function (t) { return this.normalize().multiply(t, t) }, normalize: function () { if (!this.isZero()) { var t = this.getMagnitude(); this.x /= t, this.y /= t } return this }, isZero: function () { return 0 === this.x && 0 === this.y }, toString: function () { return "[{Point (x=" + this.x + " y=" + this.y + ")}]" } }, i.Point.prototype.constructor = i.Point, i.Point.add = function (t, e, s) { return "undefined" == typeof s && (s = new i.Point), s.x = t.x + e.x, s.y = t.y + e.y, s }, i.Point.subtract = function (t, e, s) { return "undefined" == typeof s && (s = new i.Point), s.x = t.x - e.x, s.y = t.y - e.y, s }, i.Point.multiply = function (t, e, s) { return "undefined" == typeof s && (s = new i.Point), s.x = t.x * e.x, s.y = t.y * e.y, s }, i.Point.divide = function (t, e, s) { return "undefined" == typeof s && (s = new i.Point), s.x = t.x / e.x, s.y = t.y / e.y, s }, i.Point.equals = function (t, e) { return t.x == e.x && t.y == e.y }, i.Point.distance = function (t, e, s) { return "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !1), s ? i.Math.distanceRound(t.x, t.y, e.x, e.y) : i.Math.distance(t.x, t.y, e.x, e.y) }, i.Point.rotate = function (t, e, s, n, r, o) { return r = r || !1, o = o || null, r && (n = i.Math.degToRad(n)), null === o && (o = Math.sqrt((e - t.x) * (e - t.x) + (s - t.y) * (s - t.y))), t.setTo(e + o * Math.cos(n), s + o * Math.sin(n)) }, i.Rectangle = function (t, e, i, s) { t = t || 0, e = e || 0, i = i || 0, s = s || 0, this.x = t, this.y = e, this.width = i, this.height = s }, i.Rectangle.prototype = { offset: function (t, e) { return this.x += t, this.y += e, this }, offsetPoint: function (t) { return this.offset(t.x, t.y) }, setTo: function (t, e, i, s) { return this.x = t, this.y = e, this.width = i, this.height = s, this }, floor: function () { this.x = Math.floor(this.x), this.y = Math.floor(this.y) }, floorAll: function () { this.x = Math.floor(this.x), this.y = Math.floor(this.y), this.width = Math.floor(this.width), this.height = Math.floor(this.height) }, copyFrom: function (t) { return this.setTo(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height) }, copyTo: function (t) { return t.x = this.x, t.y = this.y, t.width = this.width, t.height = this.height, t }, inflate: function (t, e) { return i.Rectangle.inflate(this, t, e) }, size: function (t) { return i.Rectangle.size(this, t) }, clone: function (t) { return i.Rectangle.clone(this, t) }, contains: function (t, e) { return i.Rectangle.contains(this, t, e) }, containsRect: function (t) { return i.Rectangle.containsRect(this, t) }, equals: function (t) { return i.Rectangle.equals(this, t) }, intersection: function (t, e) { return i.Rectangle.intersection(this, t, e) }, intersects: function (t, e) { return i.Rectangle.intersects(this, t, e) }, intersectsRaw: function (t, e, s, n, r) { return i.Rectangle.intersectsRaw(this, t, e, s, n, r) }, union: function (t, e) { return i.Rectangle.union(this, t, e) }, toString: function () { return "[{Rectangle (x=" + this.x + " y=" + this.y + " width=" + this.width + " height=" + this.height + " empty=" + this.empty + ")}]" } }, i.Rectangle.prototype.constructor = i.Rectangle, Object.defineProperty(i.Rectangle.prototype, "halfWidth", { get: function () { return Math.round(this.width / 2) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Rectangle.prototype, "halfHeight", { get: function () { return Math.round(this.height / 2) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Rectangle.prototype, "bottom", { get: function () { return this.y + this.height }, set: function (t) { this.height = t <= this.y ? 0 : this.y - t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Rectangle.prototype, "bottomRight", { get: function () { return new i.Point(this.right, this.bottom) }, set: function (t) { this.right = t.x, this.bottom = t.y } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Rectangle.prototype, "left", { get: function () { return this.x }, set: function (t) { this.width = t >= this.right ? 0 : this.right - t, this.x = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Rectangle.prototype, "right", { get: function () { return this.x + this.width }, set: function (t) { this.width = t <= this.x ? 0 : this.x + t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Rectangle.prototype, "volume", { get: function () { return this.width * this.height } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Rectangle.prototype, "perimeter", { get: function () { return 2 * this.width + 2 * this.height } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Rectangle.prototype, "centerX", { get: function () { return this.x + this.halfWidth }, set: function (t) { this.x = t - this.halfWidth } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Rectangle.prototype, "centerY", { get: function () { return this.y + this.halfHeight }, set: function (t) { this.y = t - this.halfHeight } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Rectangle.prototype, "top", { get: function () { return this.y }, set: function (t) { t >= this.bottom ? (this.height = 0, this.y = t) : this.height = this.bottom - t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Rectangle.prototype, "topLeft", { get: function () { return new i.Point(this.x, this.y) }, set: function (t) { this.x = t.x, this.y = t.y } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Rectangle.prototype, "empty", { get: function () { return !this.width || !this.height }, set: function (t) { t === !0 && this.setTo(0, 0, 0, 0) } }), i.Rectangle.inflate = function (t, e, i) { return t.x -= e, t.width += 2 * e, t.y -= i, t.height += 2 * i, t }, i.Rectangle.inflatePoint = function (t, e) { return i.Rectangle.inflate(t, e.x, e.y) }, i.Rectangle.size = function (t, e) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = new i.Point), e.setTo(t.width, t.height) }, i.Rectangle.clone = function (t, e) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = new i.Rectangle), e.setTo(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height) }, i.Rectangle.contains = function (t, e, i) { return e >= t.x && e <= t.right && i >= t.y && i <= t.bottom }, i.Rectangle.containsRaw = function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { return n >= t && t + i >= n && r >= e && e + s >= r }, i.Rectangle.containsPoint = function (t, e) { return i.Rectangle.contains(t, e.x, e.y) }, i.Rectangle.containsRect = function (t, e) { return t.volume > e.volume ? !1 : t.x >= e.x && t.y >= e.y && t.right <= e.right && t.bottom <= e.bottom }, i.Rectangle.equals = function (t, e) { return t.x == e.x && t.y == e.y && t.width == e.width && t.height == e.height }, i.Rectangle.intersection = function (t, e, s) { return s = s || new i.Rectangle, i.Rectangle.intersects(t, e) && (s.x = Math.max(t.x, e.x), s.y = Math.max(t.y, e.y), s.width = Math.min(t.right, e.right) - s.x, s.height = Math.min(t.bottom, e.bottom) - s.y), s }, i.Rectangle.intersects = function (t, e) { return t.width <= 0 || t.height <= 0 || e.width <= 0 || e.height <= 0 ? !1 : !(t.right < e.x || t.bottom < e.y || t.x > e.right || t.y > e.bottom) }, i.Rectangle.intersectsRaw = function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { return "undefined" == typeof r && (r = 0), !(e > t.right + r || i < t.left - r || s > t.bottom + r || n < - r) }, i.Rectangle.union = function (t, e, s) { return "undefined" == typeof s && (s = new i.Rectangle), s.setTo(Math.min(t.x, e.x), Math.min(t.y, e.y), Math.max(t.right, e.right) - Math.min(t.left, e.left), Math.max(t.bottom, e.bottom) - Math.min(, }, i.Polygon = function (t) {, t), this.type = i.POLYGON }, i.Polygon.prototype = Object.create(e.Polygon.prototype), i.Polygon.prototype.constructor = i.Polygon, i.Net = function (t) { = t }, i.Net.prototype = { getHostName: function () { return window.location && window.location.hostname ? window.location.hostname : null }, checkDomainName: function (t) { return -1 !== window.location.hostname.indexOf(t) }, updateQueryString: function (t, e, i, s) { "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !1), ("undefined" == typeof s || "" === s) && (s = window.location.href); var n = "", r = new RegExp("([?|&])" + t + "=.*?(&|#|$)(.*)", "gi"); if (r.test(s)) n = "undefined" != typeof e && null !== e ? s.replace(r, "$1" + t + "=" + e + "$2$3") : s.replace(r, "$1$3").replace(/(&|\?)$/, ""); else if ("undefined" != typeof e && null !== e) { var o = -1 !== s.indexOf("?") ? "&" : "?", a = s.split("#"); s = a[0] + o + t + "=" + e, a[1] && (s += "#" + a[1]), n = s } else n = s; return i ? void (window.location.href = n) : n }, getQueryString: function (t) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = ""); var e = {}, i ="&"); for (var s in i) { var n = i[s].split("="); if (n.length > 1) { if (t && t == this.decodeURI(n[0])) return this.decodeURI(n[1]); e[this.decodeURI(n[0])] = this.decodeURI(n[1]) } } return e }, decodeURI: function (t) { return decodeURIComponent(t.replace(/\+/g, " ")) } }, i.Net.prototype.constructor = i.Net, i.TweenManager = function (t) { = t, this._tweens = [], this._add = [],, this),, this) }, i.TweenManager.prototype = { getAll: function () { return this._tweens }, removeAll: function () { for (var t = 0; t < this._tweens.length; t++)this._tweens[t].pendingDelete = !0; this._add = [] }, add: function (t) { this._add.push(t) }, create: function (t) { return new i.Tween(t, }, remove: function (t) { var e = this._tweens.indexOf(t); -1 !== e && (this._tweens[e].pendingDelete = !0) }, update: function () { if (0 === this._tweens.length && 0 === this._add.length) return !1; for (var t = 0, e = this._tweens.length; e > t;)this._tweens[t].update( ? t++ : (this._tweens.splice(t, 1), e--); return this._add.length > 0 && (this._tweens = this._tweens.concat(this._add), this._add.length = 0), !0 }, isTweening: function (t) { return this._tweens.some(function (e) { return e._object === t }) }, pauseAll: function () { for (var t = this._tweens.length - 1; t >= 0; t--)this._tweens[t].pause() }, resumeAll: function () { for (var t = this._tweens.length - 1; t >= 0; t--)this._tweens[t].resume() } }, i.TweenManager.prototype.constructor = i.TweenManager, i.Tween = function (t, e) { this._object = t, = e, this._manager =, this._valuesStart = {}, this._valuesEnd = {}, this._valuesStartRepeat = {}, this._duration = 1e3, this._repeat = 0, this._yoyo = !1, this._reversed = !1, this._delayTime = 0, this._startTime = null, this._easingFunction = i.Easing.Linear.None, this._interpolationFunction = i.Math.linearInterpolation, this._chainedTweens = [], this._onStartCallbackFired = !1, this._onUpdateCallback = null, this._onUpdateCallbackContext = null, this._pausedTime = 0, this.pendingDelete = !1; for (var s in t) this._valuesStart[s] = parseFloat(t[s], 10); this.onStart = new i.Signal, this.onLoop = new i.Signal, this.onComplete = new i.Signal, this.isRunning = !1 }, i.Tween.prototype = { to: function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o) { e = e || 1e3, i = i || null, s = s || !1, n = n || 0, r = r || 0, o = o || !1; var a; return this._parent ? (a = this._manager.create(this._object), this._lastChild.chain(a), this._lastChild = a) : (a = this, this._parent = this, this._lastChild = this), a._repeat = r, a._duration = e, a._valuesEnd = t, null !== i && (a._easingFunction = i), n > 0 && (a._delayTime = n), a._yoyo = o, s ? this.start() : this }, start: function () { if (null !== && null !== this._object) { this._manager.add(this), this.isRunning = !0, this._onStartCallbackFired = !1, this._startTime = + this._delayTime; for (var t in this._valuesEnd) { if (this._valuesEnd[t] instanceof Array) { if (0 === this._valuesEnd[t].length) continue; this._valuesEnd[t] = [this._object[t]].concat(this._valuesEnd[t]) } this._valuesStart[t] = this._object[t], this._valuesStart[t] instanceof Array == !1 && (this._valuesStart[t] *= 1), this._valuesStartRepeat[t] = this._valuesStart[t] || 0 } return this } }, stop: function () { return this.isRunning = !1, this._onUpdateCallback = null, this._manager.remove(this), this }, delay: function (t) { return this._delayTime = t, this }, repeat: function (t) { return this._repeat = t, this }, yoyo: function (t) { return this._yoyo = t, this }, easing: function (t) { return this._easingFunction = t, this }, interpolation: function (t) { return this._interpolationFunction = t, this }, chain: function () { return this._chainedTweens = arguments, this }, loop: function () { return this._lastChild.chain(this), this }, onUpdateCallback: function (t, e) { return this._onUpdateCallback = t, this._onUpdateCallbackContext = e, this }, pause: function () { this._paused = !0, this._pausedTime = }, resume: function () { this._paused = !1, this._startTime += - this._pausedTime }, update: function (t) { if (this.pendingDelete) return !1; if (this._paused || t < this._startTime) return !0; var e; if (t < this._startTime) return !0; this._onStartCallbackFired === !1 && (this.onStart.dispatch(this._object), this._onStartCallbackFired = !0); var i = (t - this._startTime) / this._duration; i = i > 1 ? 1 : i; var s = this._easingFunction(i); for (e in this._valuesEnd) { var n = this._valuesStart[e] || 0, r = this._valuesEnd[e]; r instanceof Array ? this._object[e] = this._interpolationFunction(r, s) : ("string" == typeof r && (r = n + parseFloat(r, 10)), "number" == typeof r && (this._object[e] = n + (r - n) * s)) } if (null !== this._onUpdateCallback &&, this, s), 1 == i) { if (this._repeat > 0) { isFinite(this._repeat) && this._repeat--; for (e in this._valuesStartRepeat) { if ("string" == typeof this._valuesEnd[e] && (this._valuesStartRepeat[e] = this._valuesStartRepeat[e] + parseFloat(this._valuesEnd[e], 10)), this._yoyo) { var o = this._valuesStartRepeat[e]; this._valuesStartRepeat[e] = this._valuesEnd[e], this._valuesEnd[e] = o, this._reversed = !this._reversed } this._valuesStart[e] = this._valuesStartRepeat[e] } return this._startTime = t + this._delayTime, this.onLoop.dispatch(this._object), !0 } this.isRunning = !1, this.onComplete.dispatch(this._object); for (var a = 0, h = this._chainedTweens.length; h > a; a++)this._chainedTweens[a].start(t); return !1 } return !0 } }, i.Tween.prototype.constructor = i.Tween, i.Easing = { Linear: { None: function (t) { return t } }, Quadratic: { In: function (t) { return t * t }, Out: function (t) { return t * (2 - t) }, InOut: function (t) { return (t *= 2) < 1 ? .5 * t * t : -.5 * (--t * (t - 2) - 1) } }, Cubic: { In: function (t) { return t * t * t }, Out: function (t) { return --t * t * t + 1 }, InOut: function (t) { return (t *= 2) < 1 ? .5 * t * t * t : .5 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2) } }, Quartic: { In: function (t) { return t * t * t * t }, Out: function (t) { return 1 - --t * t * t * t }, InOut: function (t) { return (t *= 2) < 1 ? .5 * t * t * t * t : -.5 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2) } }, Quintic: { In: function (t) { return t * t * t * t * t }, Out: function (t) { return --t * t * t * t * t + 1 }, InOut: function (t) { return (t *= 2) < 1 ? .5 * t * t * t * t * t : .5 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2) } }, Sinusoidal: { In: function (t) { return 1 - Math.cos(t * Math.PI / 2) }, Out: function (t) { return Math.sin(t * Math.PI / 2) }, InOut: function (t) { return .5 * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * t)) } }, Exponential: { In: function (t) { return 0 === t ? 0 : Math.pow(1024, t - 1) }, Out: function (t) { return 1 === t ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t) }, InOut: function (t) { return 0 === t ? 0 : 1 === t ? 1 : (t *= 2) < 1 ? .5 * Math.pow(1024, t - 1) : .5 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * (t - 1)) + 2) } }, Circular: { In: function (t) { return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) }, Out: function (t) { return Math.sqrt(1 - --t * t) }, InOut: function (t) { return (t *= 2) < 1 ? -.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1) : .5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1) } }, Elastic: { In: function (t) { var e, i = .1, s = .4; return 0 === t ? 0 : 1 === t ? 1 : (!i || 1 > i ? (i = 1, e = s / 4) : e = s * Math.asin(1 / i) / (2 * Math.PI), -(i * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin(2 * (t - e) * Math.PI / s))) }, Out: function (t) { var e, i = .1, s = .4; return 0 === t ? 0 : 1 === t ? 1 : (!i || 1 > i ? (i = 1, e = s / 4) : e = s * Math.asin(1 / i) / (2 * Math.PI), i * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin(2 * (t - e) * Math.PI / s) + 1) }, InOut: function (t) { var e, i = .1, s = .4; return 0 === t ? 0 : 1 === t ? 1 : (!i || 1 > i ? (i = 1, e = s / 4) : e = s * Math.asin(1 / i) / (2 * Math.PI), (t *= 2) < 1 ? -.5 * i * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin(2 * (t - e) * Math.PI / s) : i * Math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin(2 * (t - e) * Math.PI / s) * .5 + 1) } }, Back: { In: function (t) { var e = 1.70158; return t * t * ((e + 1) * t - e) }, Out: function (t) { var e = 1.70158; return --t * t * ((e + 1) * t + e) + 1 }, InOut: function (t) { var e = 2.5949095; return (t *= 2) < 1 ? .5 * t * t * ((e + 1) * t - e) : .5 * ((t -= 2) * t * ((e + 1) * t + e) + 2) } }, Bounce: { In: function (t) { return 1 - i.Easing.Bounce.Out(1 - t) }, Out: function (t) { return 1 / 2.75 > t ? 7.5625 * t * t : 2 / 2.75 > t ? 7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + .75 : 2.5 / 2.75 > t ? 7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375 : 7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + .984375 }, InOut: function (t) { return .5 > t ? .5 * i.Easing.Bounce.In(2 * t) : .5 * i.Easing.Bounce.Out(2 * t - 1) + .5 } } }, i.Time = function (t) { = t, this.time = 0, = 0, this.elapsed = 0, this.pausedTime = 0, this.fps = 0, this.fpsMin = 1e3, this.fpsMax = 0, this.msMin = 1e3, this.msMax = 0, this.physicsElapsed = 0, this.frames = 0, this.pauseDuration = 0, this.timeToCall = 0, this.lastTime = 0, = new i.Timer(, !1), this._started = 0, this._timeLastSecond = 0, this._pauseStarted = 0, this._justResumed = !1, this._timers = [], this._len = 0, this._i = 0,, this),, this) }, i.Time.prototype = { boot: function () { }, create: function (t) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = !0); var e = new i.Timer(, t); return this._timers.push(e), e }, removeAll: function () { for (var t = 0; t < this._timers.length; t++)this._timers[t].destroy(); this._timers = [] }, update: function (t) { if ( = t, this._justResumed) { this.time =, this._justResumed = !1,; for (var e = 0; e < this._timers.length; e++)this._timers[e].resume() } if (this.timeToCall =, 16 - (t - this.lastTime)), this.elapsed = - this.time, this.msMin =, this.elapsed), this.msMax =, this.elapsed), this.frames++, > this._timeLastSecond + 1e3 && (this.fps = Math.round(1e3 * this.frames / ( - this._timeLastSecond)), this.fpsMin =, this.fps), this.fpsMax =, this.fps), this._timeLastSecond =, this.frames = 0), this.time =, this.lastTime = t + this.timeToCall, this.physicsElapsed = 1 * (this.elapsed / 1e3), this.physicsElapsed > .05 && (this.physicsElapsed = .05), this.pausedTime = - this._pauseStarted; else for (, this._i = 0, this._len = this._timers.length; this._i < this._len;)this._timers[this._i].update( ? this._i++ : (this._timers.splice(this._i, 1), this._len--) }, gamePaused: function () { this._pauseStarted =,; for (var t = 0; t < this._timers.length; t++)this._timers[t].pause() }, gameResumed: function () { this.time =, this.pauseDuration = this.pausedTime, this._justResumed = !0 }, totalElapsedSeconds: function () { return .001 * ( - this._started) }, elapsedSince: function (t) { return - t }, elapsedSecondsSince: function (t) { return .001 * ( - t) }, reset: function () { this._started = } }, i.Time.prototype.constructor = i.Time, i.Timer = function (t, e) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = !0), = t, this.running = !1, this.autoDestroy = e, this.expired = !1, = [], this.onComplete = new i.Signal, this.nextTick = 0, this.paused = !1, this._started = 0, this._pauseStarted = 0, this._now = 0, this._len = 0, this._i = 0 }, i.Timer.MINUTE = 6e4, i.Timer.SECOND = 1e3, i.Timer.HALF = 500, i.Timer.QUARTER = 250, i.Timer.prototype = { create: function (t, e, s, n, r, o) { var a = t; this.running && (a += this._now); var h = new i.TimerEvent(this, t, a, s, e, n, r, o); return, this.order(), this.expired = !1, h }, add: function (t, e, i) { return this.create(t, !1, 0, e, i,, 3)) }, repeat: function (t, e, i, s) { return this.create(t, !1, e, i, s,, 4)) }, loop: function (t, e, i) { return this.create(t, !0, 0, e, i,, 3)) }, start: function () { this._started =, this.running = !0 }, stop: function () { this.running = !1, = 0 }, remove: function (t) { for (var e = 0; e <; e++)if ([e] === t) return, 1), !0; return !1 }, order: function () { > 0 && (, this.nextTick =[0].tick) }, sortHandler: function (t, e) { return t.tick < e.tick ? -1 : t.tick > e.tick ? 1 : 0 }, update: function (t) { if (this.paused) return !0; if (this._now = t - this._started, this._len =, this.running && this._now >= this.nextTick && this._len > 0) { for (this._i = 0; this._i < this._len && this._now >=[this._i].tick;)[this._i].loop === !0 ? ([this._i].tick +=[this._i].delay - (this._now -[this._i].tick),[this._i].callback.apply([this._i].callbackContext,[this._i].args)) :[this._i].repeatCount > 0 ? ([this._i].repeatCount--,[this._i].tick +=[this._i].delay - (this._now -[this._i].tick),[this._i].callback.apply([this._i].callbackContext,[this._i].args)) : ([this._i].callback.apply([this._i].callbackContext,[this._i].args),, 1), this._len--), this._i++; > 0 ? this.order() : (this.expired = !0, this.onComplete.dispatch(this)) } return this.expired && this.autoDestroy ? !1 : !0 }, pause: function () { this._pauseStarted =, this.paused = !0 }, resume: function () { for (var t = - this._pauseStarted, e = 0; e <; e++)[e].tick += t; this.nextTick += t, this.paused = !1 }, destroy: function () { this.onComplete.removeAll(), this.running = !1, = [] } }, Object.defineProperty(i.Timer.prototype, "next", {
        get: function () {
            return this.nextTick
    }), Object.defineProperty(i.Timer.prototype, "duration", { get: function () { return this.running && this.nextTick > this._now ? this.nextTick - this._now : 0 } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Timer.prototype, "length", { get: function () { return } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Timer.prototype, "ms", { get: function () { return this._now } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Timer.prototype, "seconds", { get: function () { return .001 * this._now } }), i.Timer.prototype.constructor = i.Timer, i.TimerEvent = function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o, a) { this.timer = t, this.delay = e, this.tick = i, this.repeatCount = s - 1, this.loop = n, this.callback = r, this.callbackContext = o, this.args = a }, i.TimerEvent.prototype.constructor = i.TimerEvent, i.AnimationManager = function (t) { this.sprite = t, =, this.currentFrame = null, this.updateIfVisible = !0, this.isLoaded = !1, this._frameData = null, this._anims = {}, this._outputFrames = [] }, i.AnimationManager.prototype = { loadFrameData: function (t) { this._frameData = t, this.frame = 0, this.isLoaded = !0 }, add: function (t, s, n, r, o) { return null == this._frameData ? void console.warn("No FrameData available for Phaser.Animation " + t) : (n = n || 60, "undefined" == typeof r && (r = !1), "undefined" == typeof o && (o = s && "number" == typeof s[0] ? !0 : !1), null == && ( = new i.Signal, = new i.Signal, = new i.Signal), this._outputFrames.length = 0, this._frameData.getFrameIndexes(s, o, this._outputFrames), this._anims[t] = new i.Animation(, this.sprite, t, this._frameData, this._outputFrames, n, r), this.currentAnim = this._anims[t], this.currentFrame = this.currentAnim.currentFrame, this.sprite.setTexture(e.TextureCache[this.currentFrame.uuid]), this._anims[t]) }, validateFrames: function (t, e) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = !0); for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)if (e === !0) { if (t[i] > return !1 } else if (this._frameData.checkFrameName(t[i]) === !1) return !1; return !0 }, play: function (t, e, i, s) { if (this._anims[t]) { if (this.currentAnim != this._anims[t]) return this.currentAnim = this._anims[t], this.currentAnim.paused = !1,, i, s); if (this.currentAnim.isPlaying === !1) return this.currentAnim.paused = !1,, i, s) } }, stop: function (t, e) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = !1), "string" == typeof t ? this._anims[t] && (this.currentAnim = this._anims[t], this.currentAnim.stop(e)) : this.currentAnim && this.currentAnim.stop(e) }, update: function () { return this.updateIfVisible && this.sprite.visible === !1 ? !1 : this.currentAnim && this.currentAnim.update() === !0 ? (this.currentFrame = this.currentAnim.currentFrame, this.sprite.currentFrame = this.currentFrame, !0) : !1 }, getAnimation: function (t) { return "string" == typeof t && this._anims[t] ? this._anims[t] : null }, refreshFrame: function () { this.sprite.currentFrame = this.currentFrame, this.sprite.setTexture(e.TextureCache[this.currentFrame.uuid]) }, destroy: function () { this._anims = {}, this._frameData = null, this._frameIndex = 0, this.currentAnim = null, this.currentFrame = null } }, i.AnimationManager.prototype.constructor = i.AnimationManager, Object.defineProperty(i.AnimationManager.prototype, "frameData", { get: function () { return this._frameData } }), Object.defineProperty(i.AnimationManager.prototype, "frameTotal", { get: function () { return this._frameData ? : -1 } }), Object.defineProperty(i.AnimationManager.prototype, "paused", { get: function () { return this.currentAnim.isPaused }, set: function (t) { this.currentAnim.paused = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.AnimationManager.prototype, "frame", { get: function () { return this.currentFrame ? this._frameIndex : void 0 }, set: function (t) { "number" == typeof t && this._frameData && null !== this._frameData.getFrame(t) && (this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(t), this._frameIndex = t, this.sprite.currentFrame = this.currentFrame, this.sprite.setTexture(e.TextureCache[this.currentFrame.uuid])) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.AnimationManager.prototype, "frameName", { get: function () { return this.currentFrame ? : void 0 }, set: function (t) { "string" == typeof t && this._frameData && null !== this._frameData.getFrameByName(t) ? (this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrameByName(t), this._frameIndex = this.currentFrame.index, this.sprite.currentFrame = this.currentFrame, this.sprite.setTexture(e.TextureCache[this.currentFrame.uuid])) : console.warn("Cannot set frameName: " + t) } }), i.Animation = function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o) { = t, this._parent = e, this._frameData = s, = i, this._frames = [], this._frames = this._frames.concat(n), this.delay = 1e3 / r, this.looped = o, this.killOnComplete = !1, this.isFinished = !1, this.isPlaying = !1, this.isPaused = !1, this._pauseStartTime = 0, this._frameIndex = 0, this._frameDiff = 0, this._frameSkip = 1, this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]) }, i.Animation.prototype = { play: function (t, i, s) { return "number" == typeof t && (this.delay = 1e3 / t), "boolean" == typeof i && (this.looped = i), "undefined" != typeof s && (this.killOnComplete = s), this.isPlaying = !0, this.isFinished = !1, this.paused = !1, this._timeLastFrame =, this._timeNextFrame = + this.delay, this._frameIndex = 0, this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]), this._parent.setTexture(e.TextureCache[this.currentFrame.uuid]), &&, this), this }, restart: function () { this.isPlaying = !0, this.isFinished = !1, this.paused = !1, this._timeLastFrame =, this._timeNextFrame = + this.delay, this._frameIndex = 0, this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]) }, stop: function (t) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = !1), this.isPlaying = !1, this.isFinished = !0, this.paused = !1, t && (this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[0])) }, update: function () { return this.isPaused ? !1 : this.isPlaying === !0 && >= this._timeNextFrame ? (this._frameSkip = 1, this._frameDiff = - this._timeNextFrame, this._timeLastFrame =, this._frameDiff > this.delay && (this._frameSkip = Math.floor(this._frameDiff / this.delay), this._frameDiff -= this._frameSkip * this.delay), this._timeNextFrame = + (this.delay - this._frameDiff), this._frameIndex += this._frameSkip, this._frameIndex >= this._frames.length ? this.looped ? (this._frameIndex %= this._frames.length, this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]), this.currentFrame && this._parent.setTexture(e.TextureCache[this.currentFrame.uuid]),, this)) : this.onComplete() : (this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(this._frames[this._frameIndex]), this.currentFrame && this._parent.setTexture(e.TextureCache[this.currentFrame.uuid])), !0) : !1 }, destroy: function () { = null, this._parent = null, this._frames = null, this._frameData = null, this.currentFrame = null, this.isPlaying = !1 }, onComplete: function () { this.isPlaying = !1, this.isFinished = !0, this.paused = !1, &&, this), this.killOnComplete && this._parent.kill() } }, i.Animation.prototype.constructor = i.Animation, Object.defineProperty(i.Animation.prototype, "paused", { get: function () { return this.isPaused }, set: function (t) { this.isPaused = t, t ? this._pauseStartTime = : this.isPlaying && (this._timeNextFrame = + this.delay) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Animation.prototype, "frameTotal", { get: function () { return this._frames.length } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Animation.prototype, "frame", { get: function () { return null !== this.currentFrame ? this.currentFrame.index : this._frameIndex }, set: function (t) { this.currentFrame = this._frameData.getFrame(t), null !== this.currentFrame && (this._frameIndex = t, this._parent.setTexture(e.TextureCache[this.currentFrame.uuid])) } }), i.Animation.generateFrameNames = function (t, e, s, n, r) { "undefined" == typeof n && (n = ""); var o = [], a = ""; if (s > e) for (var h = e; s >= h; h++)a = "number" == typeof r ? i.Utils.pad(h.toString(), r, "0", 1) : h.toString(), a = t + a + n, o.push(a); else for (var h = e; h >= s; h--)a = "number" == typeof r ? i.Utils.pad(h.toString(), r, "0", 1) : h.toString(), a = t + a + n, o.push(a); return o }, i.Frame = function (t, e, s, n, r, o, a) { this.index = t, this.x = e, this.y = s, this.width = n, this.height = r, = o, this.uuid = a, this.centerX = Math.floor(n / 2), this.centerY = Math.floor(r / 2), this.distance = i.Math.distance(0, 0, n, r), this.rotated = !1, this.rotationDirection = "cw", this.trimmed = !1, this.sourceSizeW = n, this.sourceSizeH = r, this.spriteSourceSizeX = 0, this.spriteSourceSizeY = 0, this.spriteSourceSizeW = 0, this.spriteSourceSizeH = 0 }, i.Frame.prototype = { setTrim: function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o) { this.trimmed = t, t && (this.width = e, this.height = i, this.sourceSizeW = e, this.sourceSizeH = i, this.centerX = Math.floor(e / 2), this.centerY = Math.floor(i / 2), this.spriteSourceSizeX = s, this.spriteSourceSizeY = n, this.spriteSourceSizeW = r, this.spriteSourceSizeH = o) } }, i.Frame.prototype.constructor = i.Frame, i.FrameData = function () { this._frames = [], this._frameNames = [] }, i.FrameData.prototype = { addFrame: function (t) { return t.index = this._frames.length, this._frames.push(t), "" !== && (this._frameNames[] = t.index), t }, getFrame: function (t) { return this._frames.length > t ? this._frames[t] : null }, getFrameByName: function (t) { return "number" == typeof this._frameNames[t] ? this._frames[this._frameNames[t]] : null }, checkFrameName: function (t) { return null == this._frameNames[t] ? !1 : !0 }, getFrameRange: function (t, e, i) { "undefined" == typeof i && (i = []); for (var s = t; e >= s; s++)i.push(this._frames[s]); return i }, getFrames: function (t, e, i) { if ("undefined" == typeof e && (e = !0), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = []), "undefined" == typeof t || 0 === t.length) for (var s = 0; s < this._frames.length; s++)i.push(this._frames[s]); else for (var s = 0, n = t.length; n > s; s++)i.push(e ? this.getFrame(t[s]) : this.getFrameByName(t[s])); return i }, getFrameIndexes: function (t, e, i) { if ("undefined" == typeof e && (e = !0), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = []), "undefined" == typeof t || 0 === t.length) for (var s = 0, n = this._frames.length; n > s; s++)i.push(this._frames[s].index); else for (var s = 0, n = t.length; n > s; s++)e ? i.push(t[s]) : this.getFrameByName(t[s]) && i.push(this.getFrameByName(t[s]).index); return i } }, i.FrameData.prototype.constructor = i.FrameData, Object.defineProperty(i.FrameData.prototype, "total", { get: function () { return this._frames.length } }), i.AnimationParser = { spriteSheet: function (t, s, n, r, o, a, h) { var l = t.cache.getImage(s); if (null == l) return null; var c = l.width, u = l.height; 0 >= n && (n = Math.floor(-c / Math.min(-1, n))), 0 >= r && (r = Math.floor(-u / Math.min(-1, r))); var d = Math.round(c / n), p = Math.round(u / r), f = d * p; if (-1 !== o && (f = o), 0 === c || 0 === u || n > c || r > u || 0 === f) return console.warn("Phaser.AnimationParser.spriteSheet: width/height zero or width/height < given frameWidth/frameHeight"), null; for (var g = new i.FrameData, m = a, y = a, _ = 0; f > _; _++) { var x = t.rnd.uuid(); g.addFrame(new i.Frame(_, m, y, n, r, "", x)), e.TextureCache[x] = new e.Texture(e.BaseTextureCache[s], { x: m, y: y, width: n, height: r }), m += n + h, m === c && (m = a, y += r + h) } return g }, JSONData: function (t, s, n) { if (!s.frames) return console.warn("Phaser.AnimationParser.JSONData: Invalid Texture Atlas JSON given, missing 'frames' array"), void console.log(s); for (var r, o = new i.FrameData, a = s.frames, h = 0; h < a.length; h++) { var l = t.rnd.uuid(); r = o.addFrame(new i.Frame(h, a[h].frame.x, a[h].frame.y, a[h].frame.w, a[h].frame.h, a[h].filename, l)), e.TextureCache[l] = new e.Texture(e.BaseTextureCache[n], { x: a[h].frame.x, y: a[h].frame.y, width: a[h].frame.w, height: a[h].frame.h }), a[h].trimmed && (r.setTrim(a[h].trimmed, a[h].sourceSize.w, a[h].sourceSize.h, a[h].spriteSourceSize.x, a[h].spriteSourceSize.y, a[h].spriteSourceSize.w, a[h].spriteSourceSize.h), e.TextureCache[l].trimmed = !0, e.TextureCache[l].trim.x = a[h].spriteSourceSize.x, e.TextureCache[l].trim.y = a[h].spriteSourceSize.y) } return o }, JSONDataHash: function (t, s, n) { if (!s.frames) return console.warn("Phaser.AnimationParser.JSONDataHash: Invalid Texture Atlas JSON given, missing 'frames' object"), void console.log(s); var r, o = new i.FrameData, a = s.frames, h = 0; for (var l in a) { var c = t.rnd.uuid(); r = o.addFrame(new i.Frame(h, a[l].frame.x, a[l].frame.y, a[l].frame.w, a[l].frame.h, l, c)), e.TextureCache[c] = new e.Texture(e.BaseTextureCache[n], { x: a[l].frame.x, y: a[l].frame.y, width: a[l].frame.w, height: a[l].frame.h }), a[l].trimmed && (r.setTrim(a[l].trimmed, a[l].sourceSize.w, a[l].sourceSize.h, a[l].spriteSourceSize.x, a[l].spriteSourceSize.y, a[l].spriteSourceSize.w, a[l].spriteSourceSize.h), e.TextureCache[c].trimmed = !0, e.TextureCache[c].trim.x = a[l].spriteSourceSize.x, e.TextureCache[c].trim.y = a[l].spriteSourceSize.y), h++ } return o }, XMLData: function (t, s, n) { if (!s.getElementsByTagName("TextureAtlas")) return void console.warn("Phaser.AnimationParser.XMLData: Invalid Texture Atlas XML given, missing <TextureAtlas> tag"); for (var r, o, a, h, l, c, u, d, p, f, g, m, y = new i.FrameData, _ = s.getElementsByTagName("SubTexture"), x = 0; x < _.length; x++)o = t.rnd.uuid(), h = _[x].attributes, a =, l = parseInt(h.x.nodeValue, 10), c = parseInt(h.y.nodeValue, 10), u = parseInt(h.width.nodeValue, 10), d = parseInt(h.height.nodeValue, 10), p = null, f = null, h.frameX && (p = Math.abs(parseInt(h.frameX.nodeValue, 10)), f = Math.abs(parseInt(h.frameY.nodeValue, 10)), g = parseInt(h.frameWidth.nodeValue, 10), m = parseInt(h.frameHeight.nodeValue, 10)), r = y.addFrame(new i.Frame(x, l, c, u, d, a, o)), e.TextureCache[o] = new e.Texture(e.BaseTextureCache[n], { x: l, y: c, width: u, height: d }), (null !== p || null !== f) && (r.setTrim(!0, u, d, p, f, g, m), e.TextureCache[o].realSize = { x: p, y: f, w: g, h: m }, e.TextureCache[o].trimmed = !0, e.TextureCache[o].trim.x = p, e.TextureCache[o].trim.y = f); return y } }, i.Cache = function (t) { = t, this._canvases = {}, this._images = {}, this._textures = {}, this._sounds = {}, this._text = {}, this._tilemaps = {}, this._binary = {}, this._bitmapDatas = {}, this.addDefaultImage(), this.addMissingImage(), this.onSoundUnlock = new i.Signal }, i.Cache.prototype = { addCanvas: function (t, e, i) { this._canvases[t] = { canvas: e, context: i } }, addBinary: function (t, e) { this._binary[t] = e }, addBitmapData: function (t, e) { return this._bitmapDatas[t] = e, e }, addRenderTexture: function (t, e) { var s = new i.Frame(0, 0, 0, e.width, e.height, "", ""); this._textures[t] = { texture: e, frame: s } }, addSpriteSheet: function (t, s, n, r, o, a, h, l) { this._images[t] = { url: s, data: n, spriteSheet: !0, frameWidth: r, frameHeight: o, margin: h, spacing: l }, e.BaseTextureCache[t] = new e.BaseTexture(n), e.TextureCache[t] = new e.Texture(e.BaseTextureCache[t]), this._images[t].frameData = i.AnimationParser.spriteSheet(, t, r, o, a, h, l) }, addTilemap: function (t, e, i, s) { this._tilemaps[t] = { url: e, data: i, format: s } }, addTextureAtlas: function (t, s, n, r, o) { this._images[t] = { url: s, data: n, spriteSheet: !0 }, e.BaseTextureCache[t] = new e.BaseTexture(n), e.TextureCache[t] = new e.Texture(e.BaseTextureCache[t]), o == i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_JSON_ARRAY ? this._images[t].frameData = i.AnimationParser.JSONData(, r, t) : o == i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_JSON_HASH ? this._images[t].frameData = i.AnimationParser.JSONDataHash(, r, t) : o == i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_XML_STARLING && (this._images[t].frameData = i.AnimationParser.XMLData(, r, t)) }, addBitmapFont: function (t, s, n, r) { this._images[t] = { url: s, data: n, spriteSheet: !0 }, e.BaseTextureCache[t] = new e.BaseTexture(n), e.TextureCache[t] = new e.Texture(e.BaseTextureCache[t]), i.LoaderParser.bitmapFont(, r, t) }, addDefaultImage: function () { var t = new Image; t.src = "", this._images.__default = { url: null, data: t, spriteSheet: !1 }, this._images.__default.frame = new i.Frame(0, 0, 0, 32, 32, "", ""), e.BaseTextureCache.__default = new e.BaseTexture(t), e.TextureCache.__default = new e.Texture(e.BaseTextureCache.__default) }, addMissingImage: function () { var t = new Image; t.src = "", this._images.__missing = { url: null, data: t, spriteSheet: !1 }, this._images.__missing.frame = new i.Frame(0, 0, 0, 32, 32, "", ""), e.BaseTextureCache.__missing = new e.BaseTexture(t), e.TextureCache.__missing = new e.Texture(e.BaseTextureCache.__missing) }, addText: function (t, e, i) { this._text[t] = { url: e, data: i } }, addImage: function (t, s, n) { this._images[t] = { url: s, data: n, spriteSheet: !1 }, this._images[t].frame = new i.Frame(0, 0, 0, n.width, n.height, t,, e.BaseTextureCache[t] = new e.BaseTexture(n), e.TextureCache[t] = new e.Texture(e.BaseTextureCache[t]) }, addSound: function (t, e, i, s, n) { s = s || !0, n = n || !1; var r = !1; n && (r = !0), this._sounds[t] = { url: e, data: i, isDecoding: !1, decoded: r, webAudio: s, audioTag: n, locked: } }, reloadSound: function (t) { var e = this; this._sounds[t] && (this._sounds[t].data.src = this._sounds[t].url, this._sounds[t].data.addEventListener("canplaythrough", function () { return e.reloadSoundComplete(t) }, !1), this._sounds[t].data.load()) }, reloadSoundComplete: function (t) { this._sounds[t] && (this._sounds[t].locked = !1, this.onSoundUnlock.dispatch(t)) }, updateSound: function (t, e, i) { this._sounds[t] && (this._sounds[t][e] = i) }, decodedSound: function (t, e) { this._sounds[t].data = e, this._sounds[t].decoded = !0, this._sounds[t].isDecoding = !1 }, getCanvas: function (t) { return this._canvases[t] ? this._canvases[t].canvas : void console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getCanvas: Invalid key: "' + t + '"') }, getBitmapData: function (t) { return this._bitmapDatas[t] ? this._bitmapDatas[t] : void console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getBitmapData: Invalid key: "' + t + '"') }, checkImageKey: function (t) { return this._images[t] ? !0 : !1 }, getImage: function (t) { return this._images[t] ? this._images[t].data : void console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getImage: Invalid key: "' + t + '"') }, getTilemapData: function (t) { return this._tilemaps[t] ? this._tilemaps[t] : void console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getTilemapData: Invalid key: "' + t + '"') }, getFrameData: function (t) { return this._images[t] && this._images[t].frameData ? this._images[t].frameData : null }, getFrameByIndex: function (t, e) { return this._images[t] && this._images[t].frameData ? this._images[t].frameData.getFrame(e) : null }, getFrameByName: function (t, e) { return this._images[t] && this._images[t].frameData ? this._images[t].frameData.getFrameByName(e) : null }, getFrame: function (t) { return this._images[t] && this._images[t].spriteSheet === !1 ? this._images[t].frame : null }, getTextureFrame: function (t) { return this._textures[t] ? this._textures[t].frame : null }, getTexture: function (t) { return this._textures[t] ? this._textures[t] : void console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getTexture: Invalid key: "' + t + '"') }, getSound: function (t) { return this._sounds[t] ? this._sounds[t] : void console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getSound: Invalid key: "' + t + '"') }, getSoundData: function (t) { return this._sounds[t] ? this._sounds[t].data : void console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getSoundData: Invalid key: "' + t + '"') }, isSoundDecoded: function (t) { return this._sounds[t] ? this._sounds[t].decoded : void 0 }, isSoundReady: function (t) { return this._sounds[t] && this._sounds[t].decoded && === !1 }, isSpriteSheet: function (t) { return this._images[t] ? this._images[t].spriteSheet : !1 }, getText: function (t) { return this._text[t] ? this._text[t].data : void console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getText: Invalid key: "' + t + '"') }, getBinary: function (t) { return this._binary[t] ? this._binary[t] : void console.warn('Phaser.Cache.getBinary: Invalid key: "' + t + '"') }, getKeys: function (t) { var e = []; for (var i in t) "__default" !== i && "__missing" !== i && e.push(i); return e }, getImageKeys: function () { return this.getKeys(this._images) }, getSoundKeys: function () { return this.getKeys(this._sounds) }, getTextKeys: function () { return this.getKeys(this._text) }, removeCanvas: function (t) { delete this._canvases[t] }, removeImage: function (t) { delete this._images[t] }, removeSound: function (t) { delete this._sounds[t] }, removeText: function (t) { delete this._text[t] }, destroy: function () { for (var t in this._canvases) delete this._canvases[t.key]; for (var t in this._images) delete this._images[t.key]; for (var t in this._sounds) delete this._sounds[t.key]; for (var t in this._text) delete this._text[t.key] } }, i.Cache.prototype.constructor = i.Cache, i.Loader = function (t) { = t, this._fileList = [], this._fileIndex = 0, this._progressChunk = 0, this._xhr = new XMLHttpRequest, this.isLoading = !1, this.hasLoaded = !1, this.progress = 0, this.progressFloat = 0, this.preloadSprite = null, this.crossOrigin = "", this.baseURL = "", this.onFileComplete = new i.Signal, this.onFileError = new i.Signal, this.onLoadStart = new i.Signal, this.onLoadComplete = new i.Signal }, i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_JSON_ARRAY = 0, i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_JSON_HASH = 1, i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_XML_STARLING = 2, i.Loader.prototype = {
        setPreloadSprite: function (t, e) { e = e || 0, this.preloadSprite = { sprite: t, direction: e, width: t.width, height: t.height, crop: null }, this.preloadSprite.crop = 0 === e ? new i.Rectangle(0, 0, 1, t.height) : new i.Rectangle(0, 0, t.width, 1), t.crop = this.preloadSprite.crop, t.cropEnabled = !0 }, checkKeyExists: function (t, e) { if (this._fileList.length > 0) for (var i = 0; i < this._fileList.length; i++)if (this._fileList[i].type === t && this._fileList[i].key === e) return !0; return !1 }, getAsset: function (t, e) { if (this._fileList.length > 0) for (var i = 0; i < this._fileList.length; i++)if (this._fileList[i].type === t && this._fileList[i].key === e) return { index: i, file: this._fileList[i] }; return !1 }, reset: function () { this.preloadSprite = null, this.isLoading = !1, this._fileList.length = 0, this._fileIndex = 0 }, addToFileList: function (t, e, i, s) { var n = { type: t, key: e, url: i, data: null, error: !1, loaded: !1 }; if ("undefined" != typeof s) for (var r in s) n[r] = s[r]; this.checkKeyExists(t, e) === !1 && this._fileList.push(n) }, replaceInFileList: function (t, e, i, s) { var n = { type: t, key: e, url: i, data: null, error: !1, loaded: !1 }; if ("undefined" != typeof s) for (var r in s) n[r] = s[r]; this.checkKeyExists(t, e) === !1 && this._fileList.push(n) }, image: function (t, e, i) { return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !1), i ? this.replaceInFileList("image", t, e) : this.addToFileList("image", t, e), this }, text: function (t, e, i) { return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !1), i ? this.replaceInFileList("text", t, e) : this.addToFileList("text", t, e), this }, script: function (t, e) { return this.addToFileList("script", t, e), this }, binary: function (t, e, i, s) { return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !1), i !== !1 && "undefined" == typeof s && (s = i), this.addToFileList("binary", t, e, { callback: i, callbackContext: s }), this }, spritesheet: function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o) { return "undefined" == typeof n && (n = -1), "undefined" == typeof r && (r = 0), "undefined" == typeof o && (o = 0), this.addToFileList("spritesheet", t, e, { frameWidth: i, frameHeight: s, frameMax: n, margin: r, spacing: o }), this }, audio: function (t, e, i) { return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !0), this.addToFileList("audio", t, e, { buffer: null, autoDecode: i }), this }, tilemap: function (t, e, s, n) { if ("undefined" == typeof e && (e = null), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = null), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = i.Tilemap.CSV), null == e && null == s) return console.warn("Phaser.Loader.tilemap - Both mapDataURL and mapData are null. One must be set."), this; if (s) { switch (n) { case i.Tilemap.CSV: break; case i.Tilemap.TILED_JSON: "string" == typeof s && (s = JSON.parse(s)) }, null, s, n) } else this.addToFileList("tilemap", t, e, { format: n }); return this }, bitmapFont: function (t, e, i, s) { if ("undefined" == typeof i && (i = null), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = null), i) this.addToFileList("bitmapfont", t, e, { xmlURL: i }); else if ("string" == typeof s) { var n; try { if (window.DOMParser) { var r = new DOMParser; n = r.parseFromString(s, "text/xml") } else n = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"), n.async = "false", n.loadXML(s) } catch (o) { n = void 0 } if (!n || !n.documentElement || n.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length) throw new Error("Phaser.Loader. Invalid Bitmap Font XML given"); this.addToFileList("bitmapfont", t, e, { xmlURL: null, xmlData: n }) } return this }, atlasJSONArray: function (t, e, s, n) { return this.atlas(t, e, s, n, i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_JSON_ARRAY) }, atlasJSONHash: function (t, e, s, n) { return this.atlas(t, e, s, n, i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_JSON_HASH) }, atlasXML: function (t, e, s, n) { return this.atlas(t, e, s, n, i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_XML_STARLING) }, atlas: function (t, e, s, n, r) { if ("undefined" == typeof s && (s = null), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = null), "undefined" == typeof r && (r = i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_JSON_ARRAY), s) this.addToFileList("textureatlas", t, e, { atlasURL: s, format: r }); else { switch (r) { case i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_JSON_ARRAY: "string" == typeof n && (n = JSON.parse(n)); break; case i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_XML_STARLING: if ("string" == typeof n) { var o; try { if (window.DOMParser) { var a = new DOMParser; o = a.parseFromString(n, "text/xml") } else o = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"), o.async = "false", o.loadXML(n) } catch (h) { o = void 0 } if (!o || !o.documentElement || o.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length) throw new Error("Phaser.Loader. Invalid Texture Atlas XML given"); n = o } }this.addToFileList("textureatlas", t, e, { atlasURL: null, atlasData: n, format: r }) } return this }, removeFile: function (t, e) { var i = this.getAsset(t, e); i !== !1 && this._fileList.splice(i.index, 1) }, removeAll: function () { this._fileList.length = 0 }, start: function () { this.isLoading || (this.progress = 0, this.progressFloat = 0, this.hasLoaded = !1, this.isLoading = !0, this.onLoadStart.dispatch(this._fileList.length), this._fileList.length > 0 ? (this._fileIndex = 0, this._progressChunk = 100 / this._fileList.length, this.loadFile()) : (this.progress = 100, this.progressFloat = 100, this.hasLoaded = !0, this.onLoadComplete.dispatch())) }, loadFile: function () { if (!this._fileList[this._fileIndex]) return void console.warn("Phaser.Loader loadFile invalid index " + this._fileIndex); var t = this._fileList[this._fileIndex], e = this; switch (t.type) { case "image": case "spritesheet": case "textureatlas": case "bitmapfont": = new Image, = t.key, = function () { return e.fileComplete(e._fileIndex) }, = function () { return e.fileError(e._fileIndex) }, = this.crossOrigin, = this.baseURL + t.url; break; case "audio": t.url = this.getAudioURL(t.url), null !== t.url ? ? ("GET", this.baseURL + t.url, !0), this._xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer", this._xhr.onload = function () { return e.fileComplete(e._fileIndex) }, this._xhr.onerror = function () { return e.fileError(e._fileIndex) }, this._xhr.send()) : && ( ? ( = new Audio, = t.key, = "auto", = this.baseURL + t.url, this.fileComplete(this._fileIndex)) : ( = new Audio, = t.key, = function () { return e.fileError(e._fileIndex) }, = "auto", = this.baseURL + t.url,"canplaythrough", i.GAMES[].load.fileComplete(this._fileIndex), !1), : this.fileError(this._fileIndex); break; case "tilemap": if ("GET", this.baseURL + t.url, !0), this._xhr.responseType = "text", t.format === i.Tilemap.TILED_JSON) this._xhr.onload = function () { return e.jsonLoadComplete(e._fileIndex) }; else { if (t.format !== i.Tilemap.CSV) throw new Error("Phaser.Loader. Invalid Tilemap format: " + t.format); this._xhr.onload = function () { return e.csvLoadComplete(e._fileIndex) } } this._xhr.onerror = function () { return e.dataLoadError(e._fileIndex) }, this._xhr.send(); break; case "text": case "script":"GET", this.baseURL + t.url, !0), this._xhr.responseType = "text", this._xhr.onload = function () { return e.fileComplete(e._fileIndex) }, this._xhr.onerror = function () { return e.fileError(e._fileIndex) }, this._xhr.send(); break; case "binary":"GET", this.baseURL + t.url, !0), this._xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer", this._xhr.onload = function () { return e.fileComplete(e._fileIndex) }, this._xhr.onerror = function () { return e.fileError(e._fileIndex) }, this._xhr.send() } }, getAudioURL: function (t) { var e; "string" == typeof t && (t = [t]); for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)if (e = t[i].toLowerCase(), e = e.substr((Math.max(0, e.lastIndexOf(".")) || 1 / 0) + 1), return t[i]; return null }, fileError: function (t) { this._fileList[t].loaded = !0, this._fileList[t].error = !0, this.onFileError.dispatch(this._fileList[t].key, this._fileList[t]), console.warn("Phaser.Loader error loading file: " + this._fileList[t].key + " from URL " + this._fileList[t].url), this.nextFile(t, !1) }, fileComplete: function (t) { if (!this._fileList[t]) return void console.warn("Phaser.Loader fileComplete invalid index " + t); var e = this._fileList[t]; e.loaded = !0; var s = !0, n = this; switch (e.type) { case "image":, e.url,; break; case "spritesheet":, e.url,, e.frameWidth, e.frameHeight, e.frameMax, e.margin, e.spacing); break; case "textureatlas": if (null == e.atlasURL), e.url,, e.atlasData, e.format); else { if (s = !1,"GET", this.baseURL + e.atlasURL, !0), this._xhr.responseType = "text", e.format == i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_JSON_ARRAY || e.format == i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_JSON_HASH) this._xhr.onload = function () { return n.jsonLoadComplete(t) }; else { if (e.format != i.Loader.TEXTURE_ATLAS_XML_STARLING) throw new Error("Phaser.Loader. Invalid Texture Atlas format: " + e.format); this._xhr.onload = function () { return n.xmlLoadComplete(t) } } this._xhr.onerror = function () { return n.dataLoadError(t) }, this._xhr.send() } break; case "bitmapfont": null == e.xmlURL ?, e.url,, e.xmlData) : (s = !1,"GET", this.baseURL + e.xmlURL, !0), this._xhr.responseType = "text", this._xhr.onload = function () { return n.xmlLoadComplete(t) }, this._xhr.onerror = function () { return n.dataLoadError(t) }, this._xhr.send()); break; case "audio": if ( { if ( = this._xhr.response,, e.url,, !0, !1), e.autoDecode) {, "isDecoding", !0); var r = this, o = e.key;, function (t) { t && (, t),, }) } } else"canplaythrough", i.GAMES[].load.fileComplete),, e.url,, !1, !0); break; case "text": = this._xhr.responseText,, e.url,; break; case "script": = document.createElement("script"), = "javascript", = "text/javascript", = !1, = this._xhr.responseText, document.head.appendChild(; break; case "binary": = e.callback ?, e.key, this._xhr.response) : this._xhr.response,, }s && this.nextFile(t, !0) }, jsonLoadComplete: function (t) { if (!this._fileList[t]) return void console.warn("Phaser.Loader jsonLoadComplete invalid index " + t); var e = this._fileList[t], i = JSON.parse(this._xhr.responseText); e.loaded = !0, "tilemap" === e.type ?, e.url, i, e.format) :, e.url,, i, e.format), this.nextFile(t, !0) }, csvLoadComplete: function (t) { if (!this._fileList[t]) return void console.warn("Phaser.Loader csvLoadComplete invalid index " + t); var e = this._fileList[t], i = this._xhr.responseText; e.loaded = !0,, e.url, i, e.format), this.nextFile(t, !0) }, dataLoadError: function (t) { var e = this._fileList[t]; e.loaded = !0, e.error = !0, console.warn("Phaser.Loader dataLoadError: " + e.key), this.nextFile(t, !0) }, xmlLoadComplete: function (t) { var e, i = this._xhr.responseText; try { if (window.DOMParser) { var s = new DOMParser; e = s.parseFromString(i, "text/xml") } else e = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"), e.async = "false", e.loadXML(i) } catch (n) { e = void 0 } if (!e || !e.documentElement || e.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length) throw new Error("Phaser.Loader. Invalid XML given"); var r = this._fileList[t]; r.loaded = !0, "bitmapfont" == r.type ?, r.url,, e) : "textureatlas" == r.type &&, r.url,, e, r.format), this.nextFile(t, !0) }, nextFile: function (t, e) { this.progressFloat += this._progressChunk, this.progress = Math.round(this.progressFloat), this.progress > 100 && (this.progress = 100), null !== this.preloadSprite && (0 === this.preloadSprite.direction ? this.preloadSprite.crop.width = Math.floor(this.preloadSprite.width / 100 * this.progress) : this.preloadSprite.crop.height = Math.floor(this.preloadSprite.height / 100 * this.progress), this.preloadSprite.sprite.crop = this.preloadSprite.crop), this.onFileComplete.dispatch(this.progress, this._fileList[t].key, e, this.totalLoadedFiles(), this._fileList.length), this.totalQueuedFiles() > 0 ? (this._fileIndex++, this.loadFile()) : (this.hasLoaded = !0, this.isLoading = !1, this.removeAll(), this.onLoadComplete.dispatch()) }, totalLoadedFiles: function () {
            for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < this._fileList.length; e++)this._fileList[e].loaded && t++;
            return t
        }, totalQueuedFiles: function () { for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < this._fileList.length; e++)this._fileList[e].loaded === !1 && t++; return t }
    }, i.Loader.prototype.constructor = i.Loader, i.LoaderParser = { bitmapFont: function (t, i, s) { if (!i.getElementsByTagName("font")) return void console.warn("Phaser.LoaderParser.bitmapFont: Invalid XML given, missing <font> tag"); var n = e.TextureCache[s], r = {}, o = i.getElementsByTagName("info")[0], a = i.getElementsByTagName("common")[0]; r.font = o.attributes.getNamedItem("face").nodeValue, r.size = parseInt(o.attributes.getNamedItem("size").nodeValue, 10), r.lineHeight = parseInt(a.attributes.getNamedItem("lineHeight").nodeValue, 10), r.chars = {}; for (var h = i.getElementsByTagName("char"), l = 0; l < h.length; l++) { var c = parseInt(h[l].attributes.getNamedItem("id").nodeValue, 10), u = { x: parseInt(h[l].attributes.getNamedItem("x").nodeValue, 10), y: parseInt(h[l].attributes.getNamedItem("y").nodeValue, 10), width: parseInt(h[l].attributes.getNamedItem("width").nodeValue, 10), height: parseInt(h[l].attributes.getNamedItem("height").nodeValue, 10) }; e.TextureCache[c] = new e.Texture(n, u), r.chars[c] = { xOffset: parseInt(h[l].attributes.getNamedItem("xoffset").nodeValue, 10), yOffset: parseInt(h[l].attributes.getNamedItem("yoffset").nodeValue, 10), xAdvance: parseInt(h[l].attributes.getNamedItem("xadvance").nodeValue, 10), kerning: {}, texture: new e.Texture(n, u) } } var d = i.getElementsByTagName("kerning"); for (l = 0; l < d.length; l++) { var p = parseInt(d[l].attributes.getNamedItem("first").nodeValue, 10), f = parseInt(d[l].attributes.getNamedItem("second").nodeValue, 10), g = parseInt(d[l].attributes.getNamedItem("amount").nodeValue, 10); r.chars[f].kerning[p] = g } e.BitmapText.fonts[r.font] = r } }, i.Sound = function (t, e, s, n, r) { "undefined" == typeof s && (s = 1), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = !1), "undefined" == typeof r && (r = t.sound.connectToMaster), = t, = e, this.key = e, this.loop = n, this._volume = s, this.markers = {}, this.context = null, this._buffer = null, this._muted = !1, this.autoplay = !1, this.totalDuration = 0, this.startTime = 0, this.currentTime = 0, this.duration = 0, this.stopTime = 0, this.paused = !1, this.pausedPosition = 0, this.pausedTime = 0, this.isPlaying = !1, this.currentMarker = "", this.pendingPlayback = !1, this.override = !1, this.usingWebAudio =, this.usingAudioTag =, this.externalNode = null, this.usingWebAudio ? (this.context =, this.masterGainNode =, this.gainNode = "undefined" == typeof this.context.createGain ? this.context.createGainNode() : this.context.createGain(), this.gainNode.gain.value = s *, r && this.gainNode.connect(this.masterGainNode)) : && ? (this._sound =, this.totalDuration = 0, this._sound.duration && (this.totalDuration = this._sound.duration)) :, this), this.onDecoded = new i.Signal, this.onPlay = new i.Signal, this.onPause = new i.Signal, this.onResume = new i.Signal, this.onLoop = new i.Signal, this.onStop = new i.Signal, this.onMute = new i.Signal, this.onMarkerComplete = new i.Signal }, i.Sound.prototype = { soundHasUnlocked: function (t) { t == this.key && (this._sound =, this.totalDuration = this._sound.duration) }, addMarker: function (t, e, i, s, n) { s = s || 1, "undefined" == typeof n && (n = !1), this.markers[t] = { name: t, start: e, stop: e + i, volume: s, duration: i, durationMS: 1e3 * i, loop: n } }, removeMarker: function (t) { delete this.markers[t] }, update: function () { this.pendingPlayback && && (this.pendingPlayback = !1,, this._tempPosition, this._tempVolume, this._tempLoop)), this.isPlaying && (this.currentTime = - this.startTime, this.currentTime >= this.durationMS && (this.usingWebAudio ? this.loop ? (this.onLoop.dispatch(this), "" === this.currentMarker ? (this.currentTime = 0, this.startTime = :, 0, this.volume, !0, !0)) : this.stop() : this.loop ? (this.onLoop.dispatch(this),, 0, this.volume, !0, !0)) : this.stop())) }, play: function (t, e, i, s, n) { if (t = t || "", e = e || 0, "undefined" == typeof i && (i = this._volume), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !1), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = !0), this.isPlaying !== !0 || n !== !1 || this.override !== !1) { if (this.isPlaying && this.override && (this.usingWebAudio ? "undefined" == typeof this._sound.stop ? this._sound.noteOff(0) : this._sound.stop(0) : this.usingAudioTag && (this._sound.pause(), this._sound.currentTime = 0)), this.currentMarker = t, "" !== t) { if (!this.markers[t]) return void console.warn(" audio marker " + t + " doesn't exist"); this.position = this.markers[t].start, this.volume = this.markers[t].volume, this.loop = this.markers[t].loop, this.duration = this.markers[t].duration, this.durationMS = this.markers[t].durationMS, this._tempMarker = t, this._tempPosition = this.position, this._tempVolume = this.volume, this._tempLoop = this.loop } else this.position = e, this.volume = i, this.loop = s, this.duration = 0, this.durationMS = 0, this._tempMarker = t, this._tempPosition = e, this._tempVolume = i, this._tempLoop = s; this.usingWebAudio ? ? (null == this._buffer && (this._buffer =, this._sound = this.context.createBufferSource(), this._sound.buffer = this._buffer, this._sound.connect(this.externalNode ? this.externalNode.input : this.gainNode), this.totalDuration = this._sound.buffer.duration, 0 === this.duration && (this.duration = this.totalDuration, this.durationMS = 1e3 * this.totalDuration), this.loop && "" === t && (this._sound.loop = !0), "undefined" == typeof this._sound.start ? this._sound.noteGrainOn(0, this.position, this.duration) : this._sound.start(0, this.position, this.duration), this.isPlaying = !0, this.startTime =, this.currentTime = 0, this.stopTime = this.startTime + this.durationMS, this.onPlay.dispatch(this)) : (this.pendingPlayback = !0, && === !1 &&, this)) : && ? (, this.pendingPlayback = !0) : this._sound && ( || 4 === this._sound.readyState) ? (, this.totalDuration = this._sound.duration, 0 === this.duration && (this.duration = this.totalDuration, this.durationMS = 1e3 * this.totalDuration), this._sound.currentTime = this.position, this._sound.muted = this._muted, this._sound.volume = this._muted ? 0 : this._volume, this.isPlaying = !0, this.startTime =, this.currentTime = 0, this.stopTime = this.startTime + this.durationMS, this.onPlay.dispatch(this)) : this.pendingPlayback = !0 } }, restart: function (t, e, i, s) { t = t || "", e = e || 0, i = i || 1, "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !1),, e, i, s, !0) }, pause: function () { this.isPlaying && this._sound && (this.stop(), this.isPlaying = !1, this.paused = !0, this.pausedPosition = this.currentTime, this.pausedTime =, this.onPause.dispatch(this)) }, resume: function () { if (this.paused && this._sound) { if (this.usingWebAudio) { var t = this.position + this.pausedPosition / 1e3; this._sound = this.context.createBufferSource(), this._sound.buffer = this._buffer, this._sound.connect(this.externalNode ? this.externalNode.input : this.gainNode), this.loop && (this._sound.loop = !0), "undefined" == typeof this._sound.start ? this._sound.noteGrainOn(0, t, this.duration) : this._sound.start(0, t, this.duration) } else; this.isPlaying = !0, this.paused = !1, this.startTime += - this.pausedTime, this.onResume.dispatch(this) } }, stop: function () { this.isPlaying && this._sound && (this.usingWebAudio ? "undefined" == typeof this._sound.stop ? this._sound.noteOff(0) : this._sound.stop(0) : this.usingAudioTag && (this._sound.pause(), this._sound.currentTime = 0)), this.isPlaying = !1; var t = this.currentMarker; this.currentMarker = "", this.onStop.dispatch(this, t) } }, i.Sound.prototype.constructor = i.Sound, Object.defineProperty(i.Sound.prototype, "isDecoding", { get: function () { return } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Sound.prototype, "isDecoded", { get: function () { return } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Sound.prototype, "mute", { get: function () { return this._muted }, set: function (t) { t = t || null, t ? (this._muted = !0, this.usingWebAudio ? (this._muteVolume = this.gainNode.gain.value, this.gainNode.gain.value = 0) : this.usingAudioTag && this._sound && (this._muteVolume = this._sound.volume, this._sound.volume = 0)) : (this._muted = !1, this.usingWebAudio ? this.gainNode.gain.value = this._muteVolume : this.usingAudioTag && this._sound && (this._sound.volume = this._muteVolume)), this.onMute.dispatch(this) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Sound.prototype, "volume", { get: function () { return this._volume }, set: function (t) { this.usingWebAudio ? (this._volume = t, this.gainNode.gain.value = t) : this.usingAudioTag && this._sound && t >= 0 && 1 >= t && (this._volume = t, this._sound.volume = t) } }), i.SoundManager = function (t) { = t, this.onSoundDecode = new i.Signal, this._muted = !1, this._unlockSource = null, this._volume = 1, this._sounds = [], this.context = null, this.usingWebAudio = !0, this.usingAudioTag = !1, this.noAudio = !1, this.connectToMaster = !0, this.touchLocked = !1, this.channels = 32 }, i.SoundManager.prototype = { boot: function () { if ( && === !1 && (this.channels = 1), || window.PhaserGlobal && window.PhaserGlobal.fakeiOSTouchLock ? ( = this, = this.unlock, = this, = this.unlock, this.touchLocked = !0) : this.touchLocked = !1, window.PhaserGlobal) { if (window.PhaserGlobal.disableAudio === !0) return this.usingWebAudio = !1, void (this.noAudio = !0); if (window.PhaserGlobal.disableWebAudio === !0) return this.usingWebAudio = !1, this.usingAudioTag = !0, void (this.noAudio = !1) } window.AudioContext ? this.context = new window.AudioContext : window.webkitAudioContext ? this.context = new window.webkitAudioContext : window.Audio ? (this.usingWebAudio = !1, this.usingAudioTag = !0) : (this.usingWebAudio = !1, this.noAudio = !0), null !== this.context && (this.masterGain = "undefined" == typeof this.context.createGain ? this.context.createGainNode() : this.context.createGain(), this.masterGain.gain.value = 1, this.masterGain.connect(this.context.destination)) }, unlock: function () { if (this.touchLocked !== !1) if ( === !1 || window.PhaserGlobal && window.PhaserGlobal.disableWebAudio === !0) this.touchLocked = !1, this._unlockSource = null, = null, = null, = null, = null; else { var t = this.context.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050); this._unlockSource = this.context.createBufferSource(), this._unlockSource.buffer = t, this._unlockSource.connect(this.context.destination), this._unlockSource.noteOn(0) } }, stopAll: function () { for (var t = 0; t < this._sounds.length; t++)this._sounds[t] && this._sounds[t].stop() }, pauseAll: function () { for (var t = 0; t < this._sounds.length; t++)this._sounds[t] && this._sounds[t].pause() }, resumeAll: function () { for (var t = 0; t < this._sounds.length; t++)this._sounds[t] && this._sounds[t].resume() }, decode: function (t, e) { e = e || null; var i =; if (i && === !1) {, "isDecoding", !0); var s = this; this.context.decodeAudioData(i, function (i) {, i), e && s.onSoundDecode.dispatch(t, e) }) } }, update: function () { this.touchLocked && && null !== this._unlockSource && (this._unlockSource.playbackState === this._unlockSource.PLAYING_STATE || this._unlockSource.playbackState === this._unlockSource.FINISHED_STATE) && (this.touchLocked = !1, this._unlockSource = null, = null, = null); for (var t = 0; t < this._sounds.length; t++)this._sounds[t].update() }, add: function (t, e, s, n) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 1), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !1), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = this.connectToMaster); var r = new i.Sound(, t, e, s, n); return this._sounds.push(r), r }, play: function (t, e, i, s) { "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !1); var n = this.add(t, e, i); return, n } }, i.SoundManager.prototype.constructor = i.SoundManager, Object.defineProperty(i.SoundManager.prototype, "mute", { get: function () { return this._muted }, set: function (t) { if (t = t || null) { if (this._muted) return; this._muted = !0, this.usingWebAudio && (this._muteVolume = this.masterGain.gain.value, this.masterGain.gain.value = 0); for (var e = 0; e < this._sounds.length; e++)this._sounds[e].usingAudioTag && (this._sounds[e].mute = !0) } else { if (this._muted === !1) return; this._muted = !1, this.usingWebAudio && (this.masterGain.gain.value = this._muteVolume); for (var e = 0; e < this._sounds.length; e++)this._sounds[e].usingAudioTag && (this._sounds[e].mute = !1) } } }), Object.defineProperty(i.SoundManager.prototype, "volume", { get: function () { return this.usingWebAudio ? this.masterGain.gain.value : this._volume }, set: function (t) { t =, 1, 0), this._volume = t, this.usingWebAudio && (this.masterGain.gain.value = t); for (var e = 0; e < this._sounds.length; e++)this._sounds[e].usingAudioTag && (this._sounds[e].volume = this._sounds[e].volume * t) } }), i.Utils.Debug = function (t) { = t, this.context = t.context, this.font = "14px Courier", this.columnWidth = 100, this.lineHeight = 16, this.renderShadow = !0, this.currentX = 0, this.currentY = 0, this.currentAlpha = 1 }, i.Utils.Debug.prototype = { start: function (t, e, i, s) { null != this.context && ("number" != typeof t && (t = 0), "number" != typeof e && (e = 0), i = i || "rgb(255,255,255)", "undefined" == typeof s && (s = 0), this.currentX = t, this.currentY = e, this.currentColor = i, this.currentAlpha = this.context.globalAlpha, this.columnWidth = s,, this.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), this.context.strokeStyle = i, this.context.fillStyle = i, this.context.font = this.font, this.context.globalAlpha = 1) }, stop: function () { this.context.restore(), this.context.globalAlpha = this.currentAlpha }, line: function (t, e, i) { null != this.context && ("undefined" != typeof e && (this.currentX = e), "undefined" != typeof i && (this.currentY = i), this.renderShadow && (this.context.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)", this.context.fillText(t, this.currentX + 1, this.currentY + 1), this.context.fillStyle = this.currentColor), this.context.fillText(t, this.currentX, this.currentY), this.currentY += this.lineHeight) }, splitline: function () { if (null != this.context) { for (var t = this.currentX, e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++)this.renderShadow && (this.context.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)", this.context.fillText(arguments[e], t + 1, this.currentY + 1), this.context.fillStyle = this.currentColor), this.context.fillText(arguments[e], t, this.currentY), t += this.columnWidth; this.currentY += this.lineHeight } }, renderQuadTree: function (t, e) { e = e || "rgba(255,0,0,0.3)", this.start(); var i = t.bounds; if (0 === t.nodes.length) { this.context.strokeStyle = e, this.context.strokeRect(i.x, i.y, i.width, i.height), this.renderText(t.ID + " / " + t.objects.length, i.x + 4, i.y + 16, "rgb(0,200,0)", "12px Courier"), this.context.strokeStyle = "rgb(0,255,0)"; for (var s = 0; s < t.objects.length; s++)this.context.strokeRect(t.objects[s].x, t.objects[s].y, t.objects[s].width, t.objects[s].height) } else for (var s = 0; s < t.nodes.length; s++)this.renderQuadTree(t.nodes[s]); this.stop() }, renderSpriteCorners: function (t, e, i, s) { null != this.context && (e = e || !1, i = i || !1, s = s || "rgb(255,255,255)", this.start(0, 0, s), i && (this.context.beginPath(), this.context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.7)", this.context.strokeRect(t.bounds.x, t.bounds.y, t.bounds.width, t.bounds.height), this.context.closePath(), this.context.stroke()), this.context.beginPath(), this.context.moveTo(t.topLeft.x, t.topLeft.y), this.context.lineTo(t.topRight.x, t.topRight.y), this.context.lineTo(t.bottomRight.x, t.bottomRight.y), this.context.lineTo(t.bottomLeft.x, t.bottomLeft.y), this.context.closePath(), this.context.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.7)", this.context.stroke(), this.renderPoint(t.offset), this.renderPoint(, this.renderPoint(t.topLeft), this.renderPoint(t.topRight), this.renderPoint(t.bottomLeft), this.renderPoint(t.bottomRight), e && (this.currentColor = s, this.line("x: " + Math.floor(t.topLeft.x) + " y: " + Math.floor(t.topLeft.y), t.topLeft.x, t.topLeft.y), this.line("x: " + Math.floor(t.topRight.x) + " y: " + Math.floor(t.topRight.y), t.topRight.x, t.topRight.y), this.line("x: " + Math.floor(t.bottomLeft.x) + " y: " + Math.floor(t.bottomLeft.y), t.bottomLeft.x, t.bottomLeft.y), this.line("x: " + Math.floor(t.bottomRight.x) + " y: " + Math.floor(t.bottomRight.y), t.bottomRight.x, t.bottomRight.y)), this.stop()) }, renderSoundInfo: function (t, e, i, s) { null != this.context && (s = s || "rgb(255,255,255)", this.start(e, i, s), this.line("Sound: " + t.key + " Locked: " +, this.line("Is Ready?: " + + " Pending Playback: " + t.pendingPlayback), this.line("Decoded: " + t.isDecoded + " Decoding: " + t.isDecoding), this.line("Total Duration: " + t.totalDuration + " Playing: " + t.isPlaying), this.line("Time: " + t.currentTime), this.line("Volume: " + t.volume + " Muted: " + t.mute), this.line("WebAudio: " + t.usingWebAudio + " Audio: " + t.usingAudioTag), "" !== t.currentMarker && (this.line("Marker: " + t.currentMarker + " Duration: " + t.duration), this.line("Start: " + t.markers[t.currentMarker].start + " Stop: " + t.markers[t.currentMarker].stop), this.line("Position: " + t.position)), this.stop()) }, renderCameraInfo: function (t, e, i, s) { null != this.context && (s = s || "rgb(255,255,255)", this.start(e, i, s), this.line("Camera (" + t.width + " x " + t.height + ")"), this.line("X: " + t.x + " Y: " + t.y), this.line("Bounds x: " + t.bounds.x + " Y: " + t.bounds.y + " w: " + t.bounds.width + " h: " + t.bounds.height), this.line("View x: " + t.view.x + " Y: " + t.view.y + " w: " + t.view.width + " h: " + t.view.height), this.stop()) }, renderPointer: function (t, e, i, s, n) { null != this.context && null != t && ("undefined" == typeof e && (e = !1), i = i || "rgba(0,255,0,0.5)", s = s || "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)", n = n || "rgb(255,255,255)", (e !== !0 || t.isUp !== !0) && (this.start(t.x, t.y - 100, n), this.context.beginPath(), this.context.arc(t.x, t.y,, 0, 2 * Math.PI), this.context.fillStyle = ? i : s, this.context.fill(), this.context.closePath(), this.context.beginPath(), this.context.moveTo(t.positionDown.x, t.positionDown.y), this.context.lineTo(t.position.x, t.position.y), this.context.lineWidth = 2, this.context.stroke(), this.context.closePath(), this.line("ID: " + + " Active: " +, this.line("World X: " + t.worldX + " World Y: " + t.worldY), this.line("Screen X: " + t.x + " Screen Y: " + t.y), this.line("Duration: " + t.duration + " ms"), this.stop())) }, renderSpriteInputInfo: function (t, e, i, s) { s = s || "rgb(255,255,255)", this.start(e, i, s), this.line("Sprite Input: (" + t.width + " x " + t.height + ")"), this.line("x: " + t.input.pointerX().toFixed(1) + " y: " + t.input.pointerY().toFixed(1)), this.line("over: " + t.input.pointerOver() + " duration: " + t.input.overDuration().toFixed(0)), this.line("down: " + t.input.pointerDown() + " duration: " + t.input.downDuration().toFixed(0)), this.line("just over: " + t.input.justOver() + " just out: " + t.input.justOut()), this.stop() }, renderBodyInfo: function (t, e, i, s) { s = s || "rgb(255,255,255)", this.start(e, i, s, 210), this.splitline("x: " + t.body.x.toFixed(2), "y: " + t.body.y.toFixed(2), "width: " + t.width, "height: " + t.height), this.splitline("speed: " + t.body.speed.toFixed(2), "angle: " + t.body.angle.toFixed(2), "linear damping: " + t.body.linearDamping), this.splitline("blocked left: " + t.body.blocked.left, "right: " + t.body.blocked.right, "up: " + t.body.blocked.up, "down: " + t.body.blocked.down), this.splitline("touching left: " + t.body.touching.left, "right: " + t.body.touching.right, "up: " + t.body.touching.up, "down: " + t.body.touching.down), this.splitline("gravity x: " + t.body.gravity.x, "y: " + t.body.gravity.y, "world gravity x: " +, "y: " +, this.splitline("acceleration x: " + t.body.acceleration.x.toFixed(2), "y: " + t.body.acceleration.y.toFixed(2)), this.splitline("velocity x: " + t.body.velocity.x.toFixed(2), "y: " + t.body.velocity.y.toFixed(2), "deltaX: " + t.body.deltaX().toFixed(2), "deltaY: " + t.body.deltaY().toFixed(2)), this.splitline("bounce x: " + t.body.bounce.x.toFixed(2), "y: " + t.body.bounce.y.toFixed(2)), this.stop() }, renderInputInfo: function (t, e, i) { null != this.context && (i = i || "rgb(255,255,0)", this.start(t, e, i), this.line("Input"), this.line("X: " + + " Y: " +, this.line("World X: " + + " World Y: " +, this.line("Scale X: " + + " Scale Y: " +, this.line("Screen X: " + + " Screen Y: " +, this.stop()) }, renderSpriteInfo: function (t, e, i, s) { null != this.context && (s = s || "rgb(255, 255, 255)", this.start(e, i, s), this.line("Sprite:  (" + t.width + " x " + t.height + ") anchor: " + t.anchor.x + " x " + t.anchor.y), this.line("x: " + t.x.toFixed(1) + " y: " + t.y.toFixed(1)), this.line("angle: " + t.angle.toFixed(1) + " rotation: " + t.rotation.toFixed(1)), this.line("visible: " + t.visible + " in camera: " + t.inCamera), this.line("body x: " + t.body.x.toFixed(1) + " y: " + t.body.y.toFixed(1)), this.line("id: " + t._id), this.line("scale x: " + t.worldTransform[0]), this.line("scale y: " + t.worldTransform[4]), this.line("tx: " + t.worldTransform[2]), this.line("ty: " + t.worldTransform[5]), this.line("skew x: " + t.worldTransform[3]), this.line("skew y: " + t.worldTransform[1]), this.line("sdx: " + t.deltaX), this.line("sdy: " + t.deltaY), this.stop()) }, renderSpriteCoords: function (t, e, i, s) { null != this.context && (s = s || "rgb(255, 255, 255)", this.start(e, i, s, 100), && this.line(, this.splitline("x:", t.x.toFixed(2), "y:", t.y.toFixed(2)), this.splitline("pos x:", t.position.x.toFixed(2), "pos y:", t.position.y.toFixed(2)), this.splitline("world x:",, "world y:",, this.stop()) }, renderLine: function (t, e) { null != this.context && (e = e || "rgb(255, 255, 255)", this.start(0, 0, e), this.context.lineWidth = 1, this.context.beginPath(), this.context.moveTo(t.start.x + .5, t.start.y + .5), this.context.lineTo(t.end.x + .5, t.end.y + .5), this.context.closePath(), this.context.stroke(), this.stop()) }, renderLineInfo: function (t, e, i, s) { null != this.context && (s = s || "rgb(255, 255, 255)", this.start(e, i, s, 80), this.splitline("start.x:", t.start.x.toFixed(2), "start.y:", t.start.y.toFixed(2)), this.splitline("end.x:", t.end.x.toFixed(2), "end.y:", t.end.y.toFixed(2)), this.splitline("length:", t.length.toFixed(2), "angle:", t.angle), this.stop()) }, renderPointInfo: function (t, e, i, s) { null != this.context && (s = s || "rgb(255, 255, 255)", this.start(e, i, s), this.line("px: " + t.x.toFixed(1) + " py: " + t.y.toFixed(1)), this.stop()) }, renderSpriteBody: function (t, e, i) { null != this.context && (e = e || "rgb(255,0,255)", "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !1), this.start(0, 0, e), i ? (this.context.fillStyle = e, this.context.fillRect(t.body.left,, t.body.width, t.body.height)) : (this.context.strokeStyle = e, this.context.strokeRect(t.body.left,, t.body.width, t.body.height), this.context.stroke()), this.stop()) }, renderSpriteBounds: function (t, e, i) { null != this.context && (e = e || "rgb(255,0,255)", "undefined" == typeof i && (i = !1), this.start(0, 0, e), i ? (this.context.fillStyle = e, this.context.fillRect(t.bounds.x, t.bounds.y, t.bounds.width, t.bounds.height)) : (this.context.strokeStyle = e, this.context.strokeRect(t.bounds.x, t.bounds.y, t.bounds.width, t.bounds.height), this.context.stroke()), this.stop()) }, renderPixel: function (t, e, i) { null != this.context && (i = i || "rgba(0,255,0,1)", this.start(), this.context.fillStyle = i, this.context.fillRect(t, e, 2, 2), this.stop()) }, renderPoint: function (t, e) { null != this.context && (e = e || "rgba(0,255,0,1)", this.start(), this.context.fillStyle = e, this.context.fillRect(t.x, t.y, 4, 4), this.stop()) }, renderRectangle: function (t, e) { null != this.context && (e = e || "rgba(0,255,0,0.3)", this.start(), this.context.fillStyle = e, this.context.fillRect(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height), this.stop()) }, renderCircle: function (t, e) { null != this.context && (e = e || "rgba(0,255,0,0.3)", this.start(), this.context.beginPath(), this.context.fillStyle = e, this.context.arc(t.x, t.y, t.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), this.context.fill(), this.context.closePath(), this.stop()) }, renderText: function (t, e, i, s, n) { null != this.context && (s = s || "rgb(255,255,255)", n = n || "16px Courier", this.start(), this.context.font = n, this.context.fillStyle = s, this.context.fillText(t, e, i), this.stop()) }, renderPhysicsBody: function (t, e, s) { if (null !== this.context || null !== s) { e = e || "rgb(255,255,255)"; var n = t.x -, r = t.y -; if (t.type === i.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE) this.start(0, 0, e), this.context.beginPath(), this.context.strokeStyle = e, this.context.arc(n, r, t.shape.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), this.context.stroke(), this.context.closePath(), this.stop(); else { var o = t.polygon.points; this.start(0, 0, e), this.context.beginPath(), this.context.moveTo(n + o[0].x, r + o[0].y); for (var a = 1; a < o.length; a++)this.context.lineTo(n + o[a].x, r + o[a].y); this.context.closePath(), this.context.strokeStyle = e, this.context.stroke(), this.context.fillStyle = "rgb(255,0,0)", this.context.fillRect(n + o[0].x - 2, r + o[0].y - 2, 5, 5); for (var a = 1; a < o.length; a++)this.context.fillStyle = "rgb(255," + 40 * a + ",0)", this.context.fillRect(n + o[a].x - 2, r + o[a].y - 2, 5, 5); this.stop() } } }, renderPolygon: function (t, e, i) { if (null !== this.context || null !== i) { e = e || "rgb(255,255,255)"; var s = t.points, n = t.pos.x, r = t.pos.y; this.start(0, 0, e), this.context.beginPath(), this.context.moveTo(n + s[0].x, r + s[0].y); for (var o = 1; o < s.length; o++)this.context.lineTo(n + s[o].x, r + s[o].y); this.context.closePath(), this.context.strokeStyle = e, this.context.stroke(), this.stop() } } }, i.Utils.Debug.prototype.constructor = i.Utils.Debug, i.Color = { getColor32: function (t, e, i, s) { return t << 24 | e << 16 | i << 8 | s }, getColor: function (t, e, i) { return t << 16 | e << 8 | i }, hexToRGB: function (t) { var e = "#" == t.charAt(0) ? t.substring(1, 7) : t; 3 == e.length && (e = e.charAt(0) + e.charAt(0) + e.charAt(1) + e.charAt(1) + e.charAt(2) + e.charAt(2)); var i = parseInt(e.substring(0, 2), 16), s = parseInt(e.substring(2, 4), 16), n = parseInt(e.substring(4, 6), 16); return i << 16 | s << 8 | n }, getColorInfo: function (t) { var e = i.Color.getRGB(t), s = i.Color.RGBtoHSV(t), n = i.Color.RGBtoHexstring(t) + "\n"; return n = n.concat("Alpha: " + e.alpha + " Red: " + + " Green: " + + " Blue: " + + "\n", n = n.concat("Hue: " + s.hue + " Saturation: " + s.saturation + " Lightnes: " + s.lightness) }, RGBtoHexstring: function (t) { var e = i.Color.getRGB(t); return "0x" + i.Color.colorToHexstring(e.alpha) + i.Color.colorToHexstring( + i.Color.colorToHexstring( + i.Color.colorToHexstring( }, RGBtoWebstring: function (t) { var e = i.Color.getRGB(t); return "#" + i.Color.colorToHexstring( + i.Color.colorToHexstring( + i.Color.colorToHexstring( }, colorToHexstring: function (t) { var e = "0123456789ABCDEF", i = t % 16, s = (t - i) / 16, n = e.charAt(s) + e.charAt(i); return n }, interpolateColor: function (t, e, s, n, r) { "undefined" == typeof r && (r = 255); var o = i.Color.getRGB(t), a = i.Color.getRGB(e), h = ( - * n / s +, l = ( - * n / s +, c = ( - * n / s +; return i.Color.getColor32(r, h, l, c) }, interpolateColorWithRGB: function (t, e, s, n, r, o) { var a = i.Color.getRGB(t), h = (e - * o / r +, l = (s - * o / r +, c = (n - * o / r +; return i.Color.getColor(h, l, c) }, interpolateRGB: function (t, e, s, n, r, o, a, h) { var l = (n - t) * h / a + t, c = (r - e) * h / a + e, u = (o - s) * h / a + s; return i.Color.getColor(l, c, u) }, getRandomColor: function (t, e, s) { if ("undefined" == typeof t && (t = 0), "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 255), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = 255), e > 255) return i.Color.getColor(255, 255, 255); if (t > e) return i.Color.getColor(255, 255, 255); var n = t + Math.round(Math.random() * (e - t)), r = t + Math.round(Math.random() * (e - t)), o = t + Math.round(Math.random() * (e - t)); return i.Color.getColor32(s, n, r, o) }, getRGB: function (t) { return { alpha: t >>> 24, red: t >> 16 & 255, green: t >> 8 & 255, blue: 255 & t } }, getWebRGB: function (t) { var e = (t >>> 24) / 255, i = t >> 16 & 255, s = t >> 8 & 255, n = 255 & t; return "rgba(" + i.toString() + "," + s.toString() + "," + n.toString() + "," + e.toString() + ")" }, getAlpha: function (t) { return t >>> 24 }, getAlphaFloat: function (t) { return (t >>> 24) / 255 }, getRed: function (t) { return t >> 16 & 255 }, getGreen: function (t) { return t >> 8 & 255 }, getBlue: function (t) { return 255 & t } }, function (t, e) { "use strict"; "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(e) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = e() : t.SAT = e() }(this, function () {
        "use strict"; function t(t, e) { this.x = t || 0, this.y = e || 0 } function e(e, i) { this.pos = e || new t, this.r = i || 0 } function i(e, i) { this.pos = e || new t, this.points = i || [], this.recalc() } function s(e, i, s) { this.pos = e || new t, this.w = i || 0, this.h = s || 0 } function n() { this.a = null, this.b = null, this.overlapN = new t, this.overlapV = new t, this.clear() } function r(t, e, i) { for (var s = Number.MAX_VALUE, n = -Number.MAX_VALUE, r = t.length, o = 0; r > o; o++) { var a = t[o].dot(e); s > a && (s = a), a > n && (n = a) } i[0] = s, i[1] = n } function o(t, e, i, s, n, o) { var a = g.pop(), h = g.pop(), l = p.pop().copy(e).sub(t), c =; if (r(i, n, a), r(s, n, h), h[0] += c, h[1] += c, a[0] > h[1] || h[0] > a[1]) return p.push(l), g.push(a), g.push(h), !0; if (o) { var u = 0; if (a[0] < h[0]) if (o.aInB = !1, a[1] < h[1]) u = a[1] - h[0], o.bInA = !1; else { var d = a[1] - h[0], f = h[1] - a[0]; u = f > d ? d : -f } else if (o.bInA = !1, a[1] > h[1]) u = a[0] - h[1], o.aInB = !1; else { var d = a[1] - h[0], f = h[1] - a[0]; u = f > d ? d : -f } var m = Math.abs(u); m < o.overlap && (o.overlap = m, o.overlapN.copy(n), 0 > u && o.overlapN.reverse()) } return p.push(l), g.push(a), g.push(h), !1 } function a(t, e) { var i = t.len2(), s =; return 0 > s ? m : s > i ? _ : y } function h(t, e, i) { var s = p.pop().copy(e.pos).sub(t.pos), n = t.r + e.r, r = n * n, o = s.len2(); if (o > r) return p.push(s), !1; if (i) { var a = Math.sqrt(o); i.a = t, i.b = e, i.overlap = n - a, i.overlapN.copy(s.normalize()), i.overlapV.copy(s).scale(i.overlap), i.aInB = t.r <= e.r && a <= e.r - t.r, i.bInA = e.r <= t.r && a <= t.r - e.r } return p.push(s), !0 } function l(t, e, i) { for (var s = p.pop().copy(e.pos).sub(t.pos), n = e.r, r = n * n, o = t.points, h = o.length, l = p.pop(), c = p.pop(), u = 0; h > u; u++) { var d = u === h - 1 ? 0 : u + 1, f = 0 === u ? h - 1 : u - 1, g = 0, y = null; l.copy(t.edges[u]), c.copy(s).sub(o[u]), i && c.len2() > r && (i.aInB = !1); var x = a(l, c); if (x === m) { l.copy(t.edges[f]); var v = p.pop().copy(s).sub(o[f]); if (x = a(l, v), x === _) { var b = c.len(); if (b > n) return p.push(s), p.push(l), p.push(c), p.push(v), !1; i && (i.bInA = !1, y = c.normalize(), g = n - b) } p.push(v) } else if (x === _) { if (l.copy(t.edges[d]), c.copy(s).sub(o[d]), x = a(l, c), x === m) { var b = c.len(); if (b > n) return p.push(s), p.push(l), p.push(c), !1; i && (i.bInA = !1, y = c.normalize(), g = n - b) } } else { var w = l.perp().normalize(), b =, T = Math.abs(b); if (b > 0 && T > n) return p.push(s), p.push(w), p.push(c), !1; i && (y = w, g = n - b, (b >= 0 || 2 * n > g) && (i.bInA = !1)) } y && i && Math.abs(g) < Math.abs(i.overlap) && (i.overlap = g, i.overlapN.copy(y)) } return i && (i.a = t, i.b = e, i.overlapV.copy(i.overlapN).scale(i.overlap)), p.push(s), p.push(l), p.push(c), !0 } function c(t, e, i) { var s = l(e, t, i); if (s && i) { var n = i.a, r = i.aInB; i.overlapN.reverse(), i.overlapV.reverse(), i.a = i.b, i.b = n, i.aInB = i.bInA, i.bInA = r } return s } function u(t, e, i) { for (var s = t.points, n = s.length, r = e.points, a = r.length, h = 0; n > h; h++)if (o(t.pos, e.pos, s, r, t.normals[h], i)) return !1; for (var h = 0; a > h; h++)if (o(t.pos, e.pos, s, r, e.normals[h], i)) return !1; return i && (i.a = t, i.b = e, i.overlapV.copy(i.overlapN).scale(i.overlap)), !0 } var d = {}; d.Vector = t, d.V = t, t.prototype.copy = t.prototype.copy = function (t) { return this.x = t.x, this.y = t.y, this }, t.prototype.perp = t.prototype.perp = function () { var t = this.x; return this.x = this.y, this.y = -t, this }, t.prototype.rotate = t.prototype.rotate = function (t) { var e = this.x, i = this.y; return this.x = e * Math.cos(t) - i * Math.sin(t), this.y = e * Math.sin(t) + i * Math.cos(t), this }, t.prototype.rotatePrecalc = t.prototype.rotatePrecalc = function (t, e) { var i = this.x, s = this.y; return this.x = i * e - s * t, this.y = i * t + s * e, this }, t.prototype.reverse = t.prototype.reverse = function () { return this.x = -this.x, this.y = -this.y, this }, t.prototype.normalize = t.prototype.normalize = function () { var t = this.len(); return t > 0 && (this.x = this.x / t, this.y = this.y / t), this }, t.prototype.add = t.prototype.add = function (t) { return this.x += t.x, this.y += t.y, this }, t.prototype.sub = t.prototype.sub = function (t) { return this.x -= t.x, this.y -= t.y, this }, t.prototype.scale = t.prototype.scale = function (t, e) { return this.x *= t, this.y *= e || t, this }, t.prototype.project = t.prototype.project = function (t) { var e = / t.len2(); return this.x = e * t.x, this.y = e * t.y, this }, t.prototype.projectN = t.prototype.projectN = function (t) { var e =; return this.x = e * t.x, this.y = e * t.y, this }, t.prototype.reflect = t.prototype.reflect = function (t) { var e = this.x, i = this.y; return this.project(t).scale(2), this.x -= e, this.y -= i, this }, t.prototype.reflectN = t.prototype.reflectN = function (t) { var e = this.x, i = this.y; return this.projectN(t).scale(2), this.x -= e, this.y -= i, this }, = = function (t) { return this.x * t.x + this.y * t.y }, t.prototype.len2 = t.prototype.len2 = function () { return }, t.prototype.len = t.prototype.len = function () {
            return Math.sqrt(this.len2())
        }, d.Circle = e, d.Polygon = i, i.prototype.recalc = i.prototype.recalc = function () { this.edges = [], this.normals = []; for (var e = this.points, i = e.length, s = 0; i > s; s++) { var n = e[s], r = i - 1 > s ? e[s + 1] : e[0], o = (new t).copy(r).sub(n), a = (new t).copy(o).perp().normalize(); this.edges.push(o), this.normals.push(a) } return this }, i.prototype.rotate = i.prototype.rotate = function (t) { var e, i = this.points, s = this.edges, n = this.normals, r = i.length, o = Math.cos(t), a = Math.sin(t); for (e = 0; r > e; e++)i[e].rotatePrecalc(a, o), s[e].rotatePrecalc(a, o), n[e].rotatePrecalc(a, o); return this }, i.prototype.scale = i.prototype.scale = function (t, e) { var i, s = this.points, n = this.edges, r = this.normals, o = s.length; for (i = 0; o > i; i++)s[i].scale(t, e), n[i].scale(t, e), r[i].scale(t, e); return this }, i.prototype.translate = i.prototype.translate = function (t, e) { var i, s = this.points, n = s.length; for (i = 0; n > i; i++)s[i].x += t, s[i].y += e; return this }, d.Box = s, s.prototype.toPolygon = s.prototype.toPolygon = function () { var e = this.pos, s = this.w, n = this.h; return new i(new t(e.x, e.y), [new t, new t(s, 0), new t(s, n), new t(0, n)]) }, d.Response = n, n.prototype.clear = n.prototype.clear = function () { return this.aInB = !0, this.bInA = !0, this.overlap = Number.MAX_VALUE, this }; for (var p = [], f = 0; 10 > f; f++)p.push(new t); for (var g = [], f = 0; 5 > f; f++)g.push([]); var m = -1, y = 0, _ = 1; return d.testCircleCircle = h, d.testPolygonCircle = l, d.testCirclePolygon = c, d.testPolygonPolygon = u, d
    }), i.Physics = {}, i.Physics.Arcade = function (t) { = t, this.gravity = new i.Point, this.worldLeft = null, this.worldRight = null, this.worldTop = null, this.worldBottom = null, this.worldPolys = [null, null, null, null], this.quadTree = new i.QuadTree(,,,, this.maxObjects, this.maxLevels), this.maxObjects = 10, this.maxLevels = 4, this._mapData = [], this._mapTiles = 0, this._result = !1, this._total = 0, this._angle = 0, this._drag = 0, this._dx = 0, this._dy = 0, this._p = new i.Point(0, 0), this._intersection = [0, 0, 0, 0], this._gravityX = 0, this._gravityY = 0, this._response = new SAT.Response, this.setBoundsToWorld(!0, !0, !0, !0) }, i.Physics.Arcade.RECT = 0, i.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE = 1, i.Physics.Arcade.POLYGON = 2, i.Physics.Arcade.prototype = { checkBounds: function (t) { if (!t.collideWorldBounds || !this.worldLeft && !this.worldRight && !this.worldTop && !this.worldBottom) return !1; this._response.clear(); var e = SAT.testPolygonPolygon, s = t.polygon, n = !1; return t.type === i.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE && (e = SAT.testPolygonCircle, s = t.shape), this.worldLeft && e(this.worldPolys[0], s, this._response) ? (t.blocked.left = !0, s.pos.add(this._response.overlapV), t.blocked.x = Math.floor(t.x), t.blocked.y = Math.floor(t.y), n = !0) : this.worldRight && e(this.worldPolys[1], s, this._response) && (t.blocked.right = !0, s.pos.add(this._response.overlapV), t.blocked.x = Math.floor(t.x), t.blocked.y = Math.floor(t.y), n = !0), this._response.clear(), this.worldTop && e(this.worldPolys[2], s, this._response) ? (t.blocked.up = !0, s.pos.add(this._response.overlapV), t.blocked.x = Math.floor(t.x), t.blocked.y = Math.floor(t.y), n = !0) : this.worldBottom && e(this.worldPolys[3], s, this._response) && (t.blocked.down = !0, s.pos.add(this._response.overlapV), t.blocked.x = Math.floor(t.x), t.blocked.y = Math.floor(t.y), n = !0), n }, setBoundsToWorld: function (t, e, i, s) { this.setBounds(,,,, t, e, i, s) }, setBounds: function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o, a) { "undefined" == typeof n && (n = !0), "undefined" == typeof r && (r = !0), "undefined" == typeof o && (o = !0), "undefined" == typeof a && (a = !0); var h = 100; n ? (this.worldLeft = new SAT.Box(new SAT.Vector(t - h, e), h, s), this.worldPolys[0] = this.worldLeft.toPolygon()) : (this.worldLeft = null, this.worldPolys[0] = null), r ? (this.worldRight = new SAT.Box(new SAT.Vector(t + i, e), h, s), this.worldPolys[1] = this.worldRight.toPolygon()) : (this.worldRight = null, this.worldPolys[1] = null), o ? (this.worldTop = new SAT.Box(new SAT.Vector(t, e - h), i, h), this.worldPolys[2] = this.worldTop.toPolygon()) : (this.worldTop = null, this.worldPolys[2] = null), a ? (this.worldBottom = new SAT.Box(new SAT.Vector(t, e + s), i, h), this.worldPolys[3] = this.worldBottom.toPolygon()) : (this.worldBottom = null, this.worldPolys[3] = null) }, updateMotion: function (t) { return t.allowGravity ? (this._gravityX = this.gravity.x + t.gravity.x, this._gravityY = this.gravity.y + t.gravity.y) : (this._gravityX = t.gravity.x, this._gravityY = t.gravity.y), (this._gravityX < 0 && t.blocked.left || this._gravityX > 0 && t.blocked.right) && (this._gravityX = 0), (this._gravityY < 0 && t.blocked.up || this._gravityY > 0 && t.blocked.down) && (this._gravityY = 0), t.allowRotation && (this._velocityDelta = t.angularAcceleration *, 0 !== t.angularDrag && 0 === t.angularAcceleration && (this._drag = t.angularDrag *, t.angularVelocity > 0 ? t.angularVelocity -= this._drag : t.angularVelocity < 0 && (t.angularVelocity += this._drag)), t.rotation += * (t.angularVelocity + this._velocityDelta / 2), t.angularVelocity += this._velocityDelta, t.angularVelocity > t.maxAngular ? t.angularVelocity = t.maxAngular : t.angularVelocity < -t.maxAngular && (t.angularVelocity = -t.maxAngular)), this._p.setTo((t.acceleration.x + this._gravityX) *, (t.acceleration.y + this._gravityY) *, this._p }, overlap: function (t, e, i, s, n) { if (i = i || null, s = s || null, n = n || i, this._result = !1, this._total = 0, Array.isArray(e)) for (var r = 0, o = e.length; o > r; r++)this.collideHandler(t, e[r], i, s, n, !0); else this.collideHandler(t, e, i, s, n, !0); return this._total > 0 }, collide: function (t, e, i, s, n) { if (i = i || null, s = s || null, n = n || i, this._result = !1, this._total = 0, Array.isArray(e)) for (var r = 0, o = e.length; o > r; r++)this.collideHandler(t, e[r], i, s, n, !1); else this.collideHandler(t, e, i, s, n, !1); return this._total > 0 }, collideHandler: function (t, e, s, n, r, o) { return "undefined" != typeof e || t.type !== i.GROUP && t.type !== i.EMITTER ? void (t && e && t.exists && e.exists && (t.type == i.SPRITE || t.type == i.TILESPRITE ? e.type == i.SPRITE || e.type == i.TILESPRITE ? this.collideSpriteVsSprite(t, e, s, n, r, o) : e.type == i.GROUP || e.type == i.EMITTER ? this.collideSpriteVsGroup(t, e, s, n, r, o) : e.type == i.TILEMAPLAYER && this.collideSpriteVsTilemapLayer(t, e, s, n, r) : t.type == i.GROUP ? e.type == i.SPRITE || e.type == i.TILESPRITE ? this.collideSpriteVsGroup(e, t, s, n, r, o) : e.type == i.GROUP || e.type == i.EMITTER ? this.collideGroupVsGroup(t, e, s, n, r, o) : e.type == i.TILEMAPLAYER && this.collideGroupVsTilemapLayer(t, e, s, n, r) : t.type == i.TILEMAPLAYER ? e.type == i.SPRITE || e.type == i.TILESPRITE ? this.collideSpriteVsTilemapLayer(e, t, s, n, r) : (e.type == i.GROUP || e.type == i.EMITTER) && this.collideGroupVsTilemapLayer(e, t, s, n, r) : t.type == i.EMITTER && (e.type == i.SPRITE || e.type == i.TILESPRITE ? this.collideSpriteVsGroup(e, t, s, n, r, o) : e.type == i.GROUP || e.type == i.EMITTER ? this.collideGroupVsGroup(t, e, s, n, r, o) : e.type == i.TILEMAPLAYER && this.collideGroupVsTilemapLayer(t, e, s, n, r)))) : void this.collideGroupVsSelf(t, s, n, r, o) }, collideSpriteVsSprite: function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { this.separate(t.body, e.body, s, n, r) && (i &&, t, e), this._total++) }, collideSpriteVsGroup: function (t, e, s, n, r, o) { if (0 !== e.length) { this.quadTree.clear(), this.quadTree = new i.QuadTree(,,,, this.maxObjects, this.maxLevels), this.quadTree.populate(e), this._potentials = this.quadTree.retrieve(t); for (var a = 0, h = this._potentials.length; h > a; a++)this.separate(t.body, this._potentials[a], n, r, o) && (s &&, t, this._potentials[a].sprite), this._total++) } }, collideGroupVsSelf: function (t, e, i, s, n) { if (0 !== t.length) for (var r = t._container.children.length, o = 0; r > o; o++)for (var a = o + 1; r >= a; a++)t._container.children[o] && t._container.children[a] && t._container.children[o].exists && t._container.children[a].exists && this.collideSpriteVsSprite(t._container.children[o], t._container.children[a], e, i, s, n) }, collideGroupVsGroup: function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { if (0 !== t.length && 0 !== e.length && t._container.first._iNext) { var o = t._container.first._iNext; do o.exists && this.collideSpriteVsGroup(o, e, i, s, n, r), o = o._iNext; while (o != t._container.last._iNext) } }, collideSpriteVsTilemapLayer: function (t, e, i, s, n) { if (this._mapData = e.getTiles(t.body.left,, t.body.width, t.body.height, !0), 0 !== this._mapData.length) if (this._mapData.length > 1) this.separateTiles(t.body, this._mapData); else { var r = 0; this.separateTile(t.body, this._mapData[r]) && (s ?, t, this._mapData[r]) && (this._total++, i &&, t, this._mapData[r])) : (this._total++, i &&, t, this._mapData[r]))) } }, collideGroupVsTilemapLayer: function (t, e, i, s, n) { if (0 !== t.length && t._container.first._iNext) { var r = t._container.first._iNext; do r.exists && this.collideSpriteVsTilemapLayer(r, e, i, s, n), r = r._iNext; while (r != t._container.last._iNext) } }, separate: function (t, e, i, s, n) { return t === e || this.intersects(t, e) === !1 ? !1 : i &&, t.sprite, e.sprite) === !1 ? !1 : (this._response.clear(), n ? t.overlap(e, this._response) : t.overlap(e, this._response) ? t.separate(e, this._response) : !1) }, intersects: function (t, e) { var i = !1; (t.width <= 0 || t.height <= 0 || e.width <= 0 || e.height <= 0) && (i = !1), i = !(t.right < e.left || t.bottom < || t.left > e.right || > e.bottom), !i && t.inContact(e) && t.removeContact(e) }, tileIntersects: function (t, e) { return t.width <= 0 || t.height <= 0 || e.width <= 0 || e.height <= 0 ? (this._intersection[4] = 0, this._intersection) : t.right < e.x || t.bottom < e.y || t.left > e.right || > e.bottom ? (this._intersection[4] = 0, this._intersection) : (this._intersection[0] = Math.max(t.left, e.x), this._intersection[1] = Math.max(, e.y), this._intersection[2] = Math.min(t.right, e.right) - this._intersection[0], this._intersection[3] = Math.min(t.bottom, e.bottom) - this._intersection[1], this._intersection[4] = 1, this._intersection) }, separateTiles: function (t, e) { for (var i, s = !1, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)i = e[n], this.separateTile(t, i) && (s = !0); return s }, separateTile: function (t, e) { if (this._intersection = this.tileIntersects(t, e), 0 === this._intersection[4] || 0 === this._intersection[2] || 0 === this._intersection[3]) return !1; if (e.tile.callback || e.layer.callbacks[e.tile.index]) { if (e.tile.callback &&, t.sprite, e) === !1) return !1; if (e.layer.callbacks[e.tile.index] && e.layer.callbacks[e.tile.index][e.tile.index].callbackContext, t.sprite, e) === !1) return !1 } t.overlapX = 0, t.overlapY = 0; var i = !1; return t.deltaX() < 0 && t.checkCollision.left && e.tile.faceRight && !t.blocked.left ? (t.overlapX = t.left - e.right, t.overlapX < 0 ? i = !0 : t.overlapX = 0) : t.deltaX() > 0 && t.checkCollision.right && e.tile.faceLeft && !t.blocked.right && (t.overlapX = t.right - e.x, t.overlapX > 0 ? i = !0 : t.overlapX = 0), t.deltaY() < 0 && t.checkCollision.up && e.tile.faceBottom && !t.blocked.up ? (t.overlapY = - e.bottom, t.overlapY < 0 ? i = !0 : t.overlapY = 0) : t.deltaY() > 0 && t.checkCollision.down && e.tile.faceTop && !t.blocked.down && (t.overlapY = t.bottom - e.y, t.overlapY > 0 ? i = !0 : t.overlapY = 0), 0 !== t.overlapX && 0 !== t.overlapY && (Math.abs(t.overlapX) > Math.abs(t.overlapY) ? t.overlapX = 0 : t.overlapY = 0), i ? this.processTileSeparation(t) : !1 }, processTileSeparation: function (t) { return t.overlapX < 0 ? (t.x -= t.overlapX, t.left -= t.overlapX, t.right -= t.overlapX, t.blocked.x = Math.floor(t.x), t.blocked.y = Math.floor(t.y), t.blocked.left = !0) : t.overlapX > 0 && (t.x -= t.overlapX, t.left -= t.overlapX, t.right -= t.overlapX, t.blocked.x = Math.floor(t.x), t.blocked.y = Math.floor(t.y), t.blocked.right = !0), t.overlapY < 0 ? (t.y -= t.overlapY, -= t.overlapY, t.bottom -= t.overlapY, t.blocked.x = Math.floor(t.x), t.blocked.y = Math.floor(t.y), t.blocked.up = !0) : t.overlapY > 0 && (t.y -= t.overlapY, -= t.overlapY, t.bottom -= t.overlapY, t.blocked.x = Math.floor(t.x), t.blocked.y = Math.floor(t.y), t.blocked.down = !0), t.reboundCheck(t.overlapX, t.overlapY, !0), !0 }, moveToObject: function (t, e, i, s) { return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 60), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = 0), this._angle = Math.atan2(e.y - t.y, e.x - t.x), s > 0 && (i = this.distanceBetween(t, e) / (s / 1e3)), t.body.velocity.x = Math.cos(this._angle) * i, t.body.velocity.y = Math.sin(this._angle) * i, this._angle }, moveToPointer: function (t, e, i, s) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 60), i = i ||, "undefined" == typeof s && (s = 0), this._angle = this.angleToPointer(t, i), s > 0 && (e = this.distanceToPointer(t, i) / (s / 1e3)), t.body.velocity.x = Math.cos(this._angle) * e, t.body.velocity.y = Math.sin(this._angle) * e, this._angle }, moveToXY: function (t, e, i, s, n) { return "undefined" == typeof s && (s = 60), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = 0), this._angle = Math.atan2(i - t.y, e - t.x), n > 0 && (s = this.distanceToXY(t, e, i) / (n / 1e3)), t.body.velocity.x = Math.cos(this._angle) * s, t.body.velocity.y = Math.sin(this._angle) * s, this._angle }, velocityFromAngle: function (t, e, s) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 60), s = s || new i.Point, s.setTo(Math.cos( * e, Math.sin( * e) }, velocityFromRotation: function (t, e, s) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 60), s = s || new i.Point, s.setTo(Math.cos(t) * e, Math.sin(t) * e) }, accelerationFromRotation: function (t, e, s) { return "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 60), s = s || new i.Point, s.setTo(Math.cos(t) * e, Math.sin(t) * e) }, accelerateToObject: function (t, e, i, s, n) { return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 60), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = 1e3), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = 1e3), this._angle = this.angleBetween(t, e), t.body.acceleration.setTo(Math.cos(this._angle) * i, Math.sin(this._angle) * i), t.body.maxVelocity.setTo(s, n), this._angle }, accelerateToPointer: function (t, e, i, s, n) { return "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 60), "undefined" == typeof e && (e =, "undefined" == typeof s && (s = 1e3), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = 1e3), this._angle = this.angleToPointer(t, e), t.body.acceleration.setTo(Math.cos(this._angle) * i, Math.sin(this._angle) * i), t.body.maxVelocity.setTo(s, n), this._angle }, accelerateToXY: function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { return "undefined" == typeof s && (s = 60), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = 1e3), "undefined" == typeof r && (r = 1e3), this._angle = this.angleToXY(t, e, i), t.body.acceleration.setTo(Math.cos(this._angle) * s, Math.sin(this._angle) * s), t.body.maxVelocity.setTo(n, r), this._angle }, distanceBetween: function (t, e) { return this._dx = t.x - e.x, this._dy = t.y - e.y, Math.sqrt(this._dx * this._dx + this._dy * this._dy) }, distanceToXY: function (t, e, i) { return this._dx = t.x - e, this._dy = t.y - i, Math.sqrt(this._dx * this._dx + this._dy * this._dy) }, distanceToPointer: function (t, e) { return e = e ||, this._dx = t.x - e.x, this._dy = t.y - e.y, Math.sqrt(this._dx * this._dx + this._dy * this._dy) }, angleBetween: function (t, e) { return this._dx = e.x - t.x, this._dy = e.y - t.y, Math.atan2(this._dy, this._dx) }, angleToXY: function (t, e, i) { return this._dx = e - t.x, this._dy = i - t.y, Math.atan2(this._dy, this._dx) }, angleToPointer: function (t, e) { return e = e ||, this._dx = e.worldX - t.x, this._dy = e.worldY - t.y, Math.atan2(this._dy, this._dx) } }, i.Physics.Arcade.prototype.constructor = i.Physics.Arcade, i.Physics.Arcade.Body = function (t) { this.sprite = t, =, this.offset = new i.Point, this.preX =, this.preY =, this.preRotation = t.angle, this.velocity = new i.Point, this.acceleration = new i.Point, this.speed = 0, this.angle = 0, this.gravity = new i.Point, this.bounce = new i.Point, this.minVelocity = new i.Point, this.maxVelocity = new i.Point(1e3, 1e3), this.angularVelocity = 0, this.angularAcceleration = 0, this.angularDrag = 0, this.maxAngular = 1e3, this.mass = 1, this.linearDamping = 0, this.checkCollision = { none: !1, any: !0, up: !0, down: !0, left: !0, right: !0 }, this.touching = { none: !0, up: !1, down: !1, left: !1, right: !1 }, this.blocked = { x: 0, y: 0, up: !1, down: !1, left: !1, right: !1 }, this.facing = i.NONE, this.rebound = !0, this.immovable = !1, this.moves = !0, this.rotation = 0, this.allowRotation = !0, this.allowGravity = !0, this.customSeparateCallback = null, this.customSeparateContext = null, this.collideCallback = null, this.collideCallbackContext = null, this.collideWorldBounds = !1, this.type = i.Physics.Arcade.RECT, this.shape = null, this.polygon = null, this.left = 0, this.right = 0, = 0, this.bottom = 0, this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this.contacts = [], this.overlapX = 0, this.overlapY = 0, this._temp = null, this._dx = 0, this._dy = 0, this._sx = t.scale.x, this._sy = t.scale.y, this._distances = [0, 0, 0, 0], this._vx = 0, this._vy = 0, this.setRectangle(t.width, t.height, 0, 0), = new i.Signal, = new i.Signal }, i.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype = { updateScale: function () { this.polygon ? this.polygon.scale(this.sprite.scale.x / this._sx, this.sprite.scale.y / this._sy) : this.shape.r *= Math.max(this.sprite.scale.x, this.sprite.scale.y), this._sx = this.sprite.scale.x, this._sy = this.sprite.scale.y }, preUpdate: function () { this.x = - this.sprite.anchor.x * this.sprite.width + this.offset.x, this.y = - this.sprite.anchor.y * this.sprite.height + this.offset.y, this.preX = this.x, this.preY = this.y, this.preRotation = this.sprite.angle, this.rotation = this.preRotation, (this.sprite.scale.x !== this._sx || this.sprite.scale.y !== this._sy) && this.updateScale(), this.checkBlocked(), this.touching.none = !0, this.touching.up = !1, this.touching.down = !1, this.touching.left = !1, this.touching.right = !1, this.moves ? ((this._vx !== this.velocity.x || this._vy !== this.velocity.y) && (this._vx = this.velocity.x, this._vy = this.velocity.y, this.speed = Math.sqrt(this.velocity.x * this.velocity.x + this.velocity.y * this.velocity.y), this.angle = Math.atan2(this.velocity.y, this.velocity.x)), && this.reboundCheck(!0, !0, !0), this.applyDamping(), this.integrateVelocity(), this.updateBounds(), this.checkBlocked()) : this.updateBounds() }, checkBlocked: function () { !this.blocked.left && !this.blocked.right || Math.floor(this.x) === this.blocked.x && Math.floor(this.y) === this.blocked.y || (this.blocked.left = !1, this.blocked.right = !1), !this.blocked.up && !this.blocked.down || Math.floor(this.x) === this.blocked.x && Math.floor(this.y) === this.blocked.y || (this.blocked.up = !1, this.blocked.down = !1) }, updateBounds: function () { this.type === i.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE ? (this.left = this.shape.pos.x - this.shape.r, this.right = this.shape.pos.x + this.shape.r, = this.shape.pos.y - this.shape.r, this.bottom = this.shape.pos.y + this.shape.r) : (this.left = i.Math.minProperty("x", this.polygon.points) + this.polygon.pos.x, this.right = i.Math.maxProperty("x", this.polygon.points) + this.polygon.pos.x, = i.Math.minProperty("y", this.polygon.points) + this.polygon.pos.y, this.bottom = i.Math.maxProperty("y", this.polygon.points) + this.polygon.pos.y), this.width = this.right - this.left, this.height = this.bottom - }, applyDamping: function () { this.linearDamping > 0 && this.acceleration.isZero() && (this.speed > this.linearDamping ? this.speed -= this.linearDamping : this.speed = 0, this.speed > 0 && (this.velocity.x = Math.cos(this.angle) * this.speed, this.velocity.y = Math.sin(this.angle) * this.speed, this.speed = Math.sqrt(this.velocity.x * this.velocity.x + this.velocity.y * this.velocity.y), this.angle = Math.atan2(this.velocity.y, this.velocity.x))) }, reboundCheck: function (t, e, i) { if (t && (i && 0 !== this.bounce.x && (this.blocked.left || this.blocked.right || this.touching.left || this.touching.right) && (this._vx <= 0 && this.velocity.x > 0 || this._vx >= 0 && this.velocity.x < 0 || (this.velocity.x *= -this.bounce.x, this.angle = Math.atan2(this.velocity.y, this.velocity.x))), 0 === this.bounce.x || Math.abs(this.velocity.x) < this.minVelocity.x)) { var s = this.getUpwardForce(); ((this.blocked.left || this.touching.left) && (0 > s || this.velocity.x < 0) || (this.blocked.right || this.touching.right) && (s > 0 || this.velocity.x > 0)) && (this.velocity.x = 0) } if (e && (i && 0 !== this.bounce.y && (this.blocked.up || this.blocked.down || this.touching.up || this.touching.down) && (this._vy <= 0 && this.velocity.y > 0 || this._vy >= 0 && this.velocity.y < 0 || (this.velocity.y *= -this.bounce.y, this.angle = Math.atan2(this.velocity.y, this.velocity.x))), 0 === this.bounce.y || Math.abs(this.velocity.y) < this.minVelocity.y)) { var n = this.getDownwardForce(); ((this.blocked.up || this.touching.up) && (0 > n || this.velocity.y < 0) || (this.blocked.down || this.touching.down) && (n > 0 || this.velocity.y > 0)) && (this.velocity.y = 0) } }, getUpwardForce: function () { return this.allowGravity ? this.gravity.x + + this.velocity.x : this.gravity.x + this.velocity.x }, getDownwardForce: function () { return this.allowGravity ? this.gravity.y + + this.velocity.y : this.gravity.y + this.velocity.y }, sub: function (t) { this.x -= t.x, this.y -= t.y }, add: function (t) { this.x += t.x, this.y += t.y }, give: function (t, e) { this.add(e.overlapV), this.rebound && (this.processRebound(t), this.reboundCheck(!0, !0, !1), t.reboundCheck(!0, !0, !1)) }, take: function (t, e) { this.sub(e.overlapV), this.rebound && (this.processRebound(t), this.reboundCheck(!0, !0, !1), t.reboundCheck(!0, !0, !1)) }, split: function (t, e) { e.overlapV.scale(.5), this.sub(e.overlapV), t.add(e.overlapV), this.rebound && (, this.reboundCheck(!0, !0, !1), t.reboundCheck(!0, !0, !1)) }, exchange: function (t) { if (this.mass === t.mass && this.speed > 0 && t.speed > 0) this._dx = t.velocity.x, this._dy = t.velocity.y, t.velocity.x = this.velocity.x * t.bounce.x, t.velocity.y = this.velocity.y * t.bounce.x, this.velocity.x = this._dx * this.bounce.x, this.velocity.y = this._dy * this.bounce.y; else { var e = Math.sqrt(t.velocity.x * t.velocity.x * t.mass / this.mass) * (t.velocity.x > 0 ? 1 : -1), i = Math.sqrt(this.velocity.x * this.velocity.x * this.mass / t.mass) * (this.velocity.x > 0 ? 1 : -1), s = .5 * (e + i); e -= s, i -= s, this.velocity.x = e, t.velocity.x = i, e = Math.sqrt(t.velocity.y * t.velocity.y * t.mass / this.mass) * (t.velocity.y > 0 ? 1 : -1), i = Math.sqrt(this.velocity.y * this.velocity.y * this.mass / t.mass) * (this.velocity.y > 0 ? 1 : -1), s = .5 * (e + i), e -= s, i -= s, this.velocity.y = e, t.velocity.y = i } }, processRebound: function (t) { this._vx <= 0 && this.velocity.x > 0 || this._vx >= 0 && this.velocity.x < 0 || (this.velocity.x = t.velocity.x - this.velocity.x * this.bounce.x), this._vy <= 0 && this.velocity.y > 0 || this._vy >= 0 && this.velocity.y < 0 || (this.velocity.y = t.velocity.y - this.velocity.y * this.bounce.y), this.angle = Math.atan2(this.velocity.y, this.velocity.x), this.reboundCheck(!0, !0, !1) }, overlap: function (t, e) { var s = !1; return this.type !== i.Physics.Arcade.RECT && this.type !== i.Physics.Arcade.POLYGON || t.type !== i.Physics.Arcade.RECT && t.type !== i.Physics.Arcade.POLYGON ? this.type === i.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE && t.type === i.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE ? s = SAT.testCircleCircle(this.shape, t.shape, e) : this.type !== i.Physics.Arcade.RECT && this.type !== i.Physics.Arcade.POLYGON || t.type !== i.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE ? this.type !== i.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE || t.type !== i.Physics.Arcade.RECT && t.type !== i.Physics.Arcade.POLYGON || (s = SAT.testCirclePolygon(this.shape, t.polygon, e)) : s = SAT.testPolygonCircle(this.polygon, t.shape, e) : s = SAT.testPolygonPolygon(this.polygon, t.polygon, e), s || this.removeContact(t), s }, inContact: function (t) { return -1 != this.contacts.indexOf(t) }, addContact: function (t) { return this.inContact(t) ? !1 : (this.contacts.push(t),, t.sprite, this, t), t.addContact(this), !0) }, removeContact: function (t) { return this.inContact(t) ? (this.contacts.splice(this.contacts.indexOf(t), 1),, t.sprite, this, t), t.removeContact(this), !0) : !1 }, separate: function (t, e) { if (this.inContact(t)) return !1; if (this._distances[0] = t.right - this.x, this._distances[1] = this.right - t.x, this._distances[2] = t.bottom - this.y, this._distances[3] = this.bottom - t.y, !e.overlapN.x || 0 !== this._distances[0] && 0 !== this._distances[1] ? !e.overlapN.y || 0 !== this._distances[2] && 0 !== this._distances[3] || (e.overlapN.x = !0, e.overlapN.y = !1) : (e.overlapN.x = !1, e.overlapN.y = !0), this.customSeparateCallback) return, this, e, this._distances); var i = !1; return e.overlapN.x ? this._distances[0] < this._distances[1] ? i = this.hitLeft(t, e) : this._distances[1] < this._distances[0] && (i = this.hitRight(t, e)) : e.overlapN.y && (this._distances[2] < this._distances[3] ? i = this.hitTop(t, e) : this._distances[3] < this._distances[2] && (i = this.hitBottom(t, e))), i ? (, : this.addContact(t), i }, hitLeft: function (t, e) { return this.checkCollision.left && t.checkCollision.right ? void ((!this.collideCallback ||, i.LEFT, this, t, e)) && (!this.moves || this.immovable || this.blocked.right || this.touching.right ? t.give(this, e) : t.immovable || t.blocked.left || t.touching.left ? this.take(t, e) : this.split(t, e), this.touching.left = !0, t.touching.right = !0)) : !1 }, hitRight: function (t, e) { return this.checkCollision.right && t.checkCollision.left ? void ((!this.collideCallback ||, i.RIGHT, this, t)) && (!this.moves || this.immovable || this.blocked.left || this.touching.left ? t.give(this, e) : t.immovable || t.blocked.right || t.touching.right ? this.take(t, e) : this.split(t, e), this.touching.right = !0, t.touching.left = !0)) : !1 }, hitTop: function (t, e) { return this.checkCollision.up && t.checkCollision.down ? this.collideCallback && !, i.UP, this, t) ? !1 : (!this.moves || this.immovable || this.blocked.down || this.touching.down ? t.give(this, e) : t.immovable || t.blocked.up || t.touching.up ? this.take(t, e) : this.split(t, e), this.touching.up = !0, t.touching.down = !0, !0) : !1 }, hitBottom: function (t, e) { return this.checkCollision.down && t.checkCollision.up ? this.collideCallback && !, i.DOWN, this, t) ? !1 : (!this.moves || this.immovable || this.blocked.up || this.touching.up ? t.give(this, e) : t.immovable || t.blocked.down || t.touching.down ? this.take(t, e) : this.split(t, e), this.touching.down = !0, t.touching.up = !0, !0) : !1 }, integrateVelocity: function () { this._temp =, this._dx = * (this.velocity.x + this._temp.x / 2), this._dy = * (this.velocity.y + this._temp.y / 2), (this._dx < 0 && !this.blocked.left && !this.touching.left || this._dx > 0 && !this.blocked.right && !this.touching.right) && (this.x += this._dx, this.velocity.x += this._temp.x), (this._dy < 0 && !this.blocked.up && !this.touching.up || this._dy > 0 && !this.blocked.down && !this.touching.down) && (this.y += this._dy, this.velocity.y += this._temp.y), this.velocity.x > this.maxVelocity.x ? this.velocity.x = this.maxVelocity.x : this.velocity.x < -this.maxVelocity.x && (this.velocity.x = -this.maxVelocity.x), this.velocity.y > this.maxVelocity.y ? this.velocity.y = this.maxVelocity.y : this.velocity.y < -this.maxVelocity.y && (this.velocity.y = -this.maxVelocity.y) }, postUpdate: function () { this.moves && (, this.reboundCheck(!0, !0, !0), this._dx = this.deltaX(), this._dy = this.deltaY(), this._dx < 0 ? this.facing = i.LEFT : this._dx > 0 && (this.facing = i.RIGHT), this._dy < 0 ? this.facing = i.UP : this._dy > 0 && (this.facing = i.DOWN), (0 !== this._dx || 0 !== this._dy) && (this.sprite.x += this._dx, this.sprite.y += this._dy), this.allowRotation && 0 !== this.deltaZ() && (this.sprite.angle += this.deltaZ()), (this.sprite.scale.x !== this._sx || this.sprite.scale.y !== this._sy) && this.updateScale()) }, reset: function (t) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = !1), t && (this.gravity.setTo(0, 0), this.bounce.setTo(0, 0), this.minVelocity.setTo(5, 5), this.maxVelocity.setTo(1e3, 1e3), this.angularDrag = 0, this.maxAngular = 1e3, this.mass = 1, this.friction = 0, this.checkCollision = { none: !1, any: !0, up: !0, down: !0, left: !0, right: !0 }), this.velocity.setTo(0, 0), this.acceleration.setTo(0, 0), this.angularVelocity = 0, this.angularAcceleration = 0, this.blocked = { x: 0, y: 0, up: !1, down: !1, left: !1, right: !1 }, this.x = - this.sprite.anchor.x * this.sprite.width + this.offset.x, this.y = - this.sprite.anchor.y * this.sprite.height + this.offset.y, this.preX = this.x, this.preY = this.y, this.updateBounds(), this.contacts.length = 0 }, destroy: function () { this.sprite = null, this.collideCallback = null, this.collideCallbackContext = null, this.customSeparateCallback = null, this.customSeparateContext = null, this.contacts.length = 0 }, setCircle: function (t, e, s) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = this.sprite._cache.halfWidth), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = this.sprite._cache.halfHeight), this.type = i.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE, this.shape = new SAT.Circle(new SAT.Vector(this.sprite.x, this.sprite.y), t), this.polygon = null, this.offset.setTo(e, s) }, setRectangle: function (t, e, s, n) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = this.sprite.width), "undefined" == typeof e && (e = this.sprite.height), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = -this.sprite._cache.halfWidth), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = -this.sprite._cache.halfHeight), this.type = i.Physics.Arcade.RECT, this.shape = new SAT.Box(new SAT.Vector(,, t, e), this.polygon = this.shape.toPolygon(), this.polygon.translate(s, n), this.offset.setTo(0, 0) }, setPolygon: function (t) { if (this.type = i.Physics.Arcade.POLYGON, this.shape = null, Array.isArray(t) || (t =, "number" == typeof t[0]) { for (var e = [], s = 0, n = t.length; n > s; s += 2)e.push(new SAT.Vector(t[s], t[s + 1])); t = e } this.polygon = new SAT.Polygon(new SAT.Vector(,, t), this.offset.setTo(0, 0) }, translate: function (t, e) { this.polygon && this.polygon.translate(t, e) }, onFloor: function () { return this.blocked.down }, onWall: function () { return !this.blocked.down && (this.blocked.left || this.blocked.right) }, deltaX: function () { return this.x - this.preX }, deltaY: function () { return this.y - this.preY }, deltaZ: function () { return this.rotation - this.preRotation } }, i.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype.constructor = i.Physics.Arcade.Body, Object.defineProperty(i.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype, "x", { get: function () { return this.type === i.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE ? this.shape.pos.x : this.polygon.pos.x }, set: function (t) { this.type === i.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE ? this.shape.pos.x = t : this.polygon.pos.x = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Physics.Arcade.Body.prototype, "y", { get: function () { return this.type === i.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE ? this.shape.pos.y : this.polygon.pos.y }, set: function (t) { this.type === i.Physics.Arcade.CIRCLE ? this.shape.pos.y = t : this.polygon.pos.y = t } }), i.Particles = function (t) { = t, this.emitters = {}, this.ID = 0 }, i.Particles.prototype = { add: function (t) { return this.emitters[] = t, t }, remove: function (t) { delete this.emitters[] }, update: function () { for (var t in this.emitters) this.emitters[t].exists && this.emitters[t].update() } }, i.Particles.prototype.constructor = i.Particles, i.Particles.Arcade = {}, i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter = function (t, e, s, n) { this.maxParticles = n || 50,, t), = "emitter" +, this.type = i.EMITTER, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.width = 1, this.height = 1, this.minParticleSpeed = new i.Point(-100, -100), this.maxParticleSpeed = new i.Point(100, 100), this.minParticleScale = 1, this.maxParticleScale = 1, this.minRotation = -360, this.maxRotation = 360, this.gravity = 100, this.particleClass = null, this.particleFriction = 0, this.angularDrag = 0, this.frequency = 100, this.lifespan = 2e3, this.bounce = new i.Point, this._quantity = 0, this._timer = 0, this._counter = 0, this._explode = !0, this.on = !1, this.exists = !0, this.emitX = e, this.emitY = s }, i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype = Object.create(i.Group.prototype), i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype.constructor = i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter, i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype.update = function () { if (this.on) if (this._explode) { this._counter = 0; do this.emitParticle(), this._counter++; while (this._counter < this._quantity); this.on = !1 } else >= this._timer && (this.emitParticle(), this._counter++, this._quantity > 0 && this._counter >= this._quantity && (this.on = !1), this._timer = + this.frequency) }, i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype.makeParticles = function (t, e, s, n, r) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 0), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = this.maxParticles), "undefined" == typeof n && (n = !1), "undefined" == typeof r && (r = !1); for (var o, a = 0, h = t, l = e; s > a;)null === this.particleClass && ("object" == typeof t && (h =, "object" == typeof e && (l =, o = new i.Sprite(, 0, 0, h, l)), n ? (o.body.checkCollision.any = !0, o.body.checkCollision.none = !1) : o.body.checkCollision.none = !0, o.body.collideWorldBounds = r, o.exists = !1, o.visible = !1, o.anchor.setTo(.5, .5), this.add(o), a++; return this }, i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype.kill = function () { this.on = !1, this.alive = !1, this.exists = !1 }, i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype.revive = function () { this.alive = !0, this.exists = !0 }, i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype.start = function (t, e, i, s) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = !0), "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 0), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = 250), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = 0), this.revive(), this.visible = !0, this.on = !0, this._explode = t, this.lifespan = e, this.frequency = i, t ? this._quantity = s : this._quantity += s, this._counter = 0, this._timer = + i }, i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype.emitParticle = function () {
        var t = this.getFirstExists(!1); if (null != t) {
            if (this.width > 1 || this.height > 1 ? t.reset(, this.right),, this.bottom)) : t.reset(this.emitX, this.emitY), t.lifespan = this.lifespan, t.body.bounce.setTo(this.bounce.x, this.bounce.y), t.body.velocity.x = this.minParticleSpeed.x != this.maxParticleSpeed.x ?, this.maxParticleSpeed.x) : this.minParticleSpeed.x, t.body.velocity.y = this.minParticleSpeed.y != this.maxParticleSpeed.y ?, this.maxParticleSpeed.y) : this.minParticleSpeed.y, t.body.gravity.y = this.gravity, t.body.angularVelocity = this.minRotation != this.maxRotation ?, this.maxRotation) : this.minRotation, 1 !== this.minParticleScale || 1 !== this.maxParticleScale) {
                var e =, this.maxParticleScale);
                t.scale.setTo(e, e)
            } t.body.friction = this.particleFriction, t.body.angularDrag = this.angularDrag
    }, i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype.setSize = function (t, e) { this.width = t, this.height = e }, i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype.setXSpeed = function (t, e) { t = t || 0, e = e || 0, this.minParticleSpeed.x = t, this.maxParticleSpeed.x = e }, i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype.setYSpeed = function (t, e) { t = t || 0, e = e || 0, this.minParticleSpeed.y = t, this.maxParticleSpeed.y = e }, i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype.setRotation = function (t, e) { t = t || 0, e = e || 0, this.minRotation = t, this.maxRotation = e }, = function (t) { && (this.emitX =, this.emitY = }, Object.defineProperty(i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype, "alpha", { get: function () { return this._container.alpha }, set: function (t) { this._container.alpha = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype, "visible", { get: function () { return this._container.visible }, set: function (t) { this._container.visible = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype, "x", { get: function () { return this.emitX }, set: function (t) { this.emitX = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype, "y", { get: function () { return this.emitY }, set: function (t) { this.emitY = t } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype, "left", { get: function () { return Math.floor(this.x - this.width / 2) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype, "right", { get: function () { return Math.floor(this.x + this.width / 2) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype, "top", { get: function () { return Math.floor(this.y - this.height / 2) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Particles.Arcade.Emitter.prototype, "bottom", { get: function () { return Math.floor(this.y + this.height / 2) } }), i.Tile = function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { this.layer = t, this.index = e, this.x = i, this.y = s, this.width = n, this.height = r, this.alpha = 1, = {}, this.scanned = !1, this.faceTop = !1, this.faceBottom = !1, this.faceLeft = !1, this.faceRight = !1, this.collides = !1, this.collideNone = !0, this.collideLeft = !1, this.collideRight = !1, this.collideUp = !1, this.collideDown = !1, this.callback = null, this.callbackContext = this }, i.Tile.prototype = { setCollisionCallback: function (t, e) { this.collisionCallbackContext = e, this.collisionCallback = t }, destroy: function () { this.collisionCallback = null, this.collisionCallbackContext = null, = null }, setCollision: function (t, e, i, s) { this.collideLeft = t, this.collideRight = e, this.collideUp = i, this.collideDown = s, this.collideNone = t || e || i || s ? !1 : !0 }, resetCollision: function () { this.collideNone = !0, this.collideLeft = !1, this.collideRight = !1, this.collideUp = !1, this.collideDown = !1 }, copy: function (t) { this.index = t.index, this.alpha = t.alpha, =, this.collides = t.collides, this.collideNone = t.collideNone, this.collideUp = t.collideUp, this.collideDown = t.collideDown, this.collideLeft = t.collideLeft, this.collideRight = t.collideRight, this.collisionCallback = t.collisionCallback, this.collisionCallbackContext = t.collisionCallbackContext } }, i.Tile.prototype.constructor = i.Tile, Object.defineProperty(i.Tile.prototype, "canCollide", { get: function () { return this.collides || this.collisionCallback || this.layer.callbacks[this.index] } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Tile.prototype, "left", { get: function () { return this.x } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Tile.prototype, "right", { get: function () { return this.x + this.width } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Tile.prototype, "top", { get: function () { return this.y } }), Object.defineProperty(i.Tile.prototype, "bottom", { get: function () { return this.y + this.height } }), i.Tilemap = function (t, e) { = t, this.key = e; var s = i.TilemapParser.parse(, e); null !== s && (this.width = s.width, this.height = s.height, this.tileWidth = s.tileWidth, this.tileHeight = s.tileHeight, this.orientation = s.orientation, this.version = s.version, =, this.widthInPixels = s.widthInPixels, this.heightInPixels = s.heightInPixels, this.layers = s.layers, this.tilesets = s.tilesets, this.tiles = s.tiles, this.objects = s.objects, this.images = s.images, this.currentLayer = 0, this.debugMap = [], this._results = [], this._tempA = 0, this._tempB = 0) }, i.Tilemap.CSV = 0, i.Tilemap.TILED_JSON = 1, i.Tilemap.prototype = { create: function (t, e, s) { for (var n = [], r = 0; s > r; r++) { n[r] = []; for (var o = 0; e > o; o++)n[r][o] = 0 } this.layers.push({ name: t, width: e, height: s, alpha: 1, visible: !0, tileMargin: 0, tileSpacing: 0, format: i.Tilemap.CSV, data: n, indexes: [], dirty: !0 }), this.currentLayer = this.layers.length - 1 }, addTilesetImage: function (t, e) { if ("undefined" == typeof e) { if ("string" != typeof t) return !1; e = t } return "string" == typeof t && (t = this.getTilesetIndex(t)), this.tilesets[t] ? (this.tilesets[t].image =, !0) : !1 }, createFromTiles: function (t, e, i, s, n) { "undefined" == typeof n && (n = }, createFromObjects: function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o) { if ("undefined" == typeof n && (n = !0), "undefined" == typeof r && (r = !0), "undefined" == typeof o && (o =, !this.objects[t]) return void console.warn("Tilemap.createFromObjects: Invalid objectgroup name given: " + t); for (var a, h = 0, l = this.objects[t].length; l > h; h++)if (this.objects[t][h].gid === e) { a = o.create(this.objects[t][h].x, this.objects[t][h].y, i, s, n), a.anchor.setTo(0, 1), = this.objects[t][h].name, a.visible = this.objects[t][h].visible, a.autoCull = r; for (property in this.objects[t][h].properties) o.set(a, property, this.objects[t][h].properties[property], !1, !1, 0) } }, createLayer: function (t, e, s, n) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e =, "undefined" == typeof s && (s =, "undefined" == typeof n && (n =; var r = t; return "string" == typeof t && (r = this.getLayerIndex(t)), null === r || r > this.layers.length ? void console.warn("Tilemap.createLayer: Invalid layer ID given: " + r) : n.add(new i.TilemapLayer(, this, r, e, s)) }, getIndex: function (t, e) { for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)if (t[i].name === e) return i; return null }, getLayerIndex: function (t) { return this.getIndex(this.layers, t) }, getTilesetIndex: function (t) { return this.getIndex(this.tilesets, t) }, getImageIndex: function (t) { return this.getIndex(this.images, t) }, getObjectIndex: function (t) { return this.getIndex(this.objects, t) }, setTileIndexCallback: function (t, e, i, s) { if (s = this.getLayer(s), "number" == typeof t) this.layers[s].callbacks[t] = { callback: e, callbackContext: i }; else for (var n = 0, r = t.length; r > n; n++)this.layers[s].callbacks[t[n]] = { callback: e, callbackContext: i } }, setTileLocationCallback: function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o) { if (o = this.getLayer(o), this.copy(t, e, i, s, o), !(this._results.length < 2)) for (var a = 1; a < this._results.length; a++)this._results[a].setCollisionCallback(n, r) }, setCollision: function (t, e, i) { if ("undefined" == typeof e && (e = !0), i = this.getLayer(i), "number" == typeof t) return this.setCollisionByIndex(t, e, i, !0); for (var s = 0, n = t.length; n > s; s++)this.setCollisionByIndex(t[s], e, i, !1); this.calculateFaces(i) }, setCollisionBetween: function (t, e, i, s) { if ("undefined" == typeof i && (i = !0), s = this.getLayer(s), !(t > e)) { for (var n = t; e >= n; n++)this.setCollisionByIndex(n, i, s, !1); this.calculateFaces(s) } }, setCollisionByExclusion: function (t, e, i) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = !0), i = this.getLayer(i); for (var s = 0, n = this.tiles.length; n > s; s++)-1 === t.indexOf(s) && this.setCollisionByIndex(s, e, i, !1); this.calculateFaces(i) }, setCollisionByIndex: function (t, e, i, s) { "undefined" == typeof e && (e = !0), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = this.currentLayer), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = !0); for (var n = 0; n < this.layers[i].height; n++)for (var r = 0; r < this.layers[i].width; r++) { var o = this.layers[i].data[n][r]; o && o.index === t && (o.collides = e, o.faceTop = e, o.faceBottom = e, o.faceLeft = e, o.faceRight = e) } return s && this.calculateFaces(i), i }, getLayer: function (t) { return "undefined" == typeof t ? t = this.currentLayer : "string" == typeof t ? t = this.getLayerIndex(t) : t instanceof i.TilemapLayer && (t = t.index), t }, calculateFaces: function (t) { for (var e = null, i = null, s = null, n = null, r = 0, o = this.layers[t].height; o > r; r++)for (var a = 0, h = this.layers[t].width; h > a; a++) { var l = this.layers[t].data[r][a]; l && (e = this.getTileAbove(t, a, r), i = this.getTileBelow(t, a, r), s = this.getTileLeft(t, a, r), n = this.getTileRight(t, a, r), e && e.collides && (l.faceTop = !1), i && i.collides && (l.faceBottom = !1), s && s.collides && (l.faceLeft = !1), n && n.collides && (l.faceRight = !1)) } }, getTileAbove: function (t, e, i) { return i > 0 ? this.layers[t].data[i - 1][e] : null }, getTileBelow: function (t, e, i) { return i < this.layers[t].height - 1 ? this.layers[t].data[i + 1][e] : null }, getTileLeft: function (t, e, i) { return e > 0 ? this.layers[t].data[i][e - 1] : null }, getTileRight: function (t, e, i) { return e < this.layers[t].width - 1 ? this.layers[t].data[i][e + 1] : null }, setLayer: function (t) { t = this.getLayer(t), this.layers[t] && (this.currentLayer = t) }, putTile: function (t, e, s, n) { n = this.getLayer(n), e >= 0 && e < this.layers[n].width && s >= 0 && s < this.layers[n].height && (t instanceof i.Tile ? this.layers[n].data[s][e].copy(t) : this.layers[n].data[s][e].index = t, this.layers[n].dirty = !0, this.calculateFaces(n)) }, putTileWorldXY: function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { r = this.getLayer(r), e =, s) / s, i =, n) / n, this.putTile(t, e, i, r) }, getTile: function (t, e, i) { return i = this.getLayer(i), t >= 0 && t < this.layers[i].width && e >= 0 && e < this.layers[i].height ? this.layers[i].data[e][t] : void 0 }, getTileWorldXY: function (t, e, i, s, n) { return n = this.getLayer(n), t =, i) / i, e =, s) / s, this.getTile(t, e, n) }, copy: function (t, e, i, s, n) { if (n = this.getLayer(n), !this.layers[n]) return void (this._results.length = 0); "undefined" == typeof t && (t = 0), "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 0), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = this.layers[n].width), "undefined" == typeof s && (s = this.layers[n].height), 0 > t && (t = 0), 0 > e && (e = 0), i > this.layers[n].width && (i = this.layers[n].width), s > this.layers[n].height && (s = this.layers[n].height), this._results.length = 0, this._results.push({ x: t, y: e, width: i, height: s, layer: n }); for (var r = e; e + s > r; r++)for (var o = t; t + i > o; o++)this._results.push(this.layers[n].data[r][o]); return this._results }, paste: function (t, e, i, s) { if ("undefined" == typeof t && (t = 0), "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 0), s = this.getLayer(s), i && !(i.length < 2)) { for (var n = i[1].x - t, r = i[1].y - e, o = 1; o < i.length; o++)this.layers[s].data[r + i[o].y][n + i[o].x].copy(i[o]); this.layers[s].dirty = !0, this.calculateFaces(s) } }, swap: function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o) { o = this.getLayer(o), this.copy(i, s, n, r, o), this._results.length < 2 || (this._tempA = t, this._tempB = e, this._results.forEach(this.swapHandler, this), this.paste(i, s, this._results, o)) }, swapHandler: function (t, e) { t.index === this._tempA ? this._results[e].index = this._tempB : t.index === this._tempB && (this._results[e].index = this._tempA) }, forEach: function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o) { o = this.getLayer(o), this.copy(i, s, n, r, o), this._results.length < 2 || (this._results.forEach(t, e), this.paste(i, s, this._results, o)) }, replace: function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o) { if (o = this.getLayer(o), this.copy(i, s, n, r, o), !(this._results.length < 2)) { for (var a = 1; a < this._results.length; a++)this._results[a].index === t && (this._results[a].index = e); this.paste(i, s, this._results, o) } }, random: function (t, e, i, s, n) { if (n = this.getLayer(n), this.copy(t, e, i, s, n), !(this._results.length < 2)) { for (var r = [], o = 1; o < this._results.length; o++)if (this._results[o].index) { var a = this._results[o].index; -1 === r.indexOf(a) && r.push(a) } for (var h = 1; h < this._results.length; h++)this._results[h].index =; this.paste(t, e, this._results, n) } }, shuffle: function (t, e, s, n, r) { if (r = this.getLayer(r), this.copy(t, e, s, n, r), !(this._results.length < 2)) { for (var o = [], a = 1; a < this._results.length; a++)this._results[a].index && o.push(this._results[a].index); i.Utils.shuffle(o); for (var h = 1; h < this._results.length; h++)this._results[h].index = o[h - 1]; this.paste(t, e, this._results, r) } }, fill: function (t, e, i, s, n, r) { if (r = this.getLayer(r), this.copy(e, i, s, n, r), !(this._results.length < 2)) { for (var o = 1; o < this._results.length; o++)this._results[o].index = t; this.paste(e, i, this._results, r) } }, removeAllLayers: function () { this.layers.length = 0, this.currentLayer = 0 }, dump: function () { for (var t = "", e = [""], i = 0; i < this.layers[this.currentLayer].height; i++) { for (var s = 0; s < this.layers[this.currentLayer].width; s++)t += "%c  ", e.push(this.layers[this.currentLayer].data[i][s] > 1 ? this.debugMap[this.layers[this.currentLayer].data[i][s]] ? "background: " + this.debugMap[this.layers[this.currentLayer].data[i][s]] : "background: #ffffff" : "background: rgb(0, 0, 0)"); t += "\n" } e[0] = t, console.log.apply(console, e) }, destroy: function () { this.removeAllLayers(), = [], = null } }, i.Tilemap.prototype.constructor = i.Tilemap, i.TilemapLayer = function (t, s, n, r, o) { = t, = s, this.index = n, this.layer = s.layers[n], this.canvas = i.Canvas.create(r, o), this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d"), this.baseTexture = new e.BaseTexture(this.canvas), this.texture = new e.Texture(this.baseTexture), this.textureFrame = new i.Frame(0, 0, 0, r, o, "tilemapLayer", t.rnd.uuid()),,, 0, 0, this.texture, this.textureFrame), = "", this.type = i.TILEMAPLAYER, this.fixedToCamera = !0, this.cameraOffset = new i.Point(0, 0), this.tileColor = "rgb(255, 255, 255)", this.debug = !1, this.debugAlpha = .5, this.debugColor = "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)", this.debugFill = !1, this.debugFillColor = "rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.2)", this.debugCallbackColor = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)", this.scrollFactorX = 1, this.scrollFactorY = 1, this.dirty = !0, this._cw = s.tileWidth, this._ch = s.tileHeight, this._ga = 1, this._dx = 0, this._dy = 0, this._dw = 0, this._dh = 0, this._tx = 0, this._ty = 0, this._tw = 0, this._th = 0, this._tl = 0, this._maxX = 0, this._maxY = 0, this._startX = 0, this._startY = 0, this._results = [], this._x = 0, this._y = 0, this._prevX = 0, this._prevY = 0, this.updateMax() }, i.TilemapLayer.prototype = Object.create(i.Sprite.prototype), i.TilemapLayer.prototype = i.Utils.extend(!0, i.TilemapLayer.prototype, i.Sprite.prototype, e.Sprite.prototype), i.TilemapLayer.prototype.constructor = i.TilemapLayer, i.TilemapLayer.prototype.postUpdate = function () {, this.scrollX = * this.scrollFactorX, this.scrollY = * this.scrollFactorY, this.render() }, i.TilemapLayer.prototype.resizeWorld = function () {, 0, this.layer.widthInPixels, this.layer.heightInPixels) }, i.TilemapLayer.prototype._fixX = function (t) { return 0 > t && (t = 0), 1 === this.scrollFactorX ? t : this._x + (t - this._x / this.scrollFactorX) }, i.TilemapLayer.prototype._unfixX = function (t) { return 1 === this.scrollFactorX ? t : this._x / this.scrollFactorX + (t - this._x) }, i.TilemapLayer.prototype._fixY = function (t) { return 0 > t && (t = 0), 1 === this.scrollFactorY ? t : this._y + (t - this._y / this.scrollFactorY) }, i.TilemapLayer.prototype._unfixY = function (t) { return 1 === this.scrollFactorY ? t : this._y / this.scrollFactorY + (t - this._y) }, i.TilemapLayer.prototype.getTileX = function (t) { return, / }, i.TilemapLayer.prototype.getTileY = function (t) { return, / }, i.TilemapLayer.prototype.getTileXY = function (t, e, i) { return i.x = this.getTileX(t), i.y = this.getTileY(e), i }, i.TilemapLayer.prototype.getTiles = function (t, e, i, s, n) { "undefined" == typeof n && (n = !1), t = this._fixX(t), e = this._fixY(e), i > this.layer.widthInPixels && (i = this.layer.widthInPixels), s > this.layer.heightInPixels && (s = this.layer.heightInPixels), this._tx =, this._cw) / this._cw, this._ty =, this._ch) / this._ch, this._tw = (, this._cw) + this._cw) / this._cw, this._th = (, this._ch) + this._ch) / this._ch, this._results.length = 0; for (var r = this._ty; r < this._ty + this._th; r++)for (var o = this._tx; o < this._tx + this._tw; o++)if ([r] &&[r][o] && (n === !1 || n &&[r][o].canCollide)) { var a = this._unfixX(o * this._cw) / this._cw, h = this._unfixY(r * this._ch) / this._ch; this._results.push({ x: a * this._cw, y: h * this._ch, right: a * this._cw + this._cw, bottom: h * this._ch + this._ch, tile:[r][o], layer:[r][o].layer }) } return this._results }, i.TilemapLayer.prototype.updateMax = function () { this._maxX = / + 1, this._maxY = / + 1, this.layer && (this._maxX > this.layer.width && (this._maxX = this.layer.width), this._maxY > this.layer.height && (this._maxY = this.layer.height)), this.dirty = !0 }, i.TilemapLayer.prototype.render = function () { if (this.layer.dirty && (this.dirty = !0), this.dirty && this.visible) { this._prevX = this._dx, this._prevY = this._dy, this._dx = -(this._x - this._startX *, this._dy = -(this._y - this._startY *, this._tx = this._dx, this._ty = this._dy, this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height), this.context.fillStyle = this.tileColor; var t, s; this.debug && (this.context.globalAlpha = this.debugAlpha); for (var n = this._startY, r = this._startY + this._maxY; r > n; n++) { this._column =[n]; for (var o = this._startX, a = this._startX + this._maxX; a > o; o++)this._column[o] && (t = this._column[o],[t.index] && (s =[[t.index][2]], s.image ? (this.debug === !1 && t.alpha !== this.context.globalAlpha && (this.context.globalAlpha = t.alpha), s.tileWidth !== || s.tileHeight !== ? this.context.drawImage([[t.index][2]].image,[t.index][0],[t.index][1], s.tileWidth, s.tileHeight, Math.floor(this._tx), Math.floor(this._ty) - (s.tileHeight -, s.tileWidth, s.tileHeight) : this.context.drawImage([[t.index][2]].image,[t.index][0],[t.index][1],,, Math.floor(this._tx), Math.floor(this._ty),,, t.debug && (this.context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.4)", this.context.fillRect(Math.floor(this._tx), Math.floor(this._ty),, : this.context.fillRect(Math.floor(this._tx), Math.floor(this._ty),,, this._tx +=; this._tx = this._dx, this._ty += } return this.debug && (this.context.globalAlpha = 1, this.renderDebug()), === i.WEBGL && e.texturesToUpdate.push(this.baseTexture), this.dirty = !1, this.layer.dirty = !1, !0 } }, i.TilemapLayer.prototype.renderDebug = function () { this._tx = this._dx, this._ty = this._dy, this.context.strokeStyle = this.debugColor, this.context.fillStyle = this.debugFillColor; for (var t = this._startY, e = this._startY + this._maxY; e > t; t++) { this._column =[t]; for (var i = this._startX, s = this._startX + this._maxX; s > i; i++) { var n = this._column[i]; n && (n.faceTop || n.faceBottom || n.faceLeft || n.faceRight) && (this._tx = Math.floor(this._tx), this.debugFill && this.context.fillRect(this._tx, this._ty, this._cw, this._ch), this.context.beginPath(), n.faceTop && (this.context.moveTo(this._tx, this._ty), this.context.lineTo(this._tx + this._cw, this._ty)), n.faceBottom && (this.context.moveTo(this._tx, this._ty + this._ch), this.context.lineTo(this._tx + this._cw, this._ty + this._ch)), n.faceLeft && (this.context.moveTo(this._tx, this._ty), this.context.lineTo(this._tx, this._ty + this._ch)), n.faceRight && (this.context.moveTo(this._tx + this._cw, this._ty), this.context.lineTo(this._tx + this._cw, this._ty + this._ch)), this.context.stroke()), n && (n.collisionCallback || n.layer.callbacks[n.index]) && (this.context.fillStyle = this.debugCallbackColor, this.context.fillRect(this._tx, this._ty, this._cw, this._ch), this.context.fillStyle = this.debugFillColor), this._tx += } this._tx = this._dx, this._ty += } }, Object.defineProperty(i.TilemapLayer.prototype, "scrollX", { get: function () { return this._x }, set: function (t) { t !== this._x && t >= 0 && this.layer.widthInPixels > this.width && (this._x = t, this._x > this.layer.widthInPixels - this.width && (this._x = this.layer.widthInPixels - this.width), this._startX = /, this._startX < 0 && (this._startX = 0), this._startX + this._maxX > this.layer.width && (this._startX = this.layer.width - this._maxX), this.dirty = !0) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.TilemapLayer.prototype, "scrollY", { get: function () { return this._y }, set: function (t) { t !== this._y && t >= 0 && this.layer.heightInPixels > this.height && (this._y = t, this._y > this.layer.heightInPixels - this.height && (this._y = this.layer.heightInPixels - this.height), this._startY = /, this._startY < 0 && (this._startY = 0), this._startY + this._maxY > this.layer.height && (this._startY = this.layer.height - this._maxY), this.dirty = !0) } }), Object.defineProperty(i.TilemapLayer.prototype, "collisionWidth", { get: function () { return this._cw }, set: function (t) { this._cw = t, this.dirty = !0 } }), Object.defineProperty(i.TilemapLayer.prototype, "collisionHeight", { get: function () { return this._ch }, set: function (t) { this._ch = t, this.dirty = !0 } }), i.TilemapParser = { tileset: function (t, e, s, n, r, o, a, h, l) { var c = t.cache.getTilesetImage(e); if (null === c) return console.warn("Phaser.TilemapParser.tileSet: Invalid image key given"), null; var u = c.width, d = c.height; return -1 === a && (a = Math.round(u / s)), -1 === h && (h = Math.round(d / n)), -1 === l && (l = a * h), 0 === u || 0 === d || s > u || n > d || 0 === l ? (console.warn("Phaser.TilemapParser.tileSet: width/height zero or width/height < given tileWidth/tileHeight"), null) : new i.Tileset(c, e, s, n, r, o, a, h, l) }, parse: function (t, e) { var s = t.cache.getTilemapData(e); return s ? s.format === i.Tilemap.CSV ? this.parseCSV( : s.format === i.Tilemap.TILED_JSON ? this.parseTiledJSON( : void 0 : { layers: [], objects: [], images: [], tilesets: [] } }, parseCSV: function (t) { t = t.trim(); for (var e = [], i = t.split("\n"), s = i.length, n = 0, r = 0; r < i.length; r++) { e[r] = []; for (var o = i[r].split(","), a = 0; a < o.length; a++)e[r][a] = parseInt(o[a], 10); 0 === n && (n = o.length) } return [{ name: "csv", width: n, height: s, alpha: 1, visible: !0, indexes: [], tileMargin: 0, tileSpacing: 0, data: e }] }, parseTiledJSON: function (t) { if ("orthogonal" !== t.orientation) return console.warn("TilemapParser.parseTiledJSON: Only orthogonal map types are supported in this version of Phaser"), null; var e = {}; e.width = t.width, e.height = t.height, e.tileWidth = t.tilewidth, e.tileHeight = t.tileheight, e.orientation = t.orientation, e.version = t.version, =, e.widthInPixels = e.width * e.tileWidth, e.heightInPixels = e.height * e.tileHeight; for (var s = [], n = 0; n < t.layers.length; n++)if ("tilelayer" === t.layers[n].type) { var r = { name: t.layers[n].name, x: t.layers[n].x, y: t.layers[n].y, width: t.layers[n].width, height: t.layers[n].height, widthInPixels: t.layers[n].width * t.tilewidth, heightInPixels: t.layers[n].height * t.tileheight, alpha: t.layers[n].opacity, visible: t.layers[n].visible, properties: {}, indexes: [], callbacks: [] }; t.layers[n].properties && ( = t.layers[n].properties); for (var o = 0, a = [], h = [], l = 0, c = t.layers[n].data.length; c > l; l++)a.push(t.layers[n].data[l] > 0 ? new i.Tile(r, t.layers[n].data[l], o, h.length, t.tilewidth, t.tileheight) : null), o++, o === t.layers[n].width && (h.push(a), o = 0, a = []); = h, s.push(r) } e.layers = s; for (var u = [], n = 0; n < t.layers.length; n++)if ("imagelayer" === t.layers[n].type) { var d = { name: t.layers[n].name, image: t.layers[n].image, x: t.layers[n].x, y: t.layers[n].y, alpha: t.layers[n].opacity, visible: t.layers[n].visible, properties: {} }; t.layers[n].properties && ( = t.layers[n].properties), u.push(d) } e.images = u; for (var p = {}, n = 0; n < t.layers.length; n++)if ("objectgroup" === t.layers[n].type) { p[t.layers[n].name] = []; for (var f = 0, c = t.layers[n].objects.length; c > f; f++)if (t.layers[n].objects[f].gid) { var g = { gid: t.layers[n].objects[f].gid, name: t.layers[n].objects[f].name, x: t.layers[n].objects[f].x, y: t.layers[n].objects[f].y, visible: t.layers[n].objects[f].visible, properties: t.layers[n].objects[f].properties }; p[t.layers[n].name].push(g) } } e.objects = p; for (var m = [], n = 0; n < t.tilesets.length; n++) { var y = t.tilesets[n], _ = new i.Tileset(, y.firstgid, y.tilewidth, y.tileheight, y.margin, y.spacing,; y.tileproperties && (_.tileProperties = y.tileproperties), _.rows = (y.imageheight - y.margin) / (y.tileheight + y.spacing), _.columns = (y.imagewidth - y.margin) / (y.tilewidth + y.spacing), = _.rows * _.columns, m.push(_) } e.tilesets = m, e.tiles = []; for (var n = 0; n < e.tilesets.length; n++)for (var y = e.tilesets[n], o = y.tileMargin, x = y.tileMargin, v = 0, b = 0, w = 0, l = y.firstgid; l < y.firstgid + && (e.tiles[l] = [o, x, n], o += y.tileWidth + y.tileSpacing, v++, v !== && (b++, b !== y.columns || (o = y.tileMargin, x += y.tileHeight + y.tileSpacing, b = 0, w++, w !== y.rows)); l++); return e } }, i.Tileset = function (t, e, i, s, n, r, o) { = t, this.firstgid = e, this.tileWidth = i, this.tileHeight = s, this.tileMargin = n, this.tileSpacing = r, = o, this.image = null, this.rows = 0, this.columns = 0, = 0 }, i.Tileset.prototype = { setSpacing: function (t, e) { this.tileMargin = t, this.tileSpacing = e } }, i.Tileset.prototype.constructor = i.Tileset, e.CanvasRenderer.prototype.render = function (t) { e.texturesToUpdate.length = 0, e.texturesToDestroy.length = 0, e.visibleCount++, t.updateTransform(), this.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), i.CANVAS_CLEAR_RECT && this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height), this.renderDisplayObject(t, !1), e.Texture.frameUpdates.length > 0 && (e.Texture.frameUpdates.length = 0) }, e.CanvasRenderer.prototype.renderDisplayObject = function (t, s) { var n = t.last._iNext; t = t.first; do if (t.visible || s) if (t.renderable && 0 !== t.alpha) { if (t instanceof e.Sprite) t.texture.frame && (this.context.globalAlpha = t.worldAlpha, i.CANVAS_PX_ROUND ? this.context.setTransform(t.worldTransform[0], t.worldTransform[3], t.worldTransform[1], t.worldTransform[4], Math.floor(t.worldTransform[2]), Math.floor(t.worldTransform[5])) : this.context.setTransform(t.worldTransform[0], t.worldTransform[3], t.worldTransform[1], t.worldTransform[4], t.worldTransform[2], t.worldTransform[5]), t.texture.trimmed && this.context.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, t.texture.trim.x, t.texture.trim.y), this.smoothProperty && this.scaleMode !== t.texture.baseTexture.scaleMode && (this.scaleMode = t.texture.baseTexture.scaleMode, this.context[this.smoothProperty] = this.scaleMode === e.BaseTexture.SCALE_MODE.LINEAR), this.context.drawImage(t.texture.baseTexture.source, t.texture.frame.x, t.texture.frame.y, t.texture.frame.width, t.texture.frame.height, Math.floor(t.anchor.x * -t.texture.frame.width), Math.floor(t.anchor.y * -t.texture.frame.height), t.texture.frame.width, t.texture.frame.height)); else if (t instanceof e.Strip) this.context.setTransform(t.worldTransform[0], t.worldTransform[3], t.worldTransform[1], t.worldTransform[4], t.worldTransform[2], t.worldTransform[5]), this.renderStrip(t); else if (t instanceof e.TilingSprite) this.context.setTransform(t.worldTransform[0], t.worldTransform[3], t.worldTransform[1], t.worldTransform[4], t.worldTransform[2], t.worldTransform[5]), this.renderTilingSprite(t); else if (t instanceof e.CustomRenderable) t.renderCanvas(this); else if (t instanceof e.Graphics) this.context.setTransform(t.worldTransform[0], t.worldTransform[3], t.worldTransform[1], t.worldTransform[4], t.worldTransform[2], t.worldTransform[5]), e.CanvasGraphics.renderGraphics(t, this.context); else if (t instanceof e.FilterBlock) if ( {; var r = t.mask.alpha, o = t.mask.worldTransform; this.context.setTransform(o[0], o[3], o[1], o[4], o[2], o[5]), t.mask.worldAlpha = .5, this.context.worldAlpha = 0, e.CanvasGraphics.renderGraphicsMask(t.mask, this.context), this.context.clip(), t.mask.worldAlpha = r } else this.context.restore(); t = t._iNext } else t = t._iNext; else t = t.last._iNext; while (t != n) }, e.WebGLBatch.prototype.update = function () { for (var t, i, s, n, r, o, a, h, l, c, u, d, p, f, g, m, y = 0, _ = this.head; _;) { if (_.vcount === e.visibleCount) { if (i = _.texture.frame.width, s = _.texture.frame.height, n = _.anchor.x, r = _.anchor.y, o = i * (1 - n), a = i * -n, h = s * (1 - r), l = s * -r, c = 8 * y, t = _.worldTransform, u = t[0], d = t[3], p = t[1], f = t[4], g = t[2], m = t[5], _.texture.trimmed && (g += _.texture.trim.x, m += _.texture.trim.y), this.verticies[c + 0] = u * a + p * l + g, this.verticies[c + 1] = f * l + d * a + m, this.verticies[c + 2] = u * o + p * l + g, this.verticies[c + 3] = f * l + d * o + m, this.verticies[c + 4] = u * o + p * h + g, this.verticies[c + 5] = f * h + d * o + m, this.verticies[c + 6] = u * a + p * h + g, this.verticies[c + 7] = f * h + d * a + m, _.updateFrame || _.texture.updateFrame) { this.dirtyUVS = !0; var x = _.texture, v = x.frame, b = x.baseTexture.width, w = x.baseTexture.height; this.uvs[c + 0] = v.x / b, this.uvs[c + 1] = v.y / w, this.uvs[c + 2] = (v.x + v.width) / b, this.uvs[c + 3] = v.y / w, this.uvs[c + 4] = (v.x + v.width) / b, this.uvs[c + 5] = (v.y + v.height) / w, this.uvs[c + 6] = v.x / b, this.uvs[c + 7] = (v.y + v.height) / w, _.updateFrame = !1 } if (_.cacheAlpha != _.worldAlpha) { _.cacheAlpha = _.worldAlpha; var T = 4 * y; this.colors[T] = this.colors[T + 1] = this.colors[T + 2] = this.colors[T + 3] = _.worldAlpha, this.dirtyColors = !0 } } else c = 8 * y, this.verticies[c + 0] = 0, this.verticies[c + 1] = 0, this.verticies[c + 2] = 0, this.verticies[c + 3] = 0, this.verticies[c + 4] = 0, this.verticies[c + 5] = 0, this.verticies[c + 6] = 0, this.verticies[c + 7] = 0; y++, _ = _.__next } }, i
}); var DEBUG, FLAP, GAME_HEIGHT, GRAVITY, GROUND_HEIGHT, GROUND_Y, HEIGHT, OPENING, SCALE, SPAWN_RATE, SPEED, WIDTH, WebFontConfig, bg, bird, deadInvs, deadTubeBottoms, deadTubeTops, fallSnd, flapSnd, floor, gameOver, gameOverText, gameStarted, githubHtml, ground, hurtSnd, instText, invs, main, parent, score, scoreSnd, scoreText, swooshSnd, tubes, tubesTimer; DEBUG = !1, SPEED = 160, GRAVITY = 1100, FLAP = 300, SPAWN_RATE = 1 / 1200, OPENING = 100, SCALE = 1, HEIGHT = 384, WIDTH = 288, GAME_HEIGHT = 336, GROUND_HEIGHT = 64, GROUND_Y = HEIGHT - GROUND_HEIGHT, parent = document.querySelector("#screen"), gameStarted = void 0, gameOver = void 0, deadTubeTops = [], deadTubeBottoms = [], deadInvs = [], bg = null, tubes = null, invs = null, bird = null, ground = null, score = null, scoreText = null, instText = null, gameOverText = null, flapSnd = null, scoreSnd = null, hurtSnd = null, fallSnd = null, swooshSnd = null, tubesTimer = null, floor = Math.floor, main = function () {
    var t, e, i, s, n, r, o, a, h, l, c, u, d; h = function (t, e) { var i, n, r; return i = null, n = e ? "tubeTop" : "tubeBottom", r = floor(e ? t - OPENING / 2 - 320 : t + OPENING / 2), deadTubeTops.length > 0 && "tubeTop" === n ? (i = deadTubeTops.pop().revive(), i.reset(, r)) : deadTubeBottoms.length > 0 && "tubeBottom" === n ? (i = deadTubeBottoms.pop().revive(), i.reset(, r)) : (i = tubes.create(, r, n), i.body.allowGravity = !1), i.body.velocity.x = -SPEED, i }, l = function () { var t, e, i, n; tubes.forEachAlive(function (t) { t.x + t.width < && ("tubeTop" === t.key && deadTubeTops.push(t.kill()), "tubeBottom" === t.key && deadTubeBottoms.push(t.kill())) }), invs.forEachAlive(function (t) { t.x + t.width < && deadInvs.push(t.kill()) }), n = / 2 + (Math.random() - .5) * * .2, t = h(n), i = h(n, !0), deadInvs.length > 0 ? e = deadInvs.pop().revive().reset(i.x + i.width / 2, 0) : (e = invs.create(i.x + i.width / 2, 0), e.width = 2, e.height =, e.body.allowGravity = !1), e.body.velocity.x = -SPEED }, t = function (t, e) { invs.remove(e), score += 1, scoreText.setText(score), }, a = function () { var t; gameOver = !0, bird.body.velocity.y > 0 && (bird.body.velocity.y = 100), bird.animations.stop(), bird.frame = 1, instText.setText("TAP TO TRY AGAIN\n\nCreated By:\nHarry Royden McLaughlin"), instText.renderable = !0, t = window.localStorage.getItem("hiscore"), t = t ? t : score, t = score > parseInt(t, 10) ? score : t, window.localStorage.setItem("hiscore", t), gameOverText.setText("GAMEOVER\n\nHIGH SCORE\n\n" + t), gameOverText.renderable = !0, tubes.forEachAlive(function (t) { t.body.velocity.x = 0 }), invs.forEach(function (t) { t.body.velocity.x = 0 }),,, function () { return s.input.onTap.addOnce(function () { return o(), }) }), }, i = function () { var t; gameStarted || c(), gameOver || (bird.body.gravity.y = 0, bird.body.velocity.y = -100, t = s.add.tween(bird.body.velocity).to({ y: -FLAP }, 25, Phaser.Easing.Bounce.In, !0), t.onComplete.add(function () { return bird.body.gravity.y = GRAVITY }), }, n = function () { var t; t = { spritesheet: { bird: ["assets/bird.png", 36, 26] }, image: { tubeTop: ["assets/tube1.png"], tubeBottom: ["assets/tube2.png"], ground: ["assets/ground.png"], bg: ["assets/bg.png"] }, audio: { flap: ["assets/sfx_wing.mp3"], score: ["assets/sfx_point.mp3"], hurt: ["assets/sfx_hit.mp3"], fall: ["assets/sfx_die.mp3"], swoosh: ["assets/sfx_swooshing.mp3"] } }, Object.keys(t).forEach(function (e) { Object.keys(t[e]).forEach(function (i) { s.load[e].apply(s.load, [i].concat(t[e][i])) }) }) }, e = function () {
        var t; console.log("%c", "color: black; font-size: x-large"), t = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, (t > 1.15 || .7 > t) && (document.querySelector("#github").innerHTML = githubHtml), document.querySelector("#loading").style.display = "none", Phaser.Canvas.setSmoothingEnabled(s.context, !1), s.stage.scaleMode = Phaser.StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL, s.stage.scale.setScreenSize(!0), = WIDTH, = HEIGHT, bg = s.add.tileSprite(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, "bg"), tubes =, invs =, bird = s.add.sprite(0, 0, "bird"), bird.anchor.setTo(.5, .5), bird.animations.add("fly", [0, 1, 2], 10, !0), bird.body.collideWorldBounds = !0, bird.body.setPolygon(24, 1, 34, 16, 30, 32, 20, 24, 12, 34, 2, 12, 14, 2), ground = s.add.tileSprite(0, GROUND_Y, WIDTH, GROUND_HEIGHT, "ground"), ground.tileScale.setTo(SCALE, SCALE), scoreText = s.add.text( / 2, / 4, "", { font: '16px "Press Start 2P"', fill: "#fff", stroke: "#430", strokeThickness: 4, align: "center" }), scoreText.anchor.setTo(.5, .5), instText = s.add.text( / 2, - / 4, "", { font: '8px "Press Start 2P"', fill: "#fff", stroke: "#430", strokeThickness: 4, align: "center" }), instText.anchor.setTo(.5, .5), gameOverText = s.add.text( / 2, / 2, "", { font: '16px "Press Start 2P"', fill: "#fff", stroke: "#430", strokeThickness: 4, align: "center" }), gameOverText.anchor.setTo(.5, .5), gameOverText.scale.setTo(SCALE, SCALE), flapSnd ="flap"), scoreSnd ="score"), hurtSnd ="hurt"), fallSnd ="fall"), swooshSnd ="swoosh"), s.input.onDown.add(i), o()
    }, o = function () { gameStarted = !1, gameOver = !1, score = 0, scoreText.setText("Covid-19 Dodger"), instText.setText("TOUCH TO START\n\nCreated By:\nHarry Royden McLaughlin"), gameOverText.renderable = !1, bird.body.allowGravity = !1, bird.reset(.3 *, / 2), bird.angle = 0,"fly"), tubes.removeAll(), invs.removeAll() }, c = function () { bird.body.allowGravity = !0, bird.body.gravity.y = GRAVITY, tubesTimer = / SPAWN_RATE, l), scoreText.setText(score), instText.renderable = !1, gameStarted = !0 }, d = function () { var e; gameStarted ? gameOver ? (e = s.add.tween(bird).to({ angle: 90 }, 100, Phaser.Easing.Bounce.Out, !0), bird.body.bottom >= GROUND_Y + 3 && (bird.y = GROUND_Y - 13, bird.body.velocity.y = 0, bird.body.allowGravity = !1, bird.body.gravity.y = 0)) : (bird.angle = 90 * (FLAP + bird.body.velocity.y) / FLAP - 180, bird.angle < -30 && (bird.angle = -30), bird.angle > 80 ? (bird.angle = 90, bird.animations.stop(), bird.frame = 1) :, s.physics.overlap(bird, tubes, function () { return a(), }), !gameOver && bird.body.bottom >= GROUND_Y && a(), s.physics.overlap(bird, invs, t)) : (bird.y = / 2 + 8 * Math.cos( / 200), bird.angle = 0), gameOver || (ground.tilePosition.x -= s.time.physicsElapsed * SPEED) }, r = function () { DEBUG && (s.debug.renderSpriteBody(bird), tubes.forEachAlive(function (t) { s.debug.renderSpriteBody(t) }), invs.forEach(function (t) { s.debug.renderSpriteBody(t) })) }, u = { preload: n, create: e, update: d, render: r }, s = new Phaser.Game(WIDTH, HEIGHT, Phaser.CANVAS, parent, u, !1, !1)
}, WebFontConfig = { google: { families: ["Press+Start+2P::latin"] }, active: main }, function () { var t, e; return e = document.createElement("script"), e.src = ("https:" === document.location.protocol ? "https" : "http") + "://", e.type = "text/javascript", e.async = "true", t = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t) }();

This is the result:

So the obvious question is, what can you do with this?

To find out I set up a Facebook Page and ran some ads at it was able to drive some very cheap traffic into the game. About $0.02 in ad spend per player:

The key to getting such a low ad spend is the secret sauce that I will likely share in another post one day.

US Unemployment